/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <errno.h> #include "common.h" #include "roamcommand.h" #include "vendor_definitions.h" RoamCommand::RoamCommand(wifi_handle handle, int id, u32 vendor_id, u32 subcmd) : WifiVendorCommand(handle, id, vendor_id, subcmd) { } RoamCommand::~RoamCommand() { } /* This function implements creation of Vendor command */ int RoamCommand::create() { int ret = mMsg.create(NL80211_CMD_VENDOR, 0, 0); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } /* Insert the oui in the msg */ ret = mMsg.put_u32(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_ID, mVendor_id); if (ret < 0) goto out; /* Insert the subcmd in the msg */ ret = mMsg.put_u32(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_SUBCMD, mSubcmd); if (ret < 0) goto out; ALOGV("%s: mVendor_id = %d, Subcmd = %d.", __FUNCTION__, mVendor_id, mSubcmd); out: return ret; } int RoamCommand::requestResponse() { return WifiCommand::requestResponse(mMsg); } wifi_error wifi_set_bssid_blacklist(wifi_request_id id, wifi_interface_handle iface, wifi_bssid_params params) { int ret = 0, i; RoamCommand *roamCommand; struct nlattr *nlData, *nlBssids; interface_info *ifaceInfo = getIfaceInfo(iface); wifi_handle wifiHandle = getWifiHandle(iface); hal_info *info = getHalInfo(wifiHandle); if (!(info->supported_feature_set & WIFI_FEATURE_GSCAN)) { ALOGE("%s: GSCAN is not supported by driver", __FUNCTION__); return WIFI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } for (i = 0; i < params.num_bssid; i++) { ALOGV("BSSID: %d : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", i, params.bssids[i][0], params.bssids[i][1], params.bssids[i][2], params.bssids[i][3], params.bssids[i][4], params.bssids[i][5]); } roamCommand = new RoamCommand(wifiHandle, id, OUI_QCA, QCA_NL80211_VENDOR_SUBCMD_ROAM); if (roamCommand == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Error roamCommand NULL", __FUNCTION__); return WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* Create the NL message. */ ret = roamCommand->create(); if (ret < 0) goto cleanup; /* Set the interface Id of the message. */ ret = roamCommand->set_iface_id(ifaceInfo->name); if (ret < 0) goto cleanup; /* Add the vendor specific attributes for the NL command. */ nlData = roamCommand->attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); if (!nlData) goto cleanup; if (roamCommand->put_u32(QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAMING_SUBCMD, QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAM_SUBCMD_SET_BLACKLIST_BSSID) || roamCommand->put_u32( QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAMING_REQ_ID, id) || roamCommand->put_u32( QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAMING_PARAM_SET_BSSID_PARAMS_NUM_BSSID, params.num_bssid)) { goto cleanup; } nlBssids = roamCommand->attr_start( QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAMING_PARAM_SET_BSSID_PARAMS); for (i = 0; i < params.num_bssid; i++) { struct nlattr *nl_ssid = roamCommand->attr_start(i); if (roamCommand->put_addr( QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAMING_PARAM_SET_BSSID_PARAMS_BSSID, (u8 *)params.bssids[i])) { goto cleanup; } roamCommand->attr_end(nl_ssid); } roamCommand->attr_end(nlBssids); roamCommand->attr_end(nlData); ret = roamCommand->requestResponse(); if (ret != 0) { ALOGE("wifi_set_bssid_blacklist(): requestResponse Error:%d", ret); } cleanup: delete roamCommand; return (wifi_error)ret; } wifi_error wifi_set_ssid_white_list(wifi_request_id id, wifi_interface_handle iface, int num_networks, ssid_t *ssid_list) { wifi_error result = WIFI_SUCCESS; int ret = 0, i; RoamCommand *roamCommand; struct nlattr *nlData, *nlSsids; interface_info *ifaceInfo = getIfaceInfo(iface); wifi_handle wifiHandle = getWifiHandle(iface); char ssid[MAX_SSID_LENGTH + 1]; ALOGV("%s: Number of SSIDs : %d", __FUNCTION__, num_networks); roamCommand = new RoamCommand( wifiHandle, id, OUI_QCA, QCA_NL80211_VENDOR_SUBCMD_ROAM); if (roamCommand == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to create object of RoamCommand class", __FUNCTION__); return WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* Create the NL message. */ ret = roamCommand->create(); if (ret < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to create NL message, Error: %d", __FUNCTION__, ret); result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto cleanup; } /* Set the interface Id of the message. */ ret = roamCommand->set_iface_id(ifaceInfo->name); if (ret < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to set interface Id of message, Error: %d", __FUNCTION__, ret); result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto cleanup; } /* Add the vendor specific attributes for the NL command. */ nlData = roamCommand->attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); if (!nlData) { result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto cleanup; } if (roamCommand->put_u32(QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAMING_SUBCMD, QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAM_SUBCMD_SSID_WHITE_LIST) || roamCommand->put_u32(QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAMING_REQ_ID, id) || roamCommand->put_u32(QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAMING_PARAM_WHITE_LIST_SSID_NUM_NETWORKS, num_networks)) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to add vendor atributes, Error: %d", __FUNCTION__, ret); result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto cleanup; } nlSsids = roamCommand->attr_start(QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAMING_PARAM_WHITE_LIST_SSID_LIST); for (i = 0; i < num_networks; i++) { struct nlattr *nl_ssid = roamCommand->attr_start(i); memcpy(ssid, ssid_list[i].ssid_str, ssid_list[i].length); ssid[ssid_list[i].length] = '\0'; ALOGV("ssid[%d] : %s", i, ssid); if (roamCommand->put_bytes(QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAMING_PARAM_WHITE_LIST_SSID, ssid, (ssid_list[i].length + 1))) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to add ssid atribute, Error: %d", __FUNCTION__, ret); result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto cleanup; } roamCommand->attr_end(nl_ssid); } roamCommand->attr_end(nlSsids); roamCommand->attr_end(nlData); ret = roamCommand->requestResponse(); if (ret != 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to send request, Error:%d", __FUNCTION__, ret); result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } cleanup: delete roamCommand; return result; } wifi_error wifi_get_roaming_capabilities(wifi_interface_handle iface, wifi_roaming_capabilities *caps) { wifi_handle wifiHandle = getWifiHandle(iface); hal_info *info = getHalInfo(wifiHandle); if (!caps) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid Buffer provided. Exit", __FUNCTION__); return WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } if (!info) { ALOGE("%s: hal_info is NULL", __FUNCTION__); return WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } memcpy(caps, &info->capa.roaming_capa, sizeof(wifi_roaming_capabilities)); return WIFI_SUCCESS; } wifi_error wifi_configure_roaming(wifi_interface_handle iface, wifi_roaming_config *roaming_config) { wifi_error ret; int requestId; wifi_bssid_params bssid_params; wifi_handle wifiHandle = getWifiHandle(iface); hal_info *info = getHalInfo(wifiHandle); if (!roaming_config) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid Buffer provided. Exit", __FUNCTION__); return WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } /* No request id from caller, so generate one and pass it on to the driver. * Generate it randomly. */ requestId = get_requestid(); /* Set bssid blacklist */ if (roaming_config->num_blacklist_bssid > info->capa.roaming_capa.max_blacklist_size) { ALOGE("%s: Number of blacklist bssids(%d) provided is more than maximum blacklist bssids(%d)" " supported", __FUNCTION__, roaming_config->num_blacklist_bssid, info->capa.roaming_capa.max_blacklist_size); return WIFI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } bssid_params.num_bssid = roaming_config->num_blacklist_bssid; memcpy(bssid_params.bssids, roaming_config->blacklist_bssid, (bssid_params.num_bssid * sizeof(mac_addr))); ret = wifi_set_bssid_blacklist(requestId, iface, bssid_params); if (ret != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to configure blacklist bssids", __FUNCTION__); return WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* Set ssid whitelist */ if (roaming_config->num_whitelist_ssid > info->capa.roaming_capa.max_whitelist_size) { ALOGE("%s: Number of whitelist ssid(%d) provided is more than maximum whitelist ssids(%d) " "supported", __FUNCTION__, roaming_config->num_whitelist_ssid, info->capa.roaming_capa.max_whitelist_size); return WIFI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } ret = wifi_set_ssid_white_list(requestId, iface, roaming_config->num_whitelist_ssid, roaming_config->whitelist_ssid); if (ret != WIFI_SUCCESS) ALOGE("%s: Failed to configure whitelist ssids", __FUNCTION__); return ret; } /* Enable/disable firmware roaming */ wifi_error wifi_enable_firmware_roaming(wifi_interface_handle iface, fw_roaming_state_t state) { wifi_error result = WIFI_SUCCESS; int requestId, ret; RoamCommand *roamCommand; struct nlattr *nlData; interface_info *ifaceInfo = getIfaceInfo(iface); wifi_handle wifiHandle = getWifiHandle(iface); qca_roaming_policy policy; ALOGV("%s: set firmware roam state : %d", __FUNCTION__, state); if (state == ROAMING_ENABLE) { policy = QCA_ROAMING_ALLOWED_WITHIN_ESS; } else if(state == ROAMING_DISABLE) { policy = QCA_ROAMING_NOT_ALLOWED; } else { ALOGE("%s: Invalid state provided: %d. Exit \n", __FUNCTION__, state); return WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } /* No request id from caller, so generate one and pass it on to the driver. * Generate it randomly. */ requestId = get_requestid(); roamCommand = new RoamCommand(wifiHandle, requestId, OUI_QCA, QCA_NL80211_VENDOR_SUBCMD_ROAMING); if (roamCommand == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to create object of RoamCommand class", __FUNCTION__); return WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* Create the NL message. */ ret = roamCommand->create(); if (ret < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to create NL message, Error: %d", __FUNCTION__, ret); result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto cleanup; } /* Set the interface Id of the message. */ ret = roamCommand->set_iface_id(ifaceInfo->name); if (ret < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to set interface Id of message, Error: %d", __FUNCTION__, ret); result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto cleanup; } /* Add the vendor specific attributes for the NL command. */ nlData = roamCommand->attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); if (!nlData) { result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto cleanup; } if (roamCommand->put_u32(QCA_WLAN_VENDOR_ATTR_ROAMING_POLICY, policy)) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to add roaming policy atribute, Error: %d", __FUNCTION__, ret); result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto cleanup; } roamCommand->attr_end(nlData); ret = roamCommand->requestResponse(); if (ret != 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to send request, Error:%d", __FUNCTION__, ret); if (ret == -EBUSY) result = WIFI_ERROR_BUSY; else result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } cleanup: delete roamCommand; return result; }