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# Copyright 2014-2015, Tresys Technology, LLC
# This file is part of SETools.
# SETools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# SETools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with SETools.  If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from . import exception
from . import qpol
from . import role
from . import symbol
from . import objclass
from . import typeattr
from . import user

def _is_mls(policy, sym):
    """Determine if this is a regular or MLS constraint/validatetrans."""
    # this can only be determined by inspecting the expression.
    for expr_node in sym.expr_iter(policy):
        sym_type = expr_node.sym_type(policy)
        expr_type = expr_node.expr_type(policy)

        if expr_type == qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_ATTR and sym_type >= qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1L2:
            return True

    return False

def validate_ruletype(t):
    """Validate constraint rule types."""
    if t not in ["constrain", "mlsconstrain", "validatetrans", "mlsvalidatetrans"]:
        raise exception.InvalidConstraintType("{0} is not a valid constraint type.".format(t))

    return t

def constraint_factory(policy, sym):
    """Factory function for creating constraint objects."""

        if _is_mls(policy, sym):
            if isinstance(sym, qpol.qpol_constraint_t):
                return Constraint(policy, sym, "mlsconstrain")
                return Validatetrans(policy, sym, "mlsvalidatetrans")
            if isinstance(sym, qpol.qpol_constraint_t):
                return Constraint(policy, sym, "constrain")
                return Validatetrans(policy, sym, "validatetrans")

    except AttributeError:
        raise TypeError("Constraints cannot be looked-up.")

class BaseConstraint(symbol.PolicySymbol):

    """Base class for constraint rules."""

    _expr_type_to_text = {
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_NOT: "not",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_AND: "and",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_OR: "\n\tor"}

    _expr_op_to_text = {
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_OP_EQ: "==",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_OP_NEQ: "!=",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_OP_DOM: "dom",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_OP_DOMBY: "domby",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_OP_INCOMP: "incomp"}

    _sym_to_text = {
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_USER: "u1",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_ROLE: "r1",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TYPE: "t1",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_USER + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET: "u2",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_ROLE + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET: "r2",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TYPE + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET: "t2",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1L2: "l1",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1H2: "l1",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_H1L2: "h1",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_H1H2: "h1",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1H1: "l1",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L2H2: "l2",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1L2 + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET: "l2",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1H2 + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET: "h2",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_H1L2 + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET: "l2",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_H1H2 + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET: "h2",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1H1 + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET: "h1",
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L2H2 + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET: "h2"}

    # Boolean operators
    _expr_type_to_precedence = {
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_NOT: 3,
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_AND: 2,
        qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_OR: 1}

    # Logical operators have the same precedence
    _logical_op_precedence = 4

    def __init__(self, policy, qpol_symbol, ruletype):
        symbol.PolicySymbol.__init__(self, policy, qpol_symbol)
        self.ruletype = ruletype

    def __str__(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _build_expression(self):
        # qpol representation is in postfix notation.  This code
        # converts it to infix notation.  Parentheses are added
        # to ensure correct expressions, though they may end up
        # being overused.  Set previous operator at start to the
        # highest precedence (op) so if there is a single binary
        # operator, no parentheses are output

        stack = []
        prev_op_precedence = self._logical_op_precedence
        for expr_node in self.qpol_symbol.expr_iter(self.policy):
            op = expr_node.op(self.policy)
            sym_type = expr_node.sym_type(self.policy)
            expr_type = expr_node.expr_type(self.policy)

            if expr_type == qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_ATTR:
                # logical operator with symbol (e.g. u1 == u2)
                operand1 = self._sym_to_text[sym_type]
                operand2 = self._sym_to_text[sym_type + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET]
                operator = self._expr_op_to_text[op]

                stack.append([operand1, operator, operand2])

                prev_op_precedence = self._logical_op_precedence
            elif expr_type == qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_NAMES:
                # logical operator with type or attribute list (e.g. t1 == { spam_t eggs_t })
                operand1 = self._sym_to_text[sym_type]
                operator = self._expr_op_to_text[op]

