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// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>  // for FRIEND_TEST

#include "shill/cellular/cellular.h"
#include "shill/cellular/out_of_credits_detector.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
#include "shill/service.h"

namespace shill {

class ControlInterface;
class Error;
class EventDispatcher;
class Manager;
class OutOfCreditsDetector;

class CellularService : public Service {
  enum ActivationType {
    kActivationTypeNonCellular,  // For future use
    kActivationTypeOMADM,  // For future use

  CellularService(ModemInfo* modem_info,
                  const CellularRefPtr& device);
  ~CellularService() override;

  // Inherited from Service.
  void AutoConnect() override;
  void Connect(Error* error, const char* reason) override;
  void Disconnect(Error* error, const char* reason) override;
  void ActivateCellularModem(const std::string& carrier,
                             Error* error,
                             const ResultCallback& callback) override;
  void CompleteCellularActivation(Error* error) override;
  void SetState(ConnectState new_state) override;

  std::string GetStorageIdentifier() const override;
  void SetStorageIdentifier(const std::string& identifier);

  const CellularRefPtr& cellular() const { return cellular_; }

  void SetActivationType(ActivationType type);
  std::string GetActivationTypeString() const;

  virtual void SetActivationState(const std::string& state);
  virtual const std::string& activation_state() const {
      return activation_state_;

  void SetOLP(const std::string& url,
              const std::string& method,
              const std::string& post_data);
  const Stringmap& olp() const { return olp_; }

  void SetUsageURL(const std::string& url);
  const std::string& usage_url() const { return usage_url_; }

  void set_serving_operator(const Stringmap& serving_operator);
  const Stringmap& serving_operator() const { return serving_operator_; }

  // Sets network technology to |technology| and broadcasts the property change.
  void SetNetworkTechnology(const std::string& technology);
  const std::string& network_technology() const { return network_technology_; }

  // Sets roaming state to |state| and broadcasts the property change.
  void SetRoamingState(const std::string& state);
  const std::string& roaming_state() const { return roaming_state_; }

  bool is_auto_connecting() const {
    return is_auto_connecting_;

  const std::string& ppp_username() const { return ppp_username_; }
  const std::string& ppp_password() const { return ppp_password_; }

  virtual const base::Time& resume_start_time() const {
    return resume_start_time_;

  OutOfCreditsDetector* out_of_credits_detector() {
    return out_of_credits_detector_.get();
  void SignalOutOfCreditsChanged(bool state) const;

  // Overrides Load and Save from parent Service class.  We will call
  // the parent method.
  bool Load(StoreInterface* storage) override;
  bool Save(StoreInterface* storage) override;

  Stringmap* GetUserSpecifiedApn();
  Stringmap* GetLastGoodApn();
  virtual void SetLastGoodApn(const Stringmap& apn_info);
  virtual void ClearLastGoodApn();

  void OnAfterResume() override;

  // Initialize out-of-credits detection.
  void InitOutOfCreditsDetection(OutOfCreditsDetector::OOCType ooc_type);

  // Overrides IsAutoConnectable from parent Service class.
  bool IsAutoConnectable(const char** reason) const override;

  friend class CellularCapabilityUniversalTest;
  friend class CellularServiceTest;
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityGSMTest, SetupApnTryList);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityTest, TryApns);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityUniversalMainTest, UpdateServiceName);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, Connect);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, GetLogin);  // ppp_username_, ppp_password_
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, OnConnectionHealthCheckerResult);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, SetApn);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, ClearApn);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, LastGoodApn);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, LoadResetsPPPAuthFailure);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, IsAutoConnectable);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, OutOfCreditsDetected);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, OutOfCreditsDetectionSkippedAfterResume);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, OutOfCreditsNotDetectedConnectionNotDropped);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, OutOfCreditsNotDetectedIntermittentNetwork);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, OutOfCreditsNotEnforced);
  FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, CustomSetterNoopChange);

  static const char kAutoConnActivating[];
  static const char kAutoConnBadPPPCredentials[];
  static const char kAutoConnDeviceDisabled[];
  static const char kAutoConnOutOfCredits[];
  static const char kAutoConnOutOfCreditsDetectionInProgress[];
  static const char kStoragePPPUsername[];
  static const char kStoragePPPPassword[];

  void HelpRegisterDerivedString(
      const std::string& name,
      std::string(CellularService::*get)(Error* error),
      bool(CellularService::*set)(const std::string& value, Error* error));
  void HelpRegisterDerivedStringmap(
      const std::string& name,
      Stringmap(CellularService::*get)(Error* error),
      bool(CellularService::*set)(const Stringmap& value, Error* error));
  void HelpRegisterDerivedBool(
      const std::string& name,
      bool(CellularService::*get)(Error* error),
      bool(CellularService::*set)(const bool&, Error*));

  std::string GetDeviceRpcId(Error* error) const override;

  std::string CalculateActivationType(Error* error);

  Stringmap GetApn(Error* error);
  bool SetApn(const Stringmap& value, Error* error);
  static void SaveApn(StoreInterface* storage,
                      const std::string& storage_group,
                      const Stringmap* apn_info,
                      const std::string& keytag);
  static void SaveApnField(StoreInterface* storage,
                           const std::string& storage_group,
                           const Stringmap* apn_info,
                           const std::string& keytag,
                           const std::string& apntag);
  static void LoadApn(StoreInterface* storage,
                      const std::string& storage_group,
                      const std::string& keytag,
                      Stringmap* apn_info);
  static bool LoadApnField(StoreInterface* storage,
                           const std::string& storage_group,
                           const std::string& keytag,
                           const std::string& apntag,
                           Stringmap* apn_info);
  bool IsOutOfCredits(Error* /*error*/);

  // For unit test.
  void set_out_of_credits_detector(OutOfCreditsDetector* detector);

  base::WeakPtrFactory<CellularService> weak_ptr_factory_;

  // Properties
  ActivationType activation_type_;
  std::string activation_state_;
  Stringmap serving_operator_;
  std::string network_technology_;
  std::string roaming_state_;
  Stringmap olp_;
  std::string usage_url_;
  Stringmap apn_info_;
  Stringmap last_good_apn_info_;
  std::string ppp_username_;
  std::string ppp_password_;

  std::string storage_identifier_;

  CellularRefPtr cellular_;

  // Flag indicating that a connect request is an auto-connect request.
  // Note: Since Connect() is asynchronous, this flag is only set during the
  // call to Connect().  It does not remain set while the async request is
  // in flight.
  bool is_auto_connecting_;
  // Time when the last resume occurred.
  base::Time resume_start_time_;
  // Out-of-credits detector.
  std::unique_ptr<OutOfCreditsDetector> out_of_credits_detector_;


}  // namespace shill