#!/usr/bin/ruby # encoding: utf-8 =begin LICENSE [The "BSD licence"] Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Kyle Yetter All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. =end require 'optparse' require 'antlr3' module ANTLR3 =begin rdoc ANTLR3::Main Namespace module for the quick script Main classes. =end module Main =begin rdoc ANTLR3::Main::Options Defines command-line options and attribute mappings shared by all types of Main classes. =end module Options # the input encoding type; defaults to +nil+ (currently, not used) attr_accessor :encoding # the input stream used by the Main script; defaults to <tt>$stdin</tt> attr_accessor :input # a boolean flag indicating whether or not to run the Main # script in interactive mode; defaults to +false+ attr_accessor :interactive attr_accessor :no_output attr_accessor :profile attr_accessor :debug_socket attr_accessor :ruby_prof def initialize( options = {} ) @no_output = options.fetch( :no_output, false ) @profile = options.fetch( :profile, false ) @debug_socket = options.fetch( :debug_socket, false ) @ruby_prof = options.fetch( :ruby_prof, false ) @encoding = options.fetch( :encoding, nil ) @interactive = options.fetch( :interactive, false ) @input = options.fetch( :input, $stdin ) end # constructs an OptionParser and parses the argument list provided by +argv+ def parse_options( argv = ARGV ) oparser = OptionParser.new do | o | o.separator 'Input Options:' o.on( '-i', '--input "text to process"', doc( <<-END ) ) { |val| @input = val } | a string to use as direct input to the recognizer END o.on( '-I', '--interactive', doc( <<-END ) ) { @interactive = true } | run an interactive session with the recognizer END end setup_options( oparser ) return oparser.parse( argv ) end private def setup_options( oparser ) # overridable hook to modify / append options end def doc( description_string ) description_string.chomp! description_string.gsub!( /^ *\| ?/, '' ) description_string.gsub!( /\s+/, ' ' ) return description_string end end =begin rdoc ANTLR3::Main::Main The base-class for the three primary Main script-runner classes. It defines the skeletal structure shared by all main scripts, but isn't particularly useful on its own. =end class Main include Options include Util attr_accessor :output, :error def initialize( options = {} ) @input = options.fetch( :input, $stdin ) @output = options.fetch( :output, $stdout ) @error = options.fetch( :error, $stderr ) @name = options.fetch( :name, File.basename( $0, '.rb' ) ) super block_given? and yield( self ) end # runs the script def execute( argv = ARGV ) args = parse_options( argv ) setup @interactive and return execute_interactive in_stream = case when @input.is_a?( ::String ) then StringStream.new( @input ) when args.length == 1 && args.first != '-' ANTLR3::FileStream.new( args[ 0 ] ) else ANTLR3::FileStream.new( @input ) end case when @ruby_prof load_ruby_prof profile = RubyProf.profile do recognize( in_stream ) end printer = RubyProf::FlatPrinter.new( profile ) printer.print( @output ) when @profile require 'profiler' Profiler__.start_profile recognize( in_stream ) Profiler__.print_profile else recognize( in_stream ) end end private def recognize( *args ) # overriden by subclasses end def execute_interactive @output.puts( tidy( <<-END ) ) | =================================================================== | Ruby ANTLR Console for #{ $0 } | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | * Enter source code lines | * Enter EOF to finish up and exit | (control+D on Mac/Linux/Unix or control+Z on Windows) | =================================================================== | END read_method = begin require 'readline' line_number = 0 lambda do begin if line = Readline.readline( "#@name:#{ line_number += 1 }> ", true ) line << $/ else @output.print( "\n" ) # ensures result output is on a new line after EOF is entered nil end rescue Interrupt, EOFError retry end line << "\n" if line end rescue LoadError lambda do begin printf( "%s:%i> ", @name, @input.lineno ) flush line = @input.gets or @output.print( "\n" ) # ensures result output is on a new line after EOF is entered line rescue Interrupt, EOFError retry end line end end stream = InteractiveStringStream.new( :name => @name, &read_method ) recognize( stream ) end def screen_width ( ENV[ 'COLUMNS' ] || 80 ).to_i end def attempt( lib, message = nil, exit_status = nil ) yield rescue LoadError => error message or raise @error.puts( message ) report_error( error ) report_load_path exit( exit_status ) if exit_status rescue => error @error.puts( "received an error while attempting to load %p" % lib ) report_error( error ) exit( exit_status ) if exit_status end def report_error( error ) puts!