# Only use ANDROID_BUILD_SHELL to wrap around bash. # DO NOT use other shells such as zsh. ifdef ANDROID_BUILD_SHELL SHELL := $(ANDROID_BUILD_SHELL) else # Use bash, not whatever shell somebody has installed as /bin/sh # This is repeated in config.mk, since envsetup.sh runs that file # directly. SHELL := /bin/bash endif ifndef KATI host_prebuilts := linux-x86 ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin) host_prebuilts := darwin-x86 endif .PHONY: run_soong_ui run_soong_ui: +@prebuilts/build-tools/$(host_prebuilts)/bin/makeparallel --ninja build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode $(MAKECMDGOALS) .PHONY: $(MAKECMDGOALS) $(sort $(MAKECMDGOALS)) : run_soong_ui @#empty else # KATI # Absolute path of the present working direcotry. # This overrides the shell variable $PWD, which does not necessarily points to # the top of the source tree, for example when "make -C" is used in m/mm/mmm. PWD := $(shell pwd) TOP := . TOPDIR := BUILD_SYSTEM := $(TOPDIR)build/core # This is the default target. It must be the first declared target. .PHONY: droid DEFAULT_GOAL := droid $(DEFAULT_GOAL): droid_targets .PHONY: droid_targets droid_targets: # Set up various standard variables based on configuration # and host information. include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/config.mk ifneq ($(filter $(dont_bother_goals), $(MAKECMDGOALS)),) dont_bother := true endif include $(SOONG_MAKEVARS_MK) include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/clang/config.mk # Write the build number to a file so it can be read back in # without changing the command line every time. Avoids rebuilds # when using ninja. $(shell mkdir -p $(OUT_DIR) && \ echo -n $(BUILD_NUMBER) > $(OUT_DIR)/build_number.txt && \ echo -n $(BUILD_DATETIME) > $(OUT_DIR)/build_date.txt) BUILD_NUMBER_FROM_FILE := $$(cat $(OUT_DIR)/build_number.txt) BUILD_DATETIME_FROM_FILE := $$(cat $(OUT_DIR)/build_date.txt) ifeq ($(HOST_OS),darwin) DATE_FROM_FILE := date -r $(BUILD_DATETIME_FROM_FILE) else DATE_FROM_FILE := date -d @$(BUILD_DATETIME_FROM_FILE) endif # CTS-specific config. -include cts/build/config.mk # VTS-specific config. -include test/vts/tools/vts-tradefed/build/config.mk # device-tests-specific-config. -include tools/tradefederation/build/suites/device-tests/config.mk # general-tests-specific-config. -include tools/tradefederation/build/suites/general-tests/config.mk # This allows us to force a clean build - included after the config.mk # environment setup is done, but before we generate any dependencies. This # file does the rm -rf inline so the deps which are all done below will # be generated correctly include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/cleanbuild.mk # Include the google-specific config -include vendor/google/build/config.mk VERSION_CHECK_SEQUENCE_NUMBER := 6 JAVA_NOT_REQUIRED_CHECKED := -include $(OUT_DIR)/versions_checked.mk ifneq ($(VERSION_CHECK_SEQUENCE_NUMBER)$(JAVA_NOT_REQUIRED),$(VERSIONS_CHECKED)$(JAVA_NOT_REQUIRED_CHECKED)) $(info Checking build tools versions...) # check for a case sensitive file system ifneq (a,$(shell mkdir -p $(OUT_DIR) ; \ echo a > $(OUT_DIR)/casecheck.txt; \ echo B > $(OUT_DIR)/CaseCheck.txt; \ cat $(OUT_DIR)/casecheck.txt)) $(warning ************************************************************) $(warning You are building on a case-insensitive filesystem.) $(warning Please move your source tree to a case-sensitive filesystem.) $(warning ************************************************************) $(error Case-insensitive filesystems not supported) endif # Make sure that there are no spaces in the absolute path; the # build system can't deal with them. ifneq ($(words $(shell pwd)),1) $(warning ************************************************************) $(warning You are building in a directory whose absolute path contains) $(warning a space character:) $(warning $(space)) $(warning "$(shell pwd)") $(warning $(space)) $(warning Please move your source tree to a path that does not contain) $(warning any spaces.) $(warning ************************************************************) $(error Directory names containing spaces not supported) endif ifneq ($(JAVA_NOT_REQUIRED),true) java_version_str := $(shell unset _JAVA_OPTIONS && java -version 2>&1) javac_version_str := $(shell unset _JAVA_OPTIONS && javac -version 2>&1) # Check for the correct version of java, should be 1.8 by # default and only 1.7 if LEGACY_USE_JAVA7 is set. ifeq ($(LEGACY_USE_JAVA7),) # if LEGACY_USE_JAVA7 == '' required_version := "1.8.x" required_javac_version := "1.8" java_version := $(shell echo '$(java_version_str)' | grep '[ "]1\.8[\. "$$]') javac_version := $(shell echo '$(javac_version_str)' | grep '[ "]1\.8[\. "$$]') else required_version := "1.7.x" required_javac_version := "1.7" java_version := $(shell echo '$(java_version_str)' | grep '^java .