// XmlRpc++ Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Chris Morley
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(disable:4786) // identifier was truncated in debug info
# include <map>
# include <string>
# include <vector>
# include <time.h>
namespace XmlRpc {
//! RPC method arguments and results are represented by Values
// should probably refcount them...
class XmlRpcValue {
enum Type {
// Non-primitive types
typedef std::vector<char> BinaryData;
typedef std::vector<XmlRpcValue> ValueArray;
typedef std::map<std::string, XmlRpcValue> ValueStruct;
//! Constructors
XmlRpcValue() : _type(TypeInvalid) { _value.asBinary = 0; }
XmlRpcValue(bool value) : _type(TypeBoolean) { _value.asBool = value; }
XmlRpcValue(int value) : _type(TypeInt) { _value.asInt = value; }
XmlRpcValue(double value) : _type(TypeDouble) { _value.asDouble = value; }
XmlRpcValue(std::string const& value) : _type(TypeString)
{ _value.asString = new std::string(value); }
XmlRpcValue(const char* value) : _type(TypeString)
{ _value.asString = new std::string(value); }
XmlRpcValue(struct tm* value) : _type(TypeDateTime)
{ _value.asTime = new struct tm(*value); }
XmlRpcValue(void* value, int nBytes) : _type(TypeBase64)
_value.asBinary = new BinaryData((char*)value, ((char*)value)+nBytes);
//! Construct from xml, beginning at *offset chars into the string, updates offset
XmlRpcValue(std::string const& xml, int* offset) : _type(TypeInvalid)
{ if ( ! fromXml(xml,offset)) _type = TypeInvalid; }
//! Copy
XmlRpcValue(XmlRpcValue const& rhs) : _type(TypeInvalid) { *this = rhs; }
//! Destructor (make virtual if you want to subclass)
/*virtual*/ ~XmlRpcValue() { invalidate(); }
//! Erase the current value
void clear() { invalidate(); }
// Operators
XmlRpcValue& operator=(XmlRpcValue const& rhs);
XmlRpcValue& operator=(int const& rhs) { return operator=(XmlRpcValue(rhs)); }
XmlRpcValue& operator=(double const& rhs) { return operator=(XmlRpcValue(rhs)); }
XmlRpcValue& operator=(const char* rhs) { return operator=(XmlRpcValue(std::string(rhs))); }
bool operator==(XmlRpcValue const& other) const;
bool operator!=(XmlRpcValue const& other) const;
operator bool&() { assertTypeOrInvalid(TypeBoolean); return _value.asBool; }
operator int&() { assertTypeOrInvalid(TypeInt); return _value.asInt; }
operator double&() { assertTypeOrInvalid(TypeDouble); return _value.asDouble; }
operator std::string&() { assertTypeOrInvalid(TypeString); return *_value.asString; }
operator BinaryData&() { assertTypeOrInvalid(TypeBase64); return *_value.asBinary; }
operator struct tm&() { assertTypeOrInvalid(TypeDateTime); return *_value.asTime; }
XmlRpcValue const& operator[](int i) const { assertArray(i+1); return _value.asArray->at(i); }
XmlRpcValue& operator[](int i) { assertArray(i+1); return _value.asArray->at(i); }
XmlRpcValue& operator[](std::string const& k) { assertStruct(); return (*_value.asStruct)[k]; }
XmlRpcValue& operator[](const char* k) { assertStruct(); std::string s(k); return (*_value.asStruct)[s]; }
// Accessors
//! Return true if the value has been set to something.
bool valid() const { return _type != TypeInvalid; }
//! Return the type of the value stored. \see Type.
Type const &getType() const { return _type; }
//! Return the size for string, base64, array, and struct values.
int size() const;
//! Specify the size for array values. Array values will grow beyond this size if needed.
void setSize(int size) { assertArray(size); }
//! Check for the existence of a struct member by name.
bool hasMember(const std::string& name) const;
//! Decode xml. Destroys any existing value.
bool fromXml(std::string const& valueXml, int* offset);
//! Encode the Value in xml
std::string toXml() const;
//! Write the value (no xml encoding)
std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const;
// Formatting
//! Return the format used to write double values.
static std::string const& getDoubleFormat() { return _doubleFormat; }
//! Specify the format used to write double values.
static void setDoubleFormat(const char* f) { _doubleFormat = f; }
//! Set the value type to Nil. This value will be encoded as <nil/> xml tag.
void setToNil() { assertTypeOrInvalid(TypeNil); }
// Clean up
void invalidate();
// Type checking
void assertTypeOrInvalid(Type t);
void assertArray(int size) const;
void assertArray(int size);
void assertStruct();
// XML decoding
bool nilFromXml(std::string const& valueXml, int* offset);
bool boolFromXml(std::string const& valueXml, int* offset);
bool intFromXml(std::string const& valueXml, int* offset);
bool doubleFromXml(std::string const& valueXml, int* offset);
bool stringFromXml(std::string const& valueXml, int* offset);
bool timeFromXml(std::string const& valueXml, int* offset);
bool binaryFromXml(std::string const& valueXml, int* offset);
bool arrayFromXml(std::string const& valueXml, int* offset);
bool structFromXml(std::string const& valueXml, int* offset);
// XML encoding
std::string nilToXml() const;
std::string boolToXml() const;
std::string intToXml() const;
std::string doubleToXml() const;
std::string stringToXml() const;
std::string timeToXml() const;
std::string binaryToXml() const;
std::string arrayToXml() const;
std::string structToXml() const;
// Format strings
static std::string _doubleFormat;
// Type tag and values
Type _type;
// At some point I will split off Arrays and Structs into
// separate ref-counted objects for more efficient copying.
union {
bool asBool;
int asInt;
double asDouble;
struct tm* asTime;
std::string* asString;
BinaryData* asBinary;
ValueArray* asArray;
ValueStruct* asStruct;
} _value;
} // namespace XmlRpc
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue& v);
#endif // _XMLRPCVALUE_H_