/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Utility Library * ---------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Process abstraction. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "deProcess.h" #include "deMemory.h" #include "deString.h" #if (DE_OS == DE_OS_UNIX) || (DE_OS == DE_OS_OSX) || (DE_OS == DE_OS_IOS) || (DE_OS == DE_OS_ANDROID) || (DE_OS == DE_OS_SYMBIAN) #include "deCommandLine.h" #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> typedef enum ProcessState_e { PROCESSSTATE_NOT_STARTED = 0, PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING, PROCESSSTATE_FINISHED, PROCESSSTATE_LAST } ProcessState; struct deProcess_s { ProcessState state; int exitCode; char* lastError; pid_t pid; deFile* standardIn; deFile* standardOut; deFile* standardErr; }; static void die (int statusPipe, const char* message) { size_t msgLen = strlen(message); int res = 0; printf("Process launch failed: %s\n", message); res = (int)write(statusPipe, message, msgLen+1); DE_UNREF(res); /* No need to check result. */ exit(-1); } static void dieLastError (int statusPipe, const char* message) { char msgBuf[256]; int lastErr = errno; deSprintf(msgBuf, sizeof(msgBuf), "%s, error %d: %s", message, lastErr, strerror(lastErr)); die(statusPipe, msgBuf); } DE_INLINE deBool beginsWithPath (const char* fileName, const char* pathPrefix) { size_t pathLen = strlen(pathPrefix); /* Strip trailing / */ while (pathLen > 0 && pathPrefix[pathLen-1] == '/') pathLen -= 1; return pathLen > 0 && deMemoryEqual(fileName, pathPrefix, pathLen) && fileName[pathLen] == '/'; } static void stripLeadingPath (char* fileName, const char* pathPrefix) { size_t pathLen = strlen(pathPrefix); size_t fileNameLen = strlen(fileName); DE_ASSERT(beginsWithPath(fileName, pathPrefix)); /* Strip trailing / */ while (pathLen > 0 && pathPrefix[pathLen-1] == '/') pathLen -= 1; DE_ASSERT(pathLen > 0); DE_ASSERT(fileName[pathLen] == '/'); memmove(&fileName[0], &fileName[0]+pathLen+1, fileNameLen-pathLen); } /* Doesn't return on success. */ static void execProcess (const char* commandLine, const char* workingDirectory, int statusPipe) { deCommandLine* cmdLine = deCommandLine_parse(commandLine); char** argList = cmdLine ? (char**)deCalloc(sizeof(char*)*((size_t)cmdLine->numArgs+1)) : DE_NULL; if (!cmdLine || !argList) die(statusPipe, "Command line parsing failed (out of memory)"); if (workingDirectory && chdir(workingDirectory) != 0) dieLastError(statusPipe, "chdir() failed"); { int argNdx; for (argNdx = 0; argNdx < cmdLine->numArgs; argNdx++) argList[argNdx] = cmdLine->args[argNdx]; argList[argNdx] = DE_NULL; /* Terminate with 0. */ } if (workingDirectory && beginsWithPath(argList[0], workingDirectory)) stripLeadingPath(argList[0], workingDirectory); execv(argList[0], argList); /* Failed. */ dieLastError(statusPipe, "execv() failed"); } deProcess* deProcess_create (void) { deProcess* process = (deProcess*)deCalloc(sizeof(deProcess)); if (!process) return DE_FALSE; process->state = PROCESSSTATE_NOT_STARTED; return process; } static void deProcess_cleanupHandles (deProcess* process) { if (process->standardIn) deFile_destroy(process->standardIn); if (process->standardOut) deFile_destroy(process->standardOut); if (process->standardErr) deFile_destroy(process->standardErr); process->pid = 0; process->standardIn = DE_NULL; process->standardOut = DE_NULL; process->standardErr = DE_NULL; } void deProcess_destroy (deProcess* process) { /* Never leave child processes running. Otherwise we'll have zombies. */ if (deProcess_isRunning(process)) { deProcess_kill(process); deProcess_waitForFinish(process); } deProcess_cleanupHandles(process); deFree(process->lastError); deFree(process); } const char* deProcess_getLastError (const deProcess* process) { return