/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __MTKFB_H #define __MTKFB_H #include <linux/types.h> #include "mtkfb_info.h" /**NOTICE: * Must be consistent with bionic/libc/kernel/linux/common/mtkfb.h */ #define MTK_FB_NO_ION_FD ((int)(~0U>>1)) #define MTK_FB_NO_USE_LAEYR_ID ((int)(~0U>>1)) #define FBCAPS_GENERIC_MASK (0x00000fff) #define FBCAPS_LCDC_MASK (0x00fff000) #define FBCAPS_PANEL_MASK (0xff000000) #define FBCAPS_MANUAL_UPDATE (0x00001000) #define FBCAPS_SET_BACKLIGHT (0x01000000) #define MTKFB_ERROR_IS_EARLY_SUSPEND (0x12000000) /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* IOCTL commands. */ #define MTK_IOW(num, dtype) _IOW('O', num, dtype) #define MTK_IOR(num, dtype) _IOR('O', num, dtype) #define MTK_IOWR(num, dtype) _IOWR('O', num, dtype) #define MTK_IO(num) _IO('O', num) #define MTKFB_QUEUE_OVERLAY_CONFIG MTK_IOW(137, struct fb_overlay_config) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define MTKFB_SET_OVERLAY_LAYER MTK_IOW(0, struct fb_overlay_layer) #define MTKFB_TRIG_OVERLAY_OUT MTK_IO(1) #define MTKFB_SET_VIDEO_LAYERS MTK_IOW(2, struct fb_overlay_layer) #define MTKFB_CAPTURE_FRAMEBUFFER MTK_IOW(3, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_CONFIG_IMMEDIATE_UPDATE MTK_IOW(4, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_SET_MULTIPLE_LAYERS MTK_IOW(5, struct fb_overlay_layer) #define MTKFB_REGISTER_OVERLAYBUFFER MTK_IOW(6, struct fb_overlay_buffer_info) #define MTKFB_UNREGISTER_OVERLAYBUFFER MTK_IOW(7, unsigned int) #define MTKFB_SET_ORIENTATION MTK_IOW(8, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_FBLAYER_ENABLE MTK_IOW(9, unsigned int) #define MTKFB_LOCK_FRONT_BUFFER MTK_IO(10) #define MTKFB_UNLOCK_FRONT_BUFFER MTK_IO(11) #define MTKFB_POWERON MTK_IO(12) #define MTKFB_POWEROFF MTK_IO(13) /* Fence/Ion, OVL decoupling */ #define MTKFB_PREPARE_OVERLAY_BUFFER MTK_IOW(14, struct fb_overlay_buffer) /* S3D control */ #define MTKFB_SET_COMPOSING3D MTK_IOW(15, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_SET_S3D_FTM MTK_IOW(16, unsigned long) /* FM De-sense for EM and Normal mode */ #define MTKFB_GET_DEFAULT_UPDATESPEED MTK_IOR(17, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_GET_CURR_UPDATESPEED MTK_IOR(18, unsigned long) /* for EM, not called change writecycle because DPI change pll ckl */ #define MTKFB_CHANGE_UPDATESPEED MTK_IOW(19, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_GET_INTERFACE_TYPE MTK_IOR(20, unsigned long) /* /0 DBI, 1 DPI, 2 MIPI */ #define MTKFB_GET_POWERSTATE MTK_IOR(21, unsigned long) /* /0: power off 1: power on */ #define MTKFB_GET_DISPLAY_IF_INFORMATION MTK_IOR(22, mtk_dispif_info_t) /*called before SET_OVERLAY each time, if true, hwc will not use FB_LAYER again*/ #define MTKFB_AEE_LAYER_EXIST MTK_IOR(23, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_GET_OVERLAY_LAYER_INFO MTK_IOR(24, struct fb_overlay_layer_info) #define MTKFB_FACTORY_AUTO_TEST MTK_IOR(25, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_GET_FRAMEBUFFER_MVA MTK_IOR(26, unsigned int) #define MTKFB_SLT_AUTO_CAPTURE MTK_IOWR(27, struct fb_slt_catpure) /*error handling*/ #define MTKFB_META_RESTORE_SCREEN MTK_IOW(101, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_ERROR_INDEX_UPDATE_TIMEOUT MTK_IO(103) #define MTKFB_ERROR_INDEX_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_AEE MTK_IO(104) /*restore bootlogo and character in meta mode*/ #define MTKFB_META_SHOW_BOOTLOGO MTK_IO(105) /*Extension FB active option*/ #define FB_ACTIVATE_NO_UPDATE 512 /* Skip frame update */ /** * Just for mt6589 Platform * @{ */ #define MTKFB_GETVFRAMEPHYSICAL MTK_IOW(41, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_WAIT_OVERLAY_READY MTK_IO(42) #define MTKFB_GET_OVERLAY_LAYER_COUNT MTK_IOR(43, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_GET_VIDEOLAYER_SIZE