# Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ This module includes all moblab-related RPCs. These RPCs can only be run on moblab. """ # The boto module is only available/used in Moblab for validation of cloud # storage access. The module is not available in the test lab environment, # and the import error is handled. try: import boto except ImportError: boto = None import ConfigParser import common import logging import os import re import shutil import socket import StringIO import subprocess from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config, utils, site_utils from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import rpc_utils from autotest_lib.server import frontend from autotest_lib.server.hosts import moblab_host _CONFIG = global_config.global_config MOBLAB_BOTO_LOCATION = '/home/moblab/.boto' # Google Cloud Storage bucket url regex pattern. The pattern is used to extract # the bucket name from the bucket URL. For example, "gs://image_bucket/google" # should result in a bucket name "image_bucket". GOOGLE_STORAGE_BUCKET_URL_PATTERN = re.compile( r'gs://(?P<bucket>[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)/?.*') # Contants used in Json RPC field names. _IMAGE_STORAGE_SERVER = 'image_storage_server' _GS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'gs_access_key_id' _GS_SECRETE_ACCESS_KEY = 'gs_secret_access_key' _RESULT_STORAGE_SERVER = 'results_storage_server' _USE_EXISTING_BOTO_FILE = 'use_existing_boto_file' # Location where dhcp leases are stored. _DHCPD_LEASES = '/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases' # File where information about the current device is stored. _ETC_LSB_RELEASE = '/etc/lsb-release' @rpc_utils.moblab_only def get_config_values(): """Returns all config values parsed from global and shadow configs. Config values are grouped by sections, and each section is composed of a list of name value pairs. """ sections =_CONFIG.get_sections() config_values = {} for section in sections: config_values[section] = _CONFIG.config.items(section) return rpc_utils.prepare_for_serialization(config_values) def _write_config_file(config_file, config_values, overwrite=False): """Writes out a configuration file. @param config_file: The name of the configuration file. @param config_values: The ConfigParser object. @param ovewrite: Flag on if overwriting is allowed. """ if not config_file: raise error.RPCException('Empty config file name.') if not overwrite and os.path.exists(config_file): raise error.RPCException('Config file already exists.') if config_values: with open(config_file, 'w') as config_file: config_values.write(config_file) def _read_original_config(): """Reads the orginal configuratino without shadow. @return: A configuration object, see global_config_class. """ original_config = global_config.global_config_class() original_config.set_config_files(shadow_file='') return original_config def _read_raw_config(config_file): """Reads the raw configuration from a configuration file. @param: config_file: The path of the configuration file. @return: A ConfigParser object. """ shadow_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() shadow_config.read(config_file) return shadow_config def _get_shadow_config_from_partial_update(config_values): """Finds out the new shadow configuration based on a partial update. Since the input is only a partial config, we should not lose the config data inside the existing shadow config file. We also need to distinguish if the input config info overrides with a new value or reverts back to an original value. @param config_values: See get_moblab_settings(). @return: The new shadow configuration as ConfigParser object. """ original_config = _read_original_config() existing_shadow = _read_raw_config(_CONFIG.shadow_file) for section, config_value_list in config_values.iteritems(): for key, value in config_value_list: if original_config.get_config_value(section, key, default='', allow_blank=True) != value: if not existing_shadow.has_section(section): existing_shadow.add_section(section) existing_shadow.set(section, key, value) elif existing_shadow.has_option(section, key): existing_shadow.remove_option(section, key) return existing_shadow def _update_partial_config(config_values): """Updates the shadow configuration file with a partial config udpate. @param config_values: See get_moblab_settings(). """ existing_config = _get_shadow_config_from_partial_update(config_values) _write_config_file(_CONFIG.shadow_file, existing_config, True) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def