 * drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES 3.0 Module
 * -------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * \file
 * \brief ASTC decompression tests
 * \todo Parts of the block-generation code are same as in decompression
 *		 code in tcuCompressedTexture.cpp ; could put them to some shared
 *		 ASTC utility file.
 * \todo Tests for void extents with nontrivial extent coordinates.
 * \todo Better checking of the error color. Currently legitimate error
 *		 pixels are just ignored in image comparison; however, spec says
 *		 that error color is either magenta or all-NaNs. Can NaNs cause
 *		 troubles, or can we assume that NaNs are well-supported in shader
 *		 if the implementation chooses NaNs as error color?

#include "es3fASTCDecompressionCases.hpp"
#include "gluTexture.hpp"
#include "gluPixelTransfer.hpp"
#include "gluStrUtil.hpp"
#include "gluTextureUtil.hpp"
#include "glsTextureTestUtil.hpp"
#include "tcuCompressedTexture.hpp"
#include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
#include "tcuTextureUtil.hpp"
#include "tcuSurface.hpp"
#include "tcuVectorUtil.hpp"
#include "tcuImageCompare.hpp"
#include "deStringUtil.hpp"
#include "deRandom.hpp"
#include "deFloat16.h"
#include "deString.h"
#include "deMemory.h"

#include "glwFunctions.hpp"
#include "glwEnums.hpp"

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

using tcu::TestLog;
using tcu::CompressedTexture;
using tcu::CompressedTexFormat;
using tcu::IVec2;
using tcu::IVec3;
using tcu::IVec4;
using tcu::Vec2;
using tcu::Vec4;
using tcu::Sampler;
using tcu::Surface;
using tcu::astc::BlockTestType;
using std::vector;
using std::string;

namespace deqp

using gls::TextureTestUtil::TextureRenderer;
using gls::TextureTestUtil::RandomViewport;
using namespace glu::TextureTestUtil;

namespace gles3
namespace Functional

namespace ASTCDecompressionCaseInternal

// Get a string describing the data of an ASTC block. Currently contains just hex and bin dumps of the block.
static string astcBlockDataStr (const deUint8* data)
	string result;
	result += "  Hexadecimal (big endian: upper left hex digit is block bits 127 to 124):";

		static const char* const hexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF";

		for (int i = tcu::astc::BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES-1; i >= 0; i--)
			if ((i+1) % 2 == 0)
				result += "\n    ";
				result += "  ";

			result += hexDigits[(data[i] & 0xf0) >> 4];
			result += " ";
			result += hexDigits[(data[i] & 0x0f) >> 0];

	result += "\n\n  Binary (big endian: upper left bit is block bit 127):";

	for (int i = tcu::astc::BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES-1; i >= 0; i--)
		if ((i+1) % 2 == 0)
			result += "\n    ";
			result += "  ";

		for (int j = 8-1; j >= 0; j--)
			if (j == 3)
				result += " ";

			result += (data[i] >> j) & 1 ? "1" : "0";

	result += "\n";

	return result;

// Compare reference and result block images, reporting also the position of the first non-matching block.
static bool compareBlockImages (const Surface&		reference,
								const Surface&		result,
								const tcu::RGBA&	thresholdRGBA,
								const IVec2&		blockSize,
								int					numNonDummyBlocks,
								IVec2&				firstFailedBlockCoordDst,
								Surface&			errorMaskDst,
								IVec4&				maxDiffDst)
	TCU_CHECK_INTERNAL(reference.getWidth() == result.getWidth() && reference.getHeight() == result.getHeight());

	const int		width		= result.getWidth();
	const int		height		= result.getHeight();
	const IVec4		threshold	= thresholdRGBA.toIVec();
	const int		numXBlocks	= width / blockSize.x();

