/* * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkGlyphCache.h" #include "SkGlyphCache_Globals.h" #include "SkGraphics.h" #include "SkOnce.h" #include "SkPath.h" #include "SkTemplates.h" #include "SkTraceMemoryDump.h" #include "SkTypeface.h" #include <cctype> //#define SPEW_PURGE_STATUS namespace { const char gGlyphCacheDumpName[] = "skia/sk_glyph_cache"; } // namespace // Returns the shared globals static SkGlyphCache_Globals& get_globals() { static SkOnce once; static SkGlyphCache_Globals* globals; once([]{ globals = new SkGlyphCache_Globals; }); return *globals; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SkGlyphCache::SkGlyphCache(const SkDescriptor* desc, std::unique_ptr<SkScalerContext> ctx) : fDesc(desc->copy()) , fScalerContext(std::move(ctx)) { SkASSERT(desc); SkASSERT(fScalerContext); fPrev = fNext = nullptr; fScalerContext->getFontMetrics(&fFontMetrics); fMemoryUsed = sizeof(*this); } SkGlyphCache::~SkGlyphCache() { fGlyphMap.foreach([](SkGlyph* g) { if (g->fPathData) { delete g->fPathData->fPath; } }); } SkGlyphCache::CharGlyphRec* SkGlyphCache::getCharGlyphRec(SkPackedUnicharID packedUnicharID) { if (!fPackedUnicharIDToPackedGlyphID) { fPackedUnicharIDToPackedGlyphID.reset(new CharGlyphRec[kHashCount]); } return &fPackedUnicharIDToPackedGlyphID[packedUnicharID.hash() & kHashMask]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef SK_DEBUG #define VALIDATE() AutoValidate av(this) #else #define VALIDATE() #endif SkGlyphID SkGlyphCache::unicharToGlyph(SkUnichar charCode) { VALIDATE(); SkPackedUnicharID packedUnicharID(charCode); CharGlyphRec* rec = this->getCharGlyphRec(packedUnicharID); if (rec->fPackedUnicharID == packedUnicharID) { // The glyph exists in the unichar to glyph mapping cache. Return it. return rec->fPackedGlyphID.code(); } else { // The glyph is not in the unichar to glyph mapping cache. Insert it. rec->fPackedUnicharID = packedUnicharID; SkGlyphID glyphID = fScalerContext->charToGlyphID(charCode); rec->fPackedGlyphID = SkPackedGlyphID(glyphID); return glyphID; } } SkUnichar SkGlyphCache::glyphToUnichar(SkGlyphID glyphID) { return fScalerContext->glyphIDToChar(glyphID); } unsigned SkGlyphCache::getGlyphCount() const { return fScalerContext->getGlyphCount(); } int SkGlyphCache::countCachedGlyphs() const { return fGlyphMap.count(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const SkGlyph& SkGlyphCache::getUnicharAdvance(SkUnichar charCode) { VALIDATE(); return *this->lookupByChar(charCode, kJustAdvance_MetricsType); } const SkGlyph& SkGlyphCache::getGlyphIDAdvance(uint16_t glyphID) { VALIDATE(); SkPackedGlyphID packedGlyphID(glyphID); return *this->lookupByPackedGlyphID(packedGlyphID, kJustAdvance_MetricsType); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const SkGlyph& SkGlyphCache::getUnicharMetrics(SkUnichar charCode) { VALIDATE(); return *this->lookupByChar(charCode, kFull_MetricsType); } const SkGlyph& SkGlyphCache::getUnicharMetrics(SkUnichar charCode, SkFixed x, SkFixed y) { VALIDATE(); return *this->lookupByChar(charCode, kFull_MetricsType, x, y); } const SkGlyph& SkGlyphCache::getGlyphIDMetrics(uint16_t glyphID) { VALIDATE(); SkPackedGlyphID packedGlyphID(glyphID); return *this->lookupByPackedGlyphID(packedGlyphID, kFull_MetricsType); } const SkGlyph& SkGlyphCache::getGlyphIDMetrics(uint16_t glyphID, SkFixed x, SkFixed y) { VALIDATE(); SkPackedGlyphID packedGlyphID(glyphID, x, y); return *this->lookupByPackedGlyphID(packedGlyphID, kFull_MetricsType); } SkGlyph* SkGlyphCache::lookupByChar(SkUnichar