update_config_handler(config_values): """Update config values and override shadow config. @param config_values: See get_moblab_settings(). """ original_config = _read_original_config() new_shadow = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() for section, config_value_list in config_values.iteritems(): for key, value in config_value_list: if original_config.get_config_value(section, key, default='', allow_blank=True) != value: if not new_shadow.has_section(section): new_shadow.add_section(section) new_shadow.set(section, key, value) if not _CONFIG.shadow_file or not os.path.exists(_CONFIG.shadow_file): raise error.RPCException('Shadow config file does not exist.') _write_config_file(_CONFIG.shadow_file, new_shadow, True) # TODO (sbasi) crbug.com/403916 - Remove the reboot command and # instead restart the services that rely on the config values. os.system('sudo reboot') @rpc_utils.moblab_only def reset_config_settings(): """Reset moblab shadow config.""" with open(_CONFIG.shadow_file, 'w') as config_file: pass os.system('sudo reboot') @rpc_utils.moblab_only def reboot_moblab(): """Simply reboot the device.""" os.system('sudo reboot') @rpc_utils.moblab_only def set_boto_key(boto_key): """Update the boto_key file. @param boto_key: File name of boto_key uploaded through handle_file_upload. """ if not os.path.exists(boto_key): raise error.RPCException('Boto key: %s does not exist!' % boto_key) shutil.copyfile(boto_key, moblab_host.MOBLAB_BOTO_LOCATION) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def set_service_account_credential(service_account_filename): """Update the service account credential file. @param service_account_filename: Name of uploaded file through handle_file_upload. """ if not os.path.exists(service_account_filename): raise error.RPCException( 'Service account file: %s does not exist!' % service_account_filename) shutil.copyfile( service_account_filename, moblab_host.MOBLAB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_LOCATION) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def set_launch_control_key(launch_control_key): """Update the launch_control_key file. @param launch_control_key: File name of launch_control_key uploaded through handle_file_upload. """ if not os.path.exists(launch_control_key): raise error.RPCException('Launch Control key: %s does not exist!' % launch_control_key) shutil.copyfile(launch_control_key, moblab_host.MOBLAB_LAUNCH_CONTROL_KEY_LOCATION) # Restart the devserver service. os.system('sudo restart moblab-devserver-init') ###########Moblab Config Wizard RPCs ####################### def _get_public_ip_address(socket_handle): """Gets the public IP address. Connects to Google DNS server using a socket and gets the preferred IP address from the connection. @param: socket_handle: a unix socket. @return: public ip address as string. """ try: socket_handle.settimeout(1) socket_handle.connect(('', 53)) socket_name = socket_handle.getsockname() if socket_name is not None: logging.info('Got socket name from UDP socket.') return socket_name[0] logging.warn('Created UDP socket but with no socket_name.') except socket.error: logging.warn('Could not get socket name from UDP socket.') return None def _get_network_info(): """Gets the network information. TCP socket is used to test the connectivity. If there is no connectivity, try to get the public IP with UDP socket. @return: a tuple as (public_ip_address, connected_to_internet). """ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ip = _get_public_ip_address(s) if ip is not None: logging.info('Established TCP connection with well known server.') return (ip, True) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) return (_get_public_ip_address(s), False) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def get_network_info(): """Returns the server ip addresses, and if the server connectivity. The server ip addresses as an array of strings, and the connectivity as a flag. """ network_info = {} info = _get_network_info() if info[0] is not None: network_info['server_ips'] = [info[0]] network_info['is_connected'] = info[1] return rpc_utils.prepare_for_serialization(network_info) # Gets the boto configuration. def _get_boto_config(): """Reads the boto configuration from the boto file. @return: Boto configuration as ConfigParser object. """ boto_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() boto_config.read(MOBLAB_BOTO_LOCATION) return