// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package proptools

import (

// AppendProperties appends the values of properties in the property struct src to the property
// struct dst. dst and src must be the same type, and both must be pointers to structs.
// The filter function can prevent individual properties from being appended by returning false, or
// abort AppendProperties with an error by returning an error.  Passing nil for filter will append
// all properties.
// An error returned by AppendProperties that applies to a specific property will be an
// *ExtendPropertyError, and can have the property name and error extracted from it.
// The append operation is defined as appending strings and slices of strings normally, OR-ing bool
// values, replacing non-nil pointers to booleans or strings, and recursing into
// embedded structs, pointers to structs, and interfaces containing
// pointers to structs.  Appending the zero value of a property will always be a no-op.
func AppendProperties(dst interface{}, src interface{}, filter ExtendPropertyFilterFunc) error {
	return extendProperties(dst, src, filter, orderAppend)

// PrependProperties prepends the values of properties in the property struct src to the property
// struct dst. dst and src must be the same type, and both must be pointers to structs.
// The filter function can prevent individual properties from being prepended by returning false, or
// abort PrependProperties with an error by returning an error.  Passing nil for filter will prepend
// all properties.
// An error returned by PrependProperties that applies to a specific property will be an
// *ExtendPropertyError, and can have the property name and error extracted from it.
// The prepend operation is defined as prepending strings, and slices of strings normally, OR-ing
// bool values, replacing non-nil pointers to booleans or strings, and recursing into
// embedded structs, pointers to structs, and interfaces containing
// pointers to structs.  Prepending the zero value of a property will always be a no-op.
func PrependProperties(dst interface{}, src interface{}, filter ExtendPropertyFilterFunc) error {
	return extendProperties(dst, src, filter, orderPrepend)

// AppendMatchingProperties appends the values of properties in the property struct src to the
// property structs in dst.  dst and src do not have to be the same type, but every property in src
// must be found in at least one property in dst.  dst must be a slice of pointers to structs, and
// src must be a pointer to a struct.
// The filter function can prevent individual properties from being appended by returning false, or
// abort AppendProperties with an error by returning an error.  Passing nil for filter will append
// all properties.
// An error returned by AppendMatchingProperties that applies to a specific property will be an
// *ExtendPropertyError, and can have the property name and error extracted from it.
// The append operation is defined as appending strings, and slices of strings normally, OR-ing bool
// values, replacing non-nil pointers to booleans or strings, and recursing into
// embedded structs, pointers to structs, and interfaces containing
// pointers to structs.  Appending the zero value of a property will always be a no-op.
func AppendMatchingProperties(dst []interface{}, src interface{},
	filter ExtendPropertyFilterFunc) error {
	return extendMatchingProperties(dst, src, filter, orderAppend)

// PrependMatchingProperties prepends the values of properties in the property struct src to the
// property structs in dst.  dst and src do not have to be the same type, but every property in src
// must be found in at least one property in dst.  dst must be a slice of pointers to structs, and
// src must be a pointer to a struct.
// The filter function can prevent individual properties from being prepended by returning false, or
// abort PrependProperties with an error by returning an error.  Passing nil for filter will prepend
// all properties.
// An error returned by PrependProperties that applies to a specific property will be an
// *ExtendPropertyError, and can have the property name and error extracted from it.
// The prepend operation is defined as prepending strings, and slices of strings normally, OR-ing
// bool values, replacing non-nil pointers to booleans or strings, and recursing into
// embedded structs, pointers to structs, and interfaces containing
// pointers to structs.  Prepending the zero value of a property will always be a no-op.
func PrependMatchingProperties(dst []interface{}, src interface{},
	filter ExtendPropertyFilterFunc) error {
	return extendMatchingProperties(dst, src, filter, orderPrepend)

// ExtendProperties appends or prepends the values of properties in the property struct src to the
// property struct dst. dst and src must be the same type, and both must be pointers to structs.
// The filter function can prevent individual properties from being appended or prepended by
// returning false, or abort ExtendProperties with an error by returning an error.  Passing nil for
// filter will append or prepend all properties.
// The order function is called on each non-filtered property to determine if it should be appended
// or prepended.
// An error returned by ExtendProperties that applies to a specific property will be an
// *ExtendPropertyError, and can have the property name and error extracted from it.
// The append operation is defined as appending strings and slices of strings normally, OR-ing bool
// values, replacing non-nil pointers to booleans or strings, and recursing into
// embedded structs, pointers to structs, and interfaces containing
// pointers to structs.  Appending or prepending the zero value of a property will always be a
// no-op.
func ExtendProperties(dst interface{}, src interface{}, filter ExtendPropertyFilterFunc,
	order ExtendPropertyOrderFunc) error {
	return extendProperties(dst, src, filter, order)