process->lastError ? process->lastError : "No error"; } int deProcess_getExitCode (const deProcess* process) { return process->exitCode; } static deBool deProcess_setError (deProcess* process, const char* error) { if (process->lastError) { deFree(process->lastError); process->lastError = DE_NULL; } process->lastError = deStrdup(error); return process->lastError != DE_NULL; } static deBool deProcess_setErrorFromErrno (deProcess* process, const char* message) { char msgBuf[256]; int lastErr = errno; deSprintf(msgBuf, sizeof(msgBuf), "%s, error %d: %s", message, lastErr, strerror(lastErr)); return deProcess_setError(process, message); } static void closePipe (int p[2]) { if (p[0] >= 0) close(p[0]); if (p[1] >= 0) close(p[1]); } deBool deProcess_start (deProcess* process, const char* commandLine, const char* workingDirectory) { pid_t pid = 0; int pipeIn[2] = { -1, -1 }; int pipeOut[2] = { -1, -1 }; int pipeErr[2] = { -1, -1 }; int statusPipe[2] = { -1, -1 }; if (process->state == PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING) { deProcess_setError(process, "Process already running"); return DE_FALSE; } else if (process->state == PROCESSSTATE_FINISHED) { deProcess_cleanupHandles(process); process->state = PROCESSSTATE_NOT_STARTED; } if (pipe(pipeIn) < 0 || pipe(pipeOut) < 0 || pipe(pipeErr) < 0 || pipe(statusPipe) < 0) { deProcess_setErrorFromErrno(process, "pipe() failed"); closePipe(pipeIn); closePipe(pipeOut); closePipe(pipeErr); closePipe(statusPipe); return DE_FALSE; } pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { deProcess_setErrorFromErrno(process, "fork() failed"); closePipe(pipeIn); closePipe(pipeOut); closePipe(pipeErr); closePipe(statusPipe); return DE_FALSE; } if (pid == 0) { /* Child process. */ /* Close unused endpoints. */ close(pipeIn[1]); close(pipeOut[0]); close(pipeErr[0]); close(statusPipe[0]); /* Set status pipe to close on exec(). That way parent will know that exec() succeeded. */ if (fcntl(statusPipe[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) != 0) dieLastError(statusPipe[1], "Failed to set FD_CLOEXEC"); /* Map stdin. */ if (pipeIn[0] != STDIN_FILENO && dup2(pipeIn[0], STDIN_FILENO) != STDIN_FILENO) dieLastError(statusPipe[1], "dup2() failed"); close(pipeIn[0]); /* Stdout. */ if (pipeOut[1] != STDOUT_FILENO && dup2(pipeOut[1], STDOUT_FILENO) != STDOUT_FILENO) dieLastError(statusPipe[1], "dup2() failed"); close(pipeOut[1]); /* Stderr. */ if (pipeErr[1] != STDERR_FILENO && dup2(pipeErr[1], STDERR_FILENO) != STDERR_FILENO) dieLastError(statusPipe[1], "dup2() failed"); close(pipeErr[1]); /* Doesn't return. */ execProcess(commandLine, workingDirectory, statusPipe[1]); } else { /* Parent process. */ /* Check status. */ { char errBuf[256]; ssize_t result = 0; close(statusPipe[1]); while ((result = read(statusPipe[0], errBuf, 1)) == -1) if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) break; if (result > 0) { int procStatus = 0; /* Read full error msg. */ int errPos = 1; while (errPos < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(errBuf)) { result = read(statusPipe[0], errBuf+errPos, 1); if (result == -1) break; /* Done. */ errPos += 1; } /* Make sure str is null-terminated. */ errBuf[errPos] = 0; /* Close handles. */ close(statusPipe[0]); closePipe(pipeIn); closePipe(pipeOut); closePipe(pipeErr); /* Run waitpid to clean up zombie. */ waitpid(pid, &procStatus, 0); deProcess_setError(process, errBuf); return DE_FALSE; } /* Status pipe is not needed. */ close(statusPipe[0]); } /* Set running state. */ process->pid = pid; process->state = PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING; /* Stdin, stdout. */ close(pipeIn[0]); close(pipeOut[1]); close(pipeErr[1]); process->standardIn = deFile_createFromHandle((deUintptr)pipeIn[1]); process->standardOut = deFile_createFromHandle((deUintptr)pipeOut[0]); process->standardErr = deFile_createFromHandle((deUintptr)pipeErr[0]); if (!process->standardIn) close(pipeIn[1]); if (!process->standardOut) close(pipeOut[0]); if (!process->standardErr) close(pipeErr[0]); } return DE_TRUE; } deBool deProcess_isRunning (deProcess* process) { if (process->state == PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING) { int status = 0; if (waitpid(process->pid, &status, WNOHANG) == 0) return DE_TRUE; /* No status available. */ if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)) { /* Child has finished. */ process->state = PROCESSSTATE_FINISHED; return DE_FALSE; } else return DE_TRUE; } else return DE_FALSE; } deBool deProcess_waitForFinish (deProcess* process) { int status = 0; pid_t waitResult; if (process->state != PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING) { deProcess_setError(process, "Process is not running"); return DE_FALSE; } /* \note [pyry] HACK, apparently needed by some versions of OS X. */ while ((waitResult = waitpid(process->pid, &status, 0)) != process->pid) if (errno != ENOENT) break; if (waitResult != process->pid) { deProcess_setErrorFromErrno(process, "waitpid() failed"); return DE_FALSE; /* waitpid() failed. */ } if (!WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status)) { deProcess_setErrorFromErrno(process, "waitpid() failed"); return DE_FALSE; /* Something strange happened. */ } process->exitCode = WEXITSTATUS(status); process->state = PROCESSSTATE_FINISHED; return DE_TRUE; } static deBool deProcess_sendSignal (deProcess* process, int sigNum) { if (process->state != PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING) { deProcess_setError(process, "Process is not running"); return DE_FALSE; } if (kill(process->pid, sigNum) == 0) return DE_TRUE; else { deProcess_setErrorFromErrno(process, "kill() failed"); return DE_FALSE; } } deBool deProcess_terminate (deProcess* process) { return deProcess_sendSignal(process, SIGTERM); } deBool deProcess_kill (deProcess* process) { return deProcess_sendSignal(process, SIGKILL); } deFile* deProcess_getStdIn (deProcess* process) { return process->standardIn; } deFile* deProcess_getStdOut (deProcess* process) { return process->standardOut; } deFile* deProcess_getStdErr (deProcess* process) { return process->standardErr; } deBool deProcess_closeStdIn (deProcess* process) { if (process->standardIn) { deFile_destroy(process->standardIn); process->standardIn = DE_NULL; return DE_TRUE; } else return DE_FALSE; } deBool deProcess_closeStdOut (deProcess* process) { if (process->standardOut) { deFile_destroy(process->standardOut); process->standardOut = DE_NULL; return DE_TRUE; } else return DE_FALSE; } deBool deProcess_closeStdErr (deProcess* process) { if (process->standardErr) { deFile_destroy(process->standardErr); process->standardErr = DE_NULL; return DE_TRUE; } else return DE_FALSE; } #elif (DE_OS == DE_OS_WIN32) #define VC_EXTRALEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #include <strsafe.h> typedef enum ProcessState_e { PROCESSSTATE_NOT_STARTED = 0, PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING, PROCESSSTATE_FINISHED, PROCESSSTATE_LAST } ProcessState; struct deProcess_s { ProcessState state; char* lastError; int exitCode; PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; deFile* standardIn; deFile* standardOut; deFile* standardErr; }; static deBool deProcess_setError (deProcess* process, const char* error) { if (process->lastError) { deFree(process->lastError); process->lastError = DE_NULL; } process->lastError = deStrdup(error); return process->lastError != DE_NULL; } static deBool deProcess_setErrorFromWin32 (deProcess* process, const char* msg) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); LPSTR