/* * CUPS raster to PWG raster format filter for CUPS. * * Copyright 2011, 2014-2017 Apple Inc. * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright law. * Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" * which should have been included with this file. If this file is * missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". * * This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception. */ /* * Include necessary headers... */ #include <cups/cups-private.h> #include <cups/ppd-private.h> #include <cups/raster.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> /* * 'main()' - Main entry for filter. */ int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line args */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { const char *final_content_type; /* FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE env var */ int fd; /* Raster file */ cups_raster_t *inras, /* Input raster stream */ *outras; /* Output raster stream */ cups_page_header2_t inheader, /* Input raster page header */ outheader; /* Output raster page header */ unsigned y; /* Current line */ unsigned char *line; /* Line buffer */ unsigned page = 0, /* Current page */ page_width, /* Actual page width */ page_height, /* Actual page height */ page_top, /* Top margin */ page_bottom, /* Bottom margin */ page_left, /* Left margin */ linesize, /* Bytes per line */ lineoffset; /* Offset into line */ unsigned char white; /* White pixel */ ppd_file_t *ppd; /* PPD file */ ppd_attr_t *back; /* cupsBackSide attribute */ _ppd_cache_t *cache; /* PPD cache */ pwg_size_t *pwg_size; /* PWG media size */ pwg_media_t *pwg_media; /* PWG media name */ int num_options; /* Number of options */ cups_option_t *options = NULL;/* Options */ const char *val; /* Option value */ if (argc < 6 || argc > 7) { puts("Usage: rastertopwg job user title copies options [filename]"); return (1); } else if (argc == 7) { if ((fd = open(argv[6], O_RDONLY)) < 0) { perror("ERROR: Unable to open print file"); return (1); } } else fd = 0; if ((final_content_type = getenv("FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE")) == NULL) final_content_type = "image/pwg-raster"; inras = cupsRasterOpen(fd, CUPS_RASTER_READ); outras = cupsRasterOpen(1, !strcmp(final_content_type, "image/pwg-raster") ? CUPS_RASTER_WRITE_PWG : CUPS_RASTER_WRITE_APPLE); ppd = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD")); back = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsBackSide", NULL); num_options = cupsParseOptions(argv[5], 0, &options); ppdMarkDefaults(ppd); cupsMarkOptions(ppd, num_options, options); cache = ppd ? ppd->cache : NULL; while (cupsRasterReadHeader2(inras, &inheader)) { /* * Show page device dictionary... */ fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Duplex = %d\n", inheader.Duplex); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: HWResolution = [ %d %d ]\n", inheader.HWResolution[0], inheader.HWResolution[1]); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: ImagingBoundingBox = [ %d %d %d %d ]\n", inheader.ImagingBoundingBox[0], inheader.ImagingBoundingBox[1], inheader.ImagingBoundingBox[2], inheader.ImagingBoundingBox[3]); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Margins = [ %d %d ]\n", inheader.Margins[0], inheader.Margins[1]); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: ManualFeed = %d\n", inheader.ManualFeed); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: MediaPosition = %d\n", inheader.MediaPosition); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: NumCopies = %d\n", inheader.NumCopies); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Orientation = %d\n", inheader.Orientation); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: PageSize = [ %d %d ]\n", inheader.PageSize[0], inheader.PageSize[1]); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsWidth = %d\n", inheader.cupsWidth); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsHeight = %d\n", inheader.cupsHeight); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsMediaType = %d\n", inheader.cupsMediaType); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsBitsPerColor = %d\n", inheader.cupsBitsPerColor); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsBitsPerPixel = %d\n", inheader.cupsBitsPerPixel); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsBytesPerLine = %d\n", inheader.cupsBytesPerLine); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsColorOrder = %d\n", inheader.cupsColorOrder); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsColorSpace = %d\n", inheader.cupsColorSpace); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsCompression = %d\n", inheader.cupsCompression); /* * Compute the real raster size... */ page ++; fprintf(stderr, "PAGE: %d %d\n", page, inheader.NumCopies); page_width = (unsigned)(inheader.cupsPageSize[0] * inheader.HWResolution[0] / 72.0); page_height = (unsigned)(inheader.cupsPageSize[1] * inheader.HWResolution[1] / 72.0); page_left = (unsigned)(inheader.cupsImagingBBox[0] * inheader.HWResolution[0] / 72.0); page_bottom = (unsigned)(inheader.cupsImagingBBox[1] * inheader.HWResolution[1] / 72.0); page_top = page_height - page_bottom - inheader.cupsHeight; linesize = (page_width * inheader.cupsBitsPerPixel + 7) / 8; lineoffset = page_left * inheader.cupsBitsPerPixel / 8; /* Round down */ if (page_left > page_width || page_top > page_height || page_bottom > page_height) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unsupported raster data.