// ExtendMatchingProperties appends or prepends the values of properties in the property struct src
// to the property structs in dst.  dst and src do not have to be the same type, but every property
// in src must be found in at least one property in dst.  dst must be a slice of pointers to
// structs, and src must be a pointer to a struct.
// The filter function can prevent individual properties from being appended or prepended by
// returning false, or abort ExtendMatchingProperties with an error by returning an error.  Passing
// nil for filter will append or prepend all properties.
// The order function is called on each non-filtered property to determine if it should be appended
// or prepended.
// An error returned by ExtendMatchingProperties that applies to a specific property will be an
// *ExtendPropertyError, and can have the property name and error extracted from it.
// The append operation is defined as appending strings, and slices of strings normally, OR-ing bool
// values, replacing non-nil pointers to booleans or strings, and recursing into
// embedded structs, pointers to structs, and interfaces containing
// pointers to structs.  Appending or prepending the zero value of a property will always be a
// no-op.
func ExtendMatchingProperties(dst []interface{}, src interface{},
	filter ExtendPropertyFilterFunc, order ExtendPropertyOrderFunc) error {
	return extendMatchingProperties(dst, src, filter, order)

type Order int

const (
	Append Order = iota

type ExtendPropertyFilterFunc func(property string,
	dstField, srcField reflect.StructField,
	dstValue, srcValue interface{}) (bool, error)

type ExtendPropertyOrderFunc func(property string,
	dstField, srcField reflect.StructField,
	dstValue, srcValue interface{}) (Order, error)

func orderAppend(property string,
	dstField, srcField reflect.StructField,
	dstValue, srcValue interface{}) (Order, error) {
	return Append, nil

func orderPrepend(property string,
	dstField, srcField reflect.StructField,
	dstValue, srcValue interface{}) (Order, error) {
	return Prepend, nil

type ExtendPropertyError struct {
	Err      error
	Property string

func (e *ExtendPropertyError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("can't extend property %q: %s", e.Property, e.Err)

func extendPropertyErrorf(property string, format string, a ...interface{}) *ExtendPropertyError {
	return &ExtendPropertyError{
		Err:      fmt.Errorf(format, a...),
		Property: property,

func extendProperties(dst interface{}, src interface{}, filter ExtendPropertyFilterFunc,
	order ExtendPropertyOrderFunc) error {

	srcValue, err := getStruct(src)
	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(getStructEmptyError); ok {
			return nil
		return err

	dstValue, err := getOrCreateStruct(dst)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if dstValue.Type() != srcValue.Type() {
		return fmt.Errorf("expected matching types for dst and src, got %T and %T", dst, src)

	dstValues := []reflect.Value{dstValue}

	return extendPropertiesRecursive(dstValues, srcValue, "", filter, true, order)

func extendMatchingProperties(dst []interface{}, src interface{}, filter ExtendPropertyFilterFunc,
	order ExtendPropertyOrderFunc) error {

	srcValue, err := getStruct(src)
	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(getStructEmptyError); ok {
			return nil
		return err

	dstValues := make([]reflect.Value, len(dst))
	for i := range dst {
		var err error
		dstValues[i], err = getOrCreateStruct(dst[i])
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return extendPropertiesRecursive(dstValues, srcValue, "", filter, false, order)

func extendPropertiesRecursive(dstValues []reflect.Value, srcValue reflect.Value,
	prefix string, filter ExtendPropertyFilterFunc, sameTypes bool,
	order ExtendPropertyOrderFunc) error {

	srcType := srcValue.Type()
	for i, srcField := range typeFields(srcType) {
		if srcField.PkgPath != "" {
			// The field is not exported so just skip it.
		if HasTag(srcField, "blueprint", "mutated") {

		propertyName := prefix + PropertyNameForField(srcField.Name)
		srcFieldValue := srcValue.Field(i)

		// Step into source interfaces
		if srcFieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
			if srcFieldValue.IsNil() {

			srcFieldValue = srcFieldValue.Elem()

			if srcFieldValue.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
				return extendPropertyErrorf(propertyName, "interface not a pointer")

		// Step into source pointers to structs
		if srcFieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && srcFieldValue.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
			if srcFieldValue.IsNil() {

			srcFieldValue = srcFieldValue.Elem()

		found := false
		var recurse []reflect.Value
		for _, dstValue := range dstValues {
			dstType := dstValue.Type()
			var dstField reflect.StructField

			dstFields := typeFields(dstType)
			if dstType == srcType {
				dstField = dstFields[i]
			} else {
				var ok bool
				for _, field := range dstFields {
					if field.Name == srcField.Name {
						dstField = field
						ok = true
				if !ok {

			found = true

			dstFieldValue := dstValue.FieldByIndex(dstField.Index)
			origDstFieldValue := dstFieldValue