( "~ error details:" ) puts!( ' [ %s ]' % error.class.name ) message = error.to_s.gsub( /\n/, "\n " ) puts!( ' -> ' << message ) for call in error.backtrace puts!( ' ' << call ) end end def report_load_path puts!( "~ content of $LOAD_PATH: " ) for dir in $LOAD_PATH puts!( " - #{ dir }" ) end end def setup # hook end def fetch_class( name ) name.nil? || name.empty? and return( nil ) unless constant_exists?( name ) try_to_load( name ) constant_exists?( name ) or return( nil ) end name.split( /::/ ).inject( Object ) do |mod, name| # ::SomeModule splits to ['', 'SomeModule'] - so ignore empty strings name.empty? and next( mod ) mod.const_get( name ) end end def constant_exists?( name ) eval( "defined?(#{ name })" ) == 'constant' end def try_to_load( name ) if name =~ /(\w+)::(Lexer|Parser|TreeParser)$/ retry_ok = true module_name, recognizer_type = $1, $2 script = name.gsub( /::/, '' ) begin return( require( script ) ) rescue LoadError if retry_ok script, retry_ok = module_name, false retry else return( nil ) end end end end %w(puts print printf flush).each do |method| class_eval( <<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) private def #{ method }(*args) @output.#{ method }(*args) unless @no_output end def #{ method }!( *args ) @error.#{ method }(*args) unless @no_output end END end end =begin rdoc ANTLR3::Main::LexerMain A class which implements a handy test script which is executed whenever an ANTLR generated lexer file is run directly from the command line. =end class LexerMain < Main def initialize( lexer_class, options = {} ) super( options ) @lexer_class = lexer_class end def recognize( in_stream ) lexer = @lexer_class.new( in_stream ) loop do begin token = lexer.next_token if token.nil? || token.type == ANTLR3::EOF then break else display_token( token ) end rescue ANTLR3::RecognitionError => error report_error( error ) break end end end def display_token( token ) case token.channel when ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL prefix = '-->' suffix = '' when ANTLR3::HIDDEN_CHANNEL prefix = '# ' suffix = ' (hidden)' else prefix = '~~>' suffix = ' (channel %p)' % token.channel end printf( "%s %-15s %-15p @ line %-3i col %-3i%s\n", prefix, token.name, token.text, token.line, token.column, suffix ) end end =begin rdoc ANTLR3::Main::ParserMain A class which implements a handy test script which is executed whenever an ANTLR generated parser file is run directly from the command line. =end class ParserMain < Main attr_accessor :lexer_class_name, :lexer_class, :parser_class, :parser_rule, :port, :log def initialize( parser_class, options = {} ) super( options ) @lexer_class_name = options[ :lexer_class_name ] @lexer_class = options[ :lexer_class ] @parser_class = parser_class @parser_rule = options[ :parser_rule ] if @debug = ( @parser_class.debug? rescue false ) @trace = options.fetch( :trace, nil ) @port = options.fetch( :port, ANTLR3::Debug::DEFAULT_PORT ) @log = options.fetch( :log, @error ) end @profile = ( @parser_class.profile? rescue false ) end def setup_options( opt ) super opt.separator "" opt.separator( "Parser Configuration:" ) opt.on( '--lexer-name CLASS_NAME', "name of the lexer class to use" ) { |val| @lexer_class_name = val @lexer_class = nil } opt.on( '--lexer-file PATH_TO_LIBRARY', "path to library defining the lexer class" ) { |val| begin test( ?f, val ) ? load( val ) : require( val ) rescue LoadError warn( "unable to load the library specified by --lexer-file: #{ $! }" ) end } opt.on( '--rule NAME', "name of the parser rule to execute" ) { |val| @parser_rule = val } if @debug opt.separator '' opt.separator "Debug Mode Options:" opt.on( '--trace', '-t', "print rule trace instead of opening a debug socket" ) do @trace = true end opt.on( '--port NUMBER', Integer, "port number to use for the debug socket" ) do |number| @port = number end opt.on( '--log PATH', "path of file to use to record socket activity", "(stderr by default)" ) do |path| @log = open( path, 