/* Copyright (c) 2012-2016, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #define LOG_TAG "QCamera2Factory" // System dependencies #include <stdlib.h> #include <utils/Errors.h> // Camera dependencies #include "camera.h" #include "camera3.h" #include "HAL/QCamera2HWI.h" #include "HAL3/QCamera3HWI.h" #include "util/QCameraFlash.h" #include "QCamera2Factory.h" #include "QCameraMuxer.h" extern "C" { #include "mm_camera_dbg.h" } using namespace android; namespace qcamera { QCamera2Factory *gQCamera2Factory = NULL; QCameraMuxer *gQCameraMuxer = NULL; pthread_mutex_t gCamLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; //Total number of cameras opened simultaneously. //This variable updation is protected by gCamLock. uint8_t gNumCameraSessions = 0; volatile uint32_t gKpiDebugLevel = 1; /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : QCamera2Factory * * DESCRIPTION: default constructor of QCamera2Factory * * PARAMETERS : none * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCamera2Factory::QCamera2Factory() { camera_info info; mHalDescriptors = NULL; mCallbacks = NULL; mNumOfCameras = get_num_of_cameras(); int bDualCamera = 0; char propDefault[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("persist.camera.HAL3.enabled", prop, "1"); int isHAL3Enabled = atoi(prop); // Signifies whether system has to enable dual camera mode snprintf(propDefault, PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX, "%d", isDualCamAvailable(isHAL3Enabled)); property_get("persist.camera.dual.camera", prop, propDefault); bDualCamera = atoi(prop); LOGH("dualCamera:%d ", bDualCamera); if(bDualCamera) { LOGI("Enabling QCamera Muxer"); if (!gQCameraMuxer) { QCameraMuxer::getCameraMuxer(&gQCameraMuxer, mNumOfCameras); if (!gQCameraMuxer) { LOGE("Error !! Failed to get QCameraMuxer"); } } } if (!gQCameraMuxer && (mNumOfCameras > 0) && (mNumOfCameras <= MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_SENSORS)) { mHalDescriptors = new hal_desc[mNumOfCameras]; if ( NULL != mHalDescriptors) { uint32_t cameraId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mNumOfCameras ; i++, cameraId++) { mHalDescriptors[i].cameraId = cameraId; // Set Device version to 3.x when both HAL3 is enabled & its BAYER sensor if (isHAL3Enabled && !(is_yuv_sensor(cameraId))) { mHalDescriptors[i].device_version = CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0; } else { mHalDescriptors[i].device_version = CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0; } //Query camera at this point in order //to avoid any delays during subsequent //calls to 'getCameraInfo()' getCameraInfo(i, &info); } } else { LOGE("Not enough resources to allocate HAL descriptor table!"); } } else { LOGI("%d camera devices detected!", mNumOfCameras); } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : ~QCamera2Factory * * DESCRIPTION: deconstructor of QCamera2Factory * * PARAMETERS : none * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCamera2Factory::~QCamera2Factory() { if ( NULL != mHalDescriptors ) { delete [] mHalDescriptors; } if (gQCameraMuxer) { delete gQCameraMuxer; gQCameraMuxer = NULL; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : get_number_of_cameras * * DESCRIPTION: static function to query number of cameras detected * * PARAMETERS : none * * RETURN : number of cameras detected *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::get_number_of_cameras() { int numCameras = 0; if (!gQCamera2Factory) { gQCamera2Factory = new QCamera2Factory(); if (!gQCamera2Factory) { LOGE("Failed to allocate Camera2Factory object"); return 0; } } if(gQCameraMuxer) numCameras = gQCameraMuxer->get_number_of_cameras(); else numCameras = gQCamera2Factory->getNumberOfCameras(); LOGH("num of cameras: %d", numCameras); return numCameras; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : get_camera_info * * DESCRIPTION: static function to query camera information with its ID * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : camera ID * @info : ptr to camera info struct * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::get_camera_info(int camera_id, struct camera_info *info) { int rc = NO_ERROR; if(gQCameraMuxer) rc = gQCameraMuxer->get_camera_info(camera_id, info); else rc = gQCamera2Factory->getCameraInfo(camera_id, info); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : set_callbacks * * DESCRIPTION: static function to set callbacks function to camera module * * PARAMETERS : * @callbacks : ptr to callback functions * * RETURN : NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::set_callbacks(const camera_module_callbacks_t *callbacks) { int rc = NO_ERROR; if(gQCameraMuxer) rc = gQCameraMuxer->set_callbacks(callbacks); else rc = gQCamera2Factory->setCallbacks(callbacks); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : