Nougat 7.1
/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited, UK * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL PRECISION INSIGHT AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Elaine Wang
* Zeng Li
* Edward Lin
* */ #include
#include "img_types.h" #include "psb_def.h" #include "psb_drv_debug.h" #include "tng_hostheader.h" #ifdef _TOPAZHP_PDUMP_ #include "tng_trace.h" #endif /* Global stores the latest QP information for the DoHeader() * routine, should be filled in by the rate control algorithm. */ #define HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT 0 /* #define USESTATICWHEREPOSSIBLE 1 */ #define MAXNUMBERELEMENTS 16 /* SOME USEFUL TEST FUNCTIONS */ #ifndef TOPAZ_MTX_HW static void Show_Bits( IMG_UINT8 __maybe_unused * ucBitStream, IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused ByteStartBit, IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused Bits) { return ; #if 0 char Txt[1024]; IMG_UINT32 uiByteSize; IMG_UINT32 uiLp, uiBt, Bcnt; Bcnt = 0; uiByteSize = (Bits + ByteStartBit + 7) >> 3; for (uiLp = 0; uiLp < uiByteSize; uiLp++) { snprintf(Txt, strlen(" "), " "); for (uiBt = 128; uiBt >= 1; uiBt = uiBt >> 1) { Bcnt++; if (Bcnt > Bits + ByteStartBit || Bcnt <= ByteStartBit) snprintf(Txt, sizeof(Txt), "%sX", Txt); else snprintf(Txt, sizeof(Txt), "%s%i", Txt, (ucBitStream[uiLp] & uiBt) > 0); } snprintf(Txt, sizeof(Txt), "%s ", Txt); //printf(Txt); if ((uiLp + 1) % 8 == 0) printf("\n"); } printf("\n\n"); #endif } #endif #ifndef TOPAZ_MTX_HW static void Show_Elements( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS __maybe_unused * mtx_hdr, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT __maybe_unused ** aui32ElementPointers) { return ; #if 0 IMG_UINT8 f; IMG_UINT32 TotalByteSize; IMG_UINT32 RTotalByteSize; RTotalByteSize = TotalByteSize = 0; for (f = 0; f < mtx_hdr->ui32Elements; f++) { #if HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Encoding Element [%i] - Type:%i\n", f, aui32ElementPointers[f]->Element_Type); #endif if (aui32ElementPointers[f]->Element_Type == ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA || aui32ElementPointers[f]->Element_Type == ELEMENT_RAWDATA) { TotalByteSize = aui32ElementPointers[f]->ui8Size; #if HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Writing %i RAW bits to element.\n", aui32ElementPointers[f]->ui8Size); Show_Bits((IMG_UINT8 *)(&aui32ElementPointers[f]->ui8Size) + 1, 0, TotalByteSize); #endif TotalByteSize += 8; RTotalByteSize += (((IMG_UINT32)((TotalByteSize + 7) / 8)) * 8); RTotalByteSize += 32; } else { TotalByteSize = 0; switch (aui32ElementPointers[f]->Element_Type) { case ELEMENT_QP: #if HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Insert token ELEMENT_QP (H264)- for MTX to generate and insert this value\n"); #endif break; case ELEMENT_SQP: #if HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Insert token ELEMENT_SQP (H264)- for MTX to generate and insert this value\n"); #endif break; case ELEMENT_FRAMEQSCALE: #if HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Insert token ELEMENT_FRAMEQSCALE (H263/MPEG4) - for MTX to generate and insert this value\n"); #endif break; case ELEMENT_SLICEQSCALE: #if HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Insert token ELEMENT_SLICEQSCALE (H263/MPEG4) - for MTX to generate and insert this value\n"); #endif break; case ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_H264: #if HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Insert token ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_H264 - MTX to generate 'rbsp_trailing_bits()' field\n"); #endif break; case ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_MPG4: #if HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Insert token ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_MPG4 - MTX to generate MPEG4 'byte_aligned_bits' field\n"); #endif break; default: break; } RTotalByteSize += 32; #if HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "No RAW bits\n\n"); #endif } } /* TotalByteSize=TotalByteSize+32+(&aui32ElementPointers[f-1]->Element_Type-&aui32ElementPointers[0]->Element_Type)*8; */ #if HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "\nCombined ELEMENTS Stream:\n"); Show_Bits((IMG_UINT8 *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream, 0, RTotalByteSize); #endif #endif //0 } #endif static void tng_print(unsigned char *ptmp, int num) { int tmp; do { for(tmp=0;tmp < num;tmp++) { if(tmp%8==0) drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "\n\t\t"); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "\t0x%02x", ptmp[tmp]); } drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "\n\t\t}\n"); } while (0); } /** * Header Writing Functions * Low level bit writing and ue, se functions * HOST CODE */ static void tng__write_upto8bits_elements( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, IMG_UINT8 ui8WriteBits, IMG_UINT16 ui16BitCnt) { // This is the core function to write bits/bytes to a header stream, it writes them directly to ELEMENT structures. IMG_UINT8 *pui8WriteBytes; IMG_UINT8 *pui8SizeBits; union { IMG_UINT32 UI16Input; IMG_UINT8 UI8Input[2]; } InputVal; IMG_UINT8 ui8OutByteIndex; IMG_INT16 i16Shift; if (ui16BitCnt==0) return ; // drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: mtx_hdr->ui32Elments overflow (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, pMTX_Header->ui32Elements); /* WA for klockwork */ // if (pMTX_Header->ui32Elements >= MAXNUMBERELEMENTS) { // drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s: mtx_hdr->ui32Elments overflow (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, pMTX_Header->ui32Elements); // return; // } // First ensure that unused bits in ui8WriteBits are zeroed ui8WriteBits &= (0x00ff >> (8 - ui16BitCnt)); InputVal.UI16Input=0; pui8SizeBits=&(aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]->ui8Size); //Pointer to the bit count field pui8WriteBytes=&(aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]->aui8Bits); //Pointer to the space where header bits are to be written ui8OutByteIndex=(pui8SizeBits[0] / 8); if (!(pui8SizeBits[0]&7)) { if (pui8SizeBits[0]>=120) { //Element maximum bits send to element, time to start a new one pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; // Increment element index aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]=(MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) &pui8WriteBytes[15]; //Element pointer set to position of next element (120/8 = 15 bytes) aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]->Element_Type=ELEMENT_RAWDATA; //Write ELEMENT_TYPE aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]->ui8Size=0; // Set new element size (bits) to zero tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header,aui32ElementPointers, ui8WriteBits, ui16BitCnt); // Begin writing to the new element return ;//(IMG_UINT32) ui16BitCnt; } pui8WriteBytes[ui8OutByteIndex]=0; // Beginning a new byte, clear byte } i16Shift=(IMG_INT16) ((8-ui16BitCnt)-(pui8SizeBits[0]&7)); if (i16Shift>=0) { ui8WriteBits <<= i16Shift; pui8WriteBytes[ui8OutByteIndex]|=ui8WriteBits; pui8SizeBits[0]=pui8SizeBits[0]+ui16BitCnt; } else { InputVal.UI8Input[1]=(IMG_UINT8) ui8WriteBits+256; InputVal.UI16Input >>= -i16Shift; pui8WriteBytes[ui8OutByteIndex]|=InputVal.UI8Input[1]; pui8SizeBits[0]=pui8SizeBits[0]+ui16BitCnt; pui8SizeBits[0]=pui8SizeBits[0]-((IMG_UINT8) -i16Shift); InputVal.UI8Input[0]=InputVal.UI8Input[0] >> (8+i16Shift); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, InputVal.UI8Input[0],(IMG_UINT16) -i16Shift); } return ;//(IMG_UINT32) ui16BitCnt; } static void tng__write_upto32bits_elements( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, IMG_UINT32 ui32WriteBits, IMG_UINT32 ui32BitCnt) { IMG_UINT32 ui32BitLp; IMG_UINT32 ui32EndByte; IMG_UINT8 ui8Bytes[4]; drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "WBS(32) bits %x, cnt = %d\n", ui32WriteBits, ui32BitCnt); for (ui32BitLp=0; ui32BitLp<4; ui32BitLp++) { ui8Bytes[ui32BitLp]=(IMG_UINT8) (ui32WriteBits & 255); ui32WriteBits = ui32WriteBits >> 8; } ui32EndByte=((ui32BitCnt+7)/8); if ((ui32BitCnt)%8) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8Bytes[ui32EndByte-1], (IMG_UINT8) ((ui32BitCnt)%8)); else tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8Bytes[ui32EndByte-1], 8); if (ui32EndByte>1) for (ui32BitLp=ui32EndByte-1; ui32BitLp>0; ui32BitLp--) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8Bytes[ui32BitLp-1], 8); } return ;//ui32BitCnt; } static void tng__generate_ue( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, IMG_UINT32 uiVal) { IMG_UINT32 uiLp; IMG_UINT8 ucZeros; IMG_UINT32 uiChunk; for (uiLp=1, ucZeros=0; (uiLp-1) < uiVal ; uiLp=uiLp+uiLp, ucZeros++) uiVal=uiVal-uiLp; // ucZeros = number of preceding zeros required // uiVal = value to append after zeros and 1 bit //** Write preceding zeros for (uiLp=(IMG_UINT32) ucZeros; uiLp+1>8; uiLp-=8) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 8); //** Write zeros and 1 bit set tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8) 1, (IMG_UINT8) (uiLp+1)); //** Write Numeric part while (ucZeros>8) { ucZeros-=8; uiChunk=(uiVal >> ucZeros); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8) uiChunk, 8); uiVal=uiVal-(uiChunk << ucZeros); } tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8) uiVal, ucZeros); return ;//ui32BitCnter; } static void tng__generate_se( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, int iVal) { IMG_UINT32 uiCodeNum; if (iVal > 0) uiCodeNum=(IMG_UINT32) (iVal+iVal-1); else uiCodeNum=(IMG_UINT32) (-iVal-iVal); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, uiCodeNum); return ;//ui32BitCnter; } static void tng__insert_element_token( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, HEADER_ELEMENT_TYPE ui32Token) { IMG_UINT8 ui8Offset = 0; IMG_UINT8 *ui8P = NULL; /* WA for klockwork */ if ((pMTX_Header->ui32Elements != ELEMENTS_EMPTY) && (pMTX_Header->ui32Elements >= MAXNUMBERELEMENTS)) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s: mtx_hdr->ui32Elments overflow\n", __FUNCTION__); return; } if (pMTX_Header->ui32Elements!=ELEMENTS_EMPTY) { if (aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]->Element_Type==ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA || aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]->Element_Type==ELEMENT_RAWDATA || aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]->Element_Type==ELEMENT_STARTCODE_MIDHDR) { //Add a new element aligned to word boundary //Find RAWBit size in bytes (rounded to word boundary)) ui8Offset=aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]->ui8Size+8+31; // NumberofRawbits (excluding size of bit count field)+ size of the bitcount field ui8Offset/=32; //Now contains rawbits size in words ui8Offset+=1; //Now contains rawbits+element_type size in words ui8Offset*=4; //Convert to number of bytes (total size of structure in bytes, aligned to word boundary). } else { ui8Offset=4; } pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; ui8P=(IMG_UINT8 *) aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements-1]; ui8P+=ui8Offset; aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]=(MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) ui8P; } else pMTX_Header->ui32Elements=0; aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]->Element_Type=ui32Token; aui32ElementPointers[pMTX_Header->ui32Elements]->ui8Size=0; } /* * Intermediary functions to build H264 headers */ static void tng__H264_writebits_startcode_prefix_element( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, IMG_UINT32 ui32ByteSize) { ///**** GENERATES THE FIRST ELEMENT OF THE H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// IMG_UINT32 ui32Lp; // Byte aligned (bit 0) //(3 bytes in slice header when slice is first in a picture without sequence/picture_header before picture for (ui32Lp=0;ui32Lp
ui8Start_Code_Prefix_Size_Bytes); //Can be 3 or 4 bytes - always 4 bytes in our implementations tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // forbidden_zero_bit tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_REFERENCE); //MTX fills this value in tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 14, 5); // nal unit type tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // SVC extension flag // nal_unit_header_mvc_extension() { if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // non_idr_flag flag } else { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // non_idr_flag flag } tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 6); // priority_id flag tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 10); // view_id flag //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 3); // temporal_id flag tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_TEMPORAL_ID); // temporal_id flag tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_ANCHOR_PIC_FLAG); // anchor_pic_flag tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // interview flag } else { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // interview flag } tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // reserved one bit } } static void tng__H264_writebits_VUI_params( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, H264_VUI_PARAMS *VUIParams) { // Builds VUI Params for the Sequence Header (only present in the 1st sequence of stream) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (0 << 4) | // aspect_ratio_info_present_flag = 0 in Topaz (0 << 3) | // overscan_info_present_flag (1 bit) = 0 in Topaz (0 << 2) | // video_signal_type_present_flag (1 bit) = 0 in Topaz (0 << 1) | // chroma_loc_info_present_flag (1 bit) = 0 in Topaz (1), // timing_info_present_flag (1 bit) = 1 in Topaz 5); // num_units_in_tick (32 bits) = 1 in Topaz tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, VUIParams->num_units_in_tick, 32); // time_scale (32 bits) = frame rate tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, VUIParams->Time_Scale, 32); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // fixed_frame_rate_flag (1 bit) = 1 in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag (1 bit) = 1 in Topaz //** Definitions for nal_hrd_parameters() contained in VUI structure for Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // cpb_cnt_minus1 ue(v) = 0 in Topaz = 1b tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 4); // bit_rate_scale (4 bits) = 0 in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 2, 4); // cpb_size_scale (4 bits) = 2 in Topaz tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, VUIParams->bit_rate_value_minus1); // bit_rate_value_minus1[0] ue(v) = (Bitrate/64)-1 [RANGE:0 to (2^32)-2] tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, VUIParams->cbp_size_value_minus1); // cpb_size_value_minus1[0] ue(v) = (CPB_Bits_Size/16)-1 where CPB_Bits_Size = 1.5 * Bitrate [RANGE:0 to (2^32)-2] tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, VUIParams->CBR,1);// cbr_flag[0] (1 bit) = 0 for VBR, 1 for CBR tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, VUIParams->initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1, 5); // initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 (5 bits) = ??? tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, VUIParams->cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1, 5); // cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 (5 bits) = ??? tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, VUIParams->dpb_output_delay_length_minus1, 5); // dpb_output_delay_length_minus1 (5 bits) = ??? tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, VUIParams->time_offset_length, 5); // time_offst_length (5 bits) = ??? ///** End of nal_hrd_parameters() tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag (1 bit) = 0 in Topaz //if( nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag || vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag ) //FIX for BRN23039 // low_delay_hrd_flag tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // low_delay_hrd_flag tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // pic_struct_present_flag (1 bit) = 0 in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // bitstream_restriction_flag (1 bit) = 0 in Topaz } static void tng__H264ES_writebits_picture_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, H264_PICTURE_HEADER_PARAMS *pPHParams, H264_SCALING_MATRIX_PARAMS __maybe_unused * psScalingMatrix) { #ifdef _TOPAZHP_TRACE_ drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: pic_parameter_set_id = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, pPHParams->pic_parameter_set_id); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: seq_parameter_set_id = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, pPHParams->seq_parameter_set_id); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: entropy_coding_mode_flag = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, pPHParams->entropy_coding_mode_flag); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: weighted_pred_flag = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, pPHParams->weighted_pred_flag); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: weighted_bipred_idc = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, pPHParams->weighted_bipred_idc); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: chroma_qp_index_offset = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, pPHParams->chroma_qp_index_offset); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: constrained_intra_pred_flag = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, pPHParams->constrained_intra_pred_flag); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: transform_8x8_mode_flag = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, pPHParams->transform_8x8_mode_flag); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, pPHParams->pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: bUseDefaultScalingList = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, pPHParams->bUseDefaultScalingList); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: second_chroma_qp_index_offset = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, pPHParams->second_chroma_qp_index_offset); #endif //**-- Begin building the picture header element tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); tng__H264_writebits_startcode_prefix_element(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 4); ///* GENERATES THE FIRST (STATIC) ELEMENT OF THE H264_PICTURE_HEADER() STRUCTURE */// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: 18 // 4 Byte StartCodePrefix Pregenerated in: H264_WriteBits_StartCodePrefix_Element() // Byte aligned (bit 32) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (0 << 7) | // forbidden_zero_bit (3 << 5) | // nal_ref_idc (2 bits) = 0x3 (8), // nal_unit_tpye (5 bits) = 8 8); // Byte aligned (bit 40) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pPHParams->pic_parameter_set_id); // pic_parameter_set_id ue(v) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pPHParams->seq_parameter_set_id); // seq_parameter_set_id ue(v) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (pPHParams->entropy_coding_mode_flag << 4) | // entropy_coding_mode_flag (1 bit) 0 for CAVLC (0 << 3) | // pic_order_present_flag (1 bit) = 0 (1 << 2) | // num_slice_group_minus1 ue(v) = 0 in Topaz (1 << 1) | // num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 ue(v) = 0 in Topaz (1), // num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 ue(v) = 0 in Topaz 5); // WEIGHTED PREDICTION tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (pPHParams->weighted_pred_flag << 2) | // weighted_pred_flag (1 bit) (pPHParams->weighted_bipred_idc), // weighted_bipred_flag (2 bits) 3); //MTX fills this value in tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_QP); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); ///**** GENERATES THE SECOND ELEMENT OF THE H264_PICTURE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: 5 //The following field will be generated as a special case by MTX - so not here // tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, pPHParams->pic_init_qp_minus26); // pic_int_qp_minus26 se(v) = -26 to 25 in Topaz // pic_int_qs_minus26 se(v) = 0 in Topaz tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // chroma_qp_index_offset se(v) = 0 in Topaz tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pPHParams->chroma_qp_index_offset); // deblocking_filter_control_present_flag (1 bit) = 1 in Topaz // constrained_intra_pred_Flag (1 bit) = 0 in Topaz // redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag (1 bit) = 0 in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (1 << 2) | (pPHParams->constrained_intra_pred_flag << 1) | (0), 3); if (pPHParams->transform_8x8_mode_flag || (pPHParams->second_chroma_qp_index_offset != pPHParams->chroma_qp_index_offset) || pPHParams->pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag) { // 8x8 transform flag tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pPHParams->transform_8x8_mode_flag, 1); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // second_chroma_qp_index_offset se(v) = 0 in Topaz tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pPHParams->second_chroma_qp_index_offset); } tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_H264); // Tell MTX to insert the byte align field (we don't know final stream size for alignment at this point) drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "%s: end\n",__FUNCTION__); return; } static void tng__H264ES_writebits_scalinglists( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, H264_SCALING_MATRIX_PARAMS * psScalingMatrix, IMG_BOOL bWrite8x8) { // Used by H264_WriteBits_SequenceHeader and H264_WriteBits_PictureHeader IMG_UINT32 ui32List, ui32Index; IMG_INT32 i32CurScale, i32DeltaScale; if (!psScalingMatrix) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_CUSTOM_QUANT); return; } for (ui32List = 0; ui32List < 6; ui32List++) { if (psScalingMatrix->ui32ListMask & (1 << ui32List)) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // seq_scaling_list_present_flag[ui32List] = 1 i32CurScale = 8; for (ui32Index = 0; ui32Index < 16; ui32Index++) { i32DeltaScale = ((IMG_INT32)psScalingMatrix->ui8ScalingLists4x4[ui32List][ui32Index]) - i32CurScale; i32CurScale += i32DeltaScale; tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, i32DeltaScale); // delta_scale } } else { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // seq_scaling_list_present_flag[ui32List] = 0 } } if (!bWrite8x8) return; for (; ui32List < 8; ui32List++) { if (psScalingMatrix->ui32ListMask & (1 << ui32List)) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // seq_scaling_list_present_flag[ui32List] = 1 i32CurScale = 8; for (ui32Index = 0; ui32Index < 64; ui32Index++) { i32DeltaScale = ((IMG_INT32)psScalingMatrix->ui8ScalingLists8x8[ui32List - 6][ui32Index]) - i32CurScale; i32CurScale += i32DeltaScale; tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, i32DeltaScale); // delta_scale } } else { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // seq_scaling_list_present_flag[ui32List] = 0 } } } static void tng__H264ES_writebits_sequence_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER_PARAMS *pSHParams, H264_CROP_PARAMS *psCrop, H264_SCALING_MATRIX_PARAMS * psScalingMatrix, IMG_BOOL8 __maybe_unused bASO) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); tng__H264_writebits_startcode_prefix_element(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 4); ///**** GENERATES THE FIRST ELEMENT OF THE H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// // 4 Byte StartCodePrefix Pregenerated in: H264_WriteBits_StartCodePrefix_Element() // Byte aligned (bit 32) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers,(0 << 7) | // forbidden_zero_bit=0 (0x3 << 5) | // nal_ref_idc=0x3 (7), // nal_unit_type=00111 8); // Byte aligned (bit 40) switch (pSHParams->ucProfile) { case SH_PROFILE_BP: // profile_idc = 8 bits = 66 for BP (PROFILE_IDC_BP) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 66, 8); // Byte aligned (bit 48) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (1 << 7) | // constraint_set0_flag = 1 for BP constraints (0 << 6) | // constraint_set1_flag = 0 for MP constraints (0 << 5) | // constraint_set2_flag = 0 for EP constraints ((pSHParams->ucLevel==SH_LEVEL_1B ? 1:0) << 4), // constraint_set3_flag = 1 for level 1b, 0 for others // reserved_zero_4bits = 0 8); break; case SH_PROFILE_MP: // profile_idc = 8 bits = 77 for MP (PROFILE_IDC_MP) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 77, 8); // Byte aligned (bit 48) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (0 << 7) | // constraint_set0_flag = 0 for no BP constraints (1 << 6) | // constraint_set1_flag = 1 for MP constraints (0 << 5) | // constraint_set2_flag = 0 for EP constraints ((pSHParams->ucLevel==SH_LEVEL_1B ? 1:0) << 4), // constraint_set3_flag = 1 for level 1b, 0 for others // reserved_zero_4bits = 0 8); break; case SH_PROFILE_HP: // profile_idc = 8 bits = 100 for HP (PROFILE_IDC_HP) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 100, 8); // Byte aligned (bit 48) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (0 << 7) | // constraint_set0_flag = 0 for no BP constraints (0 << 6) | // constraint_set1_flag = 0 for no MP constraints (0 << 5) | // constraint_set2_flag = 0 for no EP constraints (0 << 4), // constraint_set3_flag = 0 // reserved_zero_4bits = 0 8); break; case SH_PROFILE_H444P: // profile_idc = 8 bits = 244 for H444P (PROFILE_IDC_H444P) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 244, 8); // Byte aligned (bit 48) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (0 << 7) | // constraint_set0_flag = 0 for no BP constraints (0 << 6) | // constraint_set1_flag = 0 for no MP constraints (0 << 5) | // constraint_set2_flag = 0 for no EP constraints (0 << 4), // constraint_set3_flag = 0 // reserved_zero_4bits = 0 8); break; } // Byte aligned (bit 56) // level_idc (8 bits) = 11 for 1b, 10xlevel for others tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (pSHParams->ucLevel == SH_LEVEL_1B) ? 11 : (IMG_UINT8)pSHParams->ucLevel, 8); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // seq_parameter_set_id = 0 if ((pSHParams->ucProfile == SH_PROFILE_HP) || (pSHParams->ucProfile == SH_PROFILE_H444P)) { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // chroma_format_idc = 1 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // bit_depth_luma_minus8 = 0 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // bit_depth_chroma_minus8 = 0 // qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag = 1 if lossless tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSHParams->bIsLossless?1:0, 1); if (pSHParams->bUseDefaultScalingList || pSHParams->seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag if (!pSHParams->bUseDefaultScalingList) { tng__H264ES_writebits_scalinglists(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, psScalingMatrix, IMG_TRUE); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); } else { // seq_scaling_list_present_flag[i] = 0; 0 < i < 8 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 8); } } else { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag } } tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // log2_max_frame_num_minus4 = 1 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // pic_order_cnt_type = 0 // log2_max_pic_order_cnt_Isb_minus4 = 2 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSHParams->log2_max_pic_order_cnt - 4); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSHParams->max_num_ref_frames); //num_ref_frames ue(2), typically 2 // Bytes aligned (bit 72) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (pSHParams->gaps_in_frame_num_value), // gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_Flag - (1 bit) 1); ///**** GENERATES THE SECOND, VARIABLE LENGTH, ELEMENT OF THE H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: xx //pic_width_in_mbs_minus1: ue(v) from 10 to 44 (176 to 720 pixel per row) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSHParams->ucWidth_in_mbs_minus1); //pic_height_in_maps_units_minus1: ue(v) Value from 8 to 35 (144 to 576 pixels per column) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSHParams->ucHeight_in_maps_units_minus1); // We don't know the alignment at this point, so will have to use bit writing functions // frame_mb_only_flag 1=frame encoding, 0=field encoding tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers,pSHParams->ucFrame_mbs_only_flag,1); if (!pSHParams->ucFrame_mbs_only_flag) // in the case of interlaced encoding tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers,0,1); // mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag = 0 in Topaz(field encoding at the sequence level) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers,1,1); // direct_8x8_inference_flag=1 in Topaz if (psCrop->bClip) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers,1,1); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, psCrop->ui16LeftCropOffset); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, psCrop->ui16RightCropOffset); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, psCrop->ui16TopCropOffset); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, psCrop->ui16BottomCropOffset); } else { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers,0,1); } ///**** GENERATES THE THIRD ELEMENT OF THE H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: xx tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (pSHParams->VUI_Params_Present), // vui_parameters_present_flag (VUI only in 1st sequence of stream) 1); if (pSHParams->VUI_Params_Present > 0) tng__H264_writebits_VUI_params(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, &(pSHParams->VUI_Params)); // Finally we need to align to the next byte tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_H264); // Tell MTX to insert the byte align field (we don't know final stream size for alignment at this point) //tng_print(pMTX_Header, 64); return; } static void tng__H264ES_writebits_slice_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, H264_SLICE_HEADER_PARAMS *pSlHParams, IMG_BOOL bCabacEnabled ) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); //Can be 3 or 4 bytes - always 4 bytes in our implementations tng__H264_writebits_startcode_prefix_element(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->ui8Start_Code_Prefix_Size_Bytes); ///**** GENERATES THE FIRST ELEMENT OF THE H264_SLICE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: 8 // StartCodePrefix Pregenerated in: Build_H264_4Byte_StartCodePrefix_Element() (4 or 3 bytes) //(3 bytes when slice is first in a picture without sequence/picture_header before picture // Byte aligned (bit 32 or 24) // NOTE: Slice_Type and Frame_Type are always the same, hence SliceFrame_Type tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (0 << 7) | // forbidden_zero_bit ((pSlHParams->bReferencePicture) << 5) | // nal_ref_idc (2 bits) ((pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE ? 5 : 1)), // nal_unit_tpye (5 bits) = I-frame IDR, and 1 for rest 8); //MTX fills this value in tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_CURRMBNR); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); ///**** GENERATES THE SECOND ELEMENT OF THE H264_SLICE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// /* The following is slice parameter set in BP/MP */ //tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT32) pSlHParams->First_MB_Address); //first_mb_in_slice = First MB address in slice: ue(Range 0 - 1619) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT32)((pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) ? SLHP_I_SLICEFRAME_TYPE : pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type)); //slice_type ue(v): 0 for P-slice, 1 for B-slice, 2 for I-slice // kab: //not clean change from IDR to intra, IDR should have separate flag tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (1 << 5) | //pic_parameter_set_id, ue(v) = 0 (=1b) in Topaz pSlHParams->Frame_Num_DO, //frame_num (5 bits) = frame nuo. in decoding order 6); // interlaced encoding if (pSlHParams->bPiCInterlace) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // field_pic_flag = 1 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->bFieldType, 1); // bottom_field_flag (0=top field, 1=bottom field) } if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->Idr_Pic_Id); // idr_pic_id ue(v) if (pSlHParams->bPiCInterlace) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (pSlHParams->Picture_Num_DO + pSlHParams->bFieldType), pSlHParams->log2_max_pic_order_cnt); // pic_order_cnt_lsb (6 bits) - picture no in display order else tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->Picture_Num_DO, pSlHParams->log2_max_pic_order_cnt); // pic_order_cnt_lsb (6 bits) - picture no in display order if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag, 1);// direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag (1 bit) if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE || pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE && pSlHParams->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 > 0) { //Do we have more then one reference picture? //Override amount of ref pics to be only 1 in L0 direction tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1); } else // num_ref_idx_active_override_flag (1 bit) = 0 in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); } if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type != SLHP_I_SLICEFRAME_TYPE && pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type != SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { if ((pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[0] || pSlHParams->bRefIsLongTermRef[0]) || ((pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[1] || pSlHParams->bRefIsLongTermRef[1]) && (pSlHParams->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 > 0))) { //Specifiy first ref pic in L0 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); //ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l0 if (pSlHParams->bRefIsLongTermRef[0]) { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 2); // mod_of_pic_num = 2 (long term ref) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->uRefLongTermRefNum[0]); // long_term_pic_num } else if (pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[0] == 0) { // Can't use 0, so use MaxPicNum which will wrap to 0 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // mod_of_pic_num = 1 (add to) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 31); // abs_diff_minus_1 } else if (pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[0] < 0) { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // mod_of_pic_num = 0 (subtract from) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, -pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[0] - 1); // abs_diff_minus_1 } else { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // mod_of_pic_num = 1 (add too) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[0] - 1); // abs_diff_minus_1 } if ((pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[1] || pSlHParams->bRefIsLongTermRef[1]) && pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type != SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { //potentially second reference picture on P if (pSlHParams->bRefIsLongTermRef[1]) { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 2); // mod_of_pic_num = 2 (long term ref) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->uRefLongTermRefNum[1]); // long_term_pic_num } else if (pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[1] < 0) { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // mod_of_pic_num = 0 (subtract from) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, -pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[1] - 1); // abs_diff_minus_1 } else { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // mod_of_pic_num = 1 (add too) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[1] - 1); // abs_diff_minus_1 } } tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 3); // mod_of_pic_num = 3 (no more changes) } else tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // ref_pic_list_ordering_flag_I0 (1 bit) = 0, no reference picture ordering in Topaz } if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { if (pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[1] || pSlHParams->bRefIsLongTermRef[1]) { //Specifiy first ref pic in L1 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); //ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l1 if (pSlHParams->bRefIsLongTermRef[1]) { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 2); // mod_of_pic_num = 2 (long term ref) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->uRefLongTermRefNum[1]); // long_term_pic_num } else if (pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[1] < 0) { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // mod_of_pic_num = 0 (subtract from) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, -pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[1] - 1); // abs_diff_minus_1 } else { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // mod_of_pic_num = 1 (add too) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->diff_ref_pic_num[1] - 1); // abs_diff_minus_1 } tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 3); // mod_of_pic_num = 3 (no more changes) } else tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // ref_pic_list_ordering_flag_I1 (1 bit) = 0, no reference picture ordering in Topaz } if (pSlHParams->weighted_pred_flag && ((pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) || (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE)) && (pSlHParams->weighted_bipred_idc == 1)) { int i; tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->luma_log2_weight_denom); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->chroma_log2_weight_denom); // Always do chroma for (i = 0; i < (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE ? 2 : (pSlHParams->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 + 1)); i++) { // Either 1 or 2 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->luma_weight_l0_flag[i], 1); if (pSlHParams->luma_weight_l0_flag[i]) { tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->luma_weight_l0[i]); tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->luma_offset_l0[i]); } tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->chroma_weight_l0_flag[i], 1); if (pSlHParams->chroma_weight_l0_flag[i]) { tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->chromaB_weight_l0[i]); tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->chromaB_offset_l0[i]); tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->chromaR_weight_l0[i]); tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->chromaR_offset_l0[i]); } } } if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // no_output_of_prior_pics_flag (1 bit) = 0 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->bIsLongTermRef ? 1 : 0, 1); // long_term_reference_flag (1 bit) = 0 } else if (pSlHParams->bReferencePicture) { if (pSlHParams->bIsLongTermRef) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag (1 bit) = 0 // Allow a single long-term reference tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 4); // memory_management_control_operation tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 2); // max_long_term_frame_idx_plus1 // Set current picture as the long-term reference tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 6); // memory_management_control_operation tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->uLongTermRefNum); // long_term_frame_idx // End tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // memory_management_control_operation } else tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag (1 bit) = 0 } if (bCabacEnabled && ((SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE == pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type) || (SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE == pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type))) { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // hard code cabac_init_idc value of 0 } tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_SQP); //MTX fills this value in tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); ///**** GENERATES ELEMENT OF THE H264_SLICE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: 11 // Next field is generated on MTX with a special commnad (not ELEMENT_RAW) - so not defined here //pucHS=tng__generate_se(pucHS, puiBitPos, pSlHParams->Slice_QP_Delta); //slice_qp_delta se(v) = SliceQPy - (pic_init_qp_minus26+26) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->Disable_Deblocking_Filter_Idc); //disable_deblocking_filter_idc ue(v) = 2? if (pSlHParams->Disable_Deblocking_Filter_Idc != 1) { tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->iDebAlphaOffsetDiv2); //slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2 se(v) = 0 (1b) in Topaz tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->iDebBetaOffsetDiv2); //slice_beta_offset_div2 se(v) = 0 (1b) in Topaz } //num_slice_groups_minus1 ==0 in Topaz, so no slice_group_change_cycle field here // no byte alignment at end of slice headers return ; } static void tng__H264_getelements_skip_P_slice( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr, H264_SLICE_HEADER_PARAMS *pSlHParams, IMG_UINT32 MB_No_In_Slice, IMG_BOOL bCabacEnabled) { /* Skipped P-Slice * Ensure pSlHParams is filled with appropriate parameters for a B-slice * Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; mtx_hdr->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; /* tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, ELEMENT_STARTCOUNTER); */ /* Not sure if this will be required in the final spec */ tng__H264ES_writebits_slice_header(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams, bCabacEnabled); tng__generate_ue(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, MB_No_In_Slice); /* mb_skip_run = mb_no_in_slice */ /* Tell MTX to insert the byte align field (we don't know final stream size for alignment at this point) */ tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_H264); mtx_hdr->ui32Elements++; /* Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count */ } #if 0 static void tng__H264_getelements_sequence_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr, H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER_PARAMS *pSHParams, H264_CROP_PARAMS *psCropParams) { /* Builds a sequence, picture and slice header with from the given inputs parameters (start of new frame) * Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; mtx_hdr->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; tng__H264ES_writebits_sequence_header(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, pSHParams, psCropParams, NULL); mtx_hdr->ui32Elements++; /* Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count */ } #endif //static void tng__H264_getelements_picture_header(MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr) //{ ///* Builds a sequence, picture and slice header with from the given inputs parameters (start of new frame) //* Essential we initialise our header structures before building //*/ //MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; //MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; //mtx_hdr->Elements=ELEMENTS_EMPTY; //This_Element=(MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream; //aui32ElementPointers[0]=This_Element; // //tng__H264ES_writebits_picture_header(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers); //mtx_hdr->Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count //} static void tng__H264_getelements_slice_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, H264_SLICE_HEADER_PARAMS *pSlHParams, IMG_BOOL bCabacEnabled ) { /* Builds a single slice header from the given parameters (mid frame) * Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; pMTX_Header->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) pMTX_Header->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; /* Not sure if this will be required in the final spec */ /* tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, ELEMENT_STARTCOUNTER);*/ tng__H264ES_writebits_slice_header(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams, bCabacEnabled); pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; /* Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count */ } void H263_NOTFORSIMS_WriteBits_VideoPictureHeader(MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, H263_PICTURE_CODING_TYPE PictureCodingType, //IMG_UINT8 ui8Q_Scale, H263_SOURCE_FORMAT_TYPE SourceFormatType, IMG_UINT8 __maybe_unused ui8FrameRate, IMG_UINT32 ui32PictureWidth, IMG_UINT32 ui32PictureHeight ) { IMG_UINT8 UFEP; // Essential we insert the element before we try to fill it! tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); // short_video_start_marker = 22 Bits = 0x20 Picture start code tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 32, 22); // temporal_reference = 8 Bits = 0-255 Each picture increased by 1 tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_TEMPORAL_REFERENCE); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); // marker_bit = 1 Bit = 1 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // zero_bit = 1 Bits = 0 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // split_screen_indicator = 1 Bits = 0 No direct effect on encoding of picture tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // document_camera_indicator= 1 Bits = 0 No direct effect on encoding of picture tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // full_picture_freeze_release=1 Bits = 0 No direct effect on encoding of picture tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // source_format = 3 Bits = 1-4 See note tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, SourceFormatType, 3); if (SourceFormatType != 7) { // picture_coding_type = 1 Bit = 0/1 0 for I-frame and 1 for P-frame tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, PictureCodingType, 1); // four_reserved_zero_bits = 4 Bits = 0 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 4); } // the else block is for PLUSPTYPE header insertion. else { static IMG_UINT8 RTYPE = 0; // if I- Frame set Update Full Extended PTYPE to true if (PictureCodingType == I_FRAME) { UFEP = 1; } else { UFEP = 0; } // write UFEP of 3 bits. tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, UFEP, 3); // if UFEP was present( if it was 1). // Optional part of PPTYPE. if (UFEP == 1) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 6, 3); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); /* 10 reserve bits ( Optional support for the encoding). All are OFF(0). - Optional Unrestricted Motion Vector (UMV) - Optional Syntax-based Arithmetic Coding (SAC) - Optional Advanced Prediction (AP) mode - Optional Advanced INTRA Coding (AIC) mode - Optional Deblocking Filter (DF) mode - Optional Slice Structured (SS) mode - Optional Reference Picture Selection(RPS) mode. - Optional Independent Segment Decoding (ISD) mode - Optional Alternative INTER VLC (AIV) mode - Optional Modified Quantization (MQ) mode */ tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 10); // 10 reserve bits /* 4 reserve bits - 1 (ON) to prevent start code emulation. - 0 Reserved(shall be 0). - 0 Reserved(shall be 0). - 0 Reserved(shall be 0). */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 8, 4); // 4 reserve bits } // Optional Part of PPTYPE ends. // Mandatory part of PPTYPE starts.(MPPTYPE) // picture_coding_type = 1 Bit = 0/1 0 for I-frame and 1 for P-frame tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, PictureCodingType, 3 ); /* - Optional Reference Picture Resampling (RPR) mode ( OFF) : 0 - Optional Reference Picture Resampling (RPR) mode (OFF) : 0 */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0 , 2); // Rounding Type (RTYPE) (1 for P Picture, 0 for all other Picture frames. tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, RTYPE, 1); /* 2 reserve bits - 0 Reserved(shall be 0). - 0 Reserved(shall be 0). */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 2); // - 1 (ON) to prevent start code emulation. tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1 , 1); // Mandatory part of PTYPE ends. // CPM immediately follows the PPTYPE part of the header. tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0 ,1); /* Custom Picture Format (CPFMT) */ /* if UFEP was present and Source Format type was 7(custom format) */ if (UFEP == 1) { IMG_UINT16 ui16PWI,ui16PHI; // aspect ratio 4 bits value = 0010 (12:11) //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0x01, 4); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 2, 4); // Picture Width Indication 9 bits. //ui16PictureWidth --; //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8)(ui16PictureWidth >> 8), 1); //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8)(ui16PictureWidth & 0xFF), 8); ui16PWI = (ui32PictureWidth >> 2) - 1; tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers,ui16PWI, 9); // Marker bit 1bit = 1 to prevent start code emulation. tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Picture Height Indication 9 bits. //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8)(ui16PictureHeigth >> 8), 1); //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8)(ui16PictureHeigth & 0xFF), 8); ui16PHI = ui32PictureHeight >> 2; tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers,ui16PHI, 9); // good up to that point } } // Insert token to tell MTX to insert rate-control value (QScale is sent as an argument in MTX_Send_Elements_To_VLC(&MTX_Header, FrameQScale)) // vop_quant = 5 Bits = x 5-bit frame Q_scale from rate control - GENERATED BY MTX tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_FRAMEQSCALE); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); // if it was not PLUSPTYPE i.e for standard format size insert CPM bit here. if (SourceFormatType != 7) { // cpm = 1 Bit = 0 No direct effect on encoding of picture tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0 ,1); } // pei = 1 Bit = 0 No direct effect on encoding of picture tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); return; } void MPEG4_NOTFORSIMS_WriteBits_VOPHeader(MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, IMG_BOOL bIsVOP_coded, SEARCH_RANGE_TYPE sSearch_range, VOP_CODING_TYPE sVopCodingType) { // Essential we insert the element before we try to fill it! tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); // visual_object_sequence_start_code = 32 Bits = 0x1B6 tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 438, 32); // vop_coding_type = 2 Bits = 0 for I-frame and 1 for P-frame tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, sVopCodingType, 2); // modulo_time_base tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_MODULO_TIME_BASE); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); // marker_bit = 1 Bits = 1 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // vop_time_increment tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_VOP_TIME_INCREMENT); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); // marker_bit = 1 Bit = 1 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); if (!bIsVOP_coded) { // vop_coded = 1 Bit = 0 for skipped frame tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // byte_aligned_bits (skipped pictures are byte aligned) tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_MPG4); // Tell MTX to insert the byte align field (we don't know final stream size for alignment at this point) // End of VOP - skipped picture } else { // vop_coded = 1 Bit = 1 for normal coded frame tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); if (sVopCodingType == P_FRAME) { // vop_rounding_type = 1 Bit = 0 vop_rounding_type is 0 in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); } // intra_dc_vlc_thr = 3 Bits = 0 Use intra DC VLC