// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
class CBC_OneDimWriter;
class CBC_OnedCodaBarWriter;
class CBC_OnedCodaBarWriter : public CBC_OneDimWriter {
virtual ~CBC_OnedCodaBarWriter();
uint8_t* Encode(const CFX_ByteString& contents,
int32_t& outLength,
int32_t& e);
uint8_t* Encode(const CFX_ByteString& contents,
BCFORMAT format,
int32_t& outWidth,
int32_t& outHeight,
int32_t& e);
uint8_t* Encode(const CFX_ByteString& contents,
BCFORMAT format,
int32_t& outWidth,
int32_t& outHeight,
int32_t hints,
int32_t& e);
CFX_WideString encodedContents(const CFX_WideStringC& contents);
FX_BOOL CheckContentValidity(const CFX_WideStringC& contents);
CFX_WideString FilterContents(const CFX_WideStringC& contents);
FX_BOOL SetStartChar(FX_CHAR start);
FX_BOOL SetEndChar(FX_CHAR end);
void SetDataLength(int32_t length);
FX_BOOL SetTextLocation(BC_TEXT_LOC location);
FX_BOOL SetWideNarrowRatio(int32_t ratio);
FX_BOOL FindChar(FX_WCHAR ch, FX_BOOL isContent);
void RenderResult(const CFX_WideStringC& contents,
uint8_t* code,
int32_t codeLength,
FX_BOOL isDevice,
int32_t& e);
const static FX_CHAR START_END_CHARS[];
const static FX_CHAR CONTENT_CHARS[];
FX_CHAR m_chStart;
FX_CHAR m_chEnd;
int32_t m_iWideNarrRatio;