boto_config @rpc_utils.moblab_only def get_cloud_storage_info(): """RPC handler to get the cloud storage access information. """ cloud_storage_info = {} value =_CONFIG.get_config_value('CROS', _IMAGE_STORAGE_SERVER) if value is not None: cloud_storage_info[_IMAGE_STORAGE_SERVER] = value value = _CONFIG.get_config_value('CROS', _RESULT_STORAGE_SERVER, default=None) if value is not None: cloud_storage_info[_RESULT_STORAGE_SERVER] = value boto_config = _get_boto_config() sections = boto_config.sections() if sections: cloud_storage_info[_USE_EXISTING_BOTO_FILE] = True else: cloud_storage_info[_USE_EXISTING_BOTO_FILE] = False if 'Credentials' in sections: options = boto_config.options('Credentials') if _GS_ACCESS_KEY_ID in options: value = boto_config.get('Credentials', _GS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) cloud_storage_info[_GS_ACCESS_KEY_ID] = value if _GS_SECRETE_ACCESS_KEY in options: value = boto_config.get('Credentials', _GS_SECRETE_ACCESS_KEY) cloud_storage_info[_GS_SECRETE_ACCESS_KEY] = value return rpc_utils.prepare_for_serialization(cloud_storage_info) def _get_bucket_name_from_url(bucket_url): """Gets the bucket name from a bucket url. @param: bucket_url: the bucket url string. """ if bucket_url: match = GOOGLE_STORAGE_BUCKET_URL_PATTERN.match(bucket_url) if match: return match.group('bucket') return None def _is_valid_boto_key(key_id, key_secret): """Checks if the boto key is valid. @param: key_id: The boto key id string. @param: key_secret: The boto key string. @return: A tuple as (valid_boolean, details_string). """ if not key_id or not key_secret: return (False, "Empty key id or secret.") conn = boto.connect_gs(key_id, key_secret) try: buckets = conn.get_all_buckets() return (True, None) except boto.exception.GSResponseError: details = "The boto access key is not valid" return (False, details) finally: conn.close() def _is_valid_bucket(key_id, key_secret, bucket_name): """Checks if a bucket is valid and accessible. @param: key_id: The boto key id string. @param: key_secret: The boto key string. @param: bucket name string. @return: A tuple as (valid_boolean, details_string). """ if not key_id or not key_secret or not bucket_name: return (False, "Server error: invalid argument") conn = boto.connect_gs(key_id, key_secret) bucket = conn.lookup(bucket_name) conn.close() if bucket: return (True, None) return (False, "Bucket %s does not exist." % bucket_name) def _is_valid_bucket_url(key_id, key_secret, bucket_url): """Validates the bucket url is accessible. @param: key_id: The boto key id string. @param: key_secret: The boto key string. @param: bucket url string. @return: A tuple as (valid_boolean, details_string). """ bucket_name = _get_bucket_name_from_url(bucket_url) if bucket_name: return _is_valid_bucket(key_id, key_secret, bucket_name) return (False, "Bucket url %s is not valid" % bucket_url) def _validate_cloud_storage_info(cloud_storage_info): """Checks if the cloud storage information is valid. @param: cloud_storage_info: The JSON RPC object for cloud storage info. @return: A tuple as (valid_boolean, details_string). """ valid = True details = None if not cloud_storage_info[_USE_EXISTING_BOTO_FILE]: key_id = cloud_storage_info[_GS_ACCESS_KEY_ID] key_secret = cloud_storage_info[_GS_SECRETE_ACCESS_KEY] valid, details = _is_valid_boto_key(key_id, key_secret) if valid: valid, details = _is_valid_bucket_url( key_id, key_secret, cloud_storage_info[_IMAGE_STORAGE_SERVER]) # allows result bucket to be empty. if valid and cloud_storage_info[_RESULT_STORAGE_SERVER]: valid, details = _is_valid_bucket_url( key_id, key_secret, cloud_storage_info[_RESULT_STORAGE_SERVER]) return (valid, details) def _create_operation_status_response(is_ok, details): """Helper method to create a operation status reponse. @param: is_ok: Boolean for if the operation is ok. @param: details: A detailed string. @return: A serialized JSON RPC object. """ status_response = {'status_ok': is_ok} if details: status_response['status_details'] = details return rpc_utils.prepare_for_serialization(status_response) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def validate_cloud_storage_info(cloud_storage_info): """RPC handler to check if the cloud storage info is valid. @param cloud_storage_info: The JSON RPC object for cloud storage info. """ valid, details = _validate_cloud_storage_info(cloud_storage_info) return _create_operation_status_response(valid, details) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def