/* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This file implements interfaces from the file jvmti.h. This implementation * is licensed under the same terms as the file jvmti.h. The * copyright and license information for the file jvmti.h follows. * * Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #include "ti_thread.h" #include "android-base/strings.h" #include "art_field-inl.h" #include "art_jvmti.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/mutex.h" #include "events-inl.h" #include "gc/system_weak.h" #include "gc_root-inl.h" #include "jni_internal.h" #include "mirror/class.h" #include "mirror/object-inl.h" #include "mirror/string.h" #include "obj_ptr.h" #include "ti_phase.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "runtime_callbacks.h" #include "ScopedLocalRef.h" #include "scoped_thread_state_change-inl.h" #include "thread-inl.h" #include "thread_list.h" #include "well_known_classes.h" namespace openjdkjvmti { art::ArtField* ThreadUtil::context_class_loader_ = nullptr; struct ThreadCallback : public art::ThreadLifecycleCallback, public art::RuntimePhaseCallback { jthread GetThreadObject(art::Thread* self) REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { if (self->GetPeer() == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return self->GetJniEnv()->AddLocalReference<jthread>(self->GetPeer()); } template <ArtJvmtiEvent kEvent> void Post(art::Thread* self) REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { DCHECK_EQ(self, art::Thread::Current()); ScopedLocalRef<jthread> thread(self->GetJniEnv(), GetThreadObject(self)); art::ScopedThreadSuspension sts(self, art::ThreadState::kNative); event_handler->DispatchEvent<kEvent>(self, reinterpret_cast<JNIEnv*>(self->GetJniEnv()), thread.get()); } void ThreadStart(art::Thread* self) OVERRIDE REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { if (!started) { // Runtime isn't started. We only expect at most the signal handler or JIT threads to be // started here. if (art::kIsDebugBuild) { std::string name; self->GetThreadName(name); if (name != "JDWP" && name != "Signal Catcher" && !android::base::StartsWith(name, "Jit thread pool")) { LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected thread before start: " << name; } } return; } Post<ArtJvmtiEvent::kThreadStart>(self); } void ThreadDeath(art::Thread* self) OVERRIDE REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { Post<ArtJvmtiEvent::kThreadEnd>(self); } void NextRuntimePhase(RuntimePhase phase) OVERRIDE REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { if (phase == RuntimePhase::kInit) { // We moved to VMInit. Report the main thread as started (it was attached early, and must // not be reported until Init. started = true; Post<ArtJvmtiEvent::kThreadStart>(art::Thread::Current()); } } EventHandler* event_handler = nullptr; bool started = false; }; ThreadCallback gThreadCallback; void ThreadUtil::Register(EventHandler* handler) { art::Runtime* runtime = art::Runtime::Current(); gThreadCallback.started = runtime->IsStarted(); gThreadCallback.event_handler = handler; art::ScopedThreadStateChange stsc(art::Thread::Current(), art::ThreadState::kWaitingForDebuggerToAttach); art::ScopedSuspendAll ssa("Add thread callback"); runtime->GetRuntimeCallbacks()->AddThreadLifecycleCallback(&gThreadCallback); runtime->GetRuntimeCallbacks()->AddRuntimePhaseCallback(&gThreadCallback); } void ThreadUtil::CacheData() { art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Class> thread_class = soa.Decode<art::mirror::Class>(art::WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread); CHECK(thread_class != nullptr); context_class_loader_ = thread_class->FindDeclaredInstanceField("contextClassLoader", "Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;"); CHECK(context_class_loader_ != nullptr); } void ThreadUtil::Unregister() { art::ScopedThreadStateChange stsc(art::Thread::Current(), art::ThreadState::kWaitingForDebuggerToAttach); art::ScopedSuspendAll ssa("Remove thread callback"); art::Runtime* runtime = art::Runtime::Current(); runtime->GetRuntimeCallbacks()->RemoveThreadLifecycleCallback(&gThreadCallback); runtime->GetRuntimeCallbacks()->RemoveRuntimePhaseCallback(&gThreadCallback); } jvmtiError ThreadUtil::GetCurrentThread(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jthread* thread_ptr) { art::Thread* self = art::Thread::Current(); art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self); jthread thread_peer; if (self->IsStillStarting()) { thread_peer = nullptr; } else { thread_peer = soa.AddLocalReference<jthread>(self->GetPeer()); } *thread_ptr = thread_peer; return ERR(NONE); } // Get the native thread. The spec says a null object denotes the current thread. static art::Thread* GetNativeThread(jthread thread, const art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable& soa) REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { if (thread == nullptr) { return art::Thread::Current(); } art::MutexLock mu(soa.Self(), *art::Locks::thread_list_lock_); return art::Thread::FromManagedThread(soa, thread); } jvmtiError ThreadUtil::GetThreadInfo(jvmtiEnv* env, jthread thread, jvmtiThreadInfo* info_ptr) { if (info_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } if (!PhaseUtil::IsLivePhase()) { return JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE; } art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); art::Thread* self = GetNativeThread(thread, soa); if (self == nullptr && thread == nullptr) { return ERR(INVALID_THREAD); } JvmtiUniquePtr<char[]> name_uptr; if (self != nullptr) { // Have a native thread object, this thread is alive. std::string name; self->GetThreadName(name); jvmtiError name_result; name_uptr = CopyString(env, name.c_str(), &name_result); if (name_uptr == nullptr) { return name_result; } info_ptr->name = name_uptr.get(); info_ptr->priority = self->GetNativePriority(); info_ptr->is_daemon = self->IsDaemon(); art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> peer = self->GetPeerFromOtherThread(); // ThreadGroup. if (peer != nullptr) { art::ArtField* f = art::jni::DecodeArtField(art::WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread_group); CHECK(f != nullptr); art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> group = f->GetObject(peer); info_ptr->thread_group = group == nullptr ? nullptr : soa.AddLocalReference<jthreadGroup>(group); } else { info_ptr->thread_group = nullptr; } // Context classloader. DCHECK(context_class_loader_ != nullptr); art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> ccl = peer != nullptr ? context_class_loader_->GetObject(peer) : nullptr; info_ptr->context_class_loader = ccl == nullptr ? nullptr : soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(ccl); } else { // Only the peer. This thread has either not been started, or is dead. Read things from // the Java side. art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> peer = soa.Decode<art::mirror::Object>(thread); // Name. { art::ArtField* f = art::jni::DecodeArtField(art::WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread_name); CHECK(f != nullptr); art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> name = f->GetObject(peer); std::string name_cpp; const char* name_cstr; if (name != nullptr) { name_cpp = name->AsString()->ToModifiedUtf8(); name_cstr = name_cpp.c_str(); } else { name_cstr = ""; } jvmtiError name_result; name_uptr = CopyString(env, name_cstr, &name_result); if (name_uptr == nullptr) { return name_result; } info_ptr->name = name_uptr.get(); } // Priority. { art::ArtField* f = art::jni::DecodeArtField(art::WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread_priority); CHECK(f != nullptr); info_ptr->priority = static_cast<jint>(f->GetInt(peer)); } // Daemon. { art::ArtField* f = art::jni::DecodeArtField(art::WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread_daemon); CHECK(f != nullptr); info_ptr->is_daemon = f->GetBoolean(peer) == 0 ? JNI_FALSE : JNI_TRUE; } // ThreadGroup. { art::ArtField* f = art::jni::DecodeArtField(art::WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread_group); CHECK(f != nullptr); art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> group = f->GetObject(peer); info_ptr->thread_group = group == nullptr ? nullptr : soa.AddLocalReference<jthreadGroup>(group); } // Context classloader. DCHECK(context_class_loader_ != nullptr); art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> ccl = peer != nullptr ? context_class_loader_->GetObject(peer) : nullptr; info_ptr->context_class_loader = ccl == nullptr ? nullptr : soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(ccl); } name_uptr.release(); return ERR(NONE); } // Return the thread's (or current thread, if null) thread state. Return kStarting in case // there's no native counterpart (thread hasn't been started, yet, or is dead). static art::ThreadState GetNativeThreadState(jthread thread, const art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable& soa, art::Thread** native_thread) REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { art::Thread* self = nullptr; art::MutexLock mu(soa.Self(), *art::Locks::thread_list_lock_); if (thread == nullptr) { self = art::Thread::Current(); } else { self = art::Thread::FromManagedThread(soa, thread); } *native_thread = self; if (self == nullptr || self->IsStillStarting()) { return art::ThreadState::kStarting; } return self->GetState(); } static jint GetJvmtiThreadStateFromInternal(art::ThreadState internal_thread_state) { jint jvmti_state = JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_ALIVE; if (internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kSuspended) { jvmti_state |= JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED; // Note: We do not have data about the previous state. Otherwise we should load the previous // state here. } if (internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kNative) { jvmti_state |= JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_IN_NATIVE; } if (internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kRunnable || internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kWaitingWeakGcRootRead || internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kSuspended) { jvmti_state |= JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_RUNNABLE; } else if (internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kBlocked) { jvmti_state |= JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER; } else { // Should be in waiting state. jvmti_state |= JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_WAITING; if (internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kTimedWaiting || internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kSleeping) { jvmti_state |= JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_WAITING_WITH_TIMEOUT; } else { jvmti_state |= JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_WAITING_INDEFINITELY; } if (internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kSleeping) { jvmti_state |= JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_SLEEPING; } if (internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kTimedWaiting || internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kWaiting) { jvmti_state |= JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_IN_OBJECT_WAIT; } // TODO: PARKED. We'll have to inspect the stack. } return jvmti_state; } static jint GetJavaStateFromInternal(art::ThreadState internal_thread_state) { switch (internal_thread_state) { case art::ThreadState::kTerminated: return JVMTI_JAVA_LANG_THREAD_STATE_TERMINATED; case art::ThreadState::kRunnable: case art::ThreadState::kNative: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingWeakGcRootRead: case art::ThreadState::kSuspended: return JVMTI_JAVA_LANG_THREAD_STATE_RUNNABLE; case art::ThreadState::kTimedWaiting: case art::ThreadState::kSleeping: return JVMTI_JAVA_LANG_THREAD_STATE_TIMED_WAITING; case art::ThreadState::kBlocked: return JVMTI_JAVA_LANG_THREAD_STATE_BLOCKED; case art::ThreadState::kStarting: return JVMTI_JAVA_LANG_THREAD_STATE_NEW; case art::ThreadState::kWaiting: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForGcToComplete: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingPerformingGc: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForCheckPointsToRun: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForDebuggerSend: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForDebuggerToAttach: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingInMainDebuggerLoop: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForDebuggerSuspension: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForDeoptimization: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForGetObjectsAllocated: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForJniOnLoad: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForSignalCatcherOutput: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForMethodTracingStart: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForVisitObjects: case art::ThreadState::kWaitingForGcThreadFlip: return JVMTI_JAVA_LANG_THREAD_STATE_WAITING; } LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable"; UNREACHABLE(); } jvmtiError ThreadUtil::GetThreadState(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jthread thread, jint* thread_state_ptr) { if (thread_state_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); art::Thread* native_thread = nullptr; art::ThreadState internal_thread_state = GetNativeThreadState(thread, soa, &native_thread); if (internal_thread_state == art::ThreadState::kStarting) { if (thread == nullptr) { // No native thread, and no Java thread? We must be starting up. Report as wrong phase. return ERR(WRONG_PHASE); } // Need to read the Java "started" field to know whether this is starting or terminated. art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> peer = soa.Decode<art::mirror::Object>(thread); art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Class> klass = peer->GetClass(); art::ArtField* started_field = klass->FindDeclaredInstanceField("started", "Z"); CHECK(started_field != nullptr); bool started = started_field->GetBoolean(peer) != 0; constexpr jint kStartedState = JVMTI_JAVA_LANG_THREAD_STATE_NEW; constexpr jint kTerminatedState = JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_TERMINATED | JVMTI_JAVA_LANG_THREAD_STATE_TERMINATED; *thread_state_ptr = started ? kTerminatedState : kStartedState; return ERR(NONE); } DCHECK(native_thread != nullptr); // Translate internal