/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <inttypes.h> //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "NdkMediaCodec" #include "NdkMediaCodec.h" #include "NdkMediaError.h" #include "NdkMediaCryptoPriv.h" #include "NdkMediaFormatPriv.h" #include <utils/Log.h> #include <utils/StrongPointer.h> #include <gui/Surface.h> #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ALooper.h> #include <media/stagefright/foundation/AMessage.h> #include <media/stagefright/PersistentSurface.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaCodec.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaErrors.h> #include <media/MediaCodecBuffer.h> #include <android/native_window.h> using namespace android; static media_status_t translate_error(status_t err) { if (err == OK) { return AMEDIA_OK; } else if (err == -EAGAIN) { return (media_status_t) AMEDIACODEC_INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER; } ALOGE("sf error code: %d", err); return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } enum { kWhatActivityNotify, kWhatRequestActivityNotifications, kWhatStopActivityNotifications, }; struct AMediaCodecPersistentSurface : public Surface { sp<PersistentSurface> mPersistentSurface; AMediaCodecPersistentSurface( const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& igbp, const sp<PersistentSurface>& ps) : Surface(igbp) { mPersistentSurface = ps; } virtual ~AMediaCodecPersistentSurface() { //mPersistentSurface ref will be let go off here } }; class CodecHandler: public AHandler { private: AMediaCodec* mCodec; public: explicit CodecHandler(AMediaCodec *codec); virtual void onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg); }; typedef void (*OnCodecEvent)(AMediaCodec *codec, void *userdata); struct AMediaCodec { sp<android::MediaCodec> mCodec; sp<ALooper> mLooper; sp<CodecHandler> mHandler; sp<AMessage> mActivityNotification; int32_t mGeneration; bool mRequestedActivityNotification; OnCodecEvent mCallback; void *mCallbackUserData; }; CodecHandler::CodecHandler(AMediaCodec *codec) { mCodec = codec; } void CodecHandler::onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg) { switch (msg->what()) { case kWhatRequestActivityNotifications: { if (mCodec->mRequestedActivityNotification) { break; } mCodec->mCodec->requestActivityNotification(mCodec->mActivityNotification); mCodec->mRequestedActivityNotification = true; break; } case kWhatActivityNotify: { { int32_t generation; msg->findInt32("generation", &generation); if (generation != mCodec->mGeneration) { // stale break; } mCodec->mRequestedActivityNotification = false; } if (mCodec->mCallback) { mCodec->mCallback(mCodec, mCodec->mCallbackUserData); } break; } case kWhatStopActivityNotifications: { sp<AReplyToken> replyID; msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID); mCodec->mGeneration++; mCodec->mRequestedActivityNotification = false; sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; response->postReply(replyID); break; } default: ALOGE("shouldn't be here"); break; } } static void requestActivityNotification(AMediaCodec *codec) { (new AMessage(kWhatRequestActivityNotifications, codec->mHandler))->post(); } extern "C" { static AMediaCodec * createAMediaCodec(const char *name, bool name_is_type, bool encoder) { AMediaCodec *mData = new AMediaCodec(); mData->mLooper = new ALooper; mData->mLooper->setName("NDK MediaCodec_looper"); size_t res = mData->mLooper->start( false, // runOnCallingThread true, // canCallJava XXX PRIORITY_FOREGROUND); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("Failed to start the looper"); AMediaCodec_delete(mData); return NULL; } if (name_is_type) { mData->mCodec = android::MediaCodec::CreateByType(mData->mLooper, name, encoder); } else { mData->mCodec = android::MediaCodec::CreateByComponentName(mData->mLooper, name); } if (mData->mCodec == NULL) { // failed to create codec AMediaCodec_delete(mData); return NULL; } mData->mHandler = new CodecHandler(mData); mData->mLooper->registerHandler(mData->mHandler); mData->mGeneration = 1; mData->mRequestedActivityNotification = false; mData->mCallback = NULL; return