charCode, MetricsType type, SkFixed x, SkFixed y) { SkPackedUnicharID id(charCode, x, y); CharGlyphRec* rec = this->getCharGlyphRec(id); if (rec->fPackedUnicharID != id) { rec->fPackedUnicharID = id; rec->fPackedGlyphID = SkPackedGlyphID(fScalerContext->charToGlyphID(charCode), x, y); } return this->lookupByPackedGlyphID(rec->fPackedGlyphID, type); } SkGlyph* SkGlyphCache::lookupByPackedGlyphID(SkPackedGlyphID packedGlyphID, MetricsType type) { SkGlyph* glyph = fGlyphMap.find(packedGlyphID); if (nullptr == glyph) { glyph = this->allocateNewGlyph(packedGlyphID, type); } else { if (type == kFull_MetricsType && glyph->isJustAdvance()) { fScalerContext->getMetrics(glyph); } } return glyph; } SkGlyph* SkGlyphCache::allocateNewGlyph(SkPackedGlyphID packedGlyphID, MetricsType mtype) { fMemoryUsed += sizeof(SkGlyph); SkGlyph* glyphPtr; { SkGlyph glyph; glyph.initWithGlyphID(packedGlyphID); glyphPtr = fGlyphMap.set(glyph); } if (kJustAdvance_MetricsType == mtype) { fScalerContext->getAdvance(glyphPtr); } else { SkASSERT(kFull_MetricsType == mtype); fScalerContext->getMetrics(glyphPtr); } SkASSERT(glyphPtr->fID != SkPackedGlyphID()); return glyphPtr; } const void* SkGlyphCache::findImage(const SkGlyph& glyph) { if (glyph.fWidth > 0 && glyph.fWidth < kMaxGlyphWidth) { if (nullptr == glyph.fImage) { size_t size = const_cast<SkGlyph&>(glyph).allocImage(&fAlloc); // check that alloc() actually succeeded if (glyph.fImage) { fScalerContext->getImage(glyph); // TODO: the scaler may have changed the maskformat during // getImage (e.g. from AA or LCD to BW) which means we may have // overallocated the buffer. Check if the new computedImageSize // is smaller, and if so, strink the alloc size in fImageAlloc. fMemoryUsed += size; } } } return glyph.fImage; } const SkPath* SkGlyphCache::findPath(const SkGlyph& glyph) { if (glyph.fWidth) { if (glyph.fPathData == nullptr) { SkGlyph::PathData* pathData = fAlloc.make<SkGlyph::PathData>(); const_cast<SkGlyph&>(glyph).fPathData = pathData; pathData->fIntercept = nullptr; SkPath* path = pathData->fPath = new SkPath; fScalerContext->getPath(glyph.getPackedID(), path); fMemoryUsed += sizeof(SkPath) + path->countPoints() * sizeof(SkPoint); } } return glyph.fPathData ? glyph.fPathData->fPath : nullptr; } #include "../pathops/SkPathOpsCubic.h" #include "../pathops/SkPathOpsQuad.h" static bool quad_in_bounds(const SkScalar* pts, const SkScalar bounds[2]) { SkScalar min = SkTMin(SkTMin(pts[0], pts[2]), pts[4]); if (bounds[1] < min) { return false; } SkScalar max = SkTMax(SkTMax(pts[0], pts[2]), pts[4]); return bounds[0] < max; } static bool cubic_in_bounds(const SkScalar* pts, const SkScalar bounds[2]) { SkScalar min = SkTMin(SkTMin(SkTMin(pts[0], pts[2]), pts[4]), pts[6]); if (bounds[1] < min) { return false; } SkScalar max = SkTMax(SkTMax(SkTMax(pts[0], pts[2]), pts[4]), pts[6]); return bounds[0] < max; } void SkGlyphCache::OffsetResults(const SkGlyph::Intercept* intercept, SkScalar scale, SkScalar xPos, SkScalar* array, int* count) { if (array) { array += *count; for (int index = 0; index < 2; index++) { *array++ = intercept->fInterval[index] * scale + xPos; } } *count += 2; } void SkGlyphCache::AddInterval(SkScalar val, SkGlyph::Intercept* intercept) { intercept->fInterval[0] = SkTMin(intercept->fInterval[0], val); intercept->fInterval[1] = SkTMax(intercept->fInterval[1], val); } void SkGlyphCache::AddPoints(const SkPoint* pts, int ptCount, const SkScalar bounds[2], bool yAxis, SkGlyph::Intercept* intercept) { for (int i = 0; i < ptCount; ++i) { SkScalar val = *(&pts[i].fY - yAxis); if (bounds[0] < val && val < bounds[1]) { AddInterval(*(&pts[i].fX + yAxis), intercept); } } } void SkGlyphCache::AddLine(const SkPoint pts[2], SkScalar axis, bool yAxis, SkGlyph::Intercept* intercept) { SkScalar t = yAxis ? (axis - pts[0].fX) / (pts[1].fX - pts[0].fX) : (axis - pts[0].fY) / (pts[1].fY - pts[0].fY); if (0 <= t && t < 1) { // this handles divide by zero above AddInterval(yAxis ? pts[0].fY + t * (pts[1].fY - pts[0].fY) : pts[0].fX + t * (pts[1].fX - pts[0].fX), intercept); } } void SkGlyphCache::AddQuad(const SkPoint pts[2], SkScalar axis, bool yAxis, SkGlyph::Intercept* intercept) { SkDQuad quad; quad.set(pts); double roots[2]; int count = yAxis ? quad.verticalIntersect(axis, roots) : quad.horizontalIntersect(axis, roots); while (--count >= 0) { SkPoint pt = quad.ptAtT(roots[count]).asSkPoint(); AddInterval(*(&pt.fX + yAxis), intercept); } } void SkGlyphCache::AddCubic(const SkPoint pts[3], SkScalar axis, bool yAxis, SkGlyph::Intercept* intercept) { SkDCubic cubic; cubic.set(pts); double roots[3]; int count = yAxis ? cubic.verticalIntersect(axis, roots) : cubic.horizontalIntersect(axis, roots); while (--count >= 0) { SkPoint pt = cubic.ptAtT(roots[count]).asSkPoint(); AddInterval(*(&pt.fX + yAxis), intercept); } } const SkGlyph::Intercept* SkGlyphCache::MatchBounds(const SkGlyph* glyph, const SkScalar bounds[2]) { if (!glyph->fPathData) { return nullptr; } const SkGlyph::Intercept* intercept = glyph->fPathData->fIntercept; while (intercept) { if (bounds[0] == intercept->fBounds[0] && bounds[1] == intercept->fBounds[1]) { return intercept; } intercept = intercept->fNext; } return nullptr; } void SkGlyphCache::findIntercepts(const SkScalar bounds[2], SkScalar scale, SkScalar xPos, bool yAxis, SkGlyph* glyph, SkScalar* array, int* count) { const SkGlyph::Intercept* match = MatchBounds(glyph, bounds); if (match) { if (match->fInterval[0] < match->fInterval[1]) { OffsetResults(match, scale, xPos, array, count); } return; } SkGlyph::Intercept* intercept = fAlloc.make<SkGlyph::Intercept>(); intercept->fNext = glyph->fPathData->fIntercept; intercept->fBounds[0] = bounds[0]; intercept->fBounds[1] = bounds[1]; intercept->fInterval[0] = SK_ScalarMax; intercept->fInterval[1] = SK_ScalarMin; glyph->fPathData->fIntercept = intercept; const SkPath* path = glyph->fPathData->fPath; const SkRect& pathBounds = path->getBounds(); if (*(&pathBounds.fBottom - yAxis) < bounds[0] || bounds[1] < *(&pathBounds.fTop - yAxis)) { return; } SkPath::Iter iter(*path, false); SkPoint pts[4]; SkPath::Verb verb; while (SkPath::kDone_Verb != (verb = iter.next(pts))) { switch (verb) { case SkPath::kMove_Verb: break; case SkPath::kLine_Verb: AddLine(pts, bounds[0], yAxis, intercept); AddLine(pts, bounds[1], yAxis, intercept); AddPoints(pts, 2, bounds, yAxis, intercept); break; case SkPath::kQuad_Verb: if (!quad_in_bounds(&pts[0].fY - yAxis, bounds)) { break; } AddQuad(pts, bounds[0], yAxis, intercept); AddQuad(pts, bounds[1], yAxis, intercept); AddPoints(pts, 3, bounds, yAxis, intercept); break; case SkPath::kConic_Verb: SkASSERT(0); // no support for text composed of conics break; case SkPath::kCubic_Verb: if (!cubic_in_bounds(&pts[0].fY - yAxis, bounds)) { break; } AddCubic(pts, bounds[0], yAxis, intercept); AddCubic(pts, bounds[1], yAxis, intercept); AddPoints(pts, 4, bounds, yAxis, intercept); break; case SkPath::kClose_Verb: break; default: SkASSERT(0); break; } } if (intercept->fInterval[0] >= intercept->fInterval[1]) { intercept->fInterval[0] = SK_ScalarMax; intercept->fInterval[1] = SK_ScalarMin; return; } OffsetResults(intercept, scale, xPos, array, count); } void SkGlyphCache::dump() const { const SkTypeface* face = fScalerContext->getTypeface(); const SkScalerContextRec& rec = fScalerContext->getRec(); SkMatrix matrix; rec.getSingleMatrix(&matrix); matrix.preScale(SkScalarInvert(rec.fTextSize), SkScalarInvert(rec.fTextSize)); SkString name; face->getFamilyName(&name); SkString msg; msg.printf("cache typeface:%x %25s:%d size:%2g [%g %g %g %g] lum:%02X devG:%d pntG:%d cntr:%d glyphs:%3d", face->uniqueID(), name.c_str(), face->style(), rec.fTextSize, matrix[SkMatrix::kMScaleX], matrix[SkMatrix::kMSkewX], matrix[SkMatrix::kMSkewY], matrix[SkMatrix::kMScaleY], rec.fLumBits & 0xFF, rec.fDeviceGamma, rec.fPaintGamma, rec.fContrast, fGlyphMap.count()); SkDebugf("%s\n", msg.c_str()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// size_t SkGlyphCache_Globals::getTotalMemoryUsed() const { SkAutoExclusive ac(fLock); return fTotalMemoryUsed; } int SkGlyphCache_Globals::getCacheCountUsed() const { SkAutoExclusive ac(fLock); return fCacheCount; } int SkGlyphCache_Globals::getCacheCountLimit() const { SkAutoExclusive ac(fLock); return fCacheCountLimit; } size_t SkGlyphCache_Globals::setCacheSizeLimit(size_t newLimit) { static const size_t minLimit = 256 * 1024; if (newLimit < minLimit) { newLimit = minLimit; } SkAutoExclusive ac(fLock); size_t prevLimit = fCacheSizeLimit; fCacheSizeLimit = newLimit; this->internalPurge(); return prevLimit; } size_t SkGlyphCache_Globals::getCacheSizeLimit() const { SkAutoExclusive ac(fLock); return fCacheSizeLimit; } int SkGlyphCache_Globals::setCacheCountLimit(int newCount) { if (newCount < 0) { newCount = 0; } SkAutoExclusive ac(fLock); int prevCount = fCacheCountLimit; fCacheCountLimit = newCount; this->internalPurge(); return prevCount; } void SkGlyphCache_Globals::purgeAll() { SkAutoExclusive ac(fLock); this->internalPurge(fTotalMemoryUsed); } /* This guy calls the visitor from within the mutext lock, so the visitor cannot: - take too much time - try to acquire the mutext again - call a fontscaler (which might call into the cache) */ SkGlyphCache* SkGlyphCache::VisitCache(SkTypeface* typeface, const SkScalerContextEffects& effects, const SkDescriptor* desc, bool (*proc)(const SkGlyphCache*, void*), void* context) { if (!typeface) { typeface = SkTypeface::GetDefaultTypeface(); } SkASSERT(desc); // Precondition: the typeface id must be the fFontID in the descriptor SkDEBUGCODE( uint32_t length = 0; const SkScalerContext::Rec* rec = static_cast<const SkScalerContext::Rec*>( desc->findEntry(kRec_SkDescriptorTag, &length)); SkASSERT(rec); SkASSERT(length == sizeof(*rec)); SkASSERT(typeface->uniqueID() == rec->fFontID); ) SkGlyphCache_Globals& globals = get_globals(); SkGlyphCache* cache; { SkAutoExclusive ac(globals.fLock); globals.validate(); for (cache = globals.internalGetHead(); cache != nullptr; cache = cache->fNext) { if (*cache->fDesc == *desc) { globals.internalDetachCache(cache); if (!proc(cache, context)) { globals.internalAttachCacheToHead(cache); cache = nullptr; } return cache; } } } // Check if we can create a scaler-context before creating the glyphcache. // If not, we may have exhausted OS/font resources, so try purging the // cache once and try again. { // pass true the first time, to notice if the scalercontext failed, // so we can try the purge. std::unique_ptr<SkScalerContext> ctx = typeface->createScalerContext(effects, desc, true); if (!ctx) { get_globals().purgeAll(); ctx = typeface->createScalerContext(effects, desc, false); SkASSERT(ctx); } cache = new SkGlyphCache(desc, std::move(ctx)); } AutoValidate av(cache); if (!proc(cache, context)) { // need to reattach globals.attachCacheToHead(cache); cache = nullptr; } return cache; } void SkGlyphCache::AttachCache(SkGlyphCache* cache) { SkASSERT(cache); SkASSERT(cache->fNext == nullptr); get_globals().attachCacheToHead(cache); } static void dump_visitor(const SkGlyphCache& cache, void* context) { int* counter = (int*)context; int index = *counter; *counter += 1; const SkScalerContextRec& rec = cache.getScalerContext()->getRec(); SkDebugf("[%3d] ID %3d, glyphs %3d, size %g, scale %g, skew %g, [%g %g %g %g]\n", index, rec.fFontID, cache.countCachedGlyphs(), rec.fTextSize, rec.fPreScaleX, rec.fPreSkewX, rec.fPost2x2[0][0], rec.fPost2x2[0][1], rec.fPost2x2[1][0], rec.fPost2x2[1][1]); } void SkGlyphCache::Dump() { SkDebugf("GlyphCache [ used budget ]\n"); SkDebugf(" bytes [ %8zu %8zu ]\n", SkGraphics::GetFontCacheUsed(), SkGraphics::GetFontCacheLimit()); SkDebugf(" count [ %8zu %8zu ]\n", SkGraphics::GetFontCacheCountUsed(), SkGraphics::GetFontCacheCountLimit()); int counter = 0; SkGlyphCache::VisitAll(dump_visitor, &counter); } static void sk_trace_dump_visitor(const SkGlyphCache& cache, void* context) { SkTraceMemoryDump* dump = static_cast<SkTraceMemoryDump*>(context); const SkTypeface* face = cache.getScalerContext()->getTypeface(); const SkScalerContextRec& rec = cache.getScalerContext()->getRec(); SkString fontName; face->getFamilyName(&fontName); // Replace all special characters with '_'. for (size_t index = 0; index < fontName.size(); ++index) { if (!std::isalnum(fontName[index])) { fontName[index] = '_'; } } SkString dumpName = SkStringPrintf("%s/%s_%d/%p", gGlyphCacheDumpName, fontName.c_str(), rec.fFontID, &cache); dump->dumpNumericValue(dumpName.c_str(), "size", "bytes", cache.getMemoryUsed()); dump->dumpNumericValue(dumpName.c_str(), "glyph_count", "objects", cache.countCachedGlyphs()); dump->setMemoryBacking(dumpName.c_str(), "malloc", nullptr); } void SkGlyphCache::DumpMemoryStatistics(SkTraceMemoryDump* dump) { dump->dumpNumericValue(gGlyphCacheDumpName, "size", "bytes", SkGraphics::GetFontCacheUsed()); dump->dumpNumericValue(gGlyphCacheDumpName, "budget_size", "bytes", SkGraphics::GetFontCacheLimit()); dump->dumpNumericValue(gGlyphCacheDumpName, "glyph_count", "objects", SkGraphics::GetFontCacheCountUsed()); dump->dumpNumericValue(gGlyphCacheDumpName, "budget_glyph_count", "objects", SkGraphics::GetFontCacheCountLimit()); if (dump->getRequestedDetails() == SkTraceMemoryDump::kLight_LevelOfDetail) { dump->setMemoryBacking(gGlyphCacheDumpName, "malloc", nullptr); return; } SkGlyphCache::VisitAll(sk_trace_dump_visitor, dump); } void SkGlyphCache::VisitAll(Visitor visitor, void* context) { SkGlyphCache_Globals& globals = get_globals(); SkAutoExclusive ac(globals.fLock); SkGlyphCache* cache; globals.validate(); for (cache = globals.internalGetHead(); cache != nullptr; cache = cache->fNext) { visitor(*cache, context); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SkGlyphCache_Globals::attachCacheToHead(SkGlyphCache* cache) { SkAutoExclusive ac(fLock); this->validate(); cache->validate(); this->internalAttachCacheToHead(cache); this->internalPurge(); } SkGlyphCache* SkGlyphCache_Globals::internalGetTail() const { SkGlyphCache* cache = fHead; if (cache) { while (cache->fNext) { cache = cache->fNext; } } return