/** * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package. */ #ifndef _INC_WINSNMP #define _INC_WINSNMP #include <winapifamily.h> #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION (WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) #ifndef _INC_WINDOWS #include <windows.h> #define _INC_WINDOWS #endif #include <limits.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef HANDLE HSNMP_SESSION,*LPHSNMP_SESSION; typedef HANDLE HSNMP_ENTITY,*LPHSNMP_ENTITY; typedef HANDLE HSNMP_CONTEXT,*LPHSNMP_CONTEXT; typedef HANDLE HSNMP_PDU,*LPHSNMP_PDU; typedef HANDLE HSNMP_VBL,*LPHSNMP_VBL; typedef unsigned char smiBYTE,*smiLPBYTE; #if ULONG_MAX == 4294967295U typedef signed __LONG32 smiINT,*smiLPINT; typedef smiINT smiINT32,*smiLPINT32; typedef unsigned __LONG32 smiUINT32,*smiLPUINT32; #elif UINT_MAX == 4294967295U typedef int smiINT,*smiLPINT; typedef smiINT smiINT32,*smiLPINT32; typedef unsigned int smiUINT32,*smiLPUINT32; #else #error can not define smiINT and smiUINT #endif typedef struct { smiUINT32 len; smiLPBYTE ptr; } smiOCTETS,*smiLPOCTETS; typedef const smiOCTETS *smiLPCOCTETS; typedef smiOCTETS smiBITS,*smiLPBITS; typedef struct { smiUINT32 len; smiLPUINT32 ptr; } smiOID,*smiLPOID; typedef const smiOID *smiLPCOID; typedef smiOCTETS smiIPADDR,*smiLPIPADDR; typedef smiUINT32 smiCNTR32,*smiLPCNTR32; typedef smiUINT32 smiGAUGE32,*smiLPGAUGE32; typedef smiUINT32 smiTIMETICKS,*smiLPTIMETICKS; typedef smiOCTETS smiOPAQUE,*smiLPOPAQUE; typedef smiOCTETS smiNSAPADDR,*smiLPNSAPADDR; typedef struct { smiUINT32 hipart; smiUINT32 lopart; } smiCNTR64,*smiLPCNTR64; #define ASN_UNIVERSAL (0x00) #define ASN_APPLICATION (0x40) #define ASN_CONTEXT (0x80) #define ASN_PRIVATE (0xc0) #define ASN_PRIMITIVE (0x00) #define ASN_CONSTRUCTOR (0x20) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_SEQUENCE (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x10) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_INT (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x02) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_BITS (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x03) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x04) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_NULL (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x05) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_OID (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x06) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_INT32 SNMP_SYNTAX_INT #define SNMP_SYNTAX_IPADDR (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x00) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR32 (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x01) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_GAUGE32 (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x02) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_TIMETICKS (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x03) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_OPAQUE (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x04) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_NSAPADDR (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x05) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR64 (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x06) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_UINT32 (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x07) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_UNSIGNED32 SNMP_SYNTAX_GAUGE32 #define SNMP_SYNTAX_NOSUCHOBJECT (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x00) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_NOSUCHINSTANCE (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x01) #define SNMP_SYNTAX_ENDOFMIBVIEW (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x02) typedef struct { smiUINT32 syntax; union { smiINT sNumber; smiUINT32 uNumber; smiCNTR64 hNumber; smiOCTETS string; smiOID oid; smiBYTE empty; } value; } smiVALUE,*smiLPVALUE; typedef const smiVALUE *smiLPCVALUE; #define MAXOBJIDSIZE 128 #define MAXOBJIDSTRSIZE 1408 #define SNMP_PDU_GET (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x0) #define SNMP_PDU_GETNEXT (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x1) #define SNMP_PDU_RESPONSE (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x2) #define SNMP_PDU_SET (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x3) #define SNMP_PDU_V1TRAP (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x4) #define SNMP_PDU_GETBULK (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x5) #define