mData; } EXPORT AMediaCodec* AMediaCodec_createCodecByName(const char *name) { return createAMediaCodec(name, false, false); } EXPORT AMediaCodec* AMediaCodec_createDecoderByType(const char *mime_type) { return createAMediaCodec(mime_type, true, false); } EXPORT AMediaCodec* AMediaCodec_createEncoderByType(const char *name) { return createAMediaCodec(name, true, true); } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_delete(AMediaCodec *mData) { if (mData != NULL) { if (mData->mCodec != NULL) { mData->mCodec->release(); mData->mCodec.clear(); } if (mData->mLooper != NULL) { if (mData->mHandler != NULL) { mData->mLooper->unregisterHandler(mData->mHandler->id()); } mData->mLooper->stop(); mData->mLooper.clear(); } delete mData; } return AMEDIA_OK; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_configure( AMediaCodec *mData, const AMediaFormat* format, ANativeWindow* window, AMediaCrypto *crypto, uint32_t flags) { sp<AMessage> nativeFormat; AMediaFormat_getFormat(format, &nativeFormat); ALOGV("configure with format: %s", nativeFormat->debugString(0).c_str()); sp<Surface> surface = NULL; if (window != NULL) { surface = (Surface*) window; } return translate_error(mData->mCodec->configure(nativeFormat, surface, crypto ? crypto->mCrypto : NULL, flags)); } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_start(AMediaCodec *mData) { status_t ret = mData->mCodec->start(); if (ret != OK) { return translate_error(ret); } mData->mActivityNotification = new AMessage(kWhatActivityNotify, mData->mHandler); mData->mActivityNotification->setInt32("generation", mData->mGeneration); requestActivityNotification(mData); return AMEDIA_OK; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_stop(AMediaCodec *mData) { media_status_t ret = translate_error(mData->mCodec->stop()); sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatStopActivityNotifications, mData->mHandler); sp<AMessage> response; msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); mData->mActivityNotification.clear(); return ret; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_flush(AMediaCodec *mData) { return translate_error(mData->mCodec->flush()); } EXPORT ssize_t AMediaCodec_dequeueInputBuffer(AMediaCodec *mData, int64_t timeoutUs) { size_t idx; status_t ret = mData->mCodec->dequeueInputBuffer(&idx, timeoutUs); requestActivityNotification(mData); if (ret == OK) { return idx; } return translate_error(ret); } EXPORT uint8_t* AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer(AMediaCodec *mData, size_t idx, size_t *out_size) { android::Vector<android::sp<android::MediaCodecBuffer> > abufs; if (mData->mCodec->getInputBuffers(&abufs) == 0) { size_t n = abufs.size(); if (idx >= n) { ALOGE("buffer index %zu out of range", idx); return NULL; } if (abufs[idx] == NULL) { ALOGE("buffer index %zu is NULL", idx); return NULL; } if (out_size != NULL) { *out_size = abufs[idx]->capacity(); } return abufs[idx]->data(); } ALOGE("couldn't get input buffers"); return NULL; } EXPORT uint8_t* AMediaCodec_getOutputBuffer(AMediaCodec *mData, size_t idx, size_t *out_size) { android::Vector<android::sp<android::MediaCodecBuffer> > abufs; if (mData->mCodec->getOutputBuffers(&abufs) == 0) { size_t n = abufs.size(); if (idx >= n) { ALOGE("buffer index %zu out of range", idx); return NULL; } if (out_size != NULL) { *out_size = abufs[idx]->capacity(); } return abufs[idx]->data(); } ALOGE("couldn't get output buffers"); return NULL; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer(AMediaCodec *mData, size_t idx, off_t offset, size_t size, uint64_t time, uint32_t flags) { AString errorMsg; status_t ret = mData->mCodec->queueInputBuffer(idx, offset, size, time, flags, &errorMsg); return translate_error(ret); } EXPORT ssize_t AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer(AMediaCodec *mData, AMediaCodecBufferInfo *info, int64_t timeoutUs) { size_t idx; size_t offset; size_t size; uint32_t flags; int64_t presentationTimeUs; status_t ret = mData->mCodec->dequeueOutputBuffer(&idx, &offset, &size, &presentationTimeUs, &flags, timeoutUs); requestActivityNotification(mData); switch (ret) { case