/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Andrew Duggan * Copyright (C) 2014 Synaptics Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _RMIDEVICE_H_ #define _RMIDEVICE_H_ #include <cstddef> #include <vector> #include "rmifunction.h" #define RMI_PRODUCT_ID_LENGTH 10 #define RMI_INTERUPT_SOURCES_ALL_MASK 0xFFFFFFFF class RMIDevice { public: RMIDevice() : m_functionList(), m_sensorID(0), m_bCancel(false), m_bytesPerReadRequest(0), m_page(-1) {} virtual ~RMIDevice() {} virtual int Open(const char * filename) = 0; virtual int Read(unsigned short addr, unsigned char *data, unsigned short len) = 0; virtual int Write(unsigned short addr, const unsigned char *data, unsigned short len) = 0; virtual int SetMode(int mode) { return -1; /* Unsupported */ } virtual int WaitForAttention(struct timeval * timeout = NULL, unsigned int source_mask = RMI_INTERUPT_SOURCES_ALL_MASK) = 0; virtual int GetAttentionReport(struct timeval * timeout, unsigned int source_mask, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int *len) { return -1; /* Unsupported */ } virtual void Close() = 0; virtual void Cancel() { m_bCancel = true; } virtual void RebindDriver() = 0; unsigned long GetFirmwareID() { return m_buildID; } int GetFirmwareVersionMajor() { return m_firmwareVersionMajor; } int GetFirmwareVersionMinor() { return m_firmwareVersionMinor; } virtual int QueryBasicProperties(); int SetRMIPage(unsigned char page); int ScanPDT(int endFunc = 0, int endPage = -1); void PrintProperties(); virtual void PrintDeviceInfo() = 0; int Reset(); bool InBootloader(); bool GetFunction(RMIFunction &func, int functionNumber); void PrintFunctions(); void SetBytesPerReadRequest(int bytes) { m_bytesPerReadRequest = bytes; } unsigned int GetNumInterruptRegs() { return m_numInterruptRegs; } protected: std::vector<RMIFunction> m_functionList; unsigned char m_manufacturerID; bool m_hasLTS; bool m_hasSensorID; bool m_hasAdjustableDoze; bool m_hasAdjustableDozeHoldoff; bool m_hasQuery42; char m_dom[11]; unsigned char m_productID[RMI_PRODUCT_ID_LENGTH + 1]; unsigned short m_packageID; unsigned short m_packageRev; unsigned long m_buildID; unsigned char m_sensorID; unsigned long m_boardID; int m_firmwareVersionMajor; int m_firmwareVersionMinor; bool m_hasDS4Queries; bool m_hasMultiPhysical; unsigned char m_ds4QueryLength; bool m_hasPackageIDQuery; bool m_hasBuildIDQuery; bool m_bCancel; int m_bytesPerReadRequest; int m_page; unsigned int m_numInterruptRegs; }; /* Utility Functions */ long long diff_time(struct timespec *start, struct timespec *end); int Sleep(int ms); void print_buffer(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len); #endif /* _RMIDEVICE_H_ */