*[ "]1\.7[\. "$$]') javac_version := $(shell echo '$(javac_version_str)' | grep '[ "]1\.7[\. "$$]') endif # if LEGACY_USE_JAVA7 == '' ifeq ($(strip $(java_version)),) $(info ************************************************************) $(info You are attempting to build with the incorrect version) $(info of java.) $(info $(space)) $(info Your version is: $(java_version_str).) $(info The required version is: $(required_version)) $(info $(space)) $(info Please follow the machine setup instructions at) $(info $(space)$(space)$(space)$(space)https://source.android.com/source/initializing.html) $(info ************************************************************) $(error stop) endif # Check for the current JDK. # # For Java 1.7/1.8, we require OpenJDK on linux and Oracle JDK on Mac OS. requires_openjdk := false ifeq ($(BUILD_OS),linux) requires_openjdk := true endif # Check for the current jdk ifeq ($(requires_openjdk), true) # The user asked for openjdk, so check that the host # java version is really openjdk and not some other JDK. ifeq ($(shell echo '$(java_version_str)' | grep -i openjdk),) $(info ************************************************************) $(info You asked for an OpenJDK based build but your version is) $(info $(java_version_str).) $(info ************************************************************) $(error stop) endif # java version is not OpenJdk else # if requires_openjdk ifneq ($(shell echo '$(java_version_str)' | grep -i openjdk),) $(info ************************************************************) $(info You are attempting to build with an unsupported JDK.) $(info $(space)) $(info You use OpenJDK but only Sun/Oracle JDK is supported.) $(info Please follow the machine setup instructions at) $(info $(space)$(space)$(space)$(space)https://source.android.com/source/download.html) $(info ************************************************************) $(error stop) endif # java version is not Sun Oracle JDK endif # if requires_openjdk KNOWN_INCOMPATIBLE_JAVAC_VERSIONS := google incompat_javac := $(foreach v,$(KNOWN_INCOMPATIBLE_JAVAC_VERSIONS),$(findstring $(v),$(javac_version_str))) ifneq ($(incompat_javac),) javac_version := endif # Check for the correct version of javac ifeq ($(strip $(javac_version)),) $(info ************************************************************) $(info You are attempting to build with the incorrect version) $(info of javac.) $(info $(space)) $(info Your version is: $(javac_version_str).) ifneq ($(incompat_javac),) $(info This '$(incompat_javac)' version is not supported for Android platform builds.) $(info Use a publicly available JDK and make sure you have run envsetup.sh / lunch.) else $(info The required version is: $(required_javac_version)) endif $(info $(space)) $(info Please follow the machine setup instructions at) $(info $(space)$(space)$(space)$(space)https://source.android.com/source/download.html) $(info ************************************************************) $(error stop) endif endif # if JAVA_NOT_REQUIRED ifndef BUILD_EMULATOR # Emulator binaries are now provided under prebuilts/android-emulator/ BUILD_EMULATOR := false endif $(shell echo 'VERSIONS_CHECKED := $(VERSION_CHECK_SEQUENCE_NUMBER)' \ > $(OUT_DIR)/versions_checked.mk) $(shell echo 'BUILD_EMULATOR ?= $(BUILD_EMULATOR)' \ >> $(OUT_DIR)/versions_checked.mk) $(shell echo 'JAVA_NOT_REQUIRED_CHECKED := $(JAVA_NOT_REQUIRED)' \ >> $(OUT_DIR)/versions_checked.mk) endif # These are the modifier targets that don't do anything themselves, but # change the behavior of the build. # (must be defined before including definitions.make) INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS := showcommands all # EMMA_INSTRUMENT_STATIC merges the static emma library to each emma-enabled module. ifeq (true,$(EMMA_INSTRUMENT_STATIC)) EMMA_INSTRUMENT := true endif # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Validate ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES. ifneq ($(ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES),) $(error ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES must not be set before here: $(ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES)) endif # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Validate ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES. ifneq ($(ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES),) $(error ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES must not be set before here: $(ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES)) endif # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the product-defined properties to the build properties. ifdef PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += \ ro.product.first_api_level=$(PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL) endif ifneq ($(BOARD_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES_SPLIT_ENABLED), true) ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += $(PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES) else ifndef BOARD_VENDORIMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += $(PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES) endif endif # Bring in standard build system definitions. include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/definitions.mk # Bring in dex_preopt.mk include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/dex_preopt.mk ifneq ($(filter user userdebug eng,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) $(info ***************************************************************) $(info ***************************************************************) $(info Do not pass '$(filter user userdebug eng,$(MAKECMDGOALS))' on \ the make command line.) $(info Set TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT in buildspec.mk, or use lunch or) $(info choosecombo.) $(info ***************************************************************) $(info ***************************************************************) $(error stopping) endif ifneq ($(filter-out $(INTERNAL_VALID_VARIANTS),$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)),) $(info ***************************************************************) $(info ***************************************************************) $(info