MTK_IOR(44, struct fb_overlay_layer) #define MTKFB_CAPTURE_VIDEOBUFFER MTK_IOW(45, unsigned long) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Video Playback Mode */ #define MTKFB_TV_POST_VIDEO_BUFFER MTK_IOW(46, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_TV_LEAVE_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_MODE MTK_IOW(47, unsigned long) /* For Factory Mode */ #define MTKFB_IS_TV_CABLE_PLUG_IN MTK_IOW(48, unsigned long) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define MTKFB_BOOTANIMATION MTK_IO(49) #define MTKFB_GETFPS MTK_IOW(50, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_VSYNC MTK_IO(51) /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------FM De-sense for EM and Normal mode */ #define MTKFB_FM_NOTIFY_FREQ MTK_IOW(52, unsigned long) /* for Normal mode */ #define MTKFB_RESET_UPDATESPEED MTK_IO(53) #define MTKFB_SET_UI_LAYER_ALPHA MTK_IOW(54, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_SET_UI_LAYER_SRCKEY MTK_IOW(55, unsigned long) #define MTKFB_GET_MAX_DISPLAY_COUNT MTK_IOR(56, unsigned int) #define MTKFB_SET_FB_LAYER_SECURE MTK_IOW(57, int) /** * @} */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef enum { MTK_FB_ORIENTATION_0 = 0, MTK_FB_ORIENTATION_90 = 1, MTK_FB_ORIENTATION_180 = 2, MTK_FB_ORIENTATION_270 = 3, } MTK_FB_ORIENTATION; typedef enum { MTK_FB_TV_SYSTEM_NTSC = 0, MTK_FB_TV_SYSTEM_PAL = 1, } MTK_FB_TV_SYSTEM; typedef enum { MTK_FB_TV_FMT_RGB565 = 0, MTK_FB_TV_FMT_YUV420_SEQ = 1, MTK_FB_TV_FMT_UYUV422 = 2, MTK_FB_TV_FMT_YUV420_BLK = 3, } MTK_FB_TV_SRC_FORMAT; typedef enum { LAYER_NORMAL_BUFFER = 0, LAYER_SECURE_BUFFER = 1, LAYER_PROTECTED_BUFFER = 2, LAYER_SECURE_BUFFER_WITH_ALIGN = 0x10001, /* the higher 16 bits =1 for adding 64 bytes alignment */ } MTK_FB_OVL_LAYER_SECURE_MODE; typedef struct _disp_dfo_item { char name[32]; int value; } disp_dfo_item_t; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct fb_slt_catpure { MTK_FB_FORMAT format; volatile char *outputBuffer; unsigned int wdma_width; unsigned int wdma_height; }; struct fb_scale { unsigned int xscale, yscale; }; struct fb_frame_offset { unsigned int idx; unsigned long offset; }; struct fb_update_window { unsigned int x, y; unsigned int width, height; }; typedef enum { LAYER_2D = 0, LAYER_3D_SBS_0 = 0x1, LAYER_3D_SBS_90 = 0x2, LAYER_3D_SBS_180 = 0x3, LAYER_3D_SBS_270 = 0x4, LAYER_3D_TAB_0 = 0x10, LAYER_3D_TAB_90 = 0x20, LAYER_3D_TAB_180 = 0x30, LAYER_3D_TAB_270 = 0x40, } MTK_FB_LAYER_TYPE; typedef enum { DISP_DIRECT_LINK_MODE, DISP_DECOUPLE_MODE } MTK_DISP_MODE; struct fb_overlay_mode { MTK_DISP_MODE mode; }; typedef enum { /* map sessions to scenairos in kernel driver */ DISP_SESSION_LCM = 1 << 0, /* DSI0 */ DISP_SESSION_MEM = 1 << 1, /* OVL0->WDMA0 */ /* Extension mode, Dst buf is provided by user,for Wifi Display or other purpose */ DISP_SESSION_WFD = 1 << 2, DISP_SESSION_MHL = 1 << 3, /* DPI */ DISP_SESSION_LCM1 = 1 << 4, /* DSI1 */ DISP_SESSION_MEM1 = 1 << 5, /* OVL1->WDMA1 */ /* TODO:can be extended with other Session Id */ SESSION_MASK = 0xff & ~(1 << 6) } MTK_DISP_SESSION; struct fb_overlay_session { unsigned int session; /* one or more @MTK_DISP_SESSION combined */ }; struct fb_overlay_decouple { MTK_DISP_MODE mode; unsigned int session; }; struct fb_overlay_buffer { /* Input */ int layer_id; unsigned int layer_en; int ion_fd; unsigned int cache_sync; /* Output */ unsigned int index; int fence_fd; }; struct fb_overlay_layer { unsigned int layer_id; unsigned int layer_enable; void *src_base_addr; void *src_phy_addr; unsigned int src_direct_link; MTK_FB_FORMAT src_fmt; unsigned int src_use_color_key; unsigned int src_color_key; unsigned int src_pitch; unsigned int src_offset_x, src_offset_y; unsigned int src_width, src_height; unsigned int tgt_offset_x, tgt_offset_y; unsigned