thread state to JVMTI and Java state. jint jvmti_state = GetJvmtiThreadStateFromInternal(internal_thread_state); if (native_thread->IsInterrupted()) { jvmti_state |= JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_INTERRUPTED; } // Java state is derived from nativeGetState. // Note: Our implementation assigns "runnable" to suspended. As such, we will have slightly // different mask. However, this is for consistency with the Java view. jint java_state = GetJavaStateFromInternal(internal_thread_state); *thread_state_ptr = jvmti_state | java_state; return ERR(NONE); } jvmtiError ThreadUtil::GetAllThreads(jvmtiEnv* env, jint* threads_count_ptr, jthread** threads_ptr) { if (threads_count_ptr == nullptr || threads_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::Thread* current = art::Thread::Current(); art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(current); art::MutexLock mu(current, *art::Locks::thread_list_lock_); std::list<art::Thread*> thread_list = art::Runtime::Current()->GetThreadList()->GetList(); std::vector<art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object>> peers; for (art::Thread* thread : thread_list) { // Skip threads that are still starting. if (thread->IsStillStarting()) { continue; } art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> peer = thread->GetPeerFromOtherThread(); if (peer != nullptr) { peers.push_back(peer); } } if (peers.empty()) { *threads_count_ptr = 0; *threads_ptr = nullptr; } else { unsigned char* data; jvmtiError data_result = env->Allocate(peers.size() * sizeof(jthread), &data); if (data_result != ERR(NONE)) { return data_result; } jthread* threads = reinterpret_cast<jthread*>(data); for (size_t i = 0; i != peers.size(); ++i) { threads[i] = soa.AddLocalReference<jthread>(peers[i]); } *threads_count_ptr = static_cast<jint>(peers.size()); *threads_ptr = threads; } return ERR(NONE); } jvmtiError ThreadUtil::SetThreadLocalStorage(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jthread thread, const void* data) { art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); art::Thread* self = GetNativeThread(thread, soa); if (self == nullptr && thread == nullptr) { return ERR(INVALID_THREAD); } if (self == nullptr) { return ERR(THREAD_NOT_ALIVE); } self->SetCustomTLS(data); return ERR(NONE); } jvmtiError ThreadUtil::GetThreadLocalStorage(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jthread thread, void** data_ptr) { if (data_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); art::Thread* self = GetNativeThread(thread, soa); if (self == nullptr && thread == nullptr) { return ERR(INVALID_THREAD); } if (self == nullptr) { return ERR(THREAD_NOT_ALIVE); } *data_ptr = const_cast<void*>(self->GetCustomTLS()); return ERR(NONE); } struct AgentData { const void* arg; jvmtiStartFunction proc; jthread thread; JavaVM* java_vm; jvmtiEnv* jvmti_env; jint priority; }; static void* AgentCallback(void* arg) { std::unique_ptr<AgentData> data(reinterpret_cast<AgentData*>(arg)); CHECK(data->thread != nullptr); // We already have a peer. So call our special Attach function. art::Thread* self = art::Thread::Attach("JVMTI Agent thread", true, data->thread); CHECK(self != nullptr); // The name in Attach() is only for logging. Set the thread name. This is important so // that the thread is no longer seen as starting up. { art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self); self->SetThreadName("JVMTI Agent thread"); } // Release the peer. JNIEnv* env = self->GetJniEnv(); env->DeleteGlobalRef(data->thread); data->thread = nullptr; // Run the agent code. data->proc(data->jvmti_env, env, const_cast<void*>(data->arg)); // Detach the thread. int detach_result = data->java_vm->DetachCurrentThread(); CHECK_EQ(detach_result, 0); return nullptr; } jvmtiError ThreadUtil::RunAgentThread(jvmtiEnv* jvmti_env, jthread thread, jvmtiStartFunction proc, const void* arg, jint priority) { if (priority < JVMTI_THREAD_MIN_PRIORITY || priority > JVMTI_THREAD_MAX_PRIORITY) { return ERR(INVALID_PRIORITY); } JNIEnv* env = art::Thread::Current()->GetJniEnv(); if (thread == nullptr || !env->IsInstanceOf(thread, art::WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread)) { return ERR(INVALID_THREAD); } if (proc == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } std::unique_ptr<AgentData> data(new AgentData); data->arg = arg; data->proc = proc; // We need a global ref for Java objects, as local refs will be invalid. data->thread = env->NewGlobalRef(thread); data->java_vm = art::Runtime::Current()->GetJavaVM(); data->jvmti_env = jvmti_env; data->priority = priority; pthread_t pthread; int pthread_create_result = pthread_create(&pthread, nullptr, &AgentCallback, reinterpret_cast<void*>(data.get())); if (pthread_create_result != 0) { return ERR(INTERNAL); } data.release(); return ERR(NONE); } } // namespace openjdkjvmti