Invalid variant: $(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)) $(info Valid values are: $(INTERNAL_VALID_VARIANTS)) $(info ***************************************************************) $(info ***************************************************************) $(error stopping) endif # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable to check java support level inside PDK build. # Not necessary if the components is not in PDK. # not defined : not supported # "sdk" : sdk API only # "platform" : platform API supproted TARGET_BUILD_JAVA_SUPPORT_LEVEL := platform # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # The pdk (Platform Development Kit) build include build/core/pdk_config.mk # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Jack version configuration -include $(TOPDIR)prebuilts/sdk/tools/jack_versions.mk -include $(TOPDIR)prebuilts/sdk/tools/jack_for_module.mk # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Install and start Jack server -include $(TOPDIR)prebuilts/sdk/tools/jack_server_setup.mk # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Jacoco package name for Jack -include $(TOPDIR)external/jacoco/config.mk # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable dynamic linker developer warnings for all builds except # final release. ifneq ($(PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME),REL) ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.bionic.ld.warning=1 endif ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.treble.enabled=${PRODUCT_FULL_TREBLE} # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ### ### In this section we set up the things that are different ### between the build variants ### is_sdk_build := ifneq ($(filter sdk win_sdk sdk_addon,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) is_sdk_build := true endif # Add build properties for ART. These define system properties used by installd # to pass flags to dex2oat. ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2=libart.so ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.isa.$(TARGET_ARCH).variant=$(DEX2OAT_TARGET_CPU_VARIANT) ifneq ($(DEX2OAT_TARGET_INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES),) ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.isa.$(TARGET_ARCH).features=$(DEX2OAT_TARGET_INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES) endif ifdef TARGET_2ND_ARCH ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.isa.$(TARGET_2ND_ARCH).variant=$($(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)DEX2OAT_TARGET_CPU_VARIANT) ifneq ($($(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)DEX2OAT_TARGET_INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES),) ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.isa.$(TARGET_2ND_ARCH).features=$($(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)DEX2OAT_TARGET_INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES) endif endif ## user/userdebug ## user_variant := $(filter user userdebug,$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)) enable_target_debugging := true tags_to_install := ifneq (,$(user_variant)) # Target is secure in user builds. ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.secure=1 ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += security.perf_harden=1 ifeq ($(user_variant),user) ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.adb.secure=1 endif ifeq ($(user_variant),userdebug) # Pick up some extra useful tools tags_to_install += debug else # Disable debugging in plain user builds. enable_target_debugging := endif # Disallow mock locations by default for user builds ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.allow.mock.location=0 else # !user_variant # Turn on checkjni for non-user builds. ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.kernel.android.checkjni=1 # Set device insecure for non-user builds. ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.secure=0 # Allow mock locations by default for non user builds ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.allow.mock.location=1 endif # !user_variant ifeq (true,$(strip $(enable_target_debugging))) # Target is more debuggable and adbd is on by default ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.debuggable=1 # Enable Dalvik lock contention logging. ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold=500 # Include the debugging/testing OTA keys in this build. INCLUDE_TEST_OTA_KEYS := true else # !enable_target_debugging # Target is less debuggable and adbd is off by default ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.debuggable=0 endif # !enable_target_debugging ## eng ## ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),eng) tags_to_install := debug eng ifneq ($(filter ro.setupwizard.mode=ENABLED, $(call collapse-pairs, $(ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES))),) # Don't require the setup wizard on eng builds ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES := $(filter-out ro.setupwizard.mode=%,\ $(call collapse-pairs, $(ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES))) \ ro.setupwizard.mode=OPTIONAL endif ifndef is_sdk_build # To speedup startup of non-preopted builds, don't verify or compile the boot image. ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-filter=verify-at-runtime endif endif ## sdk ## ifdef is_sdk_build # Detect if we want to build a repository for the SDK sdk_repo_goal := $(strip $(filter sdk_repo,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) MAKECMDGOALS := $(strip $(filter-out sdk_repo,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) ifneq ($(words $(sort $(filter-out $(INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS) checkbuild emulator_tests target-files-package,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))),1) $(error The 'sdk' target may not be specified with any other targets) endif # AUX dependencies are already added by now; remove triggers from the MAKECMDGOALS MAKECMDGOALS := $(strip $(filter-out AUX-%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) # TODO: this should be eng I think. Since the sdk is built from the eng # variant. tags_to_install := debug eng ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += xmpp.auto-presence=true ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.config.nocheckin=yes else # !sdk endif BUILD_WITHOUT_PV := true ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += net.bt.name=Android # enable vm tracing in files for now to help track # the cause of ANRs in the content process ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Define a function that, given a list of module tags, returns # non-empty if that module should be installed in /system. # For most goals, anything not tagged with the "tests" tag should # be installed in /system. define should-install-to-system $(if $(filter tests,$(1)),,true) endef ifdef is_sdk_build # For the sdk goal, anything with the "samples" tag should be # installed in /data even if that module also has "eng"/"debug"/"user". define should-install-to-system $(if $(filter samples tests,$(1)),,true) endef endif # If they only used the modifier goals (showcommands, etc), we'll actually # build the default target. ifeq ($(filter-out $(INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) .PHONY: $(INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS) $(INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS): $(DEFAULT_GOAL) endif # # Typical build; include any Android.mk files we can find. # FULL_BUILD := true # Before we go and include all of the module makefiles, mark the PRODUCT_* # and ADDITIONAL*PROPERTIES values readonly so that they won't be modified. $(call readonly-product-vars) ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES := $(strip $(ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES)) .KATI_READONLY := ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES := $(strip $(ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES)) .KATI_READONLY := ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES ifneq ($(PRODUCT_ENFORCE_RRO_TARGETS),) ENFORCE_RRO_SOURCES := endif ifneq ($(ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE),) # We've probably been invoked by the "mm" shell function # with a subdirectory's makefile. include $(SOONG_ANDROID_MK) $(wildcard $(ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE)) # Change CUSTOM_MODULES to include only modules that were # defined by this makefile; this will install all of those # modules as a side-effect. Do this after including ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE # so that the modules will be installed in the same place they # would have been with a normal make. CUSTOM_MODULES := $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS))) FULL_BUILD := # Stub out the notice targets, which probably aren't defined # when using ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE. NOTICE-HOST-%: ; NOTICE-TARGET-%: ; # A helper goal printing out install paths define register_module_install_path .PHONY: GET-MODULE-INSTALL-PATH-$(1) GET-MODULE-INSTALL-PATH-$(1): echo 'INSTALL-PATH: $(1) $(ALL_MODULES.$(1).INSTALLED)' endef SORTED_ALL_MODULES := $(sort $(ALL_MODULES)) UNIQUE_ALL_MODULES := $(foreach m,$(SORTED_ALL_MODULES),\ $(if $(call streq,$(m),$(lastword $(UNIQUE_ALL_MODULES))),,\ $(eval UNIQUE_ALL_MODULES += $(m)))) SORTED_ALL_MODULES := $(foreach mod,$(UNIQUE_ALL_MODULES),$(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(mod).INSTALLED),\ $(eval $(call register_module_install_path,$(mod)))\ $(foreach path,$(ALL_MODULES.$(mod).PATH),\ $(eval my_path_prefix := GET-INSTALL-PATH-IN)\ $(foreach component,$(subst /,$(space),$(path)),\ $(eval my_path_prefix := $$(my_path_prefix)-$$(component))\ $(eval .PHONY: $$(my_path_prefix))\ $(eval $$(my_path_prefix): GET-MODULE-INSTALL-PATH-$(mod)))))) UNIQUE_ALL_MODULES := else # ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE ifneq ($(dont_bother),true) # # Include all of the makefiles in the system # subdir_makefiles := $(SOONG_ANDROID_MK) $(call first-makefiles-under,$(TOP)) subdir_makefiles_total := $(words $(subdir_makefiles)) .KATI_READONLY := subdir_makefiles_total $(foreach mk,$(subdir_makefiles),$(info [$(call inc_and_print,subdir_makefiles_inc)/$(subdir_makefiles_total)] including $(mk) ...)$(eval include $(mk))) ifdef PDK_FUSION_PLATFORM_ZIP # Bring in the PDK platform.zip modules. include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/pdk_fusion_modules.mk endif # PDK_FUSION_PLATFORM_ZIP endif # dont_bother endif # ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # All module makefiles have been included at this point. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enforce to generate all RRO packages for modules having resource # overlays. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- ifneq ($(PRODUCT_ENFORCE_RRO_TARGETS),) $(call generate_all_enforce_rro_packages) endif # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fix up CUSTOM_MODULES to refer to installed files rather than # just bare module names. Leave unknown modules alone in case # they're actually full paths to a particular file. known_custom_modules := $(filter $(ALL_MODULES),$(CUSTOM_MODULES)) unknown_custom_modules := $(filter-out $(ALL_MODULES),$(CUSTOM_MODULES)) CUSTOM_MODULES := \ $(call module-installed-files,$(known_custom_modules)) \ $(unknown_custom_modules) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define dependencies for modules that require other modules. # This can only happen now, after we've read in all module makefiles. # # TODO: deal with the fact that a bare module name isn't # unambiguous enough. Maybe declare short targets like # APPS:Quake or HOST:SHARED_LIBRARIES:libutils. # BUG: the system image won't know to depend on modules that are # brought in as requirements of other modules. # # Resolve the required module name to 32-bit or 64-bit variant. # Get a list of corresponding 32-bit module names, if one exists. ifneq ($(TARGET_TRANSLATE_2ND_ARCH),true) define get-32-bit-modules $(sort $(foreach m,$(1),\ $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m)$(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX).CLASS),\ $(m)$(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX))\ $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m)$(HOST_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX).CLASS),\ $(m)$(HOST_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX))\ )) endef # Get a list of corresponding 32-bit module names, if one exists; # otherwise return the original module name define get-32-bit-modules-if-we-can $(sort $(foreach m,$(1),\ $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m)$(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX).CLASS)$(ALL_MODULES.$(m)$(HOST_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX).CLASS),\ $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m)$(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX).CLASS),$(m)$(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX)) \ $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m)$(HOST_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX).CLASS),$(m)$(HOST_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX)),\ $(m)))) endef else # TARGET_TRANSLATE_2ND_ARCH # For binary translation config, by default only install the first arch. define get-32-bit-modules endef define get-32-bit-modules-if-we-can $(strip $(1)) endef endif # TARGET_TRANSLATE_2ND_ARCH # If a module is for a cross host os, the required modules must be for # that OS too. # If a module is built for 32-bit, the required modules must be 32-bit too; # Otherwise if the module is an exectuable or shared library, # the required modules must be 64-bit; # otherwise we require both 64-bit and 32-bit variant, if one exists. $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),\ $(eval r := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED))\ $(if $(r),\ $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).FOR_HOST_CROSS),\ $(eval r := $(addprefix host_cross_,$(r))))\ $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).FOR_2ND_ARCH),\ $(eval r_r := $(call get-32-bit-modules-if-we-can,$(r))),\ $(if $(filter EXECUTABLES SHARED_LIBRARIES NATIVE_TESTS,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).CLASS)),\ $(eval r_r := $(r)),\ $(eval r_r := $(r) $(call get-32-bit-modules,$(r)))\ )\ )\ $(eval ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED := $(strip $(r_r)))\ )\ ) r_r := define add-required-deps $(1): | $(2) endef # Use a normal dependency instead of an order-only dependency when installing # host dynamic binaries so that the timestamp of the final binary always # changes, even if the toc optimization has skipped relinking the binary # and its dependant shared libraries. define add-required-host-so-deps $(1): $(2) endef $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES), \ $(eval r := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED)) \ $(if $(r), \ $(eval r := $(call module-installed-files,$(r))) \ $(eval t_m := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED))) \ $(eval h_m := $(filter $(HOST_OUT)/%, $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED))) \ $(eval hc_m := $(filter $(HOST_CROSS_OUT)/%, $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED))) \ $(eval t_r := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(r))) \ $(eval h_r := $(filter $(HOST_OUT)/%, $(r))) \ $(eval hc_r := $(filter $(HOST_CROSS_OUT)/%, $(r))) \ $(eval t_m := $(filter-out $(t_r), $(t_m))) \ $(eval h_m := $(filter-out $(h_r), $(h_m))) \ $(eval hc_m := $(filter-out $(hc_r), $(hc_m))) \ $(if $(t_m), $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(t_m),$(t_r)))) \ $(if $(h_m), $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(h_m),$(h_r)))) \ $(if $(hc_m), $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(hc_m),$(hc_r)))) \ ) \ ) t_m := h_m := hc_m := t_r := h_r := hc_r := # Establish the dependecies on the shared libraries. # It also adds the shared library module names to ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED, # so they can be expanded to product_MODULES later. # $(1): TARGET_ or HOST_ or HOST_CROSS_. # $(2): non-empty for 2nd arch. # $(3): non-empty for host cross compile. define resolve-shared-libs-depes $(foreach m,$($(if $(2),$($(1)2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX))$(1)DEPENDENCIES_ON_SHARED_LIBRARIES),\ $(eval p := $(subst :,$(space),$(m)))\ $(eval mod := $(firstword $(p)))\ $(eval deps := $(subst $(comma),$(space),$(lastword $(p))))\ $(eval root := $(1)OUT$(if $(call streq,$(1),TARGET_),_ROOT))\ $(if $(2),$(eval deps := $(addsuffix $($(1)2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX),$(deps))))\ $(if $(3),$(eval deps := $(addprefix host_cross_,$(deps))))\ $(eval r := $(filter $($(root))/%,$(call module-installed-files,\ $(deps))))\ $(if $(filter $(1),HOST_),\ $(eval $(call add-required-host-so-deps,$(word 2,$(p)),$(r))),\ $(eval $(call add-required-deps,$(word 2,$(p)),$(r))))\ $(eval ALL_MODULES.