# Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Bytecode definition file

# One line per instruction format family. Each line consists of a
# series of instruction formats that all take (potentially) compatible
# arguments. The order is the preferred order (most to least
# preferable) of formats, when more than one opcode could be used for
# a given instruction's arguments.
# Note: The family that starts with 12x has a mix of both two- and
# three- register formats. This is because some of the two-register
# opcodes effectively take three, with a destination and two sources
# where the destination and one of the sources have to be the same.

# Regular formats
format 10t 20t 30t
format 10x
format 11n 21s 21h 31i 51l
format 11x
format 12x 22x 23x 32x  # See note, above.
format 21c 31c
format 21t 31t
format 22b 22s
format 22c
format 22t
format 35c 3rc
format 45cc 4rcc

# Optimized formats
format 00x
format 20bc
format 22cs
format 35mi
format 35ms
format 3rmi
format 3rms

# One line per opcode. Columns are:
#   hex for opcode
#   opcode name
#   format
#   has result register; one of:
#     y
#     n
#   index type; one of:
#     unknown -- used for undefined opcodes and breakpoint
#     none
#     varies
#     type-ref
#     string-ref
#     method-ref
#     field-ref
#     inline-method
#     vtable-offset
#     field-offset
#     method-and-proto-ref
#     call-site-ref
#   flags; pipe-combined combo of one or more of:
#     optimized     -- optimized; not to be included in unoptimized dex files
#     branch        -- might branch to an address
#     continue      -- might continue to the next address in sequence
#     switch        -- is a switch
#     throw         -- might throw an exception
#     return        -- is a return from method
#     invoke        -- is a method invoke; this is only used for true
#                      method invokes and notably *not* vm-implemented
#                      execute-inline nor the nop-equivalent
#                      invoke-direct-empty