cache; } size_t SkGlyphCache_Globals::internalPurge(size_t minBytesNeeded) { this->validate(); size_t bytesNeeded = 0; if (fTotalMemoryUsed > fCacheSizeLimit) { bytesNeeded = fTotalMemoryUsed - fCacheSizeLimit; } bytesNeeded = SkTMax(bytesNeeded, minBytesNeeded); if (bytesNeeded) { // no small purges! bytesNeeded = SkTMax(bytesNeeded, fTotalMemoryUsed >> 2); } int countNeeded = 0; if (fCacheCount > fCacheCountLimit) { countNeeded = fCacheCount - fCacheCountLimit; // no small purges! countNeeded = SkMax32(countNeeded, fCacheCount >> 2); } // early exit if (!countNeeded && !bytesNeeded) { return 0; } size_t bytesFreed = 0; int countFreed = 0; // we start at the tail and proceed backwards, as the linklist is in LRU // order, with unimportant entries at the tail. SkGlyphCache* cache = this->internalGetTail(); while (cache != nullptr && (bytesFreed < bytesNeeded || countFreed < countNeeded)) { SkGlyphCache* prev = cache->fPrev; bytesFreed += cache->fMemoryUsed; countFreed += 1; this->internalDetachCache(cache); delete cache; cache = prev; } this->validate(); #ifdef SPEW_PURGE_STATUS if (countFreed) { SkDebugf("purging %dK from font cache [%d entries]\n", (int)(bytesFreed >> 10), countFreed); } #endif return bytesFreed; } void SkGlyphCache_Globals::internalAttachCacheToHead(SkGlyphCache* cache) { SkASSERT(nullptr == cache->fPrev && nullptr == cache->fNext); if (fHead) { fHead->fPrev = cache; cache->fNext = fHead; } fHead = cache; fCacheCount += 1; fTotalMemoryUsed += cache->fMemoryUsed; } void SkGlyphCache_Globals::internalDetachCache(SkGlyphCache* cache) { SkASSERT(fCacheCount > 0); fCacheCount -= 1; fTotalMemoryUsed -= cache->fMemoryUsed; if (cache->fPrev) { cache->fPrev->fNext = cache->fNext; } else { fHead = cache->fNext; } if (cache->fNext) { cache->fNext->fPrev = cache->fPrev; } cache->fPrev = cache->fNext = nullptr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef SK_DEBUG void SkGlyphCache::validate() const { #ifdef SK_DEBUG_GLYPH_CACHE int count = fGlyphArray.count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const SkGlyph* glyph = &fGlyphArray[i]; SkASSERT(glyph); if (glyph->fImage) { SkASSERT(fGlyphAlloc.contains(glyph->fImage)); } } #endif } void SkGlyphCache_Globals::validate() const { size_t computedBytes = 0; int computedCount = 0; const SkGlyphCache* head = fHead; while (head != nullptr) { computedBytes += head->fMemoryUsed; computedCount += 1; head = head->fNext; } SkASSERTF(fCacheCount == computedCount, "fCacheCount: %d, computedCount: %d", fCacheCount, computedCount); SkASSERTF(fTotalMemoryUsed == computedBytes, "fTotalMemoryUsed: %d, computedBytes: %d", fTotalMemoryUsed, computedBytes); } #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "SkTypefaceCache.h" size_t SkGraphics::GetFontCacheLimit() { return get_globals().getCacheSizeLimit(); } size_t SkGraphics::SetFontCacheLimit(size_t bytes) { return get_globals().setCacheSizeLimit(bytes); } size_t SkGraphics::GetFontCacheUsed() { return get_globals().getTotalMemoryUsed(); } int SkGraphics::GetFontCacheCountLimit() { return get_globals().getCacheCountLimit(); } int SkGraphics::SetFontCacheCountLimit(int count) { return get_globals().setCacheCountLimit(count); } int SkGraphics::GetFontCacheCountUsed() { return get_globals().getCacheCountUsed(); } void SkGraphics::PurgeFontCache() { get_globals().purgeAll(); SkTypefaceCache::PurgeAll(); } // TODO(herb): clean up TLS apis. size_t SkGraphics::GetTLSFontCacheLimit() { return 0; } void SkGraphics::SetTLSFontCacheLimit(size_t bytes) { }