$(mod).REQUIRED += $(deps))) endef $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,TARGET_) ifdef TARGET_2ND_ARCH $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,TARGET_,true) endif $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,HOST_) ifdef HOST_2ND_ARCH $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,HOST_,true) endif ifdef HOST_CROSS_OS $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,HOST_CROSS_,,true) endif m := r := p := deps := add-required-deps := # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Figure out our module sets. # # Of the modules defined by the component makefiles, # determine what we actually want to build. ########################################################### ## Expand a module name list with REQUIRED modules ########################################################### # $(1): The variable name that holds the initial module name list. # the variable will be modified to hold the expanded results. # $(2): The initial module name list. # Returns empty string (maybe with some whitespaces). define expand-required-modules $(eval _erm_new_modules := $(sort $(filter-out $($(1)),\ $(foreach m,$(2),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED)))))\ $(if $(_erm_new_modules),$(eval $(1) += $(_erm_new_modules))\ $(call expand-required-modules,$(1),$(_erm_new_modules))) endef ifdef FULL_BUILD # The base list of modules to build for this product is specified # by the appropriate product definition file, which was included # by product_config.mk. product_MODULES := $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES) # Filter out the overridden packages before doing expansion product_MODULES := $(filter-out $(foreach p, $(product_MODULES), \ $(PACKAGES.$(p).OVERRIDES)), $(product_MODULES)) # Resolve the :32 :64 module name modules_32 := $(patsubst %:32,%,$(filter %:32, $(product_MODULES))) modules_64 := $(patsubst %:64,%,$(filter %:64, $(product_MODULES))) modules_rest := $(filter-out %:32 %:64,$(product_MODULES)) # Note for 32-bit product, $(modules_32) and $(modules_64) will be # added as their original module names. product_MODULES := $(call get-32-bit-modules-if-we-can, $(modules_32)) product_MODULES += $(modules_64) # For the rest we add both product_MODULES += $(call get-32-bit-modules, $(modules_rest)) product_MODULES += $(modules_rest) $(call expand-required-modules,product_MODULES,$(product_MODULES)) product_FILES := $(call module-installed-files, $(product_MODULES)) ifeq (0,1) $(info product_FILES for $(TARGET_DEVICE) ($(INTERNAL_PRODUCT)):) $(foreach p,$(product_FILES),$(info : $(p))) $(error done) endif else # We're not doing a full build, and are probably only including # a subset of the module makefiles. Don't try to build any modules # requested by the product, because we probably won't have rules # to build them. product_FILES := endif eng_MODULES := $(sort \ $(call get-tagged-modules,eng) \ $(call module-installed-files, $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG)) \ ) debug_MODULES := $(sort \ $(call get-tagged-modules,debug) \ $(call module-installed-files, $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG)) \ ) tests_MODULES := $(sort \ $(call get-tagged-modules,tests) \ $(call module-installed-files, $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES_TESTS)) \ ) # TODO: Remove the 3 places in the tree that use ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES # and get rid of it from this list. modules_to_install := $(sort \ $(ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES) \ $(product_FILES) \ $(foreach tag,$(tags_to_install),$($(tag)_MODULES)) \ $(CUSTOM_MODULES) \ ) # Some packages may override others using LOCAL_OVERRIDES_PACKAGES. # Filter out (do not install) any overridden packages. overridden_packages := $(call get-package-overrides,$(modules_to_install)) ifdef overridden_packages # old_modules_to_install := $(modules_to_install) modules_to_install := \ $(filter-out $(foreach p,$(overridden_packages),$(p) %/$(p).apk %/$(p).odex %/$(p).vdex), \ $(modules_to_install)) endif #$(error filtered out # $(filter-out $(modules_to_install),$(old_modules_to_install))) # Don't include any GNU General Public License shared objects or static # libraries in SDK images. GPL executables (not static/dynamic libraries) # are okay if they don't link against any closed source libraries (directly # or indirectly) # It's ok (and necessary) to build the host tools, but nothing that's # going to be installed on the target (including static libraries). ifdef is_sdk_build target_gnu_MODULES := \ $(filter \ $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/% \ $(TARGET_OUT)/% \ $(TARGET_OUT_DATA)/%, \ $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,gnu))) target_gnu_MODULES := $(filter-out $(TARGET_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/%,$(target_gnu_MODULES)) $(info Removing from sdk:)$(foreach d,$(target_gnu_MODULES),$(info : $(d))) modules_to_install := \ $(filter-out $(target_gnu_MODULES),$(modules_to_install)) # Ensure every module listed in PRODUCT_PACKAGES* gets something installed # TODO: Should we do this for all builds and not just the sdk? dangling_modules := $(foreach m, $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES), \ $(if $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED) $(ALL_MODULES.