	DE_ASSERT(width % blockSize.x() == 0 && height % blockSize.y() == 0);

	errorMaskDst.setSize(width, height);

	firstFailedBlockCoordDst	= IVec2(-1, -1);
	maxDiffDst					= IVec4(0);

	for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
	for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
		const IVec2 blockCoord = IVec2(x, y) / blockSize;

		if (blockCoord.y()*numXBlocks + blockCoord.x() < numNonDummyBlocks)
			const IVec4 refPix = reference.getPixel(x, y).toIVec();

			if (refPix == IVec4(255, 0, 255, 255))
				// ASTC error color - allow anything in result.
				errorMaskDst.setPixel(x, y, tcu::RGBA(255, 0, 255, 255));

			const IVec4		resPix		= result.getPixel(x, y).toIVec();
			const IVec4		diff		= tcu::abs(refPix - resPix);
			const bool		isOk		= tcu::boolAll(tcu::lessThanEqual(diff, threshold));

			maxDiffDst = tcu::max(maxDiffDst, diff);

			errorMaskDst.setPixel(x, y, isOk ? tcu::RGBA::green() : tcu::RGBA::red());

			if (!isOk && firstFailedBlockCoordDst.x() == -1)
				firstFailedBlockCoordDst = blockCoord;

	return boolAll(lessThanEqual(maxDiffDst, threshold));

enum ASTCSupportLevel
	// \note Ordered from smallest subset to full, for convenient comparison.

static inline ASTCSupportLevel getASTCSupportLevel (const glu::ContextInfo& contextInfo, const glu::RenderContext& renderCtx)
	const bool isES32 = glu::contextSupports(renderCtx.getType(), glu::ApiType::es(3, 2));

	const vector<string>& extensions = contextInfo.getExtensions();


	for (int extNdx = 0; extNdx < (int)extensions.size(); extNdx++)
		const string& ext = extensions[extNdx];
		if (isES32)
			maxLevel =	de::max(maxLevel, ext == "GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr"	? ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_HDR
										: ext == "GL_OES_texture_compression_astc"		? ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_FULL
			maxLevel =	de::max(maxLevel, ext == "GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr"	? ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_LDR
										: ext == "GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr"	? ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_HDR
										: ext == "GL_OES_texture_compression_astc"		? ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_FULL

	return maxLevel;

// Class handling the common rendering stuff of ASTC cases.
class ASTCRenderer2D
								ASTCRenderer2D		(Context&				context,
													 CompressedTexFormat	format,
													 deUint32				randomSeed);

								~ASTCRenderer2D		(void);

	void						initialize			(int minRenderWidth, int minRenderHeight, const Vec4& colorScale, const Vec4& colorBias);
	void						clear				(void);

	void						render				(Surface&					referenceDst,
													 Surface&					resultDst,
													 const glu::Texture2D&		texture,
													 const tcu::TextureFormat&	uncompressedFormat);

	CompressedTexFormat			getFormat			(void) const { return m_format; }
	IVec2						getBlockSize		(void) const { return m_blockSize; }
	ASTCSupportLevel			getASTCSupport		(void) const { DE_ASSERT(m_initialized); return m_astcSupport;	}

	Context&					m_context;
	TextureRenderer				m_renderer;

	const CompressedTexFormat	m_format;
	const IVec2					m_blockSize;
	ASTCSupportLevel			m_astcSupport;
	Vec4						m_colorScale;
	Vec4						m_colorBias;

	de::Random					m_rnd;

	bool						m_initialized;

} // ASTCDecompressionCaseInternal

using namespace ASTCDecompressionCaseInternal;

ASTCRenderer2D::ASTCRenderer2D (Context&			context,
								CompressedTexFormat	format,
								deUint32			randomSeed)
	: m_context			(context)
	, m_renderer		(context.getRenderContext(), context.getTestContext().getLog(), glu::GLSL_VERSION_300_ES, glu::PRECISION_HIGHP)
	, m_format			(format)
	, m_blockSize		(tcu::getBlockPixelSize(format).xy())
	, m_colorScale		(-1.0f)
	, m_colorBias		(-1.0f)
	, m_rnd				(randomSeed)
	, m_initialized		(false)
	DE_ASSERT(tcu::getBlockPixelSize(format).z() == 1);

