/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.ahat; import com.google.common.html.HtmlEscapers; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; /** * A class representing a small string of document content consisting of text, * links, images, etc. */ class DocString { private StringBuilder mStringBuilder; public DocString() { mStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); } /** * Construct a new DocString, initialized with the given text. */ public static DocString text(String str) { DocString doc = new DocString(); return doc.append(str); } /** * Construct a new DocString, initialized with the given formatted text. */ public static DocString format(String format, Object... args) { DocString doc = new DocString(); return doc.appendFormat(format, args); } /** * Construct a new DocString, initialized with the given link. */ public static DocString link(URI uri, DocString content) { DocString doc = new DocString(); return doc.appendLink(uri, content); } /** * Construct a new DocString initialized with the given image. */ public static DocString image(URI uri, String alt) { return (new DocString()).appendImage(uri, alt); } /** * Append literal text to the given doc string. * Returns this object. */ public DocString append(String text) { mStringBuilder.append(HtmlEscapers.htmlEscaper().escape(text)); return this; } /** * Append formatted text to the given doc string. * Returns this object. */ public DocString appendFormat(String format, Object... args) { append(String.format(format, args)); return this; } public DocString append(DocString str) { mStringBuilder.append(str.html()); return this; } /** * Adorn the given string to indicate it represents something added relative * to a baseline. */ public static DocString added(DocString str) { DocString string = new DocString(); string.mStringBuilder.append("<span class=\"added\">"); string.mStringBuilder.append(str.html()); string.mStringBuilder.append("</span>"); return string; } /** * Adorn the given string to indicate it represents something added relative * to a baseline. */ public static DocString added(String str) { return added(text(str)); } /** * Adorn the given string to indicate it represents something removed relative * to a baseline. */ public static DocString removed(DocString str) { DocString string = new DocString(); string.mStringBuilder.append("<span class=\"removed\">"); string.mStringBuilder.append(str.html()); string.mStringBuilder.append("</span>"); return string; } /** * Adorn the given string to indicate it represents something removed relative * to a baseline. */ public static DocString removed(String str) { return removed(text(str)); } /** * Standard formatted DocString for describing a change in size relative to * a baseline. * @param noCurrent - whether no current object exists. * @param noBaseline - whether no basline object exists. * @param current - the size of the current object. * @param baseline - the size of the baseline object. */ public static DocString delta(boolean noCurrent, boolean noBaseline, long current, long baseline) { DocString doc = new DocString(); return doc.appendDelta(noCurrent, noBaseline, current, baseline); } /** * Standard formatted DocString for describing a change in size relative to * a baseline. */ public DocString appendDelta(boolean noCurrent, boolean noBaseline, long current, long baseline) { if (noCurrent) { append(removed(format("%+,14d", 0 - baseline))); } else if (noBaseline) { append(added("new")); } else if (current > baseline) { append(added(format("%+,14d", current - baseline))); } else if (current < baseline) { append(removed(format("%+,14d", current - baseline))); } return this; } public DocString appendLink(URI uri, DocString content) { mStringBuilder.append("<a href=\""); mStringBuilder.append(uri.toASCIIString()); mStringBuilder.append("\">"); mStringBuilder.append(content.html()); mStringBuilder.append("</a>"); return this; } public DocString appendImage(URI uri, String alt) { mStringBuilder.append("<img alt=\""); mStringBuilder.append(HtmlEscapers.htmlEscaper().escape(alt)); mStringBuilder.append("\" src=\""); mStringBuilder.append(uri.toASCIIString()); mStringBuilder.append("\" />"); return this; } public DocString appendThumbnail(URI uri, String alt) { mStringBuilder.append("<img height=\"16\" alt=\""); mStringBuilder.append(HtmlEscapers.htmlEscaper().escape(alt)); mStringBuilder.append("\" src=\""); mStringBuilder.append(uri.toASCIIString()); mStringBuilder.append("\" />"); return this; } /** * Convenience function for constructing a URI from a string with a uri * known to be valid. */ public static URI uri(String uriString) { try { return new URI(uriString); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Known good uri has syntax error: " + uriString, e); } } /** * Convenience function for constructing a URI from a formatted string with * a uri known to be valid. */ public static URI formattedUri(String format, Object... args) { return uri(String.format(format, args)); } /** * Render the DocString as html. */ public String html() { return mStringBuilder.toString(); } }