submit_wizard_config_info(cloud_storage_info): """RPC handler to submit the cloud storage info. @param cloud_storage_info: The JSON RPC object for cloud storage info. """ valid, details = _validate_cloud_storage_info(cloud_storage_info) if not valid: return _create_operation_status_response(valid, details) config_update = {} config_update['CROS'] = [ (_IMAGE_STORAGE_SERVER, cloud_storage_info[_IMAGE_STORAGE_SERVER]), (_RESULT_STORAGE_SERVER, cloud_storage_info[_RESULT_STORAGE_SERVER]) ] _update_partial_config(config_update) if not cloud_storage_info[_USE_EXISTING_BOTO_FILE]: boto_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() boto_config.add_section('Credentials') boto_config.set('Credentials', _GS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, cloud_storage_info[_GS_ACCESS_KEY_ID]) boto_config.set('Credentials', _GS_SECRETE_ACCESS_KEY, cloud_storage_info[_GS_SECRETE_ACCESS_KEY]) _write_config_file(MOBLAB_BOTO_LOCATION, boto_config, True) _CONFIG.parse_config_file() services = ['moblab-devserver-init', 'moblab-apache-init', 'moblab-devserver-cleanup-init', ' moblab-gsoffloader_s-init', 'moblab-base-container-init', 'moblab-scheduler-init', 'moblab-gsoffloader-init'] cmd = ';/sbin/restart '.join(services) os.system(cmd) return _create_operation_status_response(True, None) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def get_version_info(): """ RPC handler to get informaiton about the version of the moblab. @return: A serialized JSON RPC object. """ lines = open(_ETC_LSB_RELEASE).readlines() version_response = { x.split('=')[0]: x.split('=')[1] for x in lines if '=' in x} version_response['MOBLAB_ID'] = site_utils.get_moblab_id(); version_response['MOBLAB_MAC_ADDRESS'] = ( site_utils.get_default_interface_mac_address()) return rpc_utils.prepare_for_serialization(version_response) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def get_connected_dut_info(): """ RPC handler to get informaiton about the DUTs connected to the moblab. @return: A serialized JSON RPC object. """ # Make a list of the connected DUT's leases = _get_dhcp_dut_leases() # Get a list of the AFE configured DUT's hosts = list(rpc_utils.get_host_query((), False, True, {})) models.Host.objects.populate_relationships(hosts, models.Label, 'label_list') configured_duts = {} for host in hosts: labels = [label.name for label in host.label_list] labels.sort() configured_duts[host.hostname] = ', '.join(labels) return rpc_utils.prepare_for_serialization( {'configured_duts': configured_duts, 'connected_duts': leases}) def _get_dhcp_dut_leases(): """ Extract information about connected duts from the dhcp server. @return: A dict of ipaddress to mac address for each device connected. """ lease_info = open(_DHCPD_LEASES).read() leases = {} for lease in lease_info.split('lease'): if lease.find('binding state active;') != -1: ipaddress = lease.split('\n')[0].strip(' {') last_octet = int(ipaddress.split('.')[-1].strip()) if last_octet > 150: continue mac_address_search = re.search('hardware ethernet (.*);', lease) if mac_address_search: leases[ipaddress] = mac_address_search.group(1) return leases @rpc_utils.moblab_only def add_moblab_dut(ipaddress): """ RPC handler to add a connected DUT to autotest. @param ipaddress: IP address of the DUT. @return: A string giving information about the status. """ cmd = '/usr/local/autotest/cli/atest host create %s &' % ipaddress subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) return (True, 'DUT %s added to Autotest' % ipaddress) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def remove_moblab_dut(ipaddress): """ RPC handler to remove DUT entry from autotest. @param ipaddress: IP address of the DUT. @return: True if the command succeeds without an exception """ models.Host.smart_get(ipaddress).delete() return (True, 'DUT %s deleted from Autotest' % ipaddress) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def add_moblab_label(ipaddress, label_name): """ RPC handler to add a label in autotest to a DUT entry. @param ipaddress: IP address of the DUT. @param label_name: The label name. @return: A string giving information about the status. """ # Try to create the label in case it does not already exist. label = None try: label = models.Label.add_object(name=label_name) except: label = models.Label.smart_get(label_name) host_obj = models.Host.smart_get(ipaddress) if label: label.host_set.add(host_obj) return (True, 'Added label %s to DUT %s' % (label_name, ipaddress)) return (False, 'Failed to add label %s