"""report.py - Utilities for reporting statistics about benchmark results """ import os class BenchmarkColor(object): def __init__(self, name, code): self.name = name self.code = code def __repr__(self): return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__, (self.name, self.code)) def __format__(self, format): return self.code # Benchmark Colors Enumeration BC_NONE = BenchmarkColor('NONE', '') BC_MAGENTA = BenchmarkColor('MAGENTA', '\033[95m') BC_CYAN = BenchmarkColor('CYAN', '\033[96m') BC_OKBLUE = BenchmarkColor('OKBLUE', '\033[94m') BC_HEADER = BenchmarkColor('HEADER', '\033[92m') BC_WARNING = BenchmarkColor('WARNING', '\033[93m') BC_WHITE = BenchmarkColor('WHITE', '\033[97m') BC_FAIL = BenchmarkColor('FAIL', '\033[91m') BC_ENDC = BenchmarkColor('ENDC', '\033[0m') BC_BOLD = BenchmarkColor('BOLD', '\033[1m') BC_UNDERLINE = BenchmarkColor('UNDERLINE', '\033[4m') def color_format(use_color, fmt_str, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the result of 'fmt_str.format(*args, **kwargs)' after transforming 'args' and 'kwargs' according to the value of 'use_color'. If 'use_color' is False then all color codes in 'args' and 'kwargs' are replaced with the empty string. """ assert use_color is True or use_color is False if not use_color: args = [arg if not isinstance(arg, BenchmarkColor) else BC_NONE for arg in args] kwargs = {key: arg if not isinstance(arg, BenchmarkColor) else BC_NONE for key, arg in kwargs.items()} return fmt_str.format(*args, **kwargs) def find_longest_name(benchmark_list): """ Return the length of the longest benchmark name in a given list of benchmark JSON objects """ longest_name = 1 for bc in benchmark_list: if len(bc['name']) > longest_name: longest_name = len(bc['name']) return longest_name def calculate_change(old_val, new_val): """ Return a float representing the decimal change between old_val and new_val. """ if old_val == 0 and new_val == 0: return 0.0 if old_val == 0: return float(new_val - old_val) / (float(old_val + new_val) / 2) return float(new_val - old_val) / abs(old_val) def generate_difference_report(json1, json2, use_color=True): """ Calculate and report the difference between each test of two benchmarks runs specified as 'json1' and 'json2'. """ first_col_width = find_longest_name(json1['benchmarks']) + 5 def find_test(name): for b in json2['benchmarks']: if b['name'] == name: return b return None first_line = "{:<{}s} Time CPU Old New".format( 'Benchmark', first_col_width) output_strs = [first_line, '-' * len(first_line)] for bn in json1['benchmarks']: other_bench = find_test(bn['name']) if not other_bench: continue def get_color(res): if res > 0.05: return BC_FAIL elif res > -0.07: return BC_WHITE else: return BC_CYAN fmt_str = "{}{:<{}s}{endc} {}{:+.2f}{endc} {}{:+.2f}{endc} {:4d} {:4d}" tres = calculate_change(bn['real_time'], other_bench['real_time']) cpures = calculate_change(bn['cpu_time'], other_bench['cpu_time']) output_strs += [color_format(use_color, fmt_str, BC_HEADER, bn['name'], first_col_width, get_color(tres), tres, get_color(cpures), cpures, bn['cpu_time'], other_bench['cpu_time'], endc=BC_ENDC)] return output_strs ############################################################################### # Unit tests import unittest class TestReportDifference(unittest.TestCase): def load_results(self): import json testInputs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'Inputs') testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test1_run1.json') testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test1_run2.json') with open(testOutput1, 'r') as f: json1 = json.load(f) with open(testOutput2, 'r') as f: json2 = json.load(f) return json1, json2 def test_basic(self): expect_lines = [ ['BM_SameTimes', '+0.00', '+0.00'], ['BM_2xFaster', '-0.50', '-0.50'], ['BM_2xSlower', '+1.00', '+1.00'], ['BM_10PercentFaster', '-0.10', '-0.10'], ['BM_10PercentSlower', '+0.10', '+0.10'] ] json1, json2 = self.load_results() output_lines = generate_difference_report(json1, json2, use_color=False) print output_lines self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines)) for i in xrange(0, len(output_lines)): parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x] self.assertEqual(len(parts), 3) self.assertEqual(parts, expect_lines[i]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()