#!/bin/bash # The files to save output to. RAWLOGS_FILE=power-toggle-rawlogs.txt ANALYSIS_FILE=power-toggle-analysis.txt # Turn on the screen and unlock the device # TODO: Power on adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard adb logcat -P "" # Start the analysis process $TOP/development/tools/logblame/analyze_logs.py --duration=10m --clear --rawlogs $RAWLOGS_FILE \ | tee $ANALYSIS_FILE & analyze_pid=$! sleep 5 for i in {0..10..1}; do adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER sleep 5 adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard sleep 5 done # Kill adb to disconnect logcat adb kill-server # Wait for the pyton process to exit wait $analyze_pid echo "Wrote raw logs to $RAWLOGS_FILE" echo "Wrote analysis to $ANALYSIS_FILE"