OK: info->offset = offset; info->size = size; info->flags = flags; info->presentationTimeUs = presentationTimeUs; return idx; case -EAGAIN: return AMEDIACODEC_INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER; case android::INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED: return AMEDIACODEC_INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED; case INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED: return AMEDIACODEC_INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED; default: break; } return translate_error(ret); } EXPORT AMediaFormat* AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(AMediaCodec *mData) { sp<AMessage> format; mData->mCodec->getOutputFormat(&format); return AMediaFormat_fromMsg(&format); } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBuffer(AMediaCodec *mData, size_t idx, bool render) { if (render) { return translate_error(mData->mCodec->renderOutputBufferAndRelease(idx)); } else { return translate_error(mData->mCodec->releaseOutputBuffer(idx)); } } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBufferAtTime( AMediaCodec *mData, size_t idx, int64_t timestampNs) { ALOGV("render @ %" PRId64, timestampNs); return translate_error(mData->mCodec->renderOutputBufferAndRelease(idx, timestampNs)); } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_setOutputSurface(AMediaCodec *mData, ANativeWindow* window) { sp<Surface> surface = NULL; if (window != NULL) { surface = (Surface*) window; } return translate_error(mData->mCodec->setSurface(surface)); } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_createInputSurface(AMediaCodec *mData, ANativeWindow **surface) { if (surface == NULL || mData == NULL) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *surface = NULL; sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> igbp = NULL; status_t err = mData->mCodec->createInputSurface(&igbp); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return translate_error(err); } *surface = new Surface(igbp); ANativeWindow_acquire(*surface); return AMEDIA_OK; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_createPersistentInputSurface(ANativeWindow **surface) { if (surface == NULL) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *surface = NULL; sp<PersistentSurface> ps = MediaCodec::CreatePersistentInputSurface(); if (ps == NULL) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> igbp = ps->getBufferProducer(); if (igbp == NULL) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } *surface = new AMediaCodecPersistentSurface(igbp, ps); ANativeWindow_acquire(*surface); return AMEDIA_OK; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_setInputSurface( AMediaCodec *mData, ANativeWindow *surface) { if (surface == NULL || mData == NULL) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } AMediaCodecPersistentSurface *aMediaPersistentSurface = static_cast<AMediaCodecPersistentSurface *>(surface); if (aMediaPersistentSurface->mPersistentSurface == NULL) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return translate_error(mData->mCodec->setInputSurface( aMediaPersistentSurface->mPersistentSurface)); } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_setParameters( AMediaCodec *mData, const AMediaFormat* params) { if (params == NULL || mData == NULL) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } sp<AMessage> nativeParams; AMediaFormat_getFormat(params, &nativeParams); ALOGV("setParameters: %s", nativeParams->debugString(0).c_str()); return translate_error(mData->mCodec->setParameters(nativeParams)); } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_signalEndOfInputStream(AMediaCodec *mData) { if (mData == NULL) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } status_t err = mData->mCodec->signalEndOfInputStream(); if (err == INVALID_OPERATION) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION; } return translate_error(err); } //EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_setNotificationCallback(AMediaCodec *mData, OnCodecEvent callback, void *userdata) { mData->mCallback = callback; mData->mCallbackUserData = userdata; return