#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. '''Main test suite execution script.''' import argparse import inspect import logging import os import signal import subprocess import sys import time import collections import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from config import Config from tests.harness import util_constants from tests.harness.exception import TestSuiteException, FailFastException from tests.harness import UtilAndroid from tests.harness import UtilBundle from tests.harness import util_log from tests.harness.util_functions import load_py_module from tests.harness.decorators import deprecated # For some reason pylint is not able to understand the class returned by # from util_log.get_logger() and generates a lot of false warnings #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member EMU_PROC = None def _parse_args(): '''Parse the command line arguments. Returns: A namespace object that contains the options specified to run_tests on the command line. ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run the test suite.') parser.add_argument('--config', '-c', metavar='path', help='Path to a custom config file.') parser.add_argument('--device', '-d', help='Specify the device id of the device to test on.') parser.add_argument('--test', '-t', metavar='path', help='Specify a specific test to run.') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--wimpy', '-w', action='store_true', default=None, help='Test only a core subset of features.') group.add_argument('--app-types', default=['java', 'cpp', 'jni'], nargs='*', help='Specify a list of Android app types against which' ' to run the tests', dest='bundle_types') parser.add_argument('--install-only', action='store_true', default=False, help='It only runs the pre-run stage of the test suite.' ' It installs the required APKs but does not ' 'execute the tests.', dest='install_only') parser.add_argument('--no-install', '-n', action='store_true', default=False, help='Stop the test suite installing apks to device.', dest='noinstall') parser.add_argument('--no-uninstall', action='store_true', default=False, help='Stop the test suite uninstalling apks after ' 'completion.', dest='nouninstall') parser.add_argument('--print-to-stdout', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print all logging information to standard out.', dest='print_to_stdout') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', default=None, help='Store extra info in the log.') parser.add_argument('--fail-fast', action='store_true', default=False, help='Exit the test suite immediately on the first failure.') parser.add_argument('--run-emu', action='store_true', default=None, help='Spawn an emulator and run the test suite on that.' ' Specify the emulator command line in the config' ' file or with -emu-cmd.', dest='run_emu') # Get the properties of the Config class and add a command line argument # for each. this_module = sys.modules[__name__] for member_name, member_obj in inspect.getmembers(Config): if (inspect.isdatadescriptor(member_obj) and member_name not in ['__weakref__', 'device', 'verbose']): # List type properties can take one or more arguments num_args = None if (isinstance(member_obj, property) and isinstance(member_obj.fget(Config), list)): num_args = '+' opt_name = member_name.replace('_', '-') setattr(this_module, opt_name, '') parser.add_argument('--' + opt_name, nargs=num_args, help=member_obj.__doc__, dest=member_name) return parser.parse_args() def _choice(first_choice, second_choice): '''Return first_choice if it is not None otherwise return second_choice. Args: first_choice: The first choice value. second_choice: The alternative value. Returns: The first argument if it is not None, and the second otherwise. ''' return first_choice if first_choice else second_choice class State(object): '''This class manages all objects required by the test suite.''' # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # Since this is a state class many attributes are expected. def __init__(self): '''State constructor. Raises: TestSuiteException: When unable to load config file. AssertionError: When assertions fail. ''' # Parse the command line options args = _parse_args() # create a config instance if args.config: # use the user supplied config = State.load_user_configuration(args.config) else: # use the default configuration config = Config() # save the test blacklist self.blacklist = _choice(args.blacklist, config.blacklist) # Allow any of the command line arguments to override the # values in the config file. self.adb_path = _choice(args.adb_path, config.adb_path) self.host_port = int(_choice(args.host_port, config.host_port)) self.device = _choice(args.device, config.device) self.user_specified_device = self.device self.device_port = int(_choice(args.device_port, config.device_port)) self.lldb_server_path_device = _choice(args.lldb_server_path_device, config.lldb_server_path_device) self.lldb_server_path_host = _choice(args.lldb_server_path_host, config.lldb_server_path_host) self.aosp_product_path = _choice(args.aosp_product_path, config.aosp_product_path) self.log_file_path = _choice(args.log_file_path, config.log_file_path) self.results_file_path = _choice(args.results_file_path, config.results_file_path) self.lldb_path = _choice(args.lldb_path, config.lldb_path) self.print_to_stdout = args.print_to_stdout self.verbose = _choice(args.verbose, config.verbose) self.timeout = int(_choice(args.timeout, config.timeout)) self.emu_cmd = _choice(args.emu_cmd, config.emu_cmd) self.run_emu = args.run_emu self.wimpy = args.wimpy self.bundle_types = args.bundle_types if not self.wimpy else ['java'] self.fail_fast = args.fail_fast # validate the param "verbose" if not isinstance(self.verbose, bool): raise TestSuiteException('The parameter "verbose" should be a ' 'boolean: {0}'.format(self.verbose)) # create result array self.results = dict() self.single_test = args.test # initialise the logging facility log_level = logging.INFO if not self.verbose else logging.DEBUG util_log.initialise("driver", print_to_stdout=self.print_to_stdout, level=log_level, file_mode='w', # open for write file_path=self.log_file_path ) log = util_log.get_logger() if self.run_emu and not self.emu_cmd: log.TestSuiteException('Need to specify --emu-cmd (or specify a' ' value in the config file) if using --run-emu.') # create a results file self.results_file = open(self.results_file_path, 'w') # create an android helper object self.android = UtilAndroid(self.adb_path, self.lldb_server_path_device, self.device) assert self.android # create a test bundle self.bundle = UtilBundle(self.android, self.aosp_product_path) assert self.bundle # save the no pushing option assert isinstance(args.noinstall, bool) self.noinstall = args.noinstall assert isinstance(args.nouninstall, bool) self.nouninstall = args.nouninstall # install only option assert type(args.install_only) is bool self.install_only = args.install_only if self.install_only: log.log_and_print('Option --install-only set. The test APKs will ' 'be installed on the device but the tests will ' 'not be executed.') if self.noinstall: raise TestSuiteException('Conflicting options given: ' '--install-only and --no-install') # TCP port modifier which is used to increment the port number used for # each test case to avoid collisions. self.port_mod = 0 # total number of test files that have been executed self.test_count = 0 def get_android(self): '''Return the android ADB helper instance. Returns: The android ADB helper, instance of UtilAndroid. ''' assert self.android return self.android def get_bundle(self): '''Return the test executable bundle. Returns: The test exectable collection, instance of UtilBundle. ''' return self.bundle def add_result(self, name, app_type, result): '''Add a test result to the collection. Args: name: String name of the test that has executed. app_type: type of app i.e. java, jni, or cpp result: String result of the test, "pass", "fail", "error". ''' key = (name, app_type) assert key not in self.results self.results[key] = result def get_single_test(self): '''Get the name of the single test to run. Returns: A string that is the name of the python file containing the test to be run. If all tests are to be run this returns None. ''' return self.single_test @staticmethod def load_user_configuration(path): '''Load the test suite config from the give path. Instantiate the Config class found in the module at the given path. If no suitable class is available, it raises a TestSuiteException. Args: path: String location of the module. Returns: an instance of the Config class, defined in the module. Raises: TestSuiteException: when unable to import the module or when a subclass of Config is not found inside it. ''' # load the module config_module = load_py_module(path) if not config_module: raise TestSuiteException('Unable to import the module from "%s"' % (path)) # look for a subclass of Config for name, value in inspect.getmembers(config_module): if (inspect.isclass(value) and name != 'Config' and issubclass(value, Config)): # that's our candidate return value() # otherwise there are no valid candidates raise TestSuiteException('The provided user configuration is not ' 'valid. The module must define a subclass ' 'of Config') def _kill_emulator(): ''' Kill the emulator process. ''' global EMU_PROC if EMU_PROC: try: EMU_PROC.terminate() except OSError: # can't kill a dead proc log = util_log.get_logger() log.debug('Trying to kill an emulator but it is already dead.') def _check_emulator_terminated(): ''' Throw an exception if the emulator process has ended. Raises: TestSuiteException: If the emulator process has ended. ''' global EMU_PROC assert EMU_PROC if EMU_PROC.poll(): stdout, stderr = EMU_PROC.communicate() raise TestSuiteException('The emulator terminated with output:' '\nstderr: {0}\nstdout: {1}.'.format(stderr, stdout)) @deprecated() def _launch_emulator(state): '''Launch the emulator and wait for it to boot. Args: emu_cmd: The command line to run the emulator. Raises: TestSuiteException: If an emulator already exists or the emulator process terminated before we could connect to it, or we failed to copy lldb-server to the emulator. ''' global EMU_PROC android = state.android if state.user_specified_device: if android.device_with_substring_exists(state.user_specified_device): raise TestSuiteException( 'A device with name {0} already exists.', state.user_specified_device) else: if android.device_with_substring_exists('emulator'): raise TestSuiteException('An emulator already exists.') assert state.emu_cmd EMU_PROC = subprocess.Popen(state.emu_cmd.split(), stdout=None, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) log = util_log.get_logger() log.info('Launching emulator with command line {0}'.format(state.emu_cmd)) tries_number = 180 tries = tries_number found_device = False while not found_device: try: android.validate_device(False, 'emulator') found_device = True except TestSuiteException as ex: tries -= 1 if tries == 0: # Avoid infinitely looping if the emulator won't boot log.warning( 'Giving up trying to validate device after {0} tries.' .format(tries_number)) raise ex _check_emulator_terminated() # wait a bit and try again, maybe it has now booted time.sleep(10) tries = 500 while not android.is_booted(): tries -= 1 if tries == 0: # Avoid infinitely looping if the emulator won't boot raise TestSuiteException('The emulator has failed to boot.') _check_emulator_terminated() time.sleep(5) # Need to be root before we can push lldb-server android.adb_root() android.wait_for_device() # Push the lldb-server executable to the device. output = android.adb('push {0} {1}'.format(state.lldb_server_path_host, state.lldb_server_path_device)) if 'failed to copy' in output or 'No such file or directory' in output: raise TestSuiteException( 'unable to push lldb-server to the emulator: {0}.' .format(output)) output = android.shell('chmod a+x {0}' .format(state.lldb_server_path_device)) if 'No such file or directory' in output: raise TestSuiteException('Failed to copy lldb-server to the emulator.') def _restart_emulator(state): '''Kill the emulator and start a new instance. Args: state: Test suite state collection, instance of State. ''' _kill_emulator() _launch_emulator(state) def _run_test(state, name, bundle_type): '''Execute a single test case. Args: state: Test suite state collection, instance of State. name: String file name of the test to execute. bundle_type: string for the installed app type (cpp|jni|java) Raises: AssertionError: When assertion fails. ''' assert isinstance(name, str) try: state.android.check_adb_alive() except TestSuiteException as expt: global EMU_PROC if EMU_PROC: _restart_emulator(state) else: raise expt log = util_log.get_logger() sys.stdout.write('Running {0}\r'.format(name)) sys.stdout.flush() log.info('Running {0}'.format(name)) run_tests_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) run_test_path = os.path.join(run_tests_dir, 'tests', 'run_test.py') # Forward port for lldb-server on the device to our host hport = int(state.host_port) + state.port_mod dport = int(state.device_port) + state.port_mod state.android.forward_port(hport, dport) state.port_mod += 1 log.debug('Giving up control to {0}...'.format(name)) params = map(str, [ sys.executable, run_test_path, name, state.log_file_path, state.adb_path, state.lldb_server_path_device, state.aosp_product_path, dport, state.android.get_device_id(), state.print_to_stdout, state.verbose, state.wimpy, state.timeout, bundle_type ]) return_code = subprocess.call(params) state.test_count += 1 state.android.remove_port_forwarding() log.seek_to_end() # report in sys.stdout the result success = return_code == util_constants.RC_TEST_OK status_handlers = collections.defaultdict(lambda: ('error', log.error), ( (util_constants.RC_TEST_OK, ('pass', log.info)), (util_constants.RC_TEST_TIMEOUT, ('timeout', log.error)), (util_constants.RC_TEST_IGNORED, ('ignored', log.info)), (util_constants.RC_TEST_FAIL, ('fail', log.critical)) ) ) status_name, status_logger = status_handlers[return_code] log.info('Running %s: %s', name, status_name.upper()) status_logger("Test %r: %s", name, status_name) # Special case for ignored tests - just return now if return_code == util_constants.RC_TEST_IGNORED: return state.add_result(name, bundle_type, status_name) if state.fail_fast and not success: raise FailFastException(name) # print a running total pass rate passes = sum(1 for key, value in state.results.items() if value == 'pass') log.info('Current pass rate: %s of %s executed.', passes, len(state.results)) def _check_lldbserver_exists(state): '''Check lldb-server exists on the target device and it is executable. Raises: TestSuiteError: If lldb-server does not exist on the target. ''' assert state message = 'Unable to verify valid lldb-server on target' android = state.get_android() assert android cmd = state.lldb_server_path_device out = android.shell(cmd, False) if not isinstance(out, str): raise TestSuiteException(message) if out.find('Usage:') < 0: raise TestSuiteException(message) def _suite_pre_run(state): '''This function is executed before the test cases are run (setup). Args: state: Test suite state collection, instance of State. Return: True if the pre_run step completes without error. Checks made: - Validating that adb exists and runs. - Validating that a device is attached. - We have root access to the device. - All test binaries were pushed to the device. - The port for lldb-server was forwarded correctly. Raises: AssertionError: When assertions fail. ''' assert state log = util_log.get_logger() try: android = state.get_android() bundle = state.get_bundle() assert android assert bundle # validate ADB helper class android.validate_adb() log.log_and_print('Located ADB') if state.run_emu: log.log_and_print('Launching emulator...') _launch_emulator(state) log.log_and_print('Started emulator ' + android.device) else: android.validate_device() log.log_and_print('Located device ' + android.device) if state.noinstall and not state.single_test: bundle.check_apps_installed(state.wimpy) # elevate to root user android.adb_root() android.wait_for_device() # check that lldb-server exists on device android.kill_servers() _check_lldbserver_exists(state) if not state.noinstall: # push all tests to the device log.log_and_print('Pushing all tests...') bundle.push_all() log.log_and_print('Pushed all tests') log.log_and_print('Pre run complete') except TestSuiteException as expt: log.exception('Test suite pre run failure') # Even if we are logging the error, it may be helpful and more # immediate to find out the error into the terminal log.log_and_print('ERROR: Unable to set up the test suite: %s\n' % expt.message, logging.ERROR) return False return True def _suite_post_run(state): '''This function is executed after the test cases have run (teardown). Args: state: Test suite state collection, instance of State. Returns: Number of failures ''' log = util_log.get_logger() if not state.noinstall and not state.nouninstall: if state.wimpy: state.bundle.uninstall_all_apk() else: state.bundle.uninstall_all() log.log_and_print('Uninstalled/Deleted all tests') total = 0 passes = 0 failures = 0 results = ET.Element('testsuite') results.attrib['name'] = 'LLDB RS Test Suite' for key, value in state.results.items(): total += 1 if value == 'pass': passes += 1 else: failures += 1 # test case name, followed by pass, failure or error elements testcase = ET.Element('testcase') testcase.attrib['name'] = "%s:%s" % key result_element = ET.Element(value) result_element.text = "%s:%s" % key testcase.append(result_element) results.append(testcase) assert passes + failures == total, 'Invalid test results status' if failures: log.log_and_print( 'The following failures occurred:\n%s\n' % '\n'.join('failed: %s:%s' % test_spec for test_spec, result in state.results.items() if result != 'pass' )) log.log_and_print('{0} of {1} passed'.format(passes, total)) if total: log.log_and_print('{0}% rate'.format((passes*100)/total)) results.attrib['tests'] = str(total) state.results_file.write(ET.tostring(results, encoding='iso-8859-1')) return failures def _discover_tests(state): '''Discover all tests in the tests directory. Returns: List of strings, test file names from the 'tests' directory. ''' tests = [] single_test = state.get_single_test() if single_test is None: file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) tests_dir = os.path.join(file_dir, 'tests') for sub_dir in os.listdir(tests_dir): current_test_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, sub_dir) if os.path.isdir(current_test_dir): dir_name = os.path.basename(current_test_dir) if dir_name == 'harness': continue for item in os.listdir(current_test_dir): if (item.startswith('test') and item.endswith('.py') and not item in state.blacklist): tests.append(item) else: if single_test.endswith('.py'): tests.append(single_test) else: tests.append(single_test + '.py') return tests def _deduce_python_path(state): '''Try to deduce the PYTHONPATH environment variable via the LLDB binary. Args: state: Test suite state collection, instance of State. Returns: True if PYTHONPATH has been updated, False otherwise. Raises: TestSuiteException: If lldb path provided in the config or command line is incorrect. AssertionError: If an assertion fails. ''' lldb_path = state.lldb_path if not lldb_path: # lldb may not be provided in preference of a manual $PYTHONPATH return False params = [lldb_path, '-P'] try: proc = subprocess.Popen(params, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError as err: error_string = 'Could not run lldb at %s: %s' % (lldb_path, str(err)) raise TestSuiteException(error_string) stdout = proc.communicate()[0] if stdout: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = stdout.strip() return True return False def main(): '''The lldb-renderscript test suite entry point.''' log = None try: # parse the command line state = State() assert state # logging is initialised in State() log = util_log.get_logger() # if we can, set PYTHONPATH for lldb bindings if not _deduce_python_path(state): log.log_and_print('Unable to deduce PYTHONPATH', logging.WARN) # pre run step if not _suite_pre_run(state): raise TestSuiteException('Test suite pre-run step failed') # discover all tests and execute them tests = _discover_tests(state) log.log_and_print('Found {0} tests'.format(len(tests))) if state.install_only: log.log_and_print('Test applications installed. Terminating due to ' '--install-only option') else: # run the tests for bundle_type in state.bundle_types: log.info("Running bundle type '%s'", bundle_type) for item in tests: _run_test(state, item, bundle_type) # post run step quit(0 if _suite_post_run(state) == 0 else 1) except AssertionError: if log: log.exception('Internal test suite error') print('Internal test suite error') quit(1) except FailFastException: log.exception('Early exit after first test failure') quit(1) except TestSuiteException as error: if log: log.exception('Test suite exception') print('{0}'.format(str(error))) quit(2) finally: _kill_emulator() logging.shutdown() def signal_handler(_, _unused): '''Signal handler for SIGINT, caused by the user typing Ctrl-C.''' # pylint: disable=unused-argument # pylint: disable=protected-access print('Ctrl+C!') os._exit(1) # execution trampoline if __name__ == '__main__': signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) main()