ASTCRenderer2D::~ASTCRenderer2D (void)

void ASTCRenderer2D::initialize (int minRenderWidth, int minRenderHeight, const Vec4& colorScale, const Vec4& colorBias)

	const tcu::RenderTarget&	renderTarget	= m_context.getRenderTarget();
	TestLog&					log				= m_context.getTestContext().getLog();

	m_astcSupport	= getASTCSupportLevel(m_context.getContextInfo(), m_context.getRenderContext());
	m_colorScale	= colorScale;
	m_colorBias		= colorBias;

	switch (m_astcSupport)
		case ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_NONE:		log << TestLog::Message << "No ASTC support detected" << TestLog::EndMessage;		throw tcu::NotSupportedError("ASTC not supported");
		case ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_LDR:		log << TestLog::Message << "LDR ASTC support detected" << TestLog::EndMessage;		break;
		case ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_HDR:		log << TestLog::Message << "HDR ASTC support detected" << TestLog::EndMessage;		break;
		case ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_FULL:		log << TestLog::Message << "Full ASTC support detected" << TestLog::EndMessage;		break;

	if (renderTarget.getWidth() < minRenderWidth || renderTarget.getHeight() < minRenderHeight)
		throw tcu::NotSupportedError("Render target must be at least " + de::toString(minRenderWidth) + "x" + de::toString(minRenderHeight));

	log << TestLog::Message << "Using color scale and bias: result = raw * " << colorScale << " + " << colorBias << TestLog::EndMessage;

	m_initialized = true;

void ASTCRenderer2D::clear (void)

void ASTCRenderer2D::render (Surface& referenceDst, Surface& resultDst, const glu::Texture2D& texture, const tcu::TextureFormat& uncompressedFormat)

	const glw::Functions&			gl						= m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
	const glu::RenderContext&		renderCtx				= m_context.getRenderContext();
	const int						textureWidth			= texture.getRefTexture().getWidth();
	const int						textureHeight			= texture.getRefTexture().getHeight();
	const RandomViewport			viewport				(renderCtx.getRenderTarget(), textureWidth, textureHeight, m_rnd.getUint32());
	ReferenceParams					renderParams			(TEXTURETYPE_2D);
	vector<float>					texCoord;
	computeQuadTexCoord2D(texCoord, Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f), Vec2(1.0f, 1.0f));

	renderParams.samplerType	= getSamplerType(uncompressedFormat);
	renderParams.sampler		= Sampler(Sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, Sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, Sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, Sampler::NEAREST, Sampler::NEAREST);
	renderParams.colorScale		= m_colorScale;
	renderParams.colorBias		= m_colorBias;

	// Setup base viewport.
	gl.viewport(viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.width, viewport.height);

	// Bind to unit 0.
	gl.bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture.getGLTexture());

	// Setup nearest neighbor filtering and clamp-to-edge.

	GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Set texturing state");

	// Issue GL draws.
	m_renderer.renderQuad(0, &texCoord[0], renderParams);

	// Compute reference.
	sampleTexture(tcu::SurfaceAccess(referenceDst, renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getPixelFormat()), texture.getRefTexture(), &texCoord[0], renderParams);

	// Read GL-rendered image.
	glu::readPixels(renderCtx, viewport.x, viewport.y, resultDst.getAccess());

ASTCBlockCase2D::ASTCBlockCase2D (Context&				context,
								  const char*			name,
								  const char*			description,
								  BlockTestType			testType,
								  CompressedTexFormat	format)
	: TestCase				(context, name, description)
	, m_testType			(testType)
	, m_format				(format)
	, m_numBlocksTested		(0)
	, m_currentIteration	(0)
	, m_renderer			(new ASTCRenderer2D(context, format, deStringHash(getName())))
	DE_ASSERT(!(tcu::isAstcSRGBFormat(m_format) && tcu::astc::isBlockTestTypeHDROnly(m_testType))); // \note There is no HDR sRGB mode, so these would be redundant.