in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 3); // vop_quant = 5 Bits = x 5-bit frame Q_scale from rate control - GENERATED BY MTX //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, Frame_Q_scale, 5); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_FRAMEQSCALE); if (sVopCodingType == P_FRAME) { // vop_fcode_forward = 3 bits = 2 for +/-32 and 3 for +/-64 search range tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, sSearch_range, 3); } } } /************************************************************************************************** * * Function: H263_GeneratePicHdrTemplate * * Description: Generates the h.263 picture header template * * * ***************************************************************************************************/ void tng__H263_notforsims_prepare_video_pictureheader( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS* pMTX_Header, H263_PICTURE_CODING_TYPE ePictureCodingType, H263_SOURCE_FORMAT_TYPE eSourceFormatType, IMG_UINT8 ui8FrameRate, IMG_UINT32 ui32PictureWidth, IMG_UINT32 ui32PictureHeigth ) { // Essential we initialise our header structures before building MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; pMTX_Header->ui32Elements=ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element=(MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) pMTX_Header->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0]=This_Element; H263_NOTFORSIMS_WriteBits_VideoPictureHeader( pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ePictureCodingType, eSourceFormatType, ui8FrameRate, ui32PictureWidth, ui32PictureHeigth ); pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count } /************************************************************************************************** * * Function: MPEG4_GeneratePicHdrTemplate * * Description: Generates the MPEG4 picture header template * * * ***************************************************************************************************/ void tng__MPEG4_notforsims_prepare_vop_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS* pMTX_Header, IMG_BOOL bIsVOP_coded, SEARCH_RANGE_TYPE eSearch_range, VOP_CODING_TYPE eVop_Coding_Type) { //Builds a single MPEG4 VOP (picture) header from the given parameters //Essential we initialise our header structures before building MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; pMTX_Header->ui32Elements=ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element=(MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) pMTX_Header->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0]=This_Element; //Frame QScale no longer written here as it is inserted by MTX later (add as parameter to MTX_Send_Elements_To_VLC) MPEG4_NOTFORSIMS_WriteBits_VOPHeader( pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, bIsVOP_coded, eSearch_range, eVop_Coding_Type); pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count } void H263_NOTFORSIMS_WriteBits_GOBSliceHeader(MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers) { // Essential we insert the element before we try to fill it! tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); // gob_resync_marker = 17 = 0x1 tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 17); // gob_number = 5 = 0-17 It is gob number in a picture tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_SLICE_NUM); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert gob_number // gob_frame_id = 2 = 0-3 See note tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_GOB_FRAME_ID); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert gob_frame_id tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); // quant_scale = 5 = 1-32 gob (Slice) Q_scale // tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8GOB_Q_Scale, 5); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_SLICEQSCALE); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert rate-control value (QScale is sent as an argument } static IMG_UINT8 Bits2Code(IMG_UINT32 CodeVal) { IMG_UINT8 Bits = 32; if (CodeVal == 0) return 1; while (!(CodeVal & 0x80000000)) { CodeVal <<= 1; Bits--; } return Bits; } /* * Intermediary functions to build MPEG4 headers */ #define MATCH_TO_ENC static void tng__MPEG4_writebits_sequence_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, IMG_BOOL bBFrame, MPEG4_PROFILE_TYPE bProfile, IMG_UINT8 ui8Profile_and_level_indication, FIXED_VOP_TIME_TYPE __maybe_unused sFixed_vop_time_increment, IMG_UINT32 Picture_Width_Pixels, IMG_UINT32 Picture_Height_Pixels, VBVPARAMS *sVBVParams, IMG_UINT32 ui32VopTimeResolution) /* Send NULL pointer if there are no VBVParams */ { // Essential we insert the element before we try to fill it! tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); // visual_object_sequence_start_code = 32 Bits = 0x1B0 tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 432, 32); //profile_and_level_indication = 8 Bits = SP L0-L3 and SP L4-L5 are supported tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8Profile_and_level_indication, 8); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); // visual_object_start_code = 32 Bits = 0x1B5 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 8); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 8); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 8); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 181, 8); // is_visual_object_identifier = 1 Bit = 0 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // visual_object_type = 4 Bits = Video ID = 1 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 4); // video_signal_type = 1 Bit = 1 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // byte_aligned_bits = 2 Bits = 01b (byte_aligned_bits is 2-bit stuffing bit field 01) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 2); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); //video_object_start_code = 32 Bits = 0x100 One VO only in a Topaz video stream tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 8); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 8); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 8); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 8); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); // video_object_layer_start_code = 32 Bits = 0x120 One VOL only in a Topaz stream tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 8); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 8); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 8); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 32, 8); // random_accessible_vol = 1 Bit = 0 (P-Frame in GOP) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); if (bProfile == SP) { // video_object_type_indication = 8 Bits = 0x01 for SP tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 8); #ifndef MATCH_TO_ENC // is_object_layer_identifier = 1 Bit = 0 for SP tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); #else // to match the encoder // is_object_layer_identifier = 1 Bit tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // video_object_layer_verid = 4 Bits tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 4); // video_object_layer_priority = 3 Bits tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 3); // 0 is reserved... #endif } else { // video_object_type_indication = 8 Bits = 0x11 for ASP tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 3, 8); // is_object_layer_identifier = 1 Bit = 1 for ASP tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // video_object_layer_verid = 4 Bits = 5 is for ASP tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 5, 4); // video_object_layer_priority = 3 Bits = 1 (Highest priority) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 3); } // aspect_ratio_info = 4 Bits =0x1 (Square pixel) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 4); #if !defined(MATCH_TO_ENC) || !defined (EXCLUDE_VOL_CONTROL_PARAMS) // vol_control_parameters = 1 Bit = 1 (Always send VOL control parameters) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // chroma_format = 2 Bits = 01b (4:2:0) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 2); // low_delay = 1 Bit = 0 with B-frame and 1 without B-frame if (bBFrame) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); else tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // vbv_parameters = 1 Bit =0/1 if (sVBVParams) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); //For recording, only send vbv parameters in 1st sequence header. For video phone, it should be sent more often, such as once per sequence tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, sVBVParams->First_half_bit_rate, 15); // first_half_bit_rate tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Marker Bit = 1 tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, sVBVParams->Latter_half_bit_rate, 15); // latter_half_bit_rate tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Marker Bit = 1 tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, sVBVParams->First_half_vbv_buffer_size, 15); // first_half_vbv_buffer_size tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Marker Bit = 1 tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, sVBVParams->Latter_half_vbv_buffer_size, 3); // latter_half_vbv_buffer_size tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, sVBVParams->First_half_vbv_occupancy, 11); // first_half_vbv_occupancy tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Marker Bit = 1 tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, sVBVParams->Latter_half_vbv_occupancy, 15); // latter_half_vbv_occupancy tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Marker Bit = 1 } else tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // No vbv parameters present #else tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); #endif // video_object_layer_shape = 2 Bits = 00b Rectangular shape tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 2); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Marker Bit = 1 // vop_time_increment_solution = 16 Bits tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui32VopTimeResolution, 16); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Marker Bit = 1 #ifndef MATCH_TO_ENC // fixed_vop_rate = 1 Bits = 1 Always fixed frame rate tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // fixed_vop_time_increment = Variable number of bits based on the time increment resolution. tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, Bits2Code(ui32VopTimeResolution)); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Marker Bit = 1 #else // fixed_vop_rate = 1 Bits = 0 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Marker Bit = 1 #endif // video_object_layer_width = 13 Bits Picture width in pixel units tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, Picture_Width_Pixels, 13); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Marker Bit = 1 // video_object_layer_height = 13 Bits Picture height in pixel units tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, Picture_Height_Pixels, 13); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // Marker Bit = 1 // interlaced = 1 Bit = 0 Topaz only encodes progressive frames tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // obmc_disable = 1 Bit = 1 No overlapped MC in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // sprite_enable = 1 Bit = 0 Not use sprite in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // not_8_bit = 1 Bit = 0 8-bit video in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // quant_type = 1 Bit = 0 2nd quantization method in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); if (bProfile==ASP) { // quarter_sample = 1 Bit = 0 No ?pel MC in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); } // complexity_estimation_disable = 1 Bit = 1 No complexity estimation in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); #ifndef MATCH_TO_ENC // resync_marker_disable = 1 Bit = 0 Always enable resync marker in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); #else tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); #endif // data_partitioned = 1 Bit = 0 No data partitioning in Topaz tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); if (bProfile == ASP) { // newpred_enable = 1 Bit = 0 No newpred mode in SP/ASP tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // reduced_vop_resolution_enable=1 Bit = 0 No reduced resolution frame in SP/ASP tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); } // scalability = 1 Bit = 0 No scalability in SP/ASP tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // byte_aligned_bits tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_MPG4); // Tell MTX to insert the byte align field (we don't know final stream size for alignment at this point) return; } /* Utility function */ /* IMG_UINT8 Bits2Code(IMG_UINT32 CodeVal) { IMG_UINT8 Bits=32; if(CodeVal==0) return 1; while(!(CodeVal & 0x80000000)) { CodeVal<<=1; Bits--; } return Bits; } */ /* MPEG 4 VOP (Picture) Header */ static void tng__MPEG4_writebits_VOP_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, IMG_BOOL bIsVOP_coded, IMG_UINT8 VOP_time_increment, SEARCH_RANGE_TYPE sSearch_range, VOP_CODING_TYPE sVopCodingType, IMG_UINT32 VopTimeResolution) { IMG_BOOL bIsSyncPoint; /* Essential we insert the element before we try to fill it! */ tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); /* visual_object_sequence_start_code = 32 Bits = 0x1B6 */ tng__write_upto32bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 438, 32); /* vop_coding_type = 2 Bits = 0 for I-frame and 1 for P-frame */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, sVopCodingType, 2); bIsSyncPoint = (VOP_time_increment > 1) && ((VOP_time_increment) % VopTimeResolution == 0); #ifndef MATCH_TO_ENC /* modulo_time_base = 1 Bit = 0 As at least 1 synchronization point (I-frame) per second in Topaz */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); #else tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, bIsSyncPoint ? 2 : 0 , bIsSyncPoint ? 2 : 1); #endif /* marker_bit = 1 Bits = 1 */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); #ifndef MATCH_TO_ENC /* vop_time_increment = Variable bits based on resolution * = x Reset to 0 at I-frame and plus fixed_vop_time_increment each frame */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, VOP_time_increment, 5); #else /* will chrash here... */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements( mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, (VOP_time_increment) % VopTimeResolution, Bits2Code(VopTimeResolution - 1)); #endif /* marker_bit = 1 Bit = 1 */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); if (!bIsVOP_coded) { /* vop_coded = 1 Bit = 0 for skipped frame */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); /* byte_aligned_bits (skipped pictures are byte aligned) */ /* Tell MTX to insert the byte align field (we don't know final stream size for alignment at this point) * End of VOP - skipped picture */ tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_MPG4); } else { /* vop_coded = 1 Bit = 1 for normal coded frame */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); if (sVopCodingType == P_FRAME) { /* vop_rounding_type = 1 Bit = 0 vop_rounding_type is 0 in Topaz */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); } /* intra_dc_vlc_thr = 3 Bits = 0 Use intra DC VLC in Topaz */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 3); /* vop_quant = 5 Bits = x 5-bit frame Q_scale from rate control - GENERATED BY MTX */ /* tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, Frame_Q_scale, 5); */ tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_FRAMEQSCALE); if (sVopCodingType == P_FRAME) { /* vop_fcode_forward = 3 bits = 2 for +/-32 and 3 for +/-64 search range */ tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, sSearch_range, 3); } /* **** THE FINAL PART OF VOP STRUCTURE CAN'T BE GENERATED HERE tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); video_packet_data ( ) = 1st VP that doesnt have the VP header while (nextbits_bytealigned ( ) == resync_marker) { video_packet _header( ) video_packet _data( ) All MB in the slice } */ } } /* * Intermediary functions to build H263 headers */ static void H263_writebits_VideoSequenceHeader( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, IMG_UINT8 Profile_and_level_indication) { /* Essential we insert the element before we try to fill it! */ tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); /* visual_object_sequence_start_code = 32 Bits = 0x1B0 */ tng__write_upto32bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 432, 32); /* profile_and_level_indication = 8 Bits = x SP L0-L3 and SP L4-L5 are supported */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, Profile_and_level_indication, 8); /* visual_object_start_code = 32 Bits = 0x1B5 */ /* 437 too large for the tng__write_upto32bits_elements function */ tng__write_upto32bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 437, 32); /* is_visual_object_identifier = 1 Bit = 0 */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); /* is_visual_object_type = 4 Bits = 1 Video ID */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 4); /* video_signal_type = 1 Bit = 0 */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); /* byte_aligned_bits = 2 Bits = 01b byte_aligned_bits is 2-bit stuffing bit field 01 */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 