
Every area of the POSIX spec that has tests written for it should be tracked by
a corresponding COVERAGE.<area> file in the Documentation directory. The first
example file is COVERAGE.timers, which I will keep up to date with the latest

The idea with these files is to track the progress of test creation. Also, the
files will be parsed nightly to generate the Project Status web page at so they must conform to a certain format.

To simplify the creation of a tool to parse these files, the following rules
should be observed in creating the file.

Completion of POSIX Function Conformance Tests
There should be one line for each POSIX function included in this area of the
POSIX spec. The tests for these functions are currently found in the
conformance/behavior/<function-name> directory. (They may be moved to
conformance/interfaces/<function-name> shortly.) The function test directory
need not exist yet, but the list of functions in the COVERAGE file should be

Each line should have this format:
<function-name>  <complete?>  <other-fields>

That is, spaces or tabs as whitespace separating the function name and complete
fields, and any other fields, if present. Other fields will be ignored by the
parser currently.

For example, from COVERAGE.timers:
clock_gettime	NO*	MED

Only the first letter of the complete? field will be read, and should be either
N or Y. (So you are free to have asterisks as Julie has done.)

She has a priority field after that HIGH/MED/LOW which is currently not used by
the parser.

Information Fields
Additional information should be provided with this format:
Field-Name: Value-Data

The field "Coverage-Area" MUST be provided with a description of this area of
the POSIX spec such as "Clocks & Timers (TMR)".

The field "Area-Code" MUST be provided, a unique code with no spaces to use
internally within the web page to link to the stats about this coverage area,
such as "tmr" or "sig".

The field "Maintainer" SHOULD be provided with the name of the active
maintainer of this area.

The field "Contributor" MAY be provided (one or more times) with a name of
someone who contributed to the tests in this area (other than the active

Comment Lines
Any line that is not of the type defined above must be denoted as a comment
line. There are three types of comment lines that will be ignored:

- Any blank line or line with whitespace only
- Any line beginning with //
- Any lines between an opening line of /* and a closing line of */ (inclusive)

For example, only the clock_gettime line would be parsed below:

// SAMPLE FILE: First Line

// The line above is whitespace only, and the line below is blank

This section is for longer
clock_gettime	NO*	MED

// SAMPLE FILE: Last Line

Other Tests: Definitions, Functional, Stress, etc.
These tests are not currently handled by the parser tool, and thus should be
included in comment fields if the information is present.

Future Extensions
If other fields become required later, they will be moved to the front of the
text lines, so that optional fields can still appear after them.

Contributors:	geoffrey.r.gustafson REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com