ASTCBlockCase2D::~ASTCBlockCase2D (void)

void ASTCBlockCase2D::init (void)
	m_renderer->initialize(64, 64, tcu::astc::getBlockTestTypeColorScale(m_testType), tcu::astc::getBlockTestTypeColorBias(m_testType));

	generateBlockCaseTestData(m_blockData, m_format, m_testType);
	DE_ASSERT(m_blockData.size() % tcu::astc::BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES == 0);

	m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "Total " << m_blockData.size() / tcu::astc::BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES << " blocks to test" << TestLog::EndMessage
					   << TestLog::Message << "Note: Legitimate ASTC error pixels will be ignored when comparing to reference" << TestLog::EndMessage;

void ASTCBlockCase2D::deinit (void)

ASTCBlockCase2D::IterateResult ASTCBlockCase2D::iterate (void)
	TestLog&						log						= m_testCtx.getLog();

	if (m_renderer->getASTCSupport() == ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_LDR && tcu::astc::isBlockTestTypeHDROnly(m_testType))
		log << TestLog::Message << "Passing the case immediately, since only LDR support was detected and test only contains HDR blocks" << TestLog::EndMessage;
		m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
		return STOP;

	const IVec2						blockSize				= m_renderer->getBlockSize();
	const int						totalNumBlocks			= (int)m_blockData.size() / tcu::astc::BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES;
	const int						numXBlocksPerImage		= de::min(m_context.getRenderTarget().getWidth(),  512) / blockSize.x();
	const int						numYBlocksPerImage		= de::min(m_context.getRenderTarget().getHeight(), 512) / blockSize.y();
	const int						numBlocksPerImage		= numXBlocksPerImage * numYBlocksPerImage;
	const int						imageWidth				= numXBlocksPerImage * blockSize.x();
	const int						imageHeight				= numYBlocksPerImage * blockSize.y();
	const int						numBlocksRemaining		= totalNumBlocks - m_numBlocksTested;
	const int						curNumNonDummyBlocks	= de::min(numBlocksPerImage, numBlocksRemaining);
	const int						curNumDummyBlocks		= numBlocksPerImage - curNumNonDummyBlocks;
	const glu::RenderContext&		renderCtx				= m_context.getRenderContext();
	const tcu::RGBA					threshold				= renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getPixelFormat().getColorThreshold() + (tcu::isAstcSRGBFormat(m_format) ? tcu::RGBA(2,2,2,2) : tcu::RGBA(1,1,1,1));
	tcu::CompressedTexture			compressed				(m_format, imageWidth, imageHeight);

	if (m_currentIteration == 0)
		log << TestLog::Message << "Using texture of size "
								<< imageWidth << "x" << imageHeight
								<< ", with " << numXBlocksPerImage << " block columns and " << numYBlocksPerImage << " block rows "
								<< ", with block size " << blockSize.x() << "x" << blockSize.y()
			<< TestLog::EndMessage;

	DE_ASSERT(compressed.getDataSize() == numBlocksPerImage*tcu::astc::BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES);
	deMemcpy(compressed.getData(), &m_blockData[m_numBlocksTested*tcu::astc::BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES], curNumNonDummyBlocks*tcu::astc::BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES);
	if (curNumDummyBlocks > 1)
		tcu::astc::generateDummyVoidExtentBlocks((deUint8*)compressed.getData() + curNumNonDummyBlocks*tcu::astc::BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, curNumDummyBlocks);

	// Create texture and render.

	const tcu::TexDecompressionParams::AstcMode	decompressionMode	= (m_renderer->getASTCSupport() == ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_LDR || tcu::isAstcSRGBFormat(m_format))
																	? tcu::TexDecompressionParams::ASTCMODE_LDR
																	: tcu::TexDecompressionParams::ASTCMODE_HDR;
	glu::Texture2D								texture				(renderCtx, m_context.getContextInfo(), 1, &compressed, tcu::TexDecompressionParams(decompressionMode));
	Surface										renderedFrame		(imageWidth, imageHeight);
	Surface										referenceFrame		(imageWidth, imageHeight);

	m_renderer->render(referenceFrame, renderedFrame, texture, getUncompressedFormat(compressed.getFormat()));

	// Compare and log.
	// \note Since a case can draw quite many images, only log the first iteration and failures.