2); /* video_object_start_code =32 Bits = 0x100 One VO only in a Topaz video stream */ tng__write_upto32bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 256, 32); return; } static void H263_writebits_VideoPictureHeader( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, IMG_UINT8 Temporal_Ref, H263_PICTURE_CODING_TYPE PictureCodingType, //IMG_UINT8 Q_Scale, H263_SOURCE_FORMAT_TYPE SourceFormatType, IMG_UINT8 __maybe_unused FrameRate, IMG_UINT32 PictureWidth, IMG_UINT32 PictureHeight) { IMG_UINT8 UFEP; /* Essential we insert the element before we try to fill it! */ tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); /* short_video_start_marker = 22 Bits = 0x20 Picture start code */ tng__write_upto32bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 32, 22); /* temporal_reference = 8 Bits = 0-255 Each picture increased by 1 */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, Temporal_Ref, 8); /* marker_bit = 1 Bit = 1 */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); /* zero_bit = 1 Bits = 0 */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); /* split_screen_indicator = 1 Bits = 0 No direct effect on encoding of picture */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); /* document_camera_indicator= 1 Bits = 0 No direct effect on encoding of picture */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); /* full_picture_freeze_release=1 Bits = 0 No direct effect on encoding of picture */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); /* source_format = 3 Bits = 1-4 See note */ tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, SourceFormatType, 3); if (SourceFormatType != 7) { // picture_coding_type = 1 Bit = 0/1 0 for I-frame and 1 for P-frame tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, PictureCodingType, 1); // four_reserved_zero_bits = 4 Bits = 0 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 4); } else { static unsigned char RTYPE = 0; // if I- Frame set Update Full Extended PTYPE to true if (PictureCodingType == I_FRAME) { UFEP = 1; } else { UFEP = 0; } tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, UFEP, 3); if (UFEP == 1) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 6, 3); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); /* 10 reserve bits ( Optional support for the encoding). All are OFF(0). * - Optional Unrestricted Motion Vector (UMV) * - Optional Syntax-based Arithmetic Coding (SAC) * - Optional Advanced Prediction (AP) mode * - Optional Advanced INTRA Coding (AIC) mode * - Optional Deblocking Filter (DF) mode * - Optional Slice Structured (SS) mode * - Optional Reference Picture Selection(RPS) mode. * - Optional Independent Segment Decoding (ISD) mode * - Optional Alternative INTER VLC (AIV) mode * - Optional Modified Quantization (MQ) mode */ tng__write_upto32bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 10); // 10 reserve bits tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 8, 4); // 4 reserve bits } // picture_coding_type = 1 Bit = 0/1 0 for I-frame and 1 for P-frame tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, PictureCodingType, 3); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 2); // two_reserve_bits, rounding_type, two_reserve_bits marker_bit CPM // Rounding Type (RTYPE) (1 for P Picture, 0 for all other Picture frames. tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, RTYPE, 1); //2 reserve bits tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 2); // - 1 (ON) to prevent start code emulation. tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 1 , 1); // CPM immediately follows the PPTYPE part of the header. tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0 , 1); if (UFEP == 1) { IMG_UINT16 ui16PWI, ui16PHI; tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 4); // aspect ratio //PictureWidth--; //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8)(PictureWidth >> 8), 1); //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8)(PictureWidth & 0xFF), 8); //Width = (PWI-1)*4, Height = PHI*4, see H263 spec 5.1.5 ui16PWI = (PictureWidth >> 2) - 1; tng__write_upto32bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8)ui16PWI, 9); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // marker_bit = 1 Bit = 1 //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8)(PictureHeight >> 8), 1); //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8)(PictureHeight & 0xFF), 8); ui16PHI = PictureHeight >> 2; tng__write_upto32bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT8)ui16PHI, 9); // good up to that point // tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // marker_bit = 1 Bit = 1 // just checking } } // vop_quant = 5 Bits = x 5-bit frame Q_scale from rate control - GENERATED BY MTX //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, ui8Q_Scale, 5); tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_FRAMEQSCALE); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert rate-control value (QScale //is sent as an argument in MTX_Send_Elements_To_VLC(&MTX_Header, FrameQScale)) tng__insert_element_token(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); // zero_bit = 1 Bit = 0 // pei = 1 Bit = 0 No direct effect on encoding of picture if (SourceFormatType != 7) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); } tng__write_upto8bits_elements(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // FOLLOWING SECTION CAN'T BE GENERATED HERE //gob_data( ) //for(i=1; i
Elements=ELEMENTS_EMPTY; //This_Element=(MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream; //aui32ElementPointers[0]=This_Element; // //H263_writebits_VideoSequenceHeader(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, Profile_and_level_indication); // //mtx_hdr->Elements++; /* Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count */ //} //static void tng__H263_getelements_videopicture_header( //MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr, //IMG_UINT8 Temporal_Ref, //H263_PICTURE_CODING_TYPE PictureCodingType, //H263_SOURCE_FORMAT_TYPE SourceFormatType, //IMG_UINT8 FrameRate, //IMG_UINT16 PictureWidth, //IMG_UINT16 PictureHeigth) //{ ///* Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ //MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; //MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; //mtx_hdr->Elements=ELEMENTS_EMPTY; //This_Element=(MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream; //aui32ElementPointers[0]=This_Element; // //H263_writebits_VideoPictureHeader( //mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, //Temporal_Ref, //PictureCodingType, //SourceFormatType, //FrameRate, //PictureWidth, //PictureHeigth); // //mtx_hdr->Elements++; /* Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count */ //} //static void tng__H263_getelements_GOBslice_header( //MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr, //IMG_UINT8 GOBNumber, //IMG_UINT8 GOBFrameId) //{ ///* Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ //MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; //MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; //mtx_hdr->Elements=ELEMENTS_EMPTY; //This_Element=(MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream; //aui32ElementPointers[0]=This_Element; // //H263_writebits_GOBSliceHeader(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, GOBNumber, GOBFrameId); // //mtx_hdr->Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count //} // SEI_INSERTION static void tng__H264ES_writebits_AUD_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers) { // Essential we insert the element before we try to fill it! tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); tng__H264_writebits_startcode_prefix_element(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 4); // 00 00 00 01 start code prefix tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 9, 8); // AUD nal_unit_type = 09 // primary_pic_type u(3) 0=I slice, 1=P or I slice, 2=P,B or I slice tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 2, 3); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1 << 4, 5); // rbsp_trailing_bits // Write terminator tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0x80, 8); return; } //#define SEI_NOT_USE_TOKEN_ALIGN static void tng__H264ES_writebits_SEI_buffering_period_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, IMG_UINT8 ui8NalHrdBpPresentFlag, IMG_UINT8 ui8nal_cpb_cnt_minus1, IMG_UINT8 ui8nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length, IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused ui32nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay, IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused ui32nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset, IMG_UINT8 ui8VclHrdBpPresentFlag, IMG_UINT8 ui8vcl_cpb_cnt_minus1, IMG_UINT32 ui32vcl_initial_cpb_removal_delay, IMG_UINT32 ui32vcl_initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset) { IMG_UINT8 ui8SchedSelIdx; IMG_UINT8 ui8PayloadSizeBits; #ifdef SEI_NOT_USE_TOKEN_ALIGN IMG_UINT8 ui8Pad; #endif // Essential we insert the element before we try to fill it! tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); tng__H264_writebits_startcode_prefix_element(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 3); // 00 00 01 start code prefix tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 6, 8); // nal_unit_type = 06 (SEI Message) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 8); // SEI payload type (buffering period) ui8PayloadSizeBits = 1; // seq_parameter_set_id bitsize = 1 if (ui8NalHrdBpPresentFlag) ui8PayloadSizeBits += ((ui8nal_cpb_cnt_minus1 + 1) * ui8nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length * 2); if (ui8VclHrdBpPresentFlag) ui8PayloadSizeBits += ((ui8vcl_cpb_cnt_minus1 + 1) * ui8nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length * 2); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ((ui8PayloadSizeBits + 7) / 8), 8); // SEI payload size = No of bytes required for SEI payload // (including seq_parameter_set_id) //seq_parameter_set_id ue(v) = 0 default? = 1 (binary) //= sequence parameter set containing HRD attributes tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); if (ui8NalHrdBpPresentFlag) { for (ui8SchedSelIdx = 0; ui8SchedSelIdx <= ui8nal_cpb_cnt_minus1; ui8SchedSelIdx++) { // ui32nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay = delay between time of arrival in CODED PICTURE BUFFER of coded data of this access // unit and time of removal from CODED PICTURE BUFFER of the coded data of the same access unit. // Delay is based on the time taken for a 90 kHz clock. // Range >0 and < 90000 * (CPBsize / BitRate) // For the 1st buffering period after HARDWARE REFERENCE DECODER initialisation. // tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_NAL_INIT_CPB_REMOVAL_DELAY); // Eventually use this if firmware value required //tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui32nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay, ui8nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, BPH_SEI_NAL_INITIAL_CPB_REMOVAL_DELAY); // ui32nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset = used for the SchedSelIdx-th CPB in combination with the cpb_removal_delay to // specify the initial delivery time of coded access units to the CODED PICTURE BUFFER initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset // Delay is based on the time taken for a 90 kHz clock. // NOT USED BY DECODERS and is needed only for the delivery scheduler (HSS) specified in Annex C tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, BPH_SEI_NAL_INITIAL_CPB_REMOVAL_DELAY_OFFSET); } } if (ui8VclHrdBpPresentFlag) { for (ui8SchedSelIdx = 0; ui8SchedSelIdx <= ui8vcl_cpb_cnt_minus1; ui8SchedSelIdx++) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); // tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_VCL_INIT_CPB_REMOVAL_DELAY); // Eventually use this if firmware value required tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui32vcl_initial_cpb_removal_delay, ui8nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length); // tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_VCL_INIT_CPB_REMOVAL_DELAY_CPB); // Eventually use this if firmware value required tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui32vcl_initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset, ui8nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length); } } // Pad to end of byte #ifdef SEI_NOT_USE_TOKEN_ALIGN if (!ui8VclHrdBpPresentFlag) tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); ui8Pad = (ui8PayloadSizeBits + 7) / 8; ui8Pad = (ui8Pad * 8) - ui8PayloadSizeBits; if (ui8Pad > 0) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1 << (ui8Pad - 1), ui8Pad); // SEI payload type (buffering period) #else tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_H264); // Tell MTX to insert the byte align field tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); #endif // Write terminator tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0x80, 8); return; } //#define SEI_HOSTCALC_CPB_DPB static void tng__H264ES_writebits_SEI_picture_timing_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, IMG_UINT8 ui8CpbDpbDelaysPresentFlag, IMG_UINT32 ui32cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1, IMG_UINT32 ui32dpb_output_delay_length_minus1, IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused ui32cpb_removal_delay, IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused ui32dpb_output_delay, IMG_UINT8 ui8pic_struct_present_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8pic_struct, IMG_UINT8 ui8NumClockTS, IMG_UINT8 *aui8clock_timestamp_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8full_timestamp_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8seconds_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8minutes_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8hours_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8seconds_value, IMG_UINT8 ui8minutes_value, IMG_UINT8 ui8hours_value, IMG_UINT8 ui8ct_type, IMG_UINT8 ui8nuit_field_based_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8counting_type, IMG_UINT8 ui8discontinuity_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8cnt_dropped_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8n_frames, IMG_UINT8 ui8time_offset_length, IMG_INT32 i32time_offset) { IMG_UINT8 ui8PayloadSizeBits, ui8Tmp; #ifdef SEI_NOT_USE_TOKEN_ALIGN IMG_UINT8 ui8Pad; #endif // Essential we insert the element before we try to fill it! tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); tng__H264_writebits_startcode_prefix_element(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 3); // 00 00 01 start code prefix tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 6, 8); // nal_unit_type = 06 (SEI Message) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 8); // SEI payload type (picture timing) // Precalculate the payload bit size ui8PayloadSizeBits = 0; if (ui8CpbDpbDelaysPresentFlag) ui8PayloadSizeBits += ui32cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 + 1 + ui32dpb_output_delay_length_minus1 + 1; if (ui8pic_struct_present_flag) { ui8PayloadSizeBits += 4; for (ui8Tmp = 0; ui8Tmp < ui8NumClockTS ; ui8Tmp++) { ui8PayloadSizeBits += 1; if (aui8clock_timestamp_flag[ui8Tmp]) { ui8PayloadSizeBits += 2 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 8; if (ui8full_timestamp_flag) ui8PayloadSizeBits += 6 + 6 + 5; else { ui8PayloadSizeBits += 1; if (ui8seconds_flag) { ui8PayloadSizeBits += 6 + 1; if (ui8minutes_flag) { ui8PayloadSizeBits += 6 + 1; if (ui8hours_flag) ui8PayloadSizeBits += 5; } } } if (ui8time_offset_length > 0) ui8PayloadSizeBits += ui8time_offset_length; } } } tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ((ui8PayloadSizeBits + 7) / 8), 8); // SEI payload size = No of bytes required for SEI payload (including seq_parameter_set_id) if (ui8CpbDpbDelaysPresentFlag) { //SEI_INSERTION #ifdef SEI_HOSTCALC_CPB_DPB tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui32cpb_removal_delay, ui32cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 + 1); // cpb_removal_delay tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui32dpb_output_delay, ui32dpb_output_delay_length_minus1 + 1); // dpb_output_delay #else tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, PTH_SEI_NAL_CPB_REMOVAL_DELAY); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, PTH_SEI_NAL_DPB_OUTPUT_DELAY); #endif } if (ui8pic_struct_present_flag) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8pic_struct, 4); // See TRM able D 1 ?Interpretation of pic_struct for (ui8Tmp = 0; ui8Tmp < ui8NumClockTS ; ui8Tmp++) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, aui8clock_timestamp_flag[ui8Tmp], 1); if (aui8clock_timestamp_flag[ui8Tmp]) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8ct_type, 2); // (2=Unknown) See TRM Table D 2 ?Mapping of ct_type to source picture scan tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8nuit_field_based_flag, 1); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8counting_type, 5); // See TRM Table D 3 ?Definition of counting_type values tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8full_timestamp_flag, 1); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8discontinuity_flag, 1); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8cnt_dropped_flag, 1); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8n_frames, 8); if (ui8full_timestamp_flag) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8seconds_value, 6); // 0 - 59 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8minutes_value, 6); // 0 - 59 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8hours_value, 5); // 0 - 23 } else { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8seconds_flag, 1); if (ui8seconds_flag) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8seconds_value, 6); // 0 - 59 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8minutes_flag, 1); if (ui8minutes_flag) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8minutes_value, 6); // 0 - 59 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8hours_flag, 1); if (ui8hours_flag) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8hours_value, 5); // 0 - 23 } } } if (ui8time_offset_length > 0) { // Two's complement storage : If time_offset<0 = ((2 ^ v) + time_offset) if (i32time_offset < 0) tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT32)((2 ^ ui8time_offset_length) + i32time_offset), ui8time_offset_length); else tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT32) i32time_offset, ui8time_offset_length); } } } } #ifdef SEI_NOT_USE_TOKEN_ALIGN // Pad to end of byte if (!ui8pic_struct_present_flag) tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); ui8Pad = (ui8PayloadSizeBits + 7) / 8; ui8Pad = (ui8Pad * 8) - ui8PayloadSizeBits; if (ui8Pad > 0) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1 << (ui8Pad - 1), ui8Pad); // SEI payload type (buffering period) #else tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_H264); // Tell MTX to insert the byte align field tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); #endif // Write terminator tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0x80, 8); return; } void tng__H264ES_prepare_AUD_header(unsigned char *virtual_addr) { // Essential we initialise our header structures before building MTX_HEADER_PARAMS * pMTX_Header = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *)virtual_addr; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; pMTX_Header->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) pMTX_Header->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; tng__H264ES_writebits_AUD_header(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers); pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count } void tng__H264ES_prepare_SEI_buffering_period_header( unsigned char *virtual_addr, IMG_UINT8 ui8nal_cpb_cnt_minus1, IMG_UINT8 ui8nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length, IMG_UINT8 ui8NalHrdBpPresentFlag, IMG_UINT32 ui32nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay, IMG_UINT32 ui32nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset, IMG_UINT8 ui8VclHrdBpPresentFlag, IMG_UINT32 ui32vcl_initial_cpb_removal_delay, IMG_UINT32 ui32vcl_initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset) { // Essential we initialise our header structures before building MTX_HEADER_PARAMS * pMTX_Header = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *)virtual_addr; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; pMTX_Header->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) pMTX_Header->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; tng__H264ES_writebits_SEI_buffering_period_header( pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8NalHrdBpPresentFlag, ui8nal_cpb_cnt_minus1, ui8nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length, ui32nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay, ui32nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset, ui8VclHrdBpPresentFlag, ui8nal_cpb_cnt_minus1, ui32vcl_initial_cpb_removal_delay, ui32vcl_initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset); pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count return; } void tng__H264ES_prepare_SEI_picture_timing_header( unsigned char *virtual_addr, IMG_UINT8 ui8CpbDpbDelaysPresentFlag, IMG_UINT32 ui32cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1, IMG_UINT32 ui32dpb_output_delay_length_minus1, IMG_UINT32 ui32cpb_removal_delay, IMG_UINT32 ui32dpb_output_delay, IMG_UINT8 ui8pic_struct_present_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8pic_struct, IMG_UINT8 ui8NumClockTS, IMG_UINT8 *aui8clock_timestamp_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8full_timestamp_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8seconds_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8minutes_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8hours_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8seconds_value, IMG_UINT8 ui8minutes_value, IMG_UINT8 ui8hours_value, IMG_UINT8 ui8ct_type, IMG_UINT8 ui8nuit_field_based_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8counting_type, IMG_UINT8 ui8discontinuity_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8cnt_dropped_flag, IMG_UINT8 ui8n_frames, IMG_UINT8 ui8time_offset_length, IMG_INT32 i32time_offset) { // Essential we initialise our header structures before building MTX_HEADER_PARAMS * pMTX_Header = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *)virtual_addr; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; pMTX_Header->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) pMTX_Header->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; tng__H264ES_writebits_SEI_picture_timing_header( pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ui8CpbDpbDelaysPresentFlag, ui32cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1, ui32dpb_output_delay_length_minus1, ui32cpb_removal_delay, ui32dpb_output_delay, ui8pic_struct_present_flag, ui8pic_struct, ui8NumClockTS, aui8clock_timestamp_flag, ui8full_timestamp_flag, ui8seconds_flag, ui8minutes_flag, ui8hours_flag, ui8seconds_value, ui8minutes_value, ui8hours_value, ui8ct_type, ui8nuit_field_based_flag, ui8counting_type, ui8discontinuity_flag, ui8cnt_dropped_flag, ui8n_frames, ui8time_offset_length, i32time_offset); pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count return; } static void tng__H264ES_set_sequence_level_profile( H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER_PARAMS *pSHParams, IMG_UINT8 uiLevel, IMG_UINT8 uiProfile) { switch (uiLevel) { case 10: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_10; break; case 111: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_1B; break; case 11: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_11; break; case 12: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_12; break; case 20: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_20; break; case 30: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_30; break; case 31: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_31; break; case 32: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_32; break; case 40: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_40; break; case 41: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_41; break; case 42: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_42; break; default: pSHParams->ucLevel = SH_LEVEL_30; break; } switch (uiProfile) { case 5: pSHParams->ucProfile = SH_PROFILE_BP; break; case 6: pSHParams->ucProfile = SH_PROFILE_MP; break; default: pSHParams->ucProfile = SH_PROFILE_MP; break; } return ; } void tng__H264ES_prepare_sequence_header( void *pHeaderMemory, H264_VUI_PARAMS *psVUI_Params, H264_CROP_PARAMS *psCropParams, IMG_UINT16 ui16PictureWidth, IMG_UINT16 ui16PictureHeight, IMG_UINT32 ui32CustomQuantMask, IMG_UINT8 ui8ProfileIdc, IMG_UINT8 ui8LevelIdc, IMG_UINT8 ui8FieldCount, IMG_UINT8 ui8MaxNumRefFrames, IMG_BOOL bPpsScaling, IMG_BOOL bUseDefaultScalingList, IMG_BOOL bEnableLossless, IMG_BOOL bASO ) { /* Builds a sequence, picture and slice header with from the given inputs parameters (start of new frame) * Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER_PARAMS SHParams; /* Route output elements to memory provided */ MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) pHeaderMemory; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; mtx_hdr->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = mtx_hdr->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; memset(&SHParams, 0, sizeof(H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER_PARAMS)); SHParams.ucProfile = ui8ProfileIdc - 5; SHParams.ucLevel = (ui8LevelIdc != 111) ? ui8LevelIdc : SH_LEVEL_1B; SHParams.ucWidth_in_mbs_minus1 = (IMG_UINT8)((ui16PictureWidth >> 4)- 1); SHParams.ucHeight_in_maps_units_minus1 = (IMG_UINT8)((ui16PictureHeight >> 4) - 1); SHParams.gaps_in_frame_num_value = IMG_FALSE; SHParams.VUI_Params_Present = psVUI_Params->vui_flag; if (SHParams.VUI_Params_Present) memcpy(&SHParams.VUI_Params, psVUI_Params, sizeof(H264_VUI_PARAMS)); SHParams.ucFrame_mbs_only_flag = (ui8FieldCount > 1) ? IMG_FALSE : IMG_TRUE; SHParams.seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag = (bPpsScaling) ? IMG_FALSE : (IMG_UINT8)(ui32CustomQuantMask); SHParams.bUseDefaultScalingList = (bPpsScaling) ? IMG_FALSE : bUseDefaultScalingList; SHParams.seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag = (ui32CustomQuantMask != 0 && !bPpsScaling); SHParams.bUseDefaultScalingList = (bUseDefaultScalingList && !bPpsScaling); SHParams.max_num_ref_frames = ui8MaxNumRefFrames; SHParams.bIsLossless = bEnableLossless; SHParams.log2_max_pic_order_cnt = 6; #ifdef _TOPAZHP_PDUMP_ tng_trace_seq_header_params(&SHParams); #endif tng__H264ES_writebits_sequence_header(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, &SHParams, psCropParams, NULL, bASO); mtx_hdr->ui32Elements++; /* Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count */ } static void tng__H264ES_writebits_mvc_sequence_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER_PARAMS *pSHParams, H264_CROP_PARAMS *psCrop, H264_SCALING_MATRIX_PARAMS __maybe_unused * psScalingMatrix) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); tng__H264_writebits_startcode_prefix_element(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 4); ///**** GENERATES THE FIRST ELEMENT OF THE H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// // 4 Byte StartCodePrefix Pregenerated in: H264_WriteBits_StartCodePrefix_Element() // Byte aligned (bit 32) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (0 << 7) | // forbidden_zero_bit=0 (0x3 << 5) | // nal_ref_idc=01 (may be 11) (15), // nal_unit_type=15 8); // Byte aligned (bit 40) // profile_idc = 8 bits = 66 for BP (PROFILE_IDC_BP), 77 for MP (PROFILE_IDC_MP) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 118, 8); // Byte aligned (bit 48) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (0 << 7) | // constrain_set0_flag = 1 for MP + BP constraints (0 << 6) | // constrain_set1_flag = 1 for MP + BP constraints (0 << 5) | // constrain_set2_flag = always 0 in BP/MP (0 << 4), // constrain_set3_flag = 1 for level 1b, 0 for others // reserved_zero_4bits = 0 8); // Byte aligned (bit 56) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (pSHParams->ucLevel == SH_LEVEL_1B) ? 11 : (IMG_UINT8)pSHParams->ucLevel, 8); // level_idc (8 bits) = 11 for 1b, 10xlevel for others tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, MVC_SPS_ID); // seq_parameter_Set_id = 1 FOR subset-SPS tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // chroma_format_idc = 1 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // bit_depth_luma_minus8 = 0 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // bit_depth_chroma_minus8 = 0 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSHParams->bIsLossless ? 1 : 0, 1); // qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag = 0 if (pSHParams->bUseDefaultScalingList || pSHParams->seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag if (!pSHParams->bUseDefaultScalingList) { #ifdef _FIXME_ H264_WriteBits_ScalingLists(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, psScalingMatrix, IMG_TRUE); #endif tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); } else { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 8); // seq_scaling_list_present_flag[i] = 0; 0 < i < 8 } } else { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag } tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // log2_max_frame_num_minus4 = 1 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // pic_order_cnt_type = 0 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 2); // log2_max_pic_order_cnt_Isb_minus4 = 2 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSHParams->max_num_ref_frames); //num_ref_frames ue(2), typically 2 // Bytes aligned (bit 72) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (pSHParams->gaps_in_frame_num_value), // gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_Flag - (1 bit) 1); ///**** GENERATES THE SECOND, VARIABLE LENGTH, ELEMENT OF THE H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: xx tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSHParams->ucWidth_in_mbs_minus1); //pic_width_in_mbs_minus1: ue(v) from 10 to 44 (176 to 720 pixel per row) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSHParams->ucHeight_in_maps_units_minus1); //pic_height_in_maps_units_minus1: ue(v) Value from 8 to 35 (144 to 576 pixels per column) // We don't know the alignment at this point, so will have to use bit writing functions tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSHParams->ucFrame_mbs_only_flag, 1); // frame_mb_only_flag 1=frame encoding, 0=field encoding if (!pSHParams->ucFrame_mbs_only_flag) // in the case of interlaced encoding tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag = 0 in Topaz(field encoding at the sequence level) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // direct_8x8_inference_flag=1 in Topaz if (psCrop->bClip) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, psCrop->ui16LeftCropOffset); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, psCrop->ui16RightCropOffset); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, psCrop->ui16TopCropOffset); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, psCrop->ui16BottomCropOffset); } else { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); } ///**** GENERATES THE THIRD ELEMENT OF THE H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: xx tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (pSHParams->VUI_Params_Present), // vui_parameters_present_flag (VUI only in 1st sequence of stream) 1); if (pSHParams->VUI_Params_Present > 0) tng__H264_writebits_VUI_params(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, &(pSHParams->VUI_Params)); { int viewIdx = 0; int numViews = MAX_MVC_VIEWS; tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); //bit_equal_to_one // sequence parameter set MVC extension tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (numViews - 1)); //num_views_minus1 for (viewIdx = 0; viewIdx < numViews; viewIdx++) { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, viewIdx); } // anchor references for (viewIdx = 1; viewIdx < numViews; viewIdx++) { //tng__generate_ue( pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // num_anchor_refs_l0 = 0 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // num_anchor_refs_l0 = 1; view-1 refers to view-0 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // anchor_ref_l0 = 0 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // num_anchor_refs_l1 = 0 } // non-anchor references for (viewIdx = 1; viewIdx < numViews; viewIdx++) { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // num_non_anchor_refs_l0 = 0 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // non_anchor_refs_l0 = 0 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // num_non_anchor_refs_l1 = 0 } tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // num_level_values_signaled_minus1 = 0 //for(levelIdx=0; levelIdx<= 0; levelIdx++) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (pSHParams->ucLevel == SH_LEVEL_1B) ? 