to DUT %s' % (label_name, ipaddress)) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def remove_moblab_label(ipaddress, label_name): """ RPC handler to remove a label in autotest from a DUT entry. @param ipaddress: IP address of the DUT. @param label_name: The label name. @return: A string giving information about the status. """ host_obj = models.Host.smart_get(ipaddress) models.Label.smart_get(label_name).host_set.remove(host_obj) return (True, 'Removed label %s from DUT %s' % (label_name, ipaddress)) def _get_connected_dut_labels(requested_label, only_first_label=True): """ Query the DUT's attached to the moblab and return a filtered list of labels. @param requested_label: the label name you are requesting. @param only_first_label: if the device has the same label name multiple times only return the first label value in the list. @return: A de-duped list of requested dut labels attached to the moblab. """ hosts = list(rpc_utils.get_host_query((), False, True, {})) if not hosts: return [] models.Host.objects.populate_relationships(hosts, models.Label, 'label_list') labels = set() for host in hosts: for label in host.label_list: if requested_label in label.name: labels.add(label.name.replace(requested_label, '')) if only_first_label: break return list(labels) @rpc_utils.moblab_only def get_connected_boards(): """ RPC handler to get a list of the boards connected to the moblab. @return: A de-duped list of board types attached to the moblab. """ boards = _get_connected_dut_labels("board:") boards.sort() return boards @rpc_utils.moblab_only def get_connected_pools(): """ RPC handler to get a list of the pools labels on the DUT's connected. @return: A de-duped list of pool labels. """ pools = _get_connected_dut_labels("pool:", False) pools.sort() return pools @rpc_utils.moblab_only def get_builds_for_board(board_name): """ RPC handler to find the most recent builds for a board. @param board_name: The name of a connected board. @return: A list of string with the most recent builds for the latest three milestones. """ return _get_builds_for_in_directory(board_name + '-release') @rpc_utils.moblab_only def get_firmware_for_board(board_name): """ RPC handler to find the most recent firmware for a board. @param board_name: The name of a connected board. @return: A list of strings with the most recent firmware builds for the latest three milestones. """ return _get_builds_for_in_directory(board_name + '-firmware') def _get_builds_for_in_directory(directory_name, milestone_limit=3, build_limit=20): """ Fetch the most recent builds for the last three milestones from gcs. @param directory_name: The sub-directory under the configured GCS image storage bucket to search. @return: A string list no longer than <milestone_limit> x <build_limit> items, containing the most recent <build_limit> builds from the last milestone_limit milestones. """ output = StringIO.StringIO() gs_image_location =_CONFIG.get_config_value('CROS', _IMAGE_STORAGE_SERVER) utils.run('gsutil', args=('ls', gs_image_location + directory_name), stdout_tee=output) lines = output.getvalue().split('\n') output.close() builds = [line.replace(gs_image_location,'').strip('/ ') for line in lines if line != ''] build_matcher = re.compile(r'^.*\/R([0-9]*)-.*') build_map = {} for build in builds: match = build_matcher.match(build) if match: milestone = match.group(1) if milestone not in build_map: build_map[milestone] = [] build_map[milestone].append(build) milestones = build_map.keys() milestones.sort() milestones.reverse() build_list = [] for milestone in milestones[:milestone_limit]: builds = build_map[milestone] builds.reverse() build_list.extend(builds[:build_limit]) return build_list @rpc_utils.moblab_only def run_suite(board, build, suite, ro_firmware=None, rw_firmware=None, pool=None): """ RPC handler to run a test suite. @param board: a board name connected to the moblab. @param build: a build name of a build in the GCS. @param suite: the name of a suite to run @param ro_firmware: Optional ro firmware build number to use. @param rw_firmware: Optional rw firmware build number to use. @param pool: Optional pool name to run the suite in. @return: None """ builds = {'cros-version': build} if rw_firmware: builds['fwrw-version'] = rw_firmware if ro_firmware: builds['fwro-version'] = ro_firmware afe = frontend.AFE(user='moblab') afe.run('create_suite_job', board=board, builds=builds, name=suite, pool=pool, run_prod_code=False, test_source_build=build, wait_for_results=False)