AMEDIA_OK; } typedef struct AMediaCodecCryptoInfo { int numsubsamples; uint8_t key[16]; uint8_t iv[16]; cryptoinfo_mode_t mode; cryptoinfo_pattern_t pattern; size_t *clearbytes; size_t *encryptedbytes; } AMediaCodecCryptoInfo; EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodec_queueSecureInputBuffer( AMediaCodec* codec, size_t idx, off_t offset, AMediaCodecCryptoInfo* crypto, uint64_t time, uint32_t flags) { CryptoPlugin::SubSample *subSamples = new CryptoPlugin::SubSample[crypto->numsubsamples]; for (int i = 0; i < crypto->numsubsamples; i++) { subSamples[i].mNumBytesOfClearData = crypto->clearbytes[i]; subSamples[i].mNumBytesOfEncryptedData = crypto->encryptedbytes[i]; } CryptoPlugin::Pattern pattern; pattern.mEncryptBlocks = crypto->pattern.encryptBlocks; pattern.mSkipBlocks = crypto->pattern.skipBlocks; AString errormsg; status_t err = codec->mCodec->queueSecureInputBuffer(idx, offset, subSamples, crypto->numsubsamples, crypto->key, crypto->iv, (CryptoPlugin::Mode)crypto->mode, pattern, time, flags, &errormsg); if (err != 0) { ALOGE("queSecureInputBuffer: %s", errormsg.c_str()); } delete [] subSamples; return translate_error(err); } EXPORT void AMediaCodecCryptoInfo_setPattern(AMediaCodecCryptoInfo *info, cryptoinfo_pattern_t *pattern) { info->pattern.encryptBlocks = pattern->encryptBlocks; info->pattern.skipBlocks = pattern->skipBlocks; } EXPORT AMediaCodecCryptoInfo *AMediaCodecCryptoInfo_new( int numsubsamples, uint8_t key[16], uint8_t iv[16], cryptoinfo_mode_t mode, size_t *clearbytes, size_t *encryptedbytes) { // size needed to store all the crypto data size_t cryptosize = sizeof(AMediaCodecCryptoInfo) + sizeof(size_t) * numsubsamples * 2; AMediaCodecCryptoInfo *ret = (AMediaCodecCryptoInfo*) malloc(cryptosize); if (!ret) { ALOGE("couldn't allocate %zu bytes", cryptosize); return NULL; } ret->numsubsamples = numsubsamples; memcpy(ret->key, key, 16); memcpy(ret->iv, iv, 16); ret->mode = mode; ret->pattern.encryptBlocks = 0; ret->pattern.skipBlocks = 0; // clearbytes and encryptedbytes point at the actual data, which follows ret->clearbytes = (size_t*) (ret + 1); // point immediately after the struct ret->encryptedbytes = ret->clearbytes + numsubsamples; // point after the clear sizes memcpy(ret->clearbytes, clearbytes, numsubsamples * sizeof(size_t)); memcpy(ret->encryptedbytes, encryptedbytes, numsubsamples * sizeof(size_t)); return ret; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodecCryptoInfo_delete(AMediaCodecCryptoInfo* info) { free(info); return AMEDIA_OK; } EXPORT size_t AMediaCodecCryptoInfo_getNumSubSamples(AMediaCodecCryptoInfo* ci) { return ci->numsubsamples; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodecCryptoInfo_getKey(AMediaCodecCryptoInfo* ci, uint8_t *dst) { if (!ci) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT; } if (!dst) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } memcpy(dst, ci->key, 16); return AMEDIA_OK; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodecCryptoInfo_getIV(AMediaCodecCryptoInfo* ci, uint8_t *dst) { if (!ci) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT; } if (!dst) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } memcpy(dst, ci->iv, 16); return AMEDIA_OK; } EXPORT cryptoinfo_mode_t AMediaCodecCryptoInfo_getMode(AMediaCodecCryptoInfo* ci) { if (!ci) { return (cryptoinfo_mode_t) AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT; } return ci->mode; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodecCryptoInfo_getClearBytes(AMediaCodecCryptoInfo* ci, size_t *dst) { if (!ci) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT; } if (!dst) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } memcpy(dst, ci->clearbytes, sizeof(size_t) * ci->numsubsamples); return AMEDIA_OK; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaCodecCryptoInfo_getEncryptedBytes(AMediaCodecCryptoInfo* ci, size_t *dst) { if (!ci) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT; } if (!dst) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } memcpy(dst, ci->encryptedbytes, sizeof(size_t) * ci->numsubsamples); return AMEDIA_OK; } } // extern "C"