open_legacy * * DESCRIPTION: Function to open older hal version implementation * * PARAMETERS : * @hw_device : ptr to struct storing camera hardware device info * @camera_id : camera ID * @halVersion: Based on camera_module_t.common.module_api_version * * RETURN : 0 -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::open_legacy(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id, uint32_t halVersion, struct hw_device_t** device) { int rc = NO_ERROR; if (module != &HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM.common) { LOGE("Invalid module. Trying to open %p, expect %p", module, &HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM.common); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if (!id) { LOGE("Invalid camera id"); return BAD_VALUE; } if(gQCameraMuxer) rc = gQCameraMuxer->open_legacy(module, id, halVersion, device); else rc = gQCamera2Factory->openLegacy(atoi(id), halVersion, device); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : set_torch_mode * * DESCRIPTION: Attempt to turn on or off the torch mode of the flash unit. * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : camera ID * @on : Indicates whether to turn the flash on or off * * RETURN : 0 -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::set_torch_mode(const char* camera_id, bool on) { return gQCamera2Factory->setTorchMode(camera_id, on); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getNumberOfCameras * * DESCRIPTION: query number of cameras detected * * PARAMETERS : none * * RETURN : number of cameras detected *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::getNumberOfCameras() { return mNumOfCameras; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getCameraInfo * * DESCRIPTION: query camera information with its ID * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : camera ID * @info : ptr to camera info struct * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::getCameraInfo(int camera_id, struct camera_info *info) { int rc; if (!mNumOfCameras || camera_id >= mNumOfCameras || !info || (camera_id < 0)) { LOGE("Error getting camera info!! mNumOfCameras = %d," "camera_id = %d, info = %p", mNumOfCameras, camera_id, info); return -ENODEV; } if ( NULL == mHalDescriptors ) { LOGE("Hal descriptor table is not initialized!"); return NO_INIT; } LOGI("Camera id %d API version %d", camera_id, mHalDescriptors[camera_id].device_version); // Need ANDROID_FLASH_INFO_AVAILABLE property for flashlight widget to // work and so get the static data regardless of HAL version rc = QCamera3HardwareInterface::getCamInfo( mHalDescriptors[camera_id].cameraId, info); if (mHalDescriptors[camera_id].device_version == CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0) { info->device_version = CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0; } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : setCallbacks * * DESCRIPTION: set callback functions to send asynchronous notifications to * frameworks. * * PARAMETERS : * @callbacks : callback function pointer * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::setCallbacks(const camera_module_callbacks_t *callbacks) { int rc = NO_ERROR; mCallbacks = callbacks; rc = QCameraFlash::getInstance().registerCallbacks(callbacks); if (rc != 0) { LOGE("Failed to register callbacks with flash module!"); } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : cameraDeviceOpen * * DESCRIPTION: open a camera device with its ID * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : camera ID * @hw_device : ptr to struct storing camera hardware device info * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::cameraDeviceOpen(int camera_id, struct hw_device_t **hw_device) { int rc = NO_ERROR; if (camera_id < 0 || camera_id >= mNumOfCameras) return -ENODEV; if ( NULL == mHalDescriptors ) { LOGE("Hal descriptor table is not initialized!"); return NO_INIT; } LOGI("Open camera id %d API version %d", camera_id, mHalDescriptors[camera_id].device_version); if ( mHalDescriptors[camera_id].device_version == CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0 ) { QCamera3HardwareInterface *hw = new QCamera3HardwareInterface(mHalDescriptors[camera_id].cameraId, mCallbacks); if (!hw) { LOGE("Allocation of hardware interface failed"); return NO_MEMORY; } rc = hw->openCamera(hw_device); if (rc != 0) { delete hw; } } else if (mHalDescriptors[camera_id].device_version == CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0) { QCamera2HardwareInterface *hw = new QCamera2HardwareInterface((uint32_t)camera_id); if (!hw) { LOGE("Allocation of hardware interface failed"); return NO_MEMORY; } rc = hw->openCamera(hw_device); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { delete hw; } } else { LOGE("Device version for camera id %d invalid %d", camera_id, mHalDescriptors[camera_id].device_version); return BAD_VALUE; } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : camera_device_open * * DESCRIPTION: static function to open a camera device by its ID * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : camera ID * @hw_device : ptr to struct storing camera hardware device info * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::camera_device_open( const struct hw_module_t *module, const char *id, struct hw_device_t **hw_device) { int rc = NO_ERROR; if (module != &HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM.common) { LOGE("Invalid module. Trying to open %p, expect %p", module, &HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM.common); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if (!id) { LOGE("Invalid camera id"); return BAD_VALUE; } if(gQCameraMuxer) rc = gQCameraMuxer->camera_device_open(module, id, hw_device); else rc = gQCamera2Factory->cameraDeviceOpen(atoi(id), hw_device); return rc; } struct hw_module_methods_t QCamera2Factory::mModuleMethods = { .open = QCamera2Factory::camera_device_open, }; /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : openLegacy * * DESCRIPTION: Function to open older hal version implementation * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : camera ID * @halVersion: Based on camera_module_t.common.module_api_version * @hw_device : ptr to struct storing camera hardware device info * * RETURN : 0 -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::openLegacy( int32_t cameraId, uint32_t halVersion, struct hw_device_t** hw_device) { int rc = NO_ERROR; LOGI("openLegacy halVersion: %d", halVersion); //Assumption: all cameras can support legacy API version if (cameraId < 0 || cameraId >= gQCamera2Factory->getNumberOfCameras()) return -ENODEV; switch(halVersion) { case CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0: { QCamera2HardwareInterface *hw = new QCamera2HardwareInterface((uint32_t)cameraId); if (!hw) { LOGE("Allocation of hardware interface failed"); return NO_MEMORY; } rc = hw->openCamera(hw_device); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { delete hw; } break; } default: LOGE("Device API version: %d for camera id %d invalid", halVersion, cameraId); return BAD_VALUE; } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : setTorchMode * * DESCRIPTION: Attempt to turn on or off the torch mode of the flash unit. * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : camera ID * @on : Indicates whether to turn the flash on or off * * RETURN : 0 -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCamera2Factory::setTorchMode(const char* camera_id, bool on) { int retVal(0); long cameraIdLong(-1); int cameraIdInt(-1); char* endPointer = NULL; errno = 0; QCameraFlash& flash = QCameraFlash::getInstance(); cameraIdLong = strtol(camera_id, &endPointer, 10); if ((errno == ERANGE) || (cameraIdLong < 0) || (cameraIdLong >= static_cast<long>(get_number_of_cameras())) || (endPointer == camera_id) || (*endPointer != '\0')) { retVal = -EINVAL; } else if (on) { cameraIdInt = static_cast<int>(cameraIdLong); retVal = flash.initFlash(cameraIdInt); if (retVal == 0) { retVal = flash.setFlashMode(cameraIdInt, on); if ((retVal == 0) && (mCallbacks != NULL)) { mCallbacks->torch_mode_status_change(mCallbacks, camera_id, TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_ON); } else if (retVal == -EALREADY) { // Flash is already on, so treat this as a success. retVal = 0; } } } else { cameraIdInt = static_cast<int>(cameraIdLong); retVal = flash.setFlashMode(cameraIdInt, on); if (retVal == 0) { retVal = flash.deinitFlash(cameraIdInt); if ((retVal == 0) && (mCallbacks != NULL)) { mCallbacks->torch_mode_status_change(mCallbacks, camera_id, TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_OFF); } } else if (retVal == -EALREADY) { // Flash is already off, so treat this as a success. retVal = 0; } } return retVal; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : isDualCamAvailable * * DESCRIPTION: Function to check whether we have dual Camera HW available * * PARAMETERS : * @hal3Enabled : HAL3 enable flag * * RETURN : bool - true : have Dual Camera HW available * false : not have Dual Camera HW available *==========================================================================*/ bool QCamera2Factory::isDualCamAvailable(int hal3Enabled) { bool rc = FALSE; int i = 0; camera_info info; cam_sync_type_t cam_type = CAM_TYPE_MAIN; for (i = 0; i < mNumOfCameras; i++) { if (!hal3Enabled) { QCamera2HardwareInterface::getCapabilities(i, &info, &cam_type); } if(cam_type == CAM_TYPE_AUX) { LOGH("Have Dual Camera HW Avaiable."); rc = TRUE; break; } } return rc; } }; // namespace qcamera