// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This file contains tests for the printf checker. package testdata import ( "fmt" "io" "math" "os" "unsafe" // just for test case printing unsafe.Pointer // For testing printf-like functions from external package. "github.com/foobar/externalprintf" ) func UnsafePointerPrintfTest() { var up unsafe.Pointer fmt.Printf("%p, %x %X", up, up, up) } // Error methods that do not satisfy the Error interface and should be checked. type errorTest1 int func (errorTest1) Error(...interface{}) string { return "hi" } type errorTest2 int // Analogous to testing's *T type. func (errorTest2) Error(...interface{}) { } type errorTest3 int func (errorTest3) Error() { // No return value. } type errorTest4 int func (errorTest4) Error() int { // Different return type. return 3 } type errorTest5 int func (errorTest5) error() { // niladic; don't complain if no args (was bug) } // This function never executes, but it serves as a simple test for the program. // Test with make test. func PrintfTests() { var b bool var i int var r rune var s string var x float64 var p *int var imap map[int]int var fslice []float64 var c complex64 // Some good format/argtypes fmt.Printf("") fmt.Printf("%b %b %b", 3, i, x) fmt.Printf("%c %c %c %c", 3, i, 'x', r) fmt.Printf("%d %d %d", 3, i, imap) fmt.Printf("%e %e %e %e", 3e9, x, fslice, c) fmt.Printf("%E %E %E %E", 3e9, x, fslice, c) fmt.Printf("%f %f %f %f", 3e9, x, fslice, c) fmt.Printf("%F %F %F %F", 3e9, x, fslice, c) fmt.Printf("%g %g %g %g", 3e9, x, fslice, c) fmt.Printf("%G %G %G %G", 3e9, x, fslice, c) fmt.Printf("%b %b %b %b", 3e9, x, fslice, c) fmt.Printf("%o %o", 3, i) fmt.Printf("%p %p", p, nil) fmt.Printf("%q %q %q %q", 3, i, 'x', r) fmt.Printf("%s %s %s", "hi", s, []byte{65}) fmt.Printf("%t %t", true, b) fmt.Printf("%T %T", 3, i) fmt.Printf("%U %U", 3, i) fmt.Printf("%v %v", 3, i) fmt.Printf("%x %x %x %x", 3, i, "hi", s) fmt.Printf("%X %X %X %X", 3, i, "hi", s) fmt.Printf("%.*s %d %g", 3, "hi", 23, 2.3) fmt.Printf("%s", &stringerv) fmt.Printf("%v", &stringerv) fmt.Printf("%T", &stringerv) fmt.Printf("%v", notstringerv) fmt.Printf("%T", notstringerv) fmt.Printf("%q", stringerarrayv) fmt.Printf("%v", stringerarrayv) fmt.Printf("%s", stringerarrayv) fmt.Printf("%v", notstringerarrayv) fmt.Printf("%T", notstringerarrayv) fmt.Printf("%d", new(Formatter)) fmt.Printf("%*%", 2) // Ridiculous but allowed. fmt.Printf("%s", interface{}(nil)) // Nothing useful we can say. fmt.Printf("%g", 1+2i) // Some bad format/argTypes fmt.Printf("%b", "hi") // ERROR "arg .hi. for printf verb %b of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%t", c) // ERROR "arg c for printf verb %t of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%t", 1+2i) // ERROR "arg 1 \+ 2i for printf verb %t of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%c", 2.3) // ERROR "arg 2.3 for printf verb %c of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%d", 2.3) // ERROR "arg 2.3 for printf verb %d of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%e", "hi") // ERROR "arg .hi. for printf verb %e of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%E", true) // ERROR "arg true for printf verb %E of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%f", "hi") // ERROR "arg .hi. for printf verb %f of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%F", 'x') // ERROR "arg 'x' for printf verb %F of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%g", "hi") // ERROR "arg .hi. for printf verb %g of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%g", imap) // ERROR "arg imap for printf verb %g of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%G", i) // ERROR "arg i for printf verb %G of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%o", x) // ERROR "arg x for printf verb %o of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%p", 23) // ERROR "arg 23 for printf verb %p of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%q", x) // ERROR "arg x for printf verb %q of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%s", b) // ERROR "arg b for printf verb %s of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%s", byte(65)) // ERROR "arg byte\(65\) for printf verb %s of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%t", 23) // ERROR "arg 23 for printf verb %t of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%U", x) // ERROR "arg x for printf verb %U of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%x", nil) // ERROR "arg nil for printf verb %x of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%X", 2.3) // ERROR "arg 2.3 for printf verb %X of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%s", stringerv) // ERROR "arg stringerv for printf verb %s of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%t", stringerv) // ERROR "arg stringerv for printf verb %t of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%q", notstringerv) // ERROR "arg notstringerv for printf verb %q of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%t", notstringerv) // ERROR "arg notstringerv for printf verb %t of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%t", stringerarrayv) // ERROR "arg stringerarrayv for printf verb %t of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%t", notstringerarrayv) // ERROR "arg notstringerarrayv for printf verb %t of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%q", notstringerarrayv) // ERROR "arg notstringerarrayv for printf verb %q of wrong type" fmt.Printf("%d", Formatter(true)) // ERROR "arg Formatter\(true\) for printf verb %d of wrong type: testdata.Formatter" fmt.Printf("%z", FormatterVal(true)) // correct (the type is responsible for formatting) fmt.Printf("