msgBuf; char errBuf[256]; #if defined(UNICODE) # error Unicode not supported. #endif if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER|FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM|FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, error, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPSTR)&msgBuf, 0, DE_NULL) > 0) { deSprintf(errBuf, sizeof(errBuf), "%s, error %d: %s", msg, error, msgBuf); LocalFree(msgBuf); return deProcess_setError(process, errBuf); } else { /* Failed to get error str. */ deSprintf(errBuf, sizeof(errBuf), "%s, error %d", msg, error); return deProcess_setError(process, errBuf); } } deProcess* deProcess_create (void) { deProcess* process = (deProcess*)deCalloc(sizeof(deProcess)); if (!process) return DE_NULL; process->state = PROCESSSTATE_NOT_STARTED; return process; } void deProcess_cleanupHandles (deProcess* process) { DE_ASSERT(!deProcess_isRunning(process)); if (process->standardErr) deFile_destroy(process->standardErr); if (process->standardOut) deFile_destroy(process->standardOut); if (process->standardIn) deFile_destroy(process->standardIn); if (process->procInfo.hProcess) CloseHandle(process->procInfo.hProcess); if (process->procInfo.hThread) CloseHandle(process->procInfo.hThread); process->standardErr = DE_NULL; process->standardOut = DE_NULL; process->standardIn = DE_NULL; process->procInfo.hProcess = DE_NULL; process->procInfo.hThread = DE_NULL; } void deProcess_destroy (deProcess* process) { if (deProcess_isRunning(process)) { deProcess_kill(process); deProcess_waitForFinish(process); } deProcess_cleanupHandles(process); deFree(process->lastError); deFree(process); } const char* deProcess_getLastError (const deProcess* process) { return process->lastError ? process->lastError : "No error"; } int deProcess_getExitCode (const deProcess* process) { return process->exitCode; } deBool deProcess_start (deProcess* process, const char* commandLine, const char* workingDirectory) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttr; STARTUPINFO startInfo; /* Pipes. */ HANDLE stdInRead = DE_NULL; HANDLE stdInWrite = DE_NULL; HANDLE stdOutRead = DE_NULL; HANDLE stdOutWrite = DE_NULL; HANDLE stdErrRead = DE_NULL; HANDLE stdErrWrite = DE_NULL; if (process->state == PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING) { deProcess_setError(process, "Process already running"); return DE_FALSE; } else if (process->state == PROCESSSTATE_FINISHED) { /* Process finished, clean up old cruft. */ deProcess_cleanupHandles(process); process->state = PROCESSSTATE_NOT_STARTED; } deMemset(&startInfo, 0, sizeof(startInfo)); deMemset(&securityAttr, 0, sizeof(securityAttr)); /* Security attributes for inheriting handle. */ securityAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); securityAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; securityAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = DE_NULL; /* Create pipes. \todo [2011-10-03 pyry] Clean up handles on error! */ if (!CreatePipe(&stdInRead, &stdInWrite, &securityAttr, 0) || !SetHandleInformation(stdInWrite, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) { deProcess_setErrorFromWin32(process, "CreatePipe() failed"); CloseHandle(stdInRead); CloseHandle(stdInWrite); return DE_FALSE; } if (!CreatePipe(&stdOutRead, &stdOutWrite, &securityAttr, 0) || !SetHandleInformation(stdOutRead, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) { deProcess_setErrorFromWin32(process, "CreatePipe() failed"); CloseHandle(stdInRead); CloseHandle(stdInWrite); CloseHandle(stdOutRead); CloseHandle(stdOutWrite); return DE_FALSE; } if (!CreatePipe(&stdErrRead, &stdErrWrite, &securityAttr, 