$(m)$(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX).INSTALLED)),,\ $(eval dangling_modules += $(m)))) ifneq ($(dangling_modules),) $(warning: Modules '$(dangling_modules)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES have nothing to install!) endif $(foreach m, $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG), \ $(if $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\ $(warning $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).MAKEFILE): Module '$(m)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG has nothing to install!))) $(foreach m, $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG), \ $(if $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\ $(warning $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).MAKEFILE): Module '$(m)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG has nothing to install!))) $(foreach m, $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES_TESTS), \ $(if $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\ $(warning $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).MAKEFILE): Module '$(m)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES_TESTS has nothing to install!))) endif # build/core/Makefile contains extra stuff that we don't want to pollute this # top-level makefile with. It expects that ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES # contains everything that's built during the current make, but it also further # extends ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES. ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES := $(modules_to_install) include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/Makefile modules_to_install := $(sort $(ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES)) ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES := # These are additional goals that we build, in order to make sure that there # is as little code as possible in the tree that doesn't build. modules_to_check := $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).CHECKED)) # If you would like to build all goals, and not skip any intermediate # steps, you can pass the "all" modifier goal on the commandline. ifneq ($(filter all,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) modules_to_check += $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT)) endif # for easier debugging modules_to_check := $(sort $(modules_to_check)) #$(error modules_to_check $(modules_to_check)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is used to to get the ordering right, you can also use these, # but they're considered undocumented, so don't complain if their # behavior changes. # An internal target that depends on all copied headers # (see copy_headers.make). Other targets that need the # headers to be copied first can depend on this target. .PHONY: all_copied_headers all_copied_headers: ; $(ALL_C_CPP_ETC_OBJECTS): | all_copied_headers # All the droid stuff, in directories .PHONY: files files: $(modules_to_install) \ $(INSTALLED_ANDROID_INFO_TXT_TARGET) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: checkbuild checkbuild: $(modules_to_check) droid_targets ifeq (true,$(ANDROID_BUILD_EVERYTHING_BY_DEFAULT)) droid: checkbuild endif .PHONY: ramdisk ramdisk: $(INSTALLED_RAMDISK_TARGET) .PHONY: systemtarball systemtarball: $(INSTALLED_SYSTEMTARBALL_TARGET) .PHONY: boottarball boottarball: $(INSTALLED_BOOTTARBALL_TARGET) .PHONY: userdataimage userdataimage: $(INSTALLED_USERDATAIMAGE_TARGET) ifneq (,$(filter userdataimage, $(MAKECMDGOALS))) $(call dist-for-goals, userdataimage, $(BUILT_USERDATAIMAGE_TARGET)) endif .PHONY: userdatatarball userdatatarball: $(INSTALLED_USERDATATARBALL_TARGET) .PHONY: cacheimage cacheimage: $(INSTALLED_CACHEIMAGE_TARGET) .PHONY: bptimage bptimage: $(INSTALLED_BPTIMAGE_TARGET) .PHONY: vendorimage vendorimage: $(INSTALLED_VENDORIMAGE_TARGET) .PHONY: systemotherimage systemotherimage: $(INSTALLED_SYSTEMOTHERIMAGE_TARGET) .PHONY: bootimage bootimage: $(INSTALLED_BOOTIMAGE_TARGET) .PHONY: vbmetaimage vbmetaimage: $(INSTALLED_VBMETAIMAGE_TARGET) .PHONY: auxiliary auxiliary: $(INSTALLED_AUX_TARGETS) # Build files and then package it into the rom formats .PHONY: droidcore droidcore: files \ systemimage \ $(INSTALLED_BOOTIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_RECOVERYIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_VBMETAIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_USERDATAIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_CACHEIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_BPTIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_VENDORIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_SYSTEMOTHERIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_FILES_FILE) \ $(INSTALLED_FILES_FILE_VENDOR) \ $(INSTALLED_FILES_FILE_SYSTEMOTHER) # dist_files only for putting your library into the dist directory with a full build. .PHONY: dist_files ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_APPS),) # If this build is just for apps, only build apps and not the full system by default. unbundled_build_modules := ifneq ($(filter all,$(TARGET_BUILD_APPS)),) # If they used the magic goal "all" then build all apps in the source tree. unbundled_build_modules := $(foreach m,$(sort $(ALL_MODULES)),$(if $(filter APPS,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).CLASS)),$(m))) else unbundled_build_modules := $(TARGET_BUILD_APPS) endif # Dist the installed files if they exist. apps_only_installed_files := $(foreach m,$(unbundled_build_modules),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)) $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(apps_only_installed_files)) # For uninstallable modules such as static Java library, we have to dist the built file, # as <module_name>.