# Regular opcodes (with a couple holes)

op   00 nop                         10x  n none          continue
op   01 move                        12x  y none          continue
op   02 move/from16                 22x  y none          continue
op   03 move/16                     32x  y none          continue
op   04 move-wide                   12x  y none          continue
op   05 move-wide/from16            22x  y none          continue
op   06 move-wide/16                32x  y none          continue
op   07 move-object                 12x  y none          continue
op   08 move-object/from16          22x  y none          continue
op   09 move-object/16              32x  y none          continue
op   0a move-result                 11x  y none          continue
op   0b move-result-wide            11x  y none          continue
op   0c move-result-object          11x  y none          continue
op   0d move-exception              11x  y none          continue
op   0e return-void                 10x  n none          return
op   0f return                      11x  n none          return
op   10 return-wide                 11x  n none          return
op   11 return-object               11x  n none          return
op   12 const/4                     11n  y none          continue
op   13 const/16                    21s  y none          continue
op   14 const                       31i  y none          continue
op   15 const/high16                21h  y none          continue
op   16 const-wide/16               21s  y none          continue
op   17 const-wide/32               31i  y none          continue
op   18 const-wide                  51l  y none          continue
op   19 const-wide/high16           21h  y none          continue
op   1a const-string                21c  y string-ref    continue|throw
op   1b const-string/jumbo          31c  y string-ref    continue|throw
op   1c const-class                 21c  y type-ref      continue|throw
op   1d monitor-enter               11x  n none          continue|throw
op   1e monitor-exit                11x  n none          continue|throw
op   1f check-cast                  21c  y type-ref      continue|throw
op   20 instance-of                 22c  y type-ref      continue|throw
op   21 array-length                12x  y none          continue|throw
op   22 new-instance                21c  y type-ref      continue|throw
op   23 new-array                   22c  y type-ref      continue|throw
op   24 filled-new-array            35c  n type-ref      continue|throw
op   25 filled-new-array/range      3rc  n type-ref      continue|throw
op   26 fill-array-data             31t  n none          continue
op   27 throw                       11x  n none          throw
op   28 goto                        10t  n none          branch
op   29 goto/16                     20t  n none          branch
op   2a goto/32                     30t  n none          branch
op   2b packed-switch               31t  n none          continue|switch
op   2c sparse-switch               31t  n none          continue|switch
op   2d cmpl-float                  23x  y none          continue
op   2e cmpg-float                  23x  y none          continue
op   2f cmpl-double                 23x  y none          continue
op   30 cmpg-double                 23x  y none          continue
op   31 cmp-long                    23x  y none          continue
op   32 if-eq                       22t  n none          continue|branch
op   33 if-ne                       22t  n none          continue|branch
op   34 if-lt                       22t  n none          continue|branch
op   35 if-ge                       22t  n none          continue|branch
op   36 if-gt                       22t  n none          continue|branch
op   37 if-le                       22t  n none          continue|branch
op   38 if-eqz                      21t  n none          continue|branch
op   39 if-nez                      21t  n none          continue|branch
op   3a if-ltz                      21t  n none          continue|branch
op   3b if-gez                      21t  n none          continue|branch
op   3c if-gtz                      21t  n none          continue|branch
op   3d if-lez                      21t  n none          continue|branch
# unused: op 3e..43
op   44 aget                        23x  y none          continue|throw
op   45 aget-wide                   23x  y none          continue|throw
op   46 aget-object                 23x  y none          continue|throw
op   47 aget-boolean                23x  y none          continue|throw
op   48 aget-byte                   23x  y none          continue|throw
op   49 aget-char                   23x  y none          continue|throw
op   4a aget-short                  23x  y none          continue|throw
op   4b aput                        23x  n none          continue|throw
op   4c aput-wide                   23x  n none          continue|throw
op   4d aput-object                 23x  n none          continue|throw
op   4e aput-boolean                23x  n none          continue|throw
op   4f aput-byte                   23x  n none          continue|throw
op   50 aput-char                   23x  n none          continue|throw
op   51 aput-short                  23x  n none          continue|throw
op   52 iget                        22c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   53 iget-wide                   22c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   54 iget-object                 22c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   55 iget-boolean                22c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   56 iget-byte                   22c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   57 iget-char                   22c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   58 iget-short                  22c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   59 iput                        22c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   5a iput-wide                   22c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   5b iput-object                 22c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   5c iput-boolean                22c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   5d iput-byte                   22c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   5e iput-char                   22c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   5f iput-short                  22c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   60 sget                        21c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   61 sget-wide                   21c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   62 sget-object                 21c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   63 sget-boolean                21c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   64 sget-byte                   21c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   65 sget-char                   21c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   66 sget-short                  21c  y field-ref     continue|throw
op   67 sput                        21c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   68 sput-wide                   21c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   69 sput-object                 21c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   6a sput-boolean                21c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   6b sput-byte                   21c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   6c sput-char                   21c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   6d sput-short                  21c  n field-ref     continue|throw
op   6e invoke-virtual              35c  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op   6f invoke-super                35c  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op   70 invoke-direct               35c  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op   71 invoke-static               35c  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op   72 invoke-interface            35c  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
# unused: op 73
op   74 invoke-virtual/range        3rc  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op   75 invoke-super/range          3rc  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op   76 invoke-direct/range         3rc  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op   77 invoke-static/range         3rc  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
op   78 invoke-interface/range      3rc  n method-ref    continue|throw|invoke
# unused: op 79..7a
op   7b neg-int                     12x  y none          continue
op   7c not-int                     12x  y none          continue
op   7d neg-long                    12x  y none          continue
op   7e not-long                    12x  y none          continue
op   7f neg-float                   12x  y none          continue
op   80 neg-double                  12x  y none          continue
op   81 int-to-long                 12x  y none          continue
op   82 int-to-float                12x  y none          continue
op   83 int-to-double               12x  y none          continue
op   84 long-to-int                 12x  y none          continue
op   85 long-to-float               12x  y none          continue
op   86 long-to-double              12x  y none          continue
op   87 float-to-int                12x  y none          continue
op   88 float-to-long               12x  y none          continue
op   89 float-to-double             12x  y none          continue
op   8a double-to-int               12x  y none          continue
op   8b double-to-long              12x  y none          continue
op   8c double-to-float             12x  y none          continue
op   8d int-to-byte                 12x  y none          continue
op   8e int-to-char                 12x  y none          continue
op   8f int-to-short                12x  y none          continue
op   90 add-int                     23x  y none          continue
op   91 sub-int                     23x  y none          continue
op   92 mul-int                     23x  y none          continue
op   93 div-int                     23x  y none          continue|throw
op   94 rem-int                     23x  y none          continue|throw
op   95 and-int                     23x  y none          continue
op   96 or-int                      23x  y none          continue
op   97 xor-int                     23x  y none          continue
op   98 shl-int                     23x  y none          continue
op   99 shr-int                     23x  y none          continue
op   9a ushr-int                    23x  y none          continue
op   9b add-long                    23x  y none          continue
op   9c sub-long                    23x  y none          continue
op   9d mul-long                    23x  y none          continue
op   9e div-long                    23x  y none          continue|throw
op   9f rem-long                    23x  y none          continue|throw
op   a0 and-long                    23x  y none          continue
op   a1 or-long                     23x  y none          continue
op   a2 xor-long                    23x  y none          continue
op   a3 shl-long                    23x  y none          continue
op   a4 shr-long                    23x  y none          continue
op   a5 ushr-long                   23x  y none          continue
op   a6 add-float                   23x  y none          continue
op   a7 sub-float                   23x  y none          continue
op   a8 mul-float                   23x  y none          continue
op   a9 div-float                   23x  y none          continue
op   aa rem-float                   23x  y none          continue
op   ab add-double                  23x  y none          continue
op   ac sub-double                  23x  y none          continue
op   ad mul-double                  23x  y none          continue
op   ae div-double                  23x  y none          continue
op   af rem-double                  23x  y none          continue
op   b0 add-int/2addr               12x  y none          continue
op   b1 sub-int/2addr               12x  y none          continue
op   b2 mul-int/2addr               12x  y none          continue
op   b3 div-int/2addr               12x  y none          continue|throw
op   b4 rem-int/2addr               12x  y none          continue|throw
op   b5 and-int/2addr               12x  y none          continue
op   b6 or-int/2addr                12x  y none          continue
op   b7 xor-int/2addr               12x  y none          continue
op   b8 shl-int/2addr               12x  y none          continue
op   b9 shr-int/2addr               12x  y none          continue
op   ba ushr-int/2addr              12x  y none          continue
op   bb add-long/2addr              12x  y none          continue
op   bc sub-long/2addr              12x  y none          continue
op   bd mul-long/2addr              12x  y none          continue
op   be div-long/2addr              12x  y none          continue|throw
op   bf rem-long/2addr              12x  y none          continue|throw
op   c0 and-long/2addr              12x  y none          continue
op   c1 or-long/2addr               12x  y none          continue
op   c2 xor-long/2addr              12x  y none          continue
op   c3 shl-long/2addr              12x  y none          continue
op   c4 shr-long/2addr              12x  y none          continue
op   c5 ushr-long/2addr             12x  y none          continue
op   c6 add-float/2addr             12x  y none          continue
op   c7 sub-float/2addr             12x  y none          continue
op   c8 mul-float/2addr             12x  y none          continue
op   c9 div-float/2addr             12x  y none          continue
op   ca rem-float/2addr             12x  y none          continue
op   cb add-double/2addr            12x  y none          continue
op   cc sub-double/2addr            12x  y none          continue
op   cd mul-double/2addr            12x  y none          continue
op   ce div-double/2addr            12x  y none          continue
op   cf rem-double/2addr            12x  y none          continue
op   d0 add-int/lit16               22s  y none          continue
op   d1 rsub-int                    22s  y none          continue
op   d2 mul-int/lit16               22s  y none          continue
op   d3 div-int/lit16               22s  y none          continue|throw
op   d4 rem-int/lit16               22s  y none          continue|throw
op   d5 and-int/lit16               22s  y none          continue
op   d6 or-int/lit16                22s  y none          continue
op   d7 xor-int/lit16               22s  y none          continue
op   d8 add-int/lit8                22b  y none          continue
op   d9 rsub-int/lit8               22b  y none          continue
op   da mul-int/lit8                22b  y none          continue
op   db div-int/lit8                22b  y none          continue|throw
op   dc rem-int/lit8                22b  y none          continue|throw
op   dd and-int/lit8                22b  y none          continue
op   de or-int/lit8                 22b  y none          continue
op   df xor-int/lit8                22b  y none          continue
op   e0 shl-int/lit8                22b  y none          continue
op   e1 shr-int/lit8                22b  y none          continue
op   e2 ushr-int/lit8               22b  y none          continue