SNMP_PDU_INFORM (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x6) #define SNMP_PDU_TRAP (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x7) #define SNMPLISTEN_USEENTITY_ADDR 0 #define SNMPLISTEN_ALL_ADDR 1 #define SNMP_TRAP_COLDSTART 0 #define SNMP_TRAP_WARMSTART 1 #define SNMP_TRAP_LINKDOWN 2 #define SNMP_TRAP_LINKUP 3 #define SNMP_TRAP_AUTHFAIL 4 #define SNMP_TRAP_EGPNEIGHBORLOSS 5 #define SNMP_TRAP_ENTERPRISESPECIFIC 6 #define SNMP_ERROR_NOERROR 0 #define SNMP_ERROR_TOOBIG 1 #define SNMP_ERROR_NOSUCHNAME 2 #define SNMP_ERROR_BADVALUE 3 #define SNMP_ERROR_READONLY 4 #define SNMP_ERROR_GENERR 5 #define SNMP_ERROR_NOACCESS 6 #define SNMP_ERROR_WRONGTYPE 7 #define SNMP_ERROR_WRONGLENGTH 8 #define SNMP_ERROR_WRONGENCODING 9 #define SNMP_ERROR_WRONGVALUE 10 #define SNMP_ERROR_NOCREATION 11 #define SNMP_ERROR_INCONSISTENTVALUE 12 #define SNMP_ERROR_RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE 13 #define SNMP_ERROR_COMMITFAILED 14 #define SNMP_ERROR_UNDOFAILED 15 #define SNMP_ERROR_AUTHORIZATIONERROR 16 #define SNMP_ERROR_NOTWRITABLE 17 #define SNMP_ERROR_INCONSISTENTNAME 18 #define SNMPAPI_TRANSLATED 0 #define SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V1 1 #define SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V2 2 #define SNMPAPI_NO_SUPPORT 0 #define SNMPAPI_V1_SUPPORT 1 #define SNMPAPI_V2_SUPPORT 2 #define SNMPAPI_M2M_SUPPORT 3 #define SNMPAPI_OFF 0 #define SNMPAPI_ON 1 typedef smiUINT32 SNMPAPI_STATUS; #define SNMPAPI_FAILURE 0 #define SNMPAPI_SUCCESS 1 #define SNMPAPI_ALLOC_ERROR 2 #define SNMPAPI_CONTEXT_INVALID 3 #define SNMPAPI_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN 4 #define SNMPAPI_ENTITY_INVALID 5 #define SNMPAPI_ENTITY_UNKNOWN 6 #define SNMPAPI_INDEX_INVALID 7 #define SNMPAPI_NOOP 8 #define SNMPAPI_OID_INVALID 9 #define SNMPAPI_OPERATION_INVALID 10 #define SNMPAPI_OUTPUT_TRUNCATED 11 #define SNMPAPI_PDU_INVALID 12 #define SNMPAPI_SESSION_INVALID 13 #define SNMPAPI_SYNTAX_INVALID 14 #define SNMPAPI_VBL_INVALID 15 #define SNMPAPI_MODE_INVALID 16 #define SNMPAPI_SIZE_INVALID 17 #define SNMPAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED 18 #define SNMPAPI_MESSAGE_INVALID 19 #define SNMPAPI_HWND_INVALID 20 #define SNMPAPI_OTHER_ERROR 99 #define SNMPAPI_TL_NOT_INITIALIZED 100 #define SNMPAPI_TL_NOT_SUPPORTED 101 #define SNMPAPI_TL_NOT_AVAILABLE 102 #define SNMPAPI_TL_RESOURCE_ERROR 103 #define SNMPAPI_TL_UNDELIVERABLE 104 #define SNMPAPI_TL_SRC_INVALID 105 #define SNMPAPI_TL_INVALID_PARAM 106 #define SNMPAPI_TL_IN_USE 107 #define SNMPAPI_TL_TIMEOUT 108 #define SNMPAPI_TL_PDU_TOO_BIG 109 #define SNMPAPI_TL_OTHER 199 #ifndef IN #define IN #endif #ifndef OUT #define OUT #endif #define SNMPAPI_CALL WINAPI #define MAXVENDORINFO 32 typedef struct { char vendorName[MAXVENDORINFO *2]; char vendorContact[MAXVENDORINFO *2]; char vendorVersionId[MAXVENDORINFO]; char vendorVersionDate[MAXVENDORINFO]; smiUINT32 vendorEnterprise; } smiVENDORINFO,*smiLPVENDORINFO; typedef SNMPAPI_STATUS (CALLBACK *SNMPAPI_CALLBACK) (HSNMP_SESSION hSession, HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LPVOID lpClientData); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpGetTranslateMode (smiLPUINT32 nTranslateMode); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpSetTranslateMode (smiUINT32 nTranslateMode); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpGetRetransmitMode (smiLPUINT32 nRetransmitMode); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpSetRetransmitMode (smiUINT32 nRetransmitMode); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpGetTimeout (HSNMP_ENTITY hEntity, smiLPTIMETICKS nPolicyTimeout, smiLPTIMETICKS nActualTimeout); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpSetTimeout (HSNMP_ENTITY hEntity, smiTIMETICKS nPolicyTimeout); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpGetRetry (HSNMP_ENTITY hEntity, smiLPUINT32 nPolicyRetry, smiLPUINT32 nActualRetry); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpSetRetry (HSNMP_ENTITY hEntity, smiUINT32 nPolicyRetry); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpGetVendorInfo (smiLPVENDORINFO vendorInfo); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpStartup (smiLPUINT32 nMajorVersion, smiLPUINT32 nMinorVersion, smiLPUINT32 nLevel, smiLPUINT32 nTranslateMode, smiLPUINT32 nRetransmitMode); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpCleanup (void); HSNMP_SESSION WINAPI SnmpOpen (HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpClose (HSNMP_SESSION session); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpSendMsg (HSNMP_SESSION session, HSNMP_ENTITY srcEntity, HSNMP_ENTITY dstEntity, HSNMP_CONTEXT context, HSNMP_PDU PDU); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpRecvMsg (HSNMP_SESSION session, LPHSNMP_ENTITY srcEntity, LPHSNMP_ENTITY dstEntity, LPHSNMP_CONTEXT context, LPHSNMP_PDU PDU); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpRegister (HSNMP_SESSION session, HSNMP_ENTITY srcEntity, HSNMP_ENTITY dstEntity, HSNMP_CONTEXT context, smiLPCOID notification, smiUINT32 state); HSNMP_SESSION WINAPI SnmpCreateSession (HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg, SNMPAPI_CALLBACK fCallBack, LPVOID lpClientData); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpListen (HSNMP_ENTITY hEntity, SNMPAPI_STATUS lStatus); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpListenEx (HSNMP_ENTITY hEntity, SNMPAPI_STATUS lStatus, smiUINT32 nUseEntityAddr); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpCancelMsg (HSNMP_SESSION session, smiINT32 reqId); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpStartupEx (smiLPUINT32 nMajorVersion, smiLPUINT32 nMinorVersion, smiLPUINT32 nLevel, smiLPUINT32 nTranslateMode, smiLPUINT32 nRetransmitMode); typedef SNMPAPI_STATUS (WINAPI *PFNSNMPSTARTUPEX) (smiLPUINT32, smiLPUINT32, smiLPUINT32, smiLPUINT32, smiLPUINT32); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpCleanupEx (void); typedef SNMPAPI_STATUS (WINAPI *PFNSNMPCLEANUPEX) (void); HSNMP_ENTITY WINAPI SnmpStrToEntity (HSNMP_SESSION session, LPCSTR string); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpEntityToStr (HSNMP_ENTITY entity, smiUINT32 size, LPSTR string); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpFreeEntity (HSNMP_ENTITY entity); HSNMP_CONTEXT WINAPI SnmpStrToContext (HSNMP_SESSION session, smiLPCOCTETS string); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpContextToStr (HSNMP_CONTEXT context, smiLPOCTETS string); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpFreeContext (HSNMP_CONTEXT context); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpSetPort (HSNMP_ENTITY hEntity, UINT nPort); HSNMP_PDU WINAPI SnmpCreatePdu (HSNMP_SESSION session, smiINT PDU_type, smiINT32 request_id, smiINT error_status, smiINT error_index, HSNMP_VBL varbindlist); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpGetPduData (HSNMP_PDU PDU, smiLPINT PDU_type, smiLPINT32 request_id, smiLPINT error_status, smiLPINT error_index, LPHSNMP_VBL varbindlist); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpSetPduData (HSNMP_PDU PDU, const smiINT *PDU_type, const smiINT32 *request_id, const smiINT *non_repeaters, const smiINT *max_repetitions, const HSNMP_VBL *varbindlist); HSNMP_PDU WINAPI SnmpDuplicatePdu (HSNMP_SESSION session, HSNMP_PDU PDU); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpFreePdu (HSNMP_PDU PDU); HSNMP_VBL WINAPI SnmpCreateVbl (HSNMP_SESSION session, smiLPCOID name, smiLPCVALUE value); HSNMP_VBL WINAPI SnmpDuplicateVbl (HSNMP_SESSION session, HSNMP_VBL vbl); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpFreeVbl (HSNMP_VBL vbl); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpCountVbl (HSNMP_VBL vbl); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpGetVb (HSNMP_VBL vbl, smiUINT32 index, smiLPOID name, smiLPVALUE value); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpSetVb (HSNMP_VBL vbl, smiUINT32 index, smiLPCOID name, smiLPCVALUE value); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpDeleteVb (HSNMP_VBL vbl, smiUINT32 index); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpGetLastError (HSNMP_SESSION session); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpStrToOid (LPCSTR string, smiLPOID dstOID); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpOidToStr (smiLPCOID srcOID, smiUINT32 size, LPSTR string); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpOidCopy (smiLPCOID srcOID, smiLPOID dstOID); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpOidCompare (smiLPCOID xOID, smiLPCOID yOID, smiUINT32 maxlen, smiLPINT result); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpEncodeMsg (HSNMP_SESSION session, HSNMP_ENTITY srcEntity, HSNMP_ENTITY dstEntity, HSNMP_CONTEXT context, HSNMP_PDU pdu, smiLPOCTETS msgBufDesc); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpDecodeMsg (HSNMP_SESSION session, LPHSNMP_ENTITY srcEntity, LPHSNMP_ENTITY dstEntity, LPHSNMP_CONTEXT context, LPHSNMP_PDU pdu, smiLPCOCTETS msgBufDesc); SNMPAPI_STATUS WINAPI SnmpFreeDescriptor (smiUINT32 syntax, smiLPOPAQUE descriptor); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif #endif