#ifndef _EGLUNATIVEWINDOW_HPP #define _EGLUNATIVEWINDOW_HPP /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program Tester Core * ---------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief EGL native window abstraction *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "tcuDefs.hpp" #include "tcuFactoryRegistry.hpp" #include "eglwDefs.hpp" #include "tcuVector.hpp" namespace tcu { class TextureLevel; } namespace eglu { class NativePixmap; class NativeDisplay; struct WindowParams { enum Visibility { VISIBILITY_HIDDEN = 0, VISIBILITY_VISIBLE, VISIBILITY_FULLSCREEN, VISIBILITY_DONT_CARE, VISIBILITY_LAST }; enum { SIZE_DONT_CARE = - 1 }; int width; //!< Positive size, or SIZE_DONT_CARE int height; //!< Positive size, or SIZE_DONT_CARE Visibility visibility; //!< Visibility for window WindowParams (void) : width(SIZE_DONT_CARE), height(SIZE_DONT_CARE), visibility(VISIBILITY_DONT_CARE) {} WindowParams (int width_, int height_, Visibility visibility_) : width(width_), height(height_), visibility(visibility_) {} }; class WindowDestroyedError : public tcu::ResourceError { public: WindowDestroyedError (const std::string& message) : tcu::ResourceError(message) {} }; class NativeWindow { public: enum Capability { CAPABILITY_CREATE_SURFACE_LEGACY = (1<<0), //!< EGL surface can be created with eglCreateWindowSurface() CAPABILITY_CREATE_SURFACE_PLATFORM = (1<<1), //!< EGL surface can be created with eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface() CAPABILITY_GET_SURFACE_SIZE = (1<<2), CAPABILITY_SET_SURFACE_SIZE = (1<<3), CAPABILITY_GET_SCREEN_SIZE = (1<<4), CAPABILITY_READ_SCREEN_PIXELS = (1<<5), CAPABILITY_CHANGE_VISIBILITY = (1<<6) }; virtual ~NativeWindow (void) {} //! Return EGLNativeWindowType that can be used with eglCreateWindowSurface(). Default implementation throws tcu::NotSupportedError(). virtual eglw::EGLNativeWindowType getLegacyNative (void); //! Return native pointer that can be used with eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface(). Default implementation throws tcu::NotSupportedError(). virtual void* getPlatformNative (void); // Process window events. Defaults to dummy implementation, that does nothing. virtual void processEvents (void) {} // Get current size of window's logical surface. Default implementation throws tcu::NotSupportedError() virtual tcu::IVec2 getSurfaceSize (void) const; // Set the size of the window's logical surface. Default implementation throws tcu::NotSupportedError() virtual void setSurfaceSize (tcu::IVec2 size); // Get the size of the window in screen pixels. Default implementation throws tcu::NotSupportedError() virtual tcu::IVec2 getScreenSize (void) const; // Read screen (visible) pixels from window. Default implementation throws tcu::NotSupportedError() virtual void readScreenPixels (tcu::TextureLevel* dst) const; // Change window visibility. Default throws tcu::NotSupportedError(). virtual void setVisibility (WindowParams::Visibility visibility); Capability getCapabilities (void) const { return m_capabilities; } protected: NativeWindow (Capability capabilities); private: NativeWindow (const NativeWindow&); NativeWindow& operator= (const NativeWindow&); const Capability m_capabilities; }; class NativeWindowFactory : public tcu::FactoryBase { public: virtual ~NativeWindowFactory (void); //! Create generic NativeWindow virtual NativeWindow* createWindow (NativeDisplay* nativeDisplay, const WindowParams& params) const = 0; //! Create NativeWindow that matches given config. Defaults to generic createWindow(). virtual NativeWindow* createWindow (NativeDisplay* nativeDisplay, eglw::EGLDisplay display, eglw::EGLConfig config, const eglw::EGLAttrib* attribList, const WindowParams& params) const; NativeWindow::Capability getCapabilities (void) const { return m_capabilities; } protected: NativeWindowFactory (const std::string& name, const std::string& description, NativeWindow::Capability capabilities); private: NativeWindowFactory (const NativeWindowFactory&); NativeWindowFactory& operator= (const NativeWindowFactory&); const NativeWindow::Capability m_capabilities; }; typedef tcu::FactoryRegistry<NativeWindowFactory> NativeWindowFactoryRegistry; } // eglu #endif // _EGLUNATIVEWINDOW_HPP