		Surface		errorMask;
		IVec2		firstFailedBlockCoord;
		IVec4		maxDiff;
		const bool	compareOk = compareBlockImages(referenceFrame, renderedFrame, threshold, blockSize, curNumNonDummyBlocks, firstFailedBlockCoord, errorMask, maxDiff);

		if (m_currentIteration == 0 || !compareOk)
			const char* const		imageSetName	= "ComparisonResult";
			const char* const		imageSetDesc	= "Comparison Result";

				tcu::ScopedLogSection section(log, "Iteration " + de::toString(m_currentIteration),
													"Blocks " + de::toString(m_numBlocksTested) + " to " + de::toString(m_numBlocksTested + curNumNonDummyBlocks - 1));

				if (curNumDummyBlocks > 0)
					log << TestLog::Message << "Note: Only the first " << curNumNonDummyBlocks << " blocks in the image are relevant; rest " << curNumDummyBlocks << " are dummies and not checked" << TestLog::EndMessage;

				if (!compareOk)
					log << TestLog::Message << "Image comparison failed: max difference = " << maxDiff << ", threshold = " << threshold << TestLog::EndMessage
						<< TestLog::ImageSet(imageSetName, imageSetDesc)
						<< TestLog::Image("Result",		"Result",		renderedFrame)
						<< TestLog::Image("Reference",	"Reference",	referenceFrame)
						<< TestLog::Image("ErrorMask",	"Error mask",	errorMask)
						<< TestLog::EndImageSet;

					const int blockNdx = m_numBlocksTested + firstFailedBlockCoord.y()*numXBlocksPerImage + firstFailedBlockCoord.x();
					DE_ASSERT(blockNdx < totalNumBlocks);

					log << TestLog::Message << "First failed block at column " << firstFailedBlockCoord.x() << " and row " << firstFailedBlockCoord.y() << TestLog::EndMessage
						<< TestLog::Message << "Data of first failed block:\n" << astcBlockDataStr(&m_blockData[blockNdx*tcu::astc::BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES]) << TestLog::EndMessage;

					m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Image comparison failed");
					return STOP;
					log << TestLog::ImageSet(imageSetName, imageSetDesc)
						<< TestLog::Image("Result", "Result", renderedFrame)
						<< TestLog::EndImageSet;

			if (m_numBlocksTested + curNumNonDummyBlocks < totalNumBlocks)
				log << TestLog::Message << "Note: not logging further images unless reference comparison fails" << TestLog::EndMessage;

	m_numBlocksTested += curNumNonDummyBlocks;

	if (m_numBlocksTested >= totalNumBlocks)
		DE_ASSERT(m_numBlocksTested == totalNumBlocks);
		m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
		return STOP;

	return CONTINUE;

ASTCBlockSizeRemainderCase2D::ASTCBlockSizeRemainderCase2D (Context&			context,
															const char*			name,
															const char*			description,
															CompressedTexFormat	format)
	: TestCase				(context, name, description)
	, m_format				(format)
	, m_currentIteration	(0)
	, m_renderer			(new ASTCRenderer2D(context, format, deStringHash(getName())))

ASTCBlockSizeRemainderCase2D::~ASTCBlockSizeRemainderCase2D (void)

void ASTCBlockSizeRemainderCase2D::init (void)
	const IVec2 blockSize = m_renderer->getBlockSize();
	m_renderer->initialize(MAX_NUM_BLOCKS_X*blockSize.x(), MAX_NUM_BLOCKS_Y*blockSize.y(), Vec4(1.0f), Vec4(0.0f));

void ASTCBlockSizeRemainderCase2D::deinit (void)