<suffix> apps_only_dist_built_files := $(foreach m,$(unbundled_build_modules),$(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED),,\ $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT):$(m)$(suffix $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT)))\ $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).AAR),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).AAR):$(m).aar)\ )) $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(apps_only_dist_built_files)) ifeq ($(EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true) $(EMMA_META_ZIP) : $(apps_only_installed_files) $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(EMMA_META_ZIP)) endif $(PROGUARD_DICT_ZIP) : $(apps_only_installed_files) $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(PROGUARD_DICT_ZIP)) $(SYMBOLS_ZIP) : $(apps_only_installed_files) $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(SYMBOLS_ZIP)) $(COVERAGE_ZIP) : $(apps_only_installed_files) $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(COVERAGE_ZIP)) .PHONY: apps_only apps_only: $(unbundled_build_modules) droid_targets: apps_only # Combine the NOTICE files for a apps_only build $(eval $(call combine-notice-files, html, \ $(target_notice_file_txt), \ $(target_notice_file_html_or_xml), \ "Notices for files for apps:", \ $(TARGET_OUT_NOTICE_FILES), \ $(apps_only_installed_files))) else # TARGET_BUILD_APPS $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \ $(INTERNAL_UPDATE_PACKAGE_TARGET) \ $(INTERNAL_OTA_PACKAGE_TARGET) \ $(BUILT_OTATOOLS_PACKAGE) \ $(SYMBOLS_ZIP) \ $(COVERAGE_ZIP) \ $(INSTALLED_FILES_FILE) \ $(INSTALLED_FILES_FILE_VENDOR) \ $(INSTALLED_FILES_FILE_SYSTEMOTHER) \ $(INSTALLED_BUILD_PROP_TARGET) \ $(BUILT_TARGET_FILES_PACKAGE) \ $(INSTALLED_ANDROID_INFO_TXT_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_RAMDISK_TARGET) \ ) # Put a copy of the radio/bootloader files in the dist dir. $(foreach f,$(INSTALLED_RADIOIMAGE_TARGET), \ $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, $(f))) ifneq ($(ANDROID_BUILD_EMBEDDED),true) ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_PDK),true) $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \ $(APPS_ZIP) \ $(INTERNAL_EMULATOR_PACKAGE_TARGET) \ $(PACKAGE_STATS_FILE) \ ) endif endif ifeq ($(EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true) $(EMMA_META_ZIP) : $(INSTALLED_SYSTEMIMAGE) $(call dist-for-goals, dist_files, $(EMMA_META_ZIP)) endif # Building a full system-- the default is to build droidcore droid_targets: droidcore dist_files endif # TARGET_BUILD_APPS .PHONY: docs docs: $(ALL_DOCS) .PHONY: sdk ALL_SDK_TARGETS := $(INTERNAL_SDK_TARGET) sdk: $(ALL_SDK_TARGETS) $(call dist-for-goals,sdk win_sdk, \ $(ALL_SDK_TARGETS) \ $(SYMBOLS_ZIP) \ $(COVERAGE_ZIP) \ $(INSTALLED_BUILD_PROP_TARGET) \ ) # umbrella targets to assit engineers in verifying builds .PHONY: java native target host java-host java-target native-host native-target \ java-host-tests java-target-tests native-host-tests native-target-tests \ java-tests native-tests host-tests target-tests tests java-dex # some synonyms .PHONY: host-java target-java host-native target-native \ target-java-tests target-native-tests host-java : java-host target-java : java-target host-native : native-host target-native : native-target target-java-tests : java-target-tests target-native-tests : native-target-tests tests : host-tests target-tests # Phony target to run all java compilations that use javac instead of jack. .PHONY: javac-check ifneq (,$(filter samplecode, $(MAKECMDGOALS))) .PHONY: samplecode sample_MODULES := $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,samples)) sample_APKS_DEST_PATH := $(TARGET_COMMON_OUT_ROOT)/samples sample_APKS_COLLECTION := \ $(foreach module,$(sample_MODULES),$(sample_APKS_DEST_PATH)/$(notdir $(module))) $(foreach module,$(sample_MODULES),$(eval $(call \ copy-one-file,$(module),$(sample_APKS_DEST_PATH)/$(notdir $(module))))) sample_ADDITIONAL_INSTALLED := \ $(filter-out $(modules_to_install) $(modules_to_check),$(sample_MODULES)) samplecode: $(sample_APKS_COLLECTION) @echo "Collect sample code apks: $^" # remove apks that are not intended to be installed. rm -f $(sample_ADDITIONAL_INSTALLED) endif # samplecode in $(MAKECMDGOALS) .PHONY: findbugs findbugs: $(INTERNAL_FINDBUGS_HTML_TARGET) $(INTERNAL_FINDBUGS_XML_TARGET) .PHONY: clean clean: @rm -rf $(OUT_DIR)/* @echo "Entire build directory removed." .PHONY: clobber clobber: clean # The rules for dataclean and installclean are defined in cleanbuild.mk. #xxx scrape this from ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS .PHONY: modules modules: @echo "Available sub-modules:" @echo "$(call module-names-for-tag-list,$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS))" | \ tr -s ' ' '\n' | sort -u | $(COLUMN) .PHONY: showcommands showcommands: @echo >/dev/null .PHONY: nothing nothing: @echo Successfully read the makefiles. .PHONY: tidy_only tidy_only: @echo Successfully make tidy_only. ndk: $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/ndk.timestamp .PHONY: ndk .PHONY: all_link_types all_link_types: endif # KATI