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Bad bottom/left/top margin on page %d.\n", page); return (1); } switch (inheader.cupsColorSpace) { case CUPS_CSPACE_W : case CUPS_CSPACE_RGB : case CUPS_CSPACE_SW : case CUPS_CSPACE_SRGB : case CUPS_CSPACE_ADOBERGB : white = 255; break; case CUPS_CSPACE_K : case CUPS_CSPACE_CMYK : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICE1 : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICE2 : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICE3 : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICE4 : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICE5 : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICE6 : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICE7 : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICE8 : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICE9 : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICEA : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICEB : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICEC : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICED : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICEE : case CUPS_CSPACE_DEVICEF : white = 0; break; default : _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unsupported raster data.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Unsupported cupsColorSpace %d on page %d.\n", inheader.cupsColorSpace, page); return (1); } if (inheader.cupsColorOrder != CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unsupported raster data.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Unsupported cupsColorOrder %d on page %d.\n", inheader.cupsColorOrder, page); return (1); } if (inheader.cupsBitsPerPixel != 1 && inheader.cupsBitsPerColor != 8 && inheader.cupsBitsPerColor != 16) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unsupported raster data.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Unsupported cupsBitsPerColor %d on page %d.\n", inheader.cupsBitsPerColor, page); return (1); } memcpy(&outheader, &inheader, sizeof(outheader)); outheader.cupsWidth = page_width; outheader.cupsHeight = page_height; outheader.cupsBytesPerLine = linesize; outheader.cupsInteger[14] = 0; /* VendorIdentifier */ outheader.cupsInteger[15] = 0; /* VendorLength */ if ((val = cupsGetOption("print-content-optimize", num_options, options)) != NULL) { if (!strcmp(val, "automatic")) strlcpy(outheader.OutputType, "Automatic", sizeof(outheader.OutputType)); else if (!strcmp(val, "graphics")) strlcpy(outheader.OutputType, "Graphics", sizeof(outheader.OutputType)); else if (!strcmp(val, "photo")) strlcpy(outheader.OutputType, "Photo", sizeof(outheader.OutputType)); else if (!strcmp(val, "text")) strlcpy(outheader.OutputType, "Text", sizeof(outheader.OutputType)); else if (!strcmp(val, "text-and-graphics")) strlcpy(outheader.OutputType, "TextAndGraphics", sizeof(outheader.OutputType)); else { fputs("DEBUG: Unsupported print-content-optimize value.\n", stderr); outheader.OutputType[0] = '\0'; } } if ((val = cupsGetOption("print-quality", num_options, options)) != NULL) { unsigned quality = (unsigned)atoi(val); /* print-quality value */ if (quality >= IPP_QUALITY_DRAFT && quality <= IPP_QUALITY_HIGH) outheader.cupsInteger[8] = quality; else { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Unsupported print-quality %d.\n", quality); outheader.cupsInteger[8] = 0; } } if ((val = cupsGetOption("print-rendering-intent", num_options, options)) != NULL) { if (!strcmp(val, "absolute")) strlcpy(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent, "Absolute", sizeof(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent)); else if (!strcmp(val, "automatic")) strlcpy(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent, "Automatic", sizeof(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent)); else if (!strcmp(val, "perceptual")) strlcpy(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent, "Perceptual", sizeof(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent)); else if (!strcmp(val, "relative")) strlcpy(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent, "Relative", sizeof(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent)); else if (!strcmp(val, "relative-bpc")) strlcpy(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent, "RelativeBpc", sizeof(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent)); else if (!strcmp(val, "saturation")) strlcpy(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent, "Saturation", sizeof(outheader.cupsRenderingIntent)); else { fputs("DEBUG: Unsupported print-rendering-intent value.\n", stderr); outheader.cupsRenderingIntent[0] = '\0'; } } if (inheader.cupsPageSizeName[0] && (pwg_size = _ppdCacheGetSize(cache, inheader.cupsPageSizeName)) != NULL) { strlcpy(outheader.cupsPageSizeName, pwg_size->map.pwg, sizeof(outheader.cupsPageSizeName)); } else { pwg_media = pwgMediaForSize((int)(2540.0 * inheader.cupsPageSize[0] / 72.0), (int)(2540.0 * inheader.cupsPageSize[1] / 72.0)); if (pwg_media) strlcpy(outheader.cupsPageSizeName, pwg_media->pwg, sizeof(outheader.cupsPageSizeName)); else { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Unsupported PageSize %.2fx%.2f.\n", inheader.cupsPageSize[0], inheader.cupsPageSize[1]); outheader.cupsPageSizeName[0] = '\0'; } } if (inheader.Duplex && !(page & 1) && back && _cups_strcasecmp(back->value, "Normal")) { if (_cups_strcasecmp(back->value, "Flipped")) { if (inheader.Tumble) { outheader.cupsInteger[1] = ~0U;/* CrossFeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[2] = 1; /* FeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[3] = page_width - page_left - inheader.cupsWidth; /* ImageBoxLeft */ outheader.cupsInteger[4] = page_top; /* ImageBoxTop */ outheader.cupsInteger[5] = page_width - page_left; /* ImageBoxRight */ outheader.cupsInteger[6] = page_height - page_bottom; /* ImageBoxBottom */ } else { outheader.cupsInteger[1] = 1; /* CrossFeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[2] = ~0U;/* FeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[3] = page_left; /* ImageBoxLeft */ outheader.cupsInteger[4] = page_bottom; /* ImageBoxTop */ outheader.cupsInteger[5] = page_left + inheader.cupsWidth; /* ImageBoxRight */ outheader.cupsInteger[6] = page_height - page_top; /* ImageBoxBottom */ } } else if (_cups_strcasecmp(back->value, "ManualTumble")) { if (inheader.Tumble) { outheader.cupsInteger[1] = ~0U;/* CrossFeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[2] = ~0U;/* FeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[3] = page_width - page_left - inheader.cupsWidth; /* ImageBoxLeft */ outheader.cupsInteger[4] = page_bottom; /* ImageBoxTop */ outheader.cupsInteger[5] = page_width - page_left; /* ImageBoxRight */ outheader.cupsInteger[6] = page_height - page_top; /* ImageBoxBottom */ } else { outheader.cupsInteger[1] = 1; /* CrossFeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[2] = 1; /* FeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[3] = page_left; /* ImageBoxLeft */ outheader.cupsInteger[4] = page_top; /* ImageBoxTop */ outheader.cupsInteger[5] = page_left + inheader.cupsWidth; /* ImageBoxRight */ outheader.cupsInteger[6] = page_height - page_bottom; /* ImageBoxBottom */ } } else if (_cups_strcasecmp(back->value, "Rotated")) { if (inheader.Tumble) { outheader.cupsInteger[1] = ~0U;/* CrossFeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[2] = ~0U;/* FeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[3] = page_width - page_left - inheader.cupsWidth; /* ImageBoxLeft */ outheader.cupsInteger[4] = page_bottom; /* ImageBoxTop */ outheader.cupsInteger[5] = page_width - page_left; /* ImageBoxRight */ outheader.cupsInteger[6] = page_height - page_top; /* ImageBoxBottom */ } else { outheader.cupsInteger[1] = 1; /* CrossFeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[2] = 1; /* FeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[3] = page_left; /* ImageBoxLeft */ outheader.cupsInteger[4] = page_top; /* ImageBoxTop */ outheader.cupsInteger[5] = page_left + inheader.cupsWidth; /* ImageBoxRight */ outheader.cupsInteger[6] = page_height - page_bottom; /* ImageBoxBottom */ } } else { /* * Unsupported value... */ fputs("DEBUG: Unsupported cupsBackSide value.\n", stderr); outheader.cupsInteger[1] = 1; /* CrossFeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[2] = 1; /* FeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[3] = page_left; /* ImageBoxLeft */ outheader.cupsInteger[4] = page_top; /* ImageBoxTop */ outheader.cupsInteger[5] = page_left + inheader.cupsWidth; /* ImageBoxRight */ outheader.cupsInteger[6] = page_height - page_bottom; /* ImageBoxBottom */ } } else { outheader.cupsInteger[1] = 1; /* CrossFeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[2] = 1; /* FeedTransform */ outheader.cupsInteger[3] = page_left; /* ImageBoxLeft */ outheader.cupsInteger[4] = page_top; /* ImageBoxTop */ outheader.cupsInteger[5] = page_left + inheader.cupsWidth; /* ImageBoxRight */ outheader.cupsInteger[6] = page_height - page_bottom; /* ImageBoxBottom */ } if (!cupsRasterWriteHeader2(outras, &outheader)) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Error sending raster data.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Unable to write header for page %d.\n", page); return (1); } /* * Copy raster data... */ if (linesize < inheader.cupsBytesPerLine) linesize = inheader.cupsBytesPerLine; if ((lineoffset + inheader.cupsBytesPerLine) > linesize) lineoffset = linesize - inheader.cupsBytesPerLine; line = malloc(linesize); memset(line, white, linesize); for (y = page_top; y > 0; y --) if (!cupsRasterWritePixels(outras, line, outheader.cupsBytesPerLine)) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Error sending raster data.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Unable to write line %d for page %d.\n", page_top - y + 1, page); return (1); } for (y = inheader.cupsHeight; y > 0; y --) { if (cupsRasterReadPixels(inras, line + lineoffset, inheader.cupsBytesPerLine) != inheader.cupsBytesPerLine) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Error reading raster data.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Unable to read line %d for page %d.\n", inheader.cupsHeight - y + page_top + 1, page); return (1); } if (!cupsRasterWritePixels(outras, line, outheader.cupsBytesPerLine)) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Error sending raster data.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Unable to write line %d for page %d.\n", inheader.cupsHeight - y + page_top + 1, page); return (1); } } memset(line, white, linesize); for (y = page_bottom; y > 0; y --) if (!cupsRasterWritePixels(outras, line, outheader.cupsBytesPerLine)) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Error sending raster data.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Unable to write line %d for page %d.\n", page_bottom - y + page_top + inheader.cupsHeight + 1, page); return (1); } free(line); } cupsRasterClose(inras); if (fd) close(fd); cupsRasterClose(outras); return (0); }