int tgt_width, tgt_height; MTK_FB_ORIENTATION layer_rotation; MTK_FB_LAYER_TYPE layer_type; MTK_FB_ORIENTATION video_rotation; unsigned int isTdshp; /* set to 1, will go through tdshp first, then layer blending, then to color */ int next_buff_idx; int identity; int connected_type; unsigned int security; unsigned int alpha_enable; unsigned int alpha; int fence_fd; /* 8135 */ int ion_fd; /* 8135 CL 2340210 */ }; struct fb_overlay_config { int fence; int time; struct fb_overlay_layer layers[4]; }; struct fb_overlay_buffer_info { unsigned int src_vir_addr; unsigned int size; }; struct fb_overlay_layer_info { unsigned int layer_id; unsigned int layer_enabled; /* TO BE DEL */ unsigned int curr_en; unsigned int next_en; unsigned int hw_en; int curr_idx; int next_idx; int hw_idx; int curr_identity; int next_identity; int hw_identity; int curr_conn_type; int next_conn_type; int hw_conn_type; MTK_FB_ORIENTATION layer_rotation; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct fb_post_video_buffer { void *phy_addr; void *vir_addr; MTK_FB_TV_SRC_FORMAT format; unsigned int width, height; }; #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MT6735) || defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MT6735M) || defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MT6753) extern unsigned int EnableVSyncLog; void mtkfb_log_enable(int enable); int mtkfb_set_backlight_mode(unsigned int mode); int mtkfb_set_backlight_level(unsigned int level); int mtkfb_get_debug_state(char *stringbuf, int buf_len); unsigned int mtkfb_fm_auto_test(void); void mtkfb_clear_lcm(void); #endif /* CONFIG_ARCH_MT6735 */ #ifdef __KERNEL__ #include <linux/completion.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/workqueue.h> #include <linux/version.h> #include <../drivers/staging/android/sw_sync.h> #define MTKFB_DRIVER "mtkfb" enum mtkfb_state { MTKFB_DISABLED = 0, MTKFB_SUSPENDED = 99, MTKFB_ACTIVE = 100 }; typedef enum { MTKFB_LAYER_ENABLE_DIRTY = (1 << 0), MTKFB_LAYER_FORMAT_DIRTY = (1 << 1), MTKFB_LAYER_SET_DIRTY = (1 << 2), } MTKFB_LAYER_CONFIG_DIRTY; typedef struct { struct work_struct work; struct list_head list; struct fb_overlay_config config; struct sync_fence *fences[4]; struct ion_handle *ion_handles[4]; void *dev; } update_ovls_work_t; struct mtkfb_device { int state; void *fb_va_base; /* MPU virtual address */ dma_addr_t fb_pa_base; /* Bus physical address */ unsigned long fb_size_in_byte; void *ovl_va_base; /* MPU virtual address */ dma_addr_t ovl_pa_base; /* Bus physical address */ unsigned long ovl_size_in_byte; unsigned long layer_enable; MTK_FB_FORMAT *layer_format; unsigned int layer_config_dirty; int xscale, yscale, mirror; /* transformations. rotate is stored in fb_info->var */ u32 pseudo_palette[17]; struct fb_info *fb_info; /* Linux fbdev framework data */ struct device *dev; /* Android native fence support */ struct workqueue_struct *update_ovls_wq; struct mutex timeline_lock; struct sw_sync_timeline *timeline; int timeline_max; struct list_head pending_configs; /* CL2340210 */ struct ion_client *ion_client; }; #endif /* __KERNEL__ */ extern long hdmi_handle_cmd(unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg); #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MT6797) extern unsigned int vramsize; #endif #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MT6735) || defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MT6735M) || defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MT6753) extern bool is_early_suspended; extern void mtkfb_waitVsync(void); extern bool is_ipoh_bootup; #ifdef CONFIG_OF int _parse_tag_videolfb(void); extern unsigned int islcmconnected; extern unsigned int vramsize; #else extern char *saved_command_line; #endif #endif /* CONFIG_ARCH_MT6735 */ #endif /* __MTKFB_H */