ASTCBlockSizeRemainderCase2D::IterateResult ASTCBlockSizeRemainderCase2D::iterate (void)
	TestLog&						log						= m_testCtx.getLog();
	const IVec2						blockSize				= m_renderer->getBlockSize();
	const int						curRemainderX			= m_currentIteration % blockSize.x();
	const int						curRemainderY			= m_currentIteration / blockSize.x();
	const int						imageWidth				= (MAX_NUM_BLOCKS_X-1)*blockSize.x() + curRemainderX;
	const int						imageHeight				= (MAX_NUM_BLOCKS_Y-1)*blockSize.y() + curRemainderY;
	const int						numBlocksX				= deDivRoundUp32(imageWidth, blockSize.x());
	const int						numBlocksY				= deDivRoundUp32(imageHeight, blockSize.y());
	const int						totalNumBlocks			= numBlocksX * numBlocksY;
	const glu::RenderContext&		renderCtx				= m_context.getRenderContext();
	const tcu::RGBA					threshold				= renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getPixelFormat().getColorThreshold() + (tcu::isAstcSRGBFormat(m_format) ? tcu::RGBA(2,2,2,2) : tcu::RGBA(1,1,1,1));
	tcu::CompressedTexture			compressed				(m_format, imageWidth, imageHeight);

	DE_ASSERT(compressed.getDataSize() == totalNumBlocks*tcu::astc::BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES);
	tcu::astc::generateDummyNormalBlocks((deUint8*)compressed.getData(), totalNumBlocks, blockSize.x(), blockSize.y());

	// Create texture and render.

	const tcu::TexDecompressionParams::AstcMode	decompressionMode	= (m_renderer->getASTCSupport() == ASTCSUPPORTLEVEL_LDR || tcu::isAstcSRGBFormat(m_format))
																	? tcu::TexDecompressionParams::ASTCMODE_LDR
																	: tcu::TexDecompressionParams::ASTCMODE_HDR;
	Surface										renderedFrame		(imageWidth, imageHeight);
	Surface										referenceFrame		(imageWidth, imageHeight);
	glu::Texture2D								texture				(renderCtx, m_context.getContextInfo(), 1, &compressed, tcu::TexDecompressionParams(decompressionMode));

	m_renderer->render(referenceFrame, renderedFrame, texture, getUncompressedFormat(compressed.getFormat()));

		// Compare and log.

		tcu::ScopedLogSection section(log, "Iteration " + de::toString(m_currentIteration),
										   "Remainder " + de::toString(curRemainderX) + "x" + de::toString(curRemainderY));

		log << TestLog::Message << "Using texture of size "
								<< imageWidth << "x" << imageHeight
								<< " and block size "
								<< blockSize.x() << "x" << blockSize.y()
								<< "; the x and y remainders are "
								<< curRemainderX << " and " << curRemainderY << " respectively"
			<< TestLog::EndMessage;

		const bool compareOk = tcu::pixelThresholdCompare(m_testCtx.getLog(), "ComparisonResult", "Comparison Result", referenceFrame, renderedFrame, threshold,
														  m_currentIteration == 0 ? tcu::COMPARE_LOG_RESULT : tcu::COMPARE_LOG_ON_ERROR);

		if (!compareOk)
			m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Image comparison failed");
			return STOP;

	if (m_currentIteration == 0 && m_currentIteration+1 < blockSize.x()*blockSize.y())
		log << TestLog::Message << "Note: not logging further images unless reference comparison fails" << TestLog::EndMessage;


	if (m_currentIteration >= blockSize.x()*blockSize.y())
		DE_ASSERT(m_currentIteration == blockSize.x()*blockSize.y());
		m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
		return STOP;
	return CONTINUE;

} // Functional
} // gles3
} // deqp