                names = list(expr_node.names_iter(self.policy))

                if not names:
                    operand2 = "<empty set>"
                elif len(names) == 1:
                    operand2 = names[0]
                    operand2 = "{{ {0} }}".format(' '.join(names))

                stack.append([operand1, operator, operand2])

                prev_op_precedence = self._logical_op_precedence
            elif expr_type == qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_NOT:
                # unary operator (not)
                operand = stack.pop()
                operator = self._expr_type_to_text[expr_type]

                stack.append([operator, "(", operand, ")"])

                prev_op_precedence = self._expr_type_to_precedence[expr_type]
                # binary operator (and/or)
                operand1 = stack.pop()
                operand2 = stack.pop()
                operator = self._expr_type_to_text[expr_type]
                op_precedence = self._expr_type_to_precedence[expr_type]

                # if previous operator is of higher precedence
                # no parentheses are needed.
                if op_precedence < prev_op_precedence:
                    stack.append([operand1, operator, operand2])
                    stack.append(["(", operand1, operator, operand2, ")"])

                prev_op_precedence = op_precedence

        return self.__unwind_subexpression(stack)

    def _get_symbols(self, syms, factory):
        Internal generator for getting users/roles/types in a constraint
        expression.  Symbols will be yielded multiple times if they appear
        in the expression multiple times.

        syms        List of qpol symbol types.
        factory     The factory function related to these symbols.
        for expr_node in self.qpol_symbol.expr_iter(self.policy):
            sym_type = expr_node.sym_type(self.policy)
            expr_type = expr_node.expr_type(self.policy)

            if expr_type == qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_NAMES and sym_type in syms:
                for s in expr_node.names_iter(self.policy):
                    yield factory(self.policy, s)

    def __unwind_subexpression(self, expr):
        ret = []

        # do a string.join on sublists (subexpressions)
        for i in expr:
            if isinstance(i, list):

        return ' '.join(ret)

    # There is no levels function as specific
    # levels cannot be used in expressions, only
    # the l1, h1, etc. symbols

    def roles(self):
        """The roles used in the expression."""
        role_syms = [qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_ROLE,
                     qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_ROLE + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET,
                     qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_ROLE + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_XTARGET]

        return set(self._get_symbols(role_syms, role.role_factory))

    def perms(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def statement(self):
        return str(self)

    def tclass(self):
        """Object class for this constraint."""
        return objclass.class_factory(self.policy, self.qpol_symbol.object_class(self.policy))

    def types(self):
        """The types and type attributes used in the expression."""
        type_syms = [qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TYPE,
                     qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TYPE + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET,
                     qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TYPE + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_XTARGET]

        return set(self._get_symbols(type_syms, typeattr.type_or_attr_factory))

    def users(self):
        """The users used in the expression."""
        user_syms = [qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_USER,
                     qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_USER + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET,
                     qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_USER + qpol.QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_XTARGET]

        return set(self._get_symbols(user_syms, user.user_factory))

class Constraint(BaseConstraint):

    """A constraint rule (constrain/mlsconstrain)."""

    def __str__(self):
        rule_string = "{0.ruletype} {0.tclass} ".format(self)

        perms = self.perms
        if len(perms) > 1:
            rule_string += "{{ {0} }} (\n".format(' '.join(perms))
            # convert to list since sets cannot be indexed
            rule_string += "{0} (\n".format(list(perms)[0])

        rule_string += "\t{0}\n);".format(self._build_expression())

        return rule_string

    def perms(self):
        """The constraint's permission set."""
        return set(self.qpol_symbol.perm_iter(self.policy))

class Validatetrans(BaseConstraint):

    """A validatetrans rule (validatetrans/mlsvalidatetrans)."""

    def __str__(self):
        return "{0.ruletype} {0.tclass}\n\t{1}\n);".format(self, self._build_expression())

    def perms(self):
        raise exception.ConstraintUseError("{0} rules do not have permissions.".