11 : (IMG_UINT8)pSHParams->ucLevel, 8); // level_idc (8 bits) = 11 for 1b, 10xlevel for others tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // num_applicable_ops_minus1 = 0 { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 3); // applicable_ops_temporal_id = 0 tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // applicable_op_num_target_views_minus1 = 0 { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // applicable_op_target_view_id = 0 } tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // applicable_op_num_views_minus1 = 0 } } tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, // mvc_vui_parameters_present_flag =0 1); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, // additional_extension2_flag =0 1); } // Finally we need to align to the next byte // Tell MTX to insert the byte align field (we don't know final stream size for alignment at this point) tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_INSERTBYTEALIGN_H264); } /* ****************************************************************************** @Function H264_PrepareMvcSequenceHeader @details Prepare an H264 SPS in a form for the MTX to encode into a bitstream. @param pMTX_Header : pointer to header structure to populate @param uiPicWidthInMbs : picture width in MBs @param uiPicHeightInMbs : picture height in MBs @param bVuiParamsPresent : IMG_TRUE if VUI paramters present @param psParams : VUI parameters @param psCrop : Pointer to crop parameter structure @param psSHParams : Pointer to sequence header params structure @return None ******************************************************************************/ void tng__H264ES_prepare_mvc_sequence_header( void *pHeaderMemory, H264_CROP_PARAMS *psCropParams, IMG_UINT16 ui16PictureWidth, IMG_UINT16 ui16PictureHeight, IMG_UINT32 ui32CustomQuantMask, IMG_UINT8 ui8ProfileIdc, IMG_UINT8 ui8LevelIdc, IMG_UINT8 ui8FieldCount, IMG_UINT8 ui8MaxNumRefFrames, IMG_BOOL bPpsScaling, IMG_BOOL bUseDefaultScalingList, IMG_BOOL bEnableLossless, IMG_BOOL __maybe_unused bASO) { H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER_PARAMS sSHParams; MTX_HEADER_PARAMS * pMTX_Header; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; pMTX_Header = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) pHeaderMemory; #if HEADERS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "\n\n**********************************************************************\n"); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "******** HOST FIRMWARE ROUTINES TO PASS HEADERS AND TOKENS TO MTX******\n"); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "**********************************************************************\n\n"); #endif // Builds a sequence, picture and slice header with from the given inputs parameters (start of new frame) // Essential we initialise our header structures before building pMTX_Header->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) pMTX_Header->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; memset(&sSHParams, 0, sizeof(H264_SEQUENCE_HEADER_PARAMS)); sSHParams.ucProfile = ui8ProfileIdc - 5; sSHParams.ucLevel = (ui8LevelIdc != 111) ? ui8LevelIdc : SH_LEVEL_1B; sSHParams.ucWidth_in_mbs_minus1 = (IMG_UINT8)((ui16PictureWidth >> 4)- 1); sSHParams.ucHeight_in_maps_units_minus1 = (IMG_UINT8)((ui16PictureHeight >> 4) - 1); sSHParams.gaps_in_frame_num_value = IMG_FALSE; sSHParams.VUI_Params_Present = IMG_FALSE; sSHParams.ucFrame_mbs_only_flag = (ui8FieldCount > 1) ? IMG_FALSE : IMG_TRUE; sSHParams.seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag = (bPpsScaling) ? IMG_FALSE : (IMG_UINT8)(ui32CustomQuantMask); sSHParams.bUseDefaultScalingList = (bPpsScaling) ? IMG_FALSE : bUseDefaultScalingList; sSHParams.max_num_ref_frames = ui8MaxNumRefFrames; sSHParams.bIsLossless = bEnableLossless; sSHParams.log2_max_pic_order_cnt = 6; #ifdef _TOPAZHP_PDUMP_ tng_trace_seq_header_params(&sSHParams); #endif tng__H264ES_writebits_mvc_sequence_header(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, &sSHParams, psCropParams, NULL); pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count return ; } void tng__H264ES_prepare_picture_header( void *pHeaderMemory, IMG_BOOL bCabacEnabled, IMG_BOOL b_8x8transform, IMG_BOOL bIntraConstrained, IMG_INT8 i8CQPOffset, IMG_BOOL bWeightedPrediction, IMG_UINT8 ui8WeightedBiPred, IMG_BOOL bMvcPPS, IMG_BOOL bScalingMatrix, IMG_BOOL bScalingLists) { MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header; H264_PICTURE_HEADER_PARAMS sPHParams; /* Route output elements to memory provided */ pMTX_Header = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) pHeaderMemory; /* Builds a sequence, picture and slice header with from the given inputs parameters (start of new frame) * Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; pMTX_Header->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) pMTX_Header->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; memset(&sPHParams, 0, sizeof(H264_PICTURE_HEADER_PARAMS)); sPHParams.pic_parameter_set_id = bMvcPPS ? MVC_PPS_ID : 0; sPHParams.seq_parameter_set_id = bMvcPPS ? MVC_SPS_ID : 0; sPHParams.entropy_coding_mode_flag = bCabacEnabled ? 1 : 0; sPHParams.weighted_pred_flag = bWeightedPrediction; sPHParams.weighted_bipred_idc = ui8WeightedBiPred; sPHParams.chroma_qp_index_offset = i8CQPOffset; sPHParams.constrained_intra_pred_flag = bIntraConstrained ? 1 : 0; sPHParams.transform_8x8_mode_flag = b_8x8transform ? 1 : 0; sPHParams.pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag = bScalingMatrix ? 1 : 0; sPHParams.bUseDefaultScalingList = !bScalingLists; sPHParams.second_chroma_qp_index_offset = i8CQPOffset; #ifdef _TOPAZHP_PDUMP_ tng_trace_pic_header_params(&sPHParams); #endif tng__H264ES_writebits_picture_header(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, &sPHParams, NULL); /* Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count */ pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; return ; } void tng__H264_prepare_slice_header( IMG_UINT32 *pHeaderMemory, IMG_BOOL bIntraSlice, IMG_BOOL bInterBSlice, IMG_BOOL bMultiRef, IMG_UINT8 ui8DisableDeblockingFilterIDC, IMG_UINT32 ui32DisplayFrameNumber, IMG_UINT32 ui32FrameNumId, IMG_UINT32 uiFirst_MB_Address, IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused uiMBSkipRun, IMG_BOOL bCabacEnabled, IMG_BOOL bIsInterlaced, IMG_UINT8 ui8FieldNum, WEIGHTED_PREDICTION_VALUES *pWeightedSetup, IMG_BOOL bIsLongTermRef ) { H264_SLICE_HEADER_PARAMS SlHParams; MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header; /* Route output elements to memory provided */ pMTX_Header = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) pHeaderMemory; memset(&SlHParams, 0, sizeof(H264_SLICE_HEADER_PARAMS)); SlHParams.ui8Start_Code_Prefix_Size_Bytes = 4; /* pcb - I think that this is more correct now*/ SlHParams.SliceFrame_Type = bIntraSlice ? (((ui32FrameNumId % (1 << 5)) == 0) ? SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE : SLHP_I_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) : (bInterBSlice ? SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE : SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE); /* if (bIntraSlice) { if ((ui32FrameNumId%(1<<5))==0) SlHParams.SliceFrame_Type = SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE; else SlHParams.SliceFrame_Type = SLHP_I_SLICEFRAME_TYPE; } else { if (bInterBSlice) SlHParams.SliceFrame_Type = SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE; else SlHParams.SliceFrame_Type = SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE; } */ SlHParams.Frame_Num_DO = (IMG_UINT8) ui32FrameNumId % (1 << 5); SlHParams.Idr_Pic_Id = (IMG_UINT8)(ui32DisplayFrameNumber & 1); SlHParams.Picture_Num_DO = (IMG_UINT8)((ui32DisplayFrameNumber % (1 << 5)) * 2); SlHParams.First_MB_Address = uiFirst_MB_Address; SlHParams.Disable_Deblocking_Filter_Idc = (IMG_UINT8) ui8DisableDeblockingFilterIDC; SlHParams.bPiCInterlace = bIsInterlaced; SlHParams.bFieldType = ui8FieldNum; SlHParams.iDebAlphaOffsetDiv2 = 0; SlHParams.iDebBetaOffsetDiv2 = 0; if (bMultiRef) SlHParams.num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 = 1; else SlHParams.num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 = 0; SlHParams.weighted_pred_flag = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weighted_pred_flag : 0; SlHParams.weighted_bipred_idc = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weighted_bipred_idc : 0; SlHParams.luma_log2_weight_denom = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->luma_log2_weight_denom : 0; SlHParams.chroma_log2_weight_denom = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->chroma_log2_weight_denom : 0; SlHParams.luma_weight_l0_flag[0] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weight_flag[0][0] : 0; SlHParams.luma_weight_l0[0] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weight[0][0] : 0; SlHParams.luma_offset_l0[0] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->offset[0][0] : 0; SlHParams.chroma_weight_l0_flag[0] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weight_flag[1][0] : 0; SlHParams.chromaB_weight_l0[0] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weight[1][0] : 0; SlHParams.chromaB_offset_l0[0] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->offset[1][0] : 0; SlHParams.chromaR_weight_l0[0] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weight[2][0] : 0; SlHParams.chromaR_offset_l0[0] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->offset[2][0] : 0; SlHParams.luma_weight_l0_flag[1] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weight_flag[0][1] : 0; SlHParams.luma_weight_l0[1] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weight[0][1] : 0; SlHParams.luma_offset_l0[1] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->offset[0][1] : 0; SlHParams.chroma_weight_l0_flag[1] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weight_flag[1][1] : 0; SlHParams.chromaB_weight_l0[1] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weight[1][1] : 0; SlHParams.chromaB_offset_l0[1] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->offset[1][1] : 0; SlHParams.chromaR_weight_l0[1] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->weight[2][1] : 0; SlHParams.chromaR_offset_l0[1] = pWeightedSetup ? pWeightedSetup->offset[2][1] : 0; SlHParams.bIsLongTermRef = bIsLongTermRef; tng__H264_getelements_slice_header(pMTX_Header, &SlHParams, bCabacEnabled); /* { IMG_UINT32 *pMTX_Header_Mem = (IMG_UINT32 *)mtx_hdr; // rhk: first insert normal header. tng__H264_getelements_slice_header(mtx_hdr, &SlHParams, bCabacEnabled, uiIdrPicId); // put a marker to indicate that this is a complex header // note that first "int" in the buffer is used for number of elements // which is not going to be more than 255 *pMTX_Header_Mem |= 0x100; // rhk: insert skipped frame header at an offset of 128 bytes pMTX_Header_Mem += (HEADER_SIZE >> 3); // get a pointer to the second half of memory mtx_hdr = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *)pMTX_Header_Mem; tng__H264_getelements_skip_P_slice(mtx_hdr, &SlHParams, uiMBSkipRun, bCabacEnabled); } */ } void tng__MPEG4_prepare_sequence_header( void *pHeaderMemory, IMG_BOOL bBFrame, MPEG4_PROFILE_TYPE sProfile, IMG_UINT8 Profile_and_level_indication, FIXED_VOP_TIME_TYPE sFixed_vop_time_increment, IMG_UINT32 Picture_Width_Pixels, IMG_UINT32 Picture_Height_Pixels, VBVPARAMS * psVBVParams, IMG_UINT32 VopTimeResolution) { MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr; /* Route output elements to memory provided */ mtx_hdr = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) pHeaderMemory; /* Builds a single MPEG4 video sequence header from the given parameters */ /* Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; mtx_hdr->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; tng__MPEG4_writebits_sequence_header(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, bBFrame, sProfile, Profile_and_level_indication, sFixed_vop_time_increment, Picture_Width_Pixels, Picture_Height_Pixels, psVBVParams, VopTimeResolution); mtx_hdr->ui32Elements++; /* Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count */ } void tng__MPEG4_prepare_vop_header( IMG_UINT32 *pHeaderMem, IMG_BOOL bIsVOP_coded, IMG_UINT32 VOP_time_increment, IMG_UINT8 sSearch_range, IMG_UINT8 eVop_Coding_Type, IMG_UINT32 VopTimeResolution) { MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr; mtx_hdr = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) pHeaderMem; /* Builds a single MPEG4 VOP (picture) header from the given parameters */ /* Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; mtx_hdr->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; /* Frame QScale no longer written here as it is inserted by MTX later * (add as parameter to MTX_Send_Elements_To_VLC) */ tng__MPEG4_writebits_VOP_header( mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, bIsVOP_coded, VOP_time_increment, sSearch_range, eVop_Coding_Type, VopTimeResolution); mtx_hdr->ui32Elements++; /* Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count */ } void tng__H263_prepare_sequence_header( IMG_UINT32 *pHeaderMem, IMG_UINT8 Profile_and_level_indication) { MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr; mtx_hdr = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) pHeaderMem; /* Builds a single H263 video sequence header from the given parameters */ /* Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; mtx_hdr->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; H263_writebits_VideoSequenceHeader(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, Profile_and_level_indication); mtx_hdr->ui32Elements++; /* Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count */ } void tng__H263_prepare_picture_header( IMG_UINT32 *pHeaderMem, IMG_UINT8 Temporal_Ref, H263_PICTURE_CODING_TYPE PictureCodingType, H263_SOURCE_FORMAT_TYPE SourceFormatType, IMG_UINT8 FrameRate, IMG_UINT16 PictureWidth, IMG_UINT16 PictureHeigth) { MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr; mtx_hdr = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) pHeaderMem; /* Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; mtx_hdr->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; H263_writebits_VideoPictureHeader( mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, Temporal_Ref, PictureCodingType, SourceFormatType, FrameRate, PictureWidth, PictureHeigth); mtx_hdr->ui32Elements++; /* Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count */ } void tng__H263_prepare_GOBslice_header( IMG_UINT32 *pHeaderMem, IMG_UINT8 GOBNumber, IMG_UINT8 GOBFrameId) { MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *mtx_hdr; mtx_hdr = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) pHeaderMem; /* Essential we initialise our header structures before building */ MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; mtx_hdr->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) mtx_hdr->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; H263_writebits_GOBSliceHeader(mtx_hdr, aui32ElementPointers, GOBNumber, GOBFrameId); mtx_hdr->ui32Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count /* silent the warning message */ (void)Show_Bits; (void)Show_Elements; /* (void)tng__H264_writebits_SEI_rbspheader; (void)tng__H264_getelements_skip_B_slice; (void)tng__H264_getelements_backward_zero_B_slice; (void)tng__H264_getelements_rbsp_ATE_only; (void)tng_MPEG4_getelements_video_packet_header; */ } void tng__H264ES_notforsims_writebits_extension_sliceheader( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, H264_SLICE_HEADER_PARAMS *pSlHParams, IMG_BOOL bCabacEnabled, IMG_BOOL bIsIDR) { bStartNextRawDataElement = IMG_FALSE; tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); tng__H264_writebits_startcode_prefix_element(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->ui8Start_Code_Prefix_Size_Bytes); //Can be 3 or 4 bytes - always 4 bytes in our implementations ///**** GENERATES THE FIRST ELEMENT OF THE H264_SLICE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: 8 // StartCodePrefix Pregenerated in: Build_H264_4Byte_StartCodePrefix_Element() (4 or 3 bytes) //(3 bytes when slice is first in a picture without sequence/picture_header before picture // Byte aligned (bit 32 or 24) // NOTE: Slice_Type and Frame_Type are always the same, hence SliceFrame_Type tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // forbidden_zero_bit tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_REFERENCE); //MTX fills this value in tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 20, 5); // nal_unit_type for coded_slice_extension //if(nal_unit_type == 14 || nal_unit_type == 20) tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // SVC extension flag // nal_unit_header_mvc_extension() { if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // non_idr_flag flag } else if ((pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) && bIsIDR) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // non_idr_flag flag } else { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // non_idr_flag flag } tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 6); // priority_id flag tng__write_upto32bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 10); // view_id = hardcoded to 1 for dependent view //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 3); // temporal_id flag tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_TEMPORAL_ID); // temporal_id flag tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_ANCHOR_PIC_FLAG); // anchor_pic_flag tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // interview flag is always FALSE for dependent frames tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // reserved one bit } // slice header tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_CURRMBNR); //MTX fills this value in tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); ///**** GENERATES THE SECOND ELEMENT OF THE H264_SLICE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// /* The following is slice parameter set in BP/MP */ //tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT32) pSlHParams->First_MB_Address); //first_mb_in_slice = First MB address in slice: ue(Range 0 - 1619) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT32)((pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) ? SLHP_I_SLICEFRAME_TYPE : pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type)); //slice_type ue(v): 0 for P-slice, 1 for B-slice, 2 for I-slice // kab: //not clean change from IDR to intra, IDR should have separate flag tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // pic_parameter_set_id = 1 for dependent view tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_FRAME_NUM); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert frame_num bStartNextRawDataElement = IMG_TRUE; if ((pSlHParams->bPiCInterlace) || (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE)) { //tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); // interlaced encoding if (pSlHParams->bPiCInterlace) { CheckStartRawDataElement(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // field_pic_flag = 1 tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_BOTTOM_FIELD); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert BOTTOM_FIELD flag if required //tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); bStartNextRawDataElement = IMG_TRUE; } } if ((pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) || (bIsIDR)) { CheckStartRawDataElement(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // idr_pic_id ue(v) = 0 (1b) in Topaz } tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_PIC_ORDER_CNT); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert pic_order_cnt_lsb bStartNextRawDataElement = IMG_TRUE; if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_DIRECT_SPATIAL_MV_FLAG); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_NUM_REF_IDX_ACTIVE); bStartNextRawDataElement = IMG_TRUE; } else if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { CheckStartRawDataElement(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // num_ref_idx_active_override_flag (1 bit) = 0 in Topaz } // reference picture list modification if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type != SLHP_I_SLICEFRAME_TYPE && pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type != SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_REORDER_L0); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert BOTTOM_FIELD flag if required //tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); bStartNextRawDataElement = IMG_TRUE; } if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { CheckStartRawDataElement(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // ref_pic_list_ordering_flag_l1 (1 bit) = 0, no reference picture ordering in Topaz } // WEIGHTED PREDICTION /* tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_SLICEWEIGHTEDPREDICTIONSTRUCT); bStartNextRawDataElement = IMG_TRUE;*/ if ((pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) || (bIsIDR)) { CheckStartRawDataElement(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // no_output_of_prior_pics_flag (1 bit) = 0 tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // long_term_reference_flag (1 bit) = 0 } else { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_ADAPTIVE); //MTX fills this value in //tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); bStartNextRawDataElement = IMG_TRUE; } if (bCabacEnabled && ((SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE == pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type) || (SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE == pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type))) { CheckStartRawDataElement(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers); tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // hard code cabac_init_idc value of 0 } tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_SQP); //MTX fills this value in tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); ///**** GENERATES ELEMENT OF THE H264_SLICE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: 11 // Next field is generated on MTX with a special commnad (not ELEMENT_RAW) - so not defined here //pucHS=tng__generate_se(pucHS, puiBitPos, pSlHParams->Slice_QP_Delta); //slice_qp_delta se(v) = SliceQPy - (pic_init_qp_minus26+26) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->Disable_Deblocking_Filter_Idc); //disable_deblocking_filter_idc ue(v) = 2? if (pSlHParams->Disable_Deblocking_Filter_Idc != 1) { tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->iDebAlphaOffsetDiv2); //slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2 se(v) = 0 (1b) in Topaz tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->iDebBetaOffsetDiv2); //slice_beta_offset_div2 se(v) = 0 (1b) in Topaz } //num_slice_groups_minus1 ==0 in Topaz, so no slice_group_change_cycle field here // no byte alignment at end of slice headers } /***************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************/ static void tng__H264ES_notforsims_writebits_slice_header( MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header, MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT **aui32ElementPointers, H264_SLICE_HEADER_PARAMS *pSlHParams, IMG_BOOL bCabacEnabled, IMG_BOOL bIsIDR) { bStartNextRawDataElement = IMG_FALSE; unsigned char* pdg = (unsigned char*)pMTX_Header; if (pSlHParams->ui16MvcViewIdx == (IMG_UINT16)(NON_MVC_VIEW)) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_RAWDATA); } else if (pSlHParams->ui16MvcViewIdx == MVC_BASE_VIEW_IDX) { tng__insert_prefix_nal_header(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams, bCabacEnabled); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_STARTCODE_MIDHDR); } else { //Insert tng__H264ES_notforsims_writebits_extension_sliceheader(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams, bCabacEnabled, bIsIDR); return; } tng__H264_writebits_startcode_prefix_element(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->ui8Start_Code_Prefix_Size_Bytes); //Can be 3 or 4 bytes - always 4 bytes in our implementations ///**** GENERATES THE FIRST ELEMENT OF THE H264_SLICE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: 8 // StartCodePrefix Pregenerated in: Build_H264_4Byte_StartCodePrefix_Element() (4 or 3 bytes) //(3 bytes when slice is first in a picture without sequence/picture_header before picture // Byte aligned (bit 32 or 24) // NOTE: Slice_Type and Frame_Type are always the same, hence SliceFrame_Type tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // forbidden_zero_bit // nal_ref_idc, 0x03 for IDR slice, for non-IDR slice, fw chose a value //tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ((pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE ? 3 : ELEMENT_REFERENCE)), 2); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_REFERENCE); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ((pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE ? 5 : 1)), // nal_unit_tpye (5 bits) = I-frame IDR, and 1 for rest 5); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_CURRMBNR); //MTX fills this value in tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); ///**** GENERATES THE SECOND ELEMENT OF THE H264_SLICE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// /* The following is slice parameter set in BP/MP */ //tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT32) pSlHParams->First_MB_Address); //first_mb_in_slice = First MB address in slice: ue(Range 0 - 1619) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, (IMG_UINT32)((pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) ? SLHP_I_SLICEFRAME_TYPE : pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type)); //slice_type ue(v): 0 for P-slice, 1 for B-slice, 2 for I-slice // kab: //not clean change from IDR to intra, IDR should have separate flag if (pSlHParams->ui16MvcViewIdx != (IMG_UINT16)(NON_MVC_VIEW)) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->ui16MvcViewIdx); // pic_parameter_set_id = 0 else tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // pic_parameter_set_id = 0 tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_FRAME_NUM); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert frame_num if ((pSlHParams->bPiCInterlace) || (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE)) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); // interlaced encoding if (pSlHParams->bPiCInterlace) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // field_pic_flag = 1 tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_BOTTOM_FIELD); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert BOTTOM_FIELD flag if required tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); } if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_IDR_PIC_ID); // idr_pic_id ue(v) } tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_PIC_ORDER_CNT); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert pic_order_cnt_lsb if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_DIRECT_SPATIAL_MV_FLAG); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_NUM_REF_IDX_ACTIVE); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert override for number of active references } else if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0, 1); // num_ref_idx_active_override_flag (1 bit) = 0 } if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type != SLHP_I_SLICEFRAME_TYPE && pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type != SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_REORDER_L0); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert reference list 0 reordering if (pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type == SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_REORDER_L1); // Insert token to tell MTX to insert reference list 1 reordering } // WEIGHTED PREDICTION tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_SLICEWEIGHTEDPREDICTIONSTRUCT); tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); if (pSlHParams->bReferencePicture && pSlHParams->bIsLongTermRef) { tng__write_upto8bits_elements(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1, 1); // adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag (1 bit) = 0 // Clear any existing long-term reference tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 5); // memory_management_control_operation // Allow a single long-term reference tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 4); // memory_management_control_operation tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 1); // max_long_term_frame_idx_plus1 // Set current picture as the long-term reference tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 6); // memory_management_control_operation tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // long_term_frame_idx // End tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // memory_management_control_operation } else { tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_ADAPTIVE); //MTX fills this value in tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); } if (bCabacEnabled && ((SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE == pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type) || (SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE == pSlHParams->SliceFrame_Type))) { tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, 0); // hard code cabac_init_idc value of 0 } tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_SQP); //MTX fills this value in tng__insert_element_token(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, ELEMENT_RAWDATA); ///**** GENERATES ELEMENT OF THE H264_SLICE_HEADER() STRUCTURE ****/// ///**** ELEMENT BITCOUNT: 11 // Next field is generated on MTX with a special commnad (not ELEMENT_RAW) - so not defined here //pucHS=tng__generate_se(pucHS, puiBitPos, pSlHParams->Slice_QP_Delta); //slice_qp_delta se(v) = SliceQPy - (pic_init_qp_minus26+26) tng__generate_ue(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->Disable_Deblocking_Filter_Idc); //disable_deblocking_filter_idc ue(v) = 2? if (pSlHParams->Disable_Deblocking_Filter_Idc != 1) { tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->iDebAlphaOffsetDiv2); //slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2 se(v) = 0 (1b) in Topaz tng__generate_se(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, pSlHParams->iDebBetaOffsetDiv2); //slice_beta_offset_div2 se(v) = 0 (1b) in Topaz } //num_slice_groups_minus1 ==0 in Topaz, so no slice_group_change_cycle field here // no byte alignment at end of slice headers } /****************************************************************************** @Function H264_NOTFORSIMS_PrepareSliceHeader @details Sim guys, DO NOT EVER USE THIS FUNCTION! Prepare an H264 slice header in a form for the MTX to encode into a bitstream. @param pMTX_Header : pointer to header structure to populate @param bIntraSlice : IMG_TRUE if this is an IDR or I slice @param bInterBSlice : IMG_TRUE if this is a B Frame slice @param ui8DisableDeblockingFilterIDC : syntax element @param ui32FrameNumId : syntax element (used for references) @param uiFirst_MB_Address : first_mb_in_slice syntax element @param uiMBSkipRun : number of MBs to skip @param bCabacEnabled : IMG_TRUE to use CABAC @param bIsInterlaced : IMG_TRUE for interlaced slices @param bIsIDR : IMG_TRUE if this is an IDR slice @param bIsLongTermRef : IMG_TRUE if the frame is to be used as a long-term reference @return None ******************************************************************************/ void tng__H264ES_notforsims_prepare_sliceheader( IMG_UINT8 *slice_mem_p, IMG_UINT32 ui32SliceType, IMG_UINT8 ui8DisableDeblockingFilterIDC, IMG_UINT32 uiFirst_MB_Address, IMG_UINT32 __maybe_unused uiMBSkipRun, IMG_BOOL bCabacEnabled, IMG_BOOL bIsInterlaced, IMG_UINT16 ui16MvcViewIdx, IMG_BOOL bIsLongTermRef ) { SLICE_PARAMS *slice_temp_p = (SLICE_PARAMS*)slice_mem_p; MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *pMTX_Header = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) &(slice_temp_p->sSliceHdrTmpl); H264_SLICE_HEADER_PARAMS SlHParams; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; IMG_FRAME_TEMPLATE_TYPE eSliceType = (IMG_FRAME_TEMPLATE_TYPE)ui32SliceType; IMG_BOOL bIntraSlice = ((eSliceType == IMG_FRAME_IDR) || (eSliceType == IMG_FRAME_INTRA)); IMG_BOOL bInterBSlice = (eSliceType == IMG_FRAME_INTER_B); IMG_BOOL bIsIDR = ((eSliceType == IMG_FRAME_IDR) || (eSliceType == IMG_FRAME_INTER_P_IDR)); memset(&SlHParams, 0, sizeof(H264_SLICE_HEADER_PARAMS)); SlHParams.ui8Start_Code_Prefix_Size_Bytes = 4; /* pcb - I think that this is more correct now -- This should also work for IDR-P frames which will be marked as SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE */ SlHParams.SliceFrame_Type = bIntraSlice ? (bIsIDR ? SLHP_IDR_SLICEFRAME_TYPE : SLHP_I_SLICEFRAME_TYPE) : (bInterBSlice ? SLHP_B_SLICEFRAME_TYPE : SLHP_P_SLICEFRAME_TYPE); SlHParams.First_MB_Address = uiFirst_MB_Address; SlHParams.Disable_Deblocking_Filter_Idc = (IMG_UINT8) ui8DisableDeblockingFilterIDC; SlHParams.bPiCInterlace = bIsInterlaced; SlHParams.iDebAlphaOffsetDiv2 = 0; SlHParams.iDebBetaOffsetDiv2 = 0; // setup the new flags used for B frame as reference SlHParams.bReferencePicture = bInterBSlice ? 0 : 1; SlHParams.ui16MvcViewIdx = ui16MvcViewIdx; SlHParams.bIsLongTermRef = bIsLongTermRef; SlHParams.log2_max_pic_order_cnt = 2; SlHParams.uLongTermRefNum = 0; SlHParams.bRefIsLongTermRef[0] = 0; SlHParams.uRefLongTermRefNum[0] = 0; SlHParams.bRefIsLongTermRef[1] = 0; SlHParams.uRefLongTermRefNum[1] = 0; // Builds a single slice header from the given parameters (mid frame) // Essential we initialise our header structures before building // memset(pMTX_Header, 0, 128); pMTX_Header->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) pMTX_Header->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; #ifdef _TOPAZHP_PDUMP_ tng_trace_slice_header_params(&SlHParams); #endif tng__H264ES_notforsims_writebits_slice_header(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers, &SlHParams, bCabacEnabled, bIsIDR); pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count } /************************************************************************************************** * Function: H263_NOTFORSIMS_PrepareGOBSliceHeader * Description: Generates the slice params template * ***************************************************************************************************/ void tng__H263ES_notforsims_prepare_gobsliceheader( IMG_UINT8 *slice_mem_p) { // Essential we initialise our header structures before building SLICE_PARAMS *slice_temp_p = (SLICE_PARAMS*)slice_mem_p; MTX_HEADER_PARAMS * pMTX_Header = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) & (slice_temp_p->sSliceHdrTmpl); MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; pMTX_Header->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) pMTX_Header->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; H263_NOTFORSIMS_WriteBits_GOBSliceHeader(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers); pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count } /************************************************************************************************** * Function: MPEG2_PrepareSliceHeader * Description: Generates the slice params template * ***************************************************************************************************/ void tng__MPEG2_prepare_sliceheader( IMG_UINT8 *slice_mem_p) { // Essential we initialise our header structures before building SLICE_PARAMS *slice_temp_p = (SLICE_PARAMS*)slice_mem_p; MTX_HEADER_PARAMS * pMTX_Header = (MTX_HEADER_PARAMS *) & (slice_temp_p->sSliceHdrTmpl); MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *This_Element; MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *aui32ElementPointers[MAXNUMBERELEMENTS]; pMTX_Header->ui32Elements = ELEMENTS_EMPTY; This_Element = (MTX_HEADER_ELEMENT *) pMTX_Header->asElementStream; aui32ElementPointers[0] = This_Element; // MPEG2_WriteBits_SliceHeader(pMTX_Header, aui32ElementPointers); pMTX_Header->ui32Elements++; //Has been used as an index, so need to add 1 for a valid element count }
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