# Optimized opcodes (not valid in an unoptimized dex file)

op   e3 +iget-volatile              22c  y field-ref     optimized|continue|throw
op   e4 +iput-volatile              22c  n field-ref     optimized|continue|throw
op   e5 +sget-volatile              21c  y field-ref     optimized|continue|throw
op   e6 +sput-volatile              21c  n field-ref     optimized|continue|throw
op   e7 +iget-object-volatile       22c  y field-ref     optimized|continue|throw
op   e8 +iget-wide-volatile         22c  y field-ref     optimized|continue|throw
op   e9 +iput-wide-volatile         22c  n field-ref     optimized|continue|throw
op   ea +sget-wide-volatile         21c  y field-ref     optimized|continue|throw
op   eb +sput-wide-volatile         21c  n field-ref     optimized|continue|throw

# Technically "breakpoint" isn't really an optimized opcode, but it
# fits the label in terms of not being valid in regular dex files.
op   ec ^breakpoint                 00x  n unknown       optimized

op   ed ^throw-verification-error   20bc n varies        optimized|throw
op   ee +execute-inline             35mi n inline-method optimized|continue|throw
op   ef +execute-inline/range       3rmi n inline-method optimized|continue|throw

op   f0 +invoke-object-init/range   35c  n method-ref    optimized|continue|throw|invoke
op   f1 +return-void-barrier        10x  n none          optimized|return
op   f2 +iget-quick                 22cs y field-offset  optimized|continue|throw
op   f3 +iget-wide-quick            22cs y field-offset  optimized|continue|throw
op   f4 +iget-object-quick          22cs y field-offset  optimized|continue|throw
op   f5 +iput-quick                 22cs n field-offset  optimized|continue|throw
op   f6 +iput-wide-quick            22cs n field-offset  optimized|continue|throw
op   f7 +iput-object-quick          22cs n field-offset  optimized|continue|throw
op   f8 +invoke-virtual-quick       35ms n vtable-offset optimized|continue|throw|invoke
op   f9 +invoke-virtual-quick/range 3rms n vtable-offset optimized|continue|throw|invoke

# Invoke-polymorphic
op   fa invoke-polymorphic          45cc y method-and-proto-ref continue|throw|invoke
op   fb invoke-polymorphic/range    4rcc y method-and-proto-ref continue|throw|invoke
op   fc invoke-custom               35c  y call-site-ref continue|throw|invoke
op   fd invoke-custom/range         3rc  y call-site-ref continue|throw|invoke

# More optimized opcodes (not valid in an unoptimized dex file)

op   fe +sput-object-volatile       21c  n field-ref     optimized|continue|throw

# unused: op ff