#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import os import re import json type_traits = { "any": "*", "string": "string", "integer": "number", "number": "number", "boolean": "boolean", "array": "!Array.<*>", "object": "!Object", } promisified_domains = { "Accessibility", "Animation", "CSS", "Emulation", "Profiler" } ref_types = {} def full_qualified_type_id(domain_name, type_id): if type_id.find(".") == -1: return "%s.%s" % (domain_name, type_id) return type_id def fix_camel_case(name): prefix = "" if name[0] == "-": prefix = "Negative" name = name[1:] refined = re.sub(r'-(\w)', lambda pat: pat.group(1).upper(), name) refined = to_title_case(refined) return prefix + re.sub(r'(?i)HTML|XML|WML|API', lambda pat: pat.group(0).upper(), refined) def to_title_case(name): return name[:1].upper() + name[1:] def generate_enum(name, json): enum_members = [] for member in json["enum"]: enum_members.append(" %s: \"%s\"" % (fix_camel_case(member), member)) return "\n/** @enum {string} */\n%s = {\n%s\n};\n" % (name, (",\n".join(enum_members))) def param_type(domain_name, param): if "type" in param: if param["type"] == "array": items = param["items"] return "!Array.<%s>" % param_type(domain_name, items) else: return type_traits[param["type"]] if "$ref" in param: type_id = full_qualified_type_id(domain_name, param["$ref"]) if type_id in ref_types: return ref_types[type_id] else: print "Type not found: " + type_id return "!! Type not found: " + type_id def load_schema(file, domains): input_file = open(file, "r") json_string = input_file.read() parsed_json = json.loads(json_string) domains.extend(parsed_json["domains"]) def generate_protocol_externs(output_path, file1): domains = [] load_schema(file1, domains) output_file = open(output_path, "w") output_file.write( """ var InspectorBackend = {} var Protocol = {}; /** @typedef {string}*/ Protocol.Error; """) for domain in domains: domain_name = domain["domain"] if "types" in domain: for type in domain["types"]: type_id = full_qualified_type_id(domain_name, type["id"]) ref_types[type_id] = "%sAgent.%s" % (domain_name, type["id"]) for domain in domains: domain_name = domain["domain"] promisified = domain_name in promisified_domains output_file.write("\n\n/**\n * @constructor\n*/\n") output_file.write("Protocol.%sAgent = function(){};\n" % domain_name) if "commands" in domain: for command in domain["commands"]: output_file.write("\n/**\n") params = [] has_return_value = "returns" in command explicit_parameters = promisified and has_return_value if ("parameters" in command): for in_param in command["parameters"]: # All parameters are not optional in case of promisified domain with return value. if (not explicit_parameters and "optional" in in_param): params.append("opt_%s" % in_param["name"]) output_file.write(" * @param {%s=} opt_%s\n" % (param_type(domain_name, in_param), in_param["name"])) else: params.append(in_param["name"]) output_file.write(" * @param {%s} %s\n" % (param_type(domain_name, in_param), in_param["name"])) returns = [] returns.append("?Protocol.Error") if ("error" in command): returns.append("%s=" % param_type(domain_name, command["error"])) if (has_return_value): for out_param in command["returns"]: if ("optional" in out_param): returns.append("%s=" % param_type(domain_name, out_param)) else: returns.append("%s" % param_type(domain_name, out_param)) callback_return_type = "void=" if explicit_parameters: callback_return_type = "T" elif promisified: callback_return_type = "T=" output_file.write(" * @param {function(%s):%s} opt_callback\n" % (", ".join(returns), callback_return_type)) if (promisified): output_file.write(" * @return {!Promise.<T>}\n") output_file.write(" * @template T\n") params.append("opt_callback") output_file.write(" */\n") output_file.write("Protocol.%sAgent.prototype.%s = function(%s) {}\n" % (domain_name, command["name"], ", ".join(params))) output_file.write("/** @param {function(%s):void=} opt_callback */\n" % ", ".join(returns)) output_file.write("Protocol.%sAgent.prototype.invoke_%s = function(obj, opt_callback) {}\n" % (domain_name, command["name"])) output_file.write("\n\n\nvar %sAgent = function(){};\n" % domain_name) if "types" in domain: for type in domain["types"]: if type["type"] == "object": typedef_args = [] if "properties" in type: for property in type["properties"]: suffix = "" if ("optional" in property): suffix = "|undefined" if "enum" in property: enum_name = "%sAgent.%s%s" % (domain_name, type["id"], to_title_case(property["name"])) output_file.write(generate_enum(enum_name, property)) typedef_args.append("%s:(%s%s)" % (property["name"], enum_name, suffix)) else: typedef_args.append("%s:(%s%s)" % (property["name"], param_type(domain_name, property), suffix)) if (typedef_args): output_file.write("\n/** @typedef {!{%s}} */\n%sAgent.%s;\n" % (", ".join(typedef_args), domain_name, type["id"])) else: output_file.write("\n/** @typedef {!Object} */\n%sAgent.%s;\n" % (domain_name, type["id"])) elif type["type"] == "string" and "enum" in type: output_file.write(generate_enum("%sAgent.%s" % (domain_name, type["id"]), type)) elif type["type"] == "array": output_file.write("\n/** @typedef {!Array.<!%s>} */\n%sAgent.%s;\n" % (param_type(domain_name, type["items"]), domain_name, type["id"])) else: output_file.write("\n/** @typedef {%s} */\n%sAgent.%s;\n" % (type_traits[type["type"]], domain_name, type["id"])) output_file.write("/** @interface */\n") output_file.write("%sAgent.Dispatcher = function() {};\n" % domain_name) if "events" in domain: for event in domain["events"]: params = [] if ("parameters" in event): output_file.write("/**\n") for param in event["parameters"]: if ("optional" in param): params.append("opt_%s" % param["name"]) output_file.write(" * @param {%s=} opt_%s\n" % (param_type(domain_name, param), param["name"])) else: params.append(param["name"]) output_file.write(" * @param {%s} %s\n" % (param_type(domain_name, param), param["name"])) output_file.write(" */\n") output_file.write("%sAgent.Dispatcher.prototype.%s = function(%s) {};\n" % (domain_name, event["name"], ", ".join(params))) output_file.write("\n/** @constructor\n * @param {!Object.<string, !Object>} agentsMap\n */\n") output_file.write("Protocol.Agents = function(agentsMap){this._agentsMap;};\n") output_file.write("/**\n * @param {string} domain\n * @param {!Object} dispatcher\n */\n") output_file.write("Protocol.Agents.prototype.registerDispatcher = function(domain, dispatcher){};\n") for domain in domains: domain_name = domain["domain"] uppercase_length = 0 while uppercase_length < len(domain_name) and domain_name[uppercase_length].isupper(): uppercase_length += 1 output_file.write("/** @return {!Protocol.%sAgent}*/\n" % domain_name) output_file.write("Protocol.Agents.prototype.%s = function(){};\n" % (domain_name[:uppercase_length].lower() + domain_name[uppercase_length:] + "Agent")) output_file.write("/**\n * @param {!%sAgent.Dispatcher} dispatcher\n */\n" % domain_name) output_file.write("Protocol.Agents.prototype.register%sDispatcher = function(dispatcher) {}\n" % domain_name) output_file.close() if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import os.path program_name = os.path.basename(__file__) if len(sys.argv) < 4 or sys.argv[1] != "-o": sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s -o OUTPUT_FILE INPUT_FILE\n" % program_name) exit(1) output_path = sys.argv[2] input_path = sys.argv[3] generate_protocol_externs(output_path, input_path)