# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import string import sys import time from telemetry.testing import serially_executed_browser_test_case _prev_test_name = None class SimpleTest( serially_executed_browser_test_case.SeriallyExecutedBrowserTestCase): @classmethod def AddCommandlineArgs(cls, parser): parser.add_option('--adder-sum', type=int, default=5) def setUp(self): self.extra = 5 @classmethod def GenerateTestCases_AdderTest(cls, options): yield 'add_1_and_2', (1, 2, options.adder_sum) yield 'add_2_and_3', (2, 3, options.adder_sum) yield 'add_7_and_3', (7, 3, options.adder_sum) # Filtered out in browser_test_runner_unittest.py yield 'dontrun_add_1_and_2', (1, 2, options.adder_sum) @classmethod def GenerateTestCases_AlphabeticalTest(cls, options): del options # unused prefix = 'Alphabetical_' test_names = [] for character in string.lowercase[:26]: test_names.append(prefix + character) for character in string.uppercase[:26]: test_names.append(prefix + character) for num in xrange(20): test_names.append(prefix + str(num)) # Shuffle |test_names| so the tests will be generated in a random order. test_names = (test_names[25:40] + test_names[40:70] + test_names[:25] + test_names[70:]) for t in test_names: yield t, () def AlphabeticalTest(self): test_name = self.id() global _prev_test_name self.assertLess(_prev_test_name, test_name) _prev_test_name = test_name def AdderTest(self, a, b, partial_sum): self.assertEqual(a + b, partial_sum) @classmethod def GenerateTestCases_MultiplierTest(cls, options): del options # unused yield 'multiplier_simple', (10, 2, 4) yield 'multiplier_simple_2', (2, 3, 5) yield 'multiplier_simple_3', (10, 3, 6) # Filtered out in browser_test_runner_unittest.py yield 'dontrun_multiplier_simple', (10, 2, 4) def MultiplierTest(self, a, b, partial_sum): self.assertEqual(a * b, partial_sum * self.extra) def TestSimple(self): time.sleep(0.5) self.assertEqual(1, self.extra) def TestException(self): raise Exception('Expected exception') def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern): del loader, tests, pattern # Unused. return serially_executed_browser_test_case.LoadAllTestsInModule( sys.modules[__name__])