			// Step into destination interfaces
			if dstFieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
				if dstFieldValue.IsNil() {
					return extendPropertyErrorf(propertyName, "nilitude mismatch")

				dstFieldValue = dstFieldValue.Elem()

				if dstFieldValue.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
					return extendPropertyErrorf(propertyName, "interface not a pointer")

			// Step into destination pointers to structs
			if dstFieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && dstFieldValue.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
				if dstFieldValue.IsNil() {
					dstFieldValue = reflect.New(dstFieldValue.Type().Elem())

				dstFieldValue = dstFieldValue.Elem()

			switch srcFieldValue.Kind() {
			case reflect.Struct:
				if sameTypes && dstFieldValue.Type() != srcFieldValue.Type() {
					return extendPropertyErrorf(propertyName, "mismatched types %s and %s",
						dstFieldValue.Type(), srcFieldValue.Type())

				// Recursively extend the struct's fields.
				recurse = append(recurse, dstFieldValue)
			case reflect.Bool, reflect.String, reflect.Slice:
				if srcFieldValue.Type() != dstFieldValue.Type() {
					return extendPropertyErrorf(propertyName, "mismatched types %s and %s",
						dstFieldValue.Type(), srcFieldValue.Type())
			case reflect.Ptr:
				if srcFieldValue.Type() != dstFieldValue.Type() {
					return extendPropertyErrorf(propertyName, "mismatched types %s and %s",
						dstFieldValue.Type(), srcFieldValue.Type())
				switch ptrKind := srcFieldValue.Type().Elem().Kind(); ptrKind {
				case reflect.Bool, reflect.String, reflect.Struct:
				// Nothing
					return extendPropertyErrorf(propertyName, "pointer is a %s", ptrKind)
				return extendPropertyErrorf(propertyName, "unsupported kind %s",

			dstFieldInterface := dstFieldValue.Interface()
			srcFieldInterface := srcFieldValue.Interface()

			if filter != nil {
				b, err := filter(propertyName, dstField, srcField,
					dstFieldInterface, srcFieldInterface)
				if err != nil {
					return &ExtendPropertyError{
						Property: propertyName,
						Err:      err,
				if !b {

			prepend := false
			if order != nil {
				b, err := order(propertyName, dstField, srcField,
					dstFieldInterface, srcFieldInterface)
				if err != nil {
					return &ExtendPropertyError{
						Property: propertyName,
						Err:      err,
				prepend = b == Prepend

			switch srcFieldValue.Kind() {
			case reflect.Bool:
				// Boolean OR
				dstFieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(srcFieldValue.Bool() || dstFieldValue.Bool()))
			case reflect.String:
				// Append the extension string.
				if prepend {
					dstFieldValue.SetString(srcFieldValue.String() +
				} else {
					dstFieldValue.SetString(dstFieldValue.String() +
			case reflect.Slice:
				if srcFieldValue.IsNil() {

				newSlice := reflect.MakeSlice(srcFieldValue.Type(), 0,
				if prepend {
					newSlice = reflect.AppendSlice(newSlice, srcFieldValue)
					newSlice = reflect.AppendSlice(newSlice, dstFieldValue)
				} else {
					newSlice = reflect.AppendSlice(newSlice, dstFieldValue)
					newSlice = reflect.AppendSlice(newSlice, srcFieldValue)
			case reflect.Ptr:
				if srcFieldValue.IsNil() {

				switch ptrKind := srcFieldValue.Type().Elem().Kind(); ptrKind {
				case reflect.Bool:
					if prepend {
						if dstFieldValue.IsNil() {
					} else {
						// For append, replace the original value.
				case reflect.String:
					if prepend {
						if dstFieldValue.IsNil() {
					} else {
						// For append, replace the original value.
					panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected pointer kind %s", ptrKind))
		if len(recurse) > 0 {
			err := extendPropertiesRecursive(recurse, srcFieldValue,
				propertyName+".", filter, sameTypes, order)
			if err != nil {
				return err
		} else if !found {
			return extendPropertyErrorf(propertyName, "failed to find property to extend")

	return nil

type getStructEmptyError struct{}

func (getStructEmptyError) Error() string { return "interface containing nil pointer" }

func getOrCreateStruct(in interface{}) (reflect.Value, error) {
	value, err := getStruct(in)
	if _, ok := err.(getStructEmptyError); ok {
		value := reflect.ValueOf(in)
		newValue := reflect.New(value.Type().Elem())

	return value, err

func getStruct(in interface{}) (reflect.Value, error) {
	value := reflect.ValueOf(in)
	if value.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
		return reflect.Value{}, fmt.Errorf("expected pointer to struct, got %T", in)
	if value.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
		return reflect.Value{}, fmt.Errorf("expected pointer to struct, got %T", in)
	if value.IsNil() {
		return reflect.Value{}, getStructEmptyError{}
	value = value.Elem()
	return value, nil