'w' ) end end end def setup unless @lexer_class ||= fetch_class( @lexer_class_name ) if @lexer_class_name fail( "unable to locate the lexer class ``#@lexer_class_name''" ) else unless @lexer_class = @parser_class.associated_lexer fail( doc( <<-END ) ) | no lexer class has been specified with the --lexer-name option | and #@parser_class does not appear to have an associated | lexer class END end end end @parser_rule ||= @parser_class.default_rule or fail( "a parser rule name must be specified via --rule NAME" ) end def recognize( in_stream ) parser_options = {} if @debug if @trace parser_options[ :debug_listener ] = ANTLR3::Debug::RuleTracer.new else parser_options[ :port ] = @port parser_options[ :log ] = @log end end lexer = @lexer_class.new( in_stream ) # token_stream = CommonTokenStream.new( lexer ) parser = @parser_class.new( lexer, parser_options ) result = parser.send( @parser_rule ) and present( result ) @profile and puts( parser.generate_report ) end def present( return_value ) ASTBuilder > @parser_class and return_value = return_value.tree if return_value text = begin require 'pp' return_value.pretty_inspect rescue LoadError, NoMethodError return_value.inspect end puts( text ) end end end =begin rdoc ANTLR3::Main::WalkerMain A class which implements a handy test script which is executed whenever an ANTLR generated tree walker (tree parser) file is run directly from the command line. =end class WalkerMain < Main attr_accessor :walker_class, :lexer_class, :parser_class def initialize( walker_class, options = {} ) super( options ) @walker_class = walker_class @lexer_class_name = options[ :lexer_class_name ] @lexer_class = options[ :lexer_class ] @parser_class_name = options[ :parser_class_name ] @parser_class = options[ :parser_class ] if @debug = ( @parser_class.debug? rescue false ) @port = options.fetch( :port, ANTLR3::Debug::DEFAULT_PORT ) @log = options.fetch( :log, @error ) end end def setup_options( opt ) super opt.separator '' opt.separator "Tree Parser Configuration:" opt.on( '--lexer-name CLASS_NAME', 'full name of the lexer class to use' ) { |val| @lexer_class_name = val } opt.on( '--lexer-file PATH_TO_LIBRARY', 'path to load to make the lexer class available' ) { |val| begin test( ?f, val ) ? load( val ) : require( val ) rescue LoadError warn( "unable to load the library `#{ val }' specified by --lexer-file: #{ $! }" ) end } opt.on( '--parser-name CLASS_NAME', 'full name of the parser class to use' ) { |val| @parser_class_name = val } opt.on( '--parser-file PATH_TO_LIBRARY', 'path to load to make the parser class available' ) { |val| begin test( ?f, val ) ? load( val ) : require( val ) rescue LoadError warn( "unable to load the library specified by --parser-file: #{ $! }" ) end } opt.on( '--parser-rule NAME', "name of the parser rule to use on the input" ) { |val| @parser_rule = val } opt.on( '--rule NAME', "name of the rule to invoke in the tree parser" ) { |val| @walker_rule = val } if @debug opt.separator '' opt.separator "Debug Mode Options:" opt.on( '--port NUMBER', Integer, "port number to use for the debug socket" ) do |number| @port = number end opt.on( '--log PATH', "path of file to use to record socket activity", "(stderr by default)" ) do |path| @log = open( path, 'w' ) end end end # TODO: finish the Main modules def setup unless @lexer_class ||= fetch_class( @lexer_class_name ) fail( "unable to locate the lexer class #@lexer_class_name" ) end unless @parser_class ||= fetch_class( @parser_class_name ) fail( "unable to locate the parser class #@parser_class_name" ) end end def recognize( in_stream ) walker_options = {} if @debug walker_options[ :port ] = @port walker_options[ :log ] = @log end @lexer = @lexer_class.new( in_stream ) @token_stream = ANTLR3::CommonTokenStream.new( @lexer ) @parser = @parser_class.new( @token_stream ) if result = @parser.send( @parser_rule ) result.respond_to?( :tree ) or fail( "Parser did not return an AST for rule #@parser_rule" ) @node_stream = ANTLR3::CommonTreeNodeStream.new( result.tree ) @node_stream.token_stream = @token_stream @walker = @walker_class.new( @node_stream, walker_options ) if result = @walker.send( @walker_rule ) out = result.tree.inspect rescue result.inspect puts( out ) else puts!( "walker.#@walker_rule returned nil" ) end else puts!( "parser.#@parser_rule returned nil" ) end end end end end