0) || !SetHandleInformation(stdErrRead, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) { deProcess_setErrorFromWin32(process, "CreatePipe() failed"); CloseHandle(stdInRead); CloseHandle(stdInWrite); CloseHandle(stdOutRead); CloseHandle(stdOutWrite); CloseHandle(stdErrRead); CloseHandle(stdErrWrite); return DE_FALSE; } /* Setup startup info. */ startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo); startInfo.hStdError = stdErrWrite; startInfo.hStdOutput = stdOutWrite; startInfo.hStdInput = stdInRead; startInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; if (!CreateProcess(DE_NULL, (LPTSTR)commandLine, DE_NULL, DE_NULL, TRUE /* inherit handles */, 0, DE_NULL, workingDirectory, &startInfo, &process->procInfo)) { /* Store error info. */ deProcess_setErrorFromWin32(process, "CreateProcess() failed"); /* Close all handles. */ CloseHandle(stdInRead); CloseHandle(stdInWrite); CloseHandle(stdOutRead); CloseHandle(stdOutWrite); CloseHandle(stdErrRead); CloseHandle(stdErrWrite); return DE_FALSE; } process->state = PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING; /* Close our ends of handles.*/ CloseHandle(stdErrWrite); CloseHandle(stdOutWrite); CloseHandle(stdInRead); /* Construct stdio file objects \note May fail, not detected. */ process->standardIn = deFile_createFromHandle((deUintptr)stdInWrite); process->standardOut = deFile_createFromHandle((deUintptr)stdOutRead); process->standardErr = deFile_createFromHandle((deUintptr)stdErrRead); return DE_TRUE; } deBool deProcess_isRunning (deProcess* process) { if (process->state == PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING) { int exitCode; BOOL result = GetExitCodeProcess(process->procInfo.hProcess, (LPDWORD)&exitCode); if (result != TRUE) { deProcess_setErrorFromWin32(process, "GetExitCodeProcess() failed"); return DE_FALSE; } if (exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) return DE_TRUE; else { /* Done. */ process->exitCode = exitCode; process->state = PROCESSSTATE_FINISHED; return DE_FALSE; } } else return DE_FALSE; } deBool deProcess_waitForFinish (deProcess* process) { if (process->state == PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING) { if (WaitForSingleObject(process->procInfo.hProcess, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { deProcess_setErrorFromWin32(process, "WaitForSingleObject() failed"); return DE_FALSE; } return !deProcess_isRunning(process); } else { deProcess_setError(process, "Process is not running"); return DE_FALSE; } } static deBool stopProcess (deProcess* process, deBool kill) { if (process->state == PROCESSSTATE_RUNNING) { if (!TerminateProcess(process->procInfo.hProcess, kill ? -1 : 0)) { deProcess_setErrorFromWin32(process, "TerminateProcess() failed"); return DE_FALSE; } else return DE_TRUE; } else { deProcess_setError(process, "Process is not running"); return DE_FALSE; } } deBool deProcess_terminate (deProcess* process) { return stopProcess(process, DE_FALSE); } deBool deProcess_kill (deProcess* process) { return stopProcess(process, DE_TRUE); } deFile* deProcess_getStdIn (deProcess* process) { return process->standardIn; } deFile* deProcess_getStdOut (deProcess* process) { return process->standardOut; } deFile* deProcess_getStdErr (deProcess* process) { return process->standardErr; } deBool deProcess_closeStdIn (deProcess* process) { if (process->standardIn) { deFile_destroy(process->standardIn); process->standardIn = DE_NULL; return DE_TRUE; } else return DE_FALSE; } deBool deProcess_closeStdOut (deProcess* process) { if (process->standardOut) { deFile_destroy(process->standardOut); process->standardOut = DE_NULL; return DE_TRUE; } else return DE_FALSE; } deBool deProcess_closeStdErr (deProcess* process) { if (process->standardErr) { deFile_destroy(process->standardErr); process->standardErr = DE_NULL; return DE_TRUE; } else return DE_FALSE; } #else # error Implement deProcess for your OS. #endif