# Copyright 2014 The LibYuv Project Authors. All rights reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. import("libyuv.gni") import("//testing/test.gni") config("libyuv_config") { include_dirs = [ "include" ] if (is_android && current_cpu == "arm64") { ldflags = [ "-Wl,--dynamic-linker,/system/bin/linker64" ] } if (is_android && current_cpu != "arm64") { ldflags = [ "-Wl,--dynamic-linker,/system/bin/linker" ] } } # This target is built when no specific target is specified on the command line. group("default") { testonly = true deps = [ ":libyuv", ] if (libyuv_include_tests) { deps += [ ":compare", ":convert", ":cpuid", ":libyuv_unittest", ":psnr", ] } } group("libyuv") { public_configs = [ ":libyuv_config" ] if (is_win && target_cpu == "x64") { public_deps = [ ":libyuv_internal(//build/toolchain/win:clang_x64)", ] } else { public_deps = [ ":libyuv_internal", ] } } static_library("libyuv_internal") { sources = [ # Headers "include/libyuv.h", "include/libyuv/basic_types.h", "include/libyuv/compare.h", "include/libyuv/convert.h", "include/libyuv/convert_argb.h", "include/libyuv/convert_from.h", "include/libyuv/convert_from_argb.h", "include/libyuv/cpu_id.h", "include/libyuv/mjpeg_decoder.h", "include/libyuv/planar_functions.h", "include/libyuv/rotate.h", "include/libyuv/rotate_argb.h", "include/libyuv/rotate_row.h", "include/libyuv/row.h", "include/libyuv/scale.h", "include/libyuv/scale_argb.h", "include/libyuv/scale_row.h", "include/libyuv/version.h", "include/libyuv/video_common.h", # Source Files "source/compare.cc", "source/compare_common.cc", "source/compare_gcc.cc", "source/compare_win.cc", "source/convert.cc", "source/convert_argb.cc", "source/convert_from.cc", "source/convert_from_argb.cc", "source/convert_jpeg.cc", "source/convert_to_argb.cc", "source/convert_to_i420.cc", "source/cpu_id.cc", "source/mjpeg_decoder.cc", "source/mjpeg_validate.cc", "source/planar_functions.cc", "source/rotate.cc", "source/rotate_any.cc", "source/rotate_argb.cc", "source/rotate_common.cc", "source/rotate_dspr2.cc", "source/rotate_gcc.cc", "source/rotate_win.cc", "source/row_any.cc", "source/row_common.cc", "source/row_dspr2.cc", "source/row_gcc.cc", "source/row_win.cc", "source/scale.cc", "source/scale_any.cc", "source/scale_argb.cc", "source/scale_common.cc", "source/scale_dspr2.cc", "source/scale_gcc.cc", "source/scale_win.cc", "source/video_common.cc", ] configs += [ ":libyuv_config" ] defines = [] deps = [] if (!is_ios) { defines += [ "HAVE_JPEG" ] deps += [ "//third_party:jpeg" ] } if (libyuv_use_neon) { deps += [ ":libyuv_neon" ] } if (libyuv_use_msa) { deps += [ ":libyuv_msa" ] } # Always enable optimization for Release and NaCl builds (to workaround # crbug.com/538243). if (!is_debug || is_nacl) { configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ] # Enable optimize for speed (-O2) over size (-Os). configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ] } # To enable AVX2 or other cpu optimization, pass flag here # cflags = [ "-mavx2" ] } if (libyuv_use_neon) { static_library("libyuv_neon") { sources = [ # ARM Source Files "source/compare_neon.cc", "source/compare_neon64.cc", "source/rotate_neon.cc", "source/rotate_neon64.cc", "source/row_neon.cc", "source/row_neon64.cc", "source/scale_neon.cc", "source/scale_neon64.cc", ] public_configs = [ ":libyuv_config" ] # Always enable optimization for Release and NaCl builds (to workaround # crbug.com/538243). if (!is_debug) { configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ] # Enable optimize for speed (-O2) over size (-Os). configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ] } if (current_cpu != "arm64") { configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:compiler_arm_fpu" ] cflags = [ "-mfpu=neon" ] } } } if (libyuv_use_msa) { static_library("libyuv_msa") { sources = [ # MSA Source Files "source/rotate_msa.cc", "source/row_msa.cc", "source/scale_msa.cc", ] public_configs = [ ":libyuv_config" ] } } if (libyuv_include_tests) { config("libyuv_unittest_warnings_config") { if (!is_win) { cflags = [ # TODO(fbarchard): Fix sign and unused variable warnings. "-Wno-sign-compare", "-Wno-unused-variable", ] } if (is_win) { cflags = [ "/wd4245", # signed/unsigned mismatch "/wd4189", # local variable is initialized but not referenced ] } } config("libyuv_unittest_config") { defines = [ "GTEST_RELATIVE_PATH" ] } test("libyuv_unittest") { testonly = true sources = [ # sources # headers "unit_test/basictypes_test.cc", "unit_test/color_test.cc", "unit_test/compare_test.cc", "unit_test/convert_test.cc", "unit_test/cpu_test.cc", "unit_test/math_test.cc", "unit_test/planar_test.cc", "unit_test/rotate_argb_test.cc", "unit_test/rotate_test.cc", "unit_test/scale_argb_test.cc", "unit_test/scale_test.cc", "unit_test/unit_test.cc", "unit_test/unit_test.h", "unit_test/video_common_test.cc", ] deps = [ ":libyuv", "//testing/gtest", "//third_party/gflags", ] configs += [ ":libyuv_unittest_warnings_config" ] public_deps = [ "//testing/gtest", ] public_configs = [ ":libyuv_unittest_config" ] defines = [] if (is_linux) { cflags = [ "-fexceptions" ] } if (is_ios) { configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_symbols" ] configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:symbols" ] cflags = [ "-Wno-sometimes-uninitialized" ] } if (!is_ios && !libyuv_disable_jpeg) { defines += [ "HAVE_JPEG" ] } if (is_android) { deps += [ "//testing/android/native_test:native_test_native_code" ] } # TODO(YangZhang): These lines can be removed when high accuracy # YUV to RGB to Neon is ported. if ((target_cpu == "armv7" || target_cpu == "armv7s" || (target_cpu == "arm" && arm_version >= 7) || target_cpu == "arm64") && (arm_use_neon || arm_optionally_use_neon)) { defines += [ "LIBYUV_NEON" ] } defines += [ # Enable the following 3 macros to turn off assembly for specified CPU. # "LIBYUV_DISABLE_X86", # "LIBYUV_DISABLE_NEON", # "LIBYUV_DISABLE_DSPR2", # Enable the following macro to build libyuv as a shared library (dll). # "LIBYUV_USING_SHARED_LIBRARY" ] } executable("compare") { sources = [ # sources "util/compare.cc", ] deps = [ ":libyuv", ] if (is_linux) { cflags = [ "-fexceptions" ] } } executable("convert") { sources = [ # sources "util/convert.cc", ] deps = [ ":libyuv", ] if (is_linux) { cflags = [ "-fexceptions" ] } } executable("psnr") { sources = [ # sources "util/psnr.cc", "util/psnr_main.cc", "util/ssim.cc", ] deps = [ ":libyuv", ] if (!is_ios && !libyuv_disable_jpeg) { defines = [ "HAVE_JPEG" ] } } executable("cpuid") { sources = [ # sources "util/cpuid.c", ] deps = [ ":libyuv", ] } }