This explains how the automatic testing works with profile support.

Profiles help users maintaining sets of tests for specific requirements.
Each profile is defined in a file.
All profiles are stored in the <RT_TESTS_ROOT>/profile/ directory.

I. Automated tests in specific test-diretory.

Tests can be run for one directory by running ./ in the wanted dir. is customizable and contains a command line for each test to be run.
(see template in this dir) can be invoked with an argument which is the profile to use.
profile/ dir holds a file for each defined profile.
A profile has a number of lines for which each test executable can be run
with different arguments.
Invoking with no arg uses the default profile.
Currently, the default profile does not alter the default values defined
individually in each test.

In dir func/prio-preempt, user runs ./ prf1
Since contains this line:
	$SCRIPTS_DIR/ $profile prio-preempt will look into profile/prf1 for lines like this:
	func/prio-preempt prio-preempt -c 2 -j
	func/prio-preempt prio-preempt -c 1

and run the following commands from the func/prio-preempt dir:
	prio-preempt -c 2 -j
	prio-preempt -c 1

II. All automated tests

Tests can also be run with <RT_TESTS_ROOT>/ User may choose whatever
test range he wants. (all, func, perf... see README) searches for files in the wanted area and runs them one
by one.
To use a profile other than default, use argument '-p <myprofile>'.

	./ -p prf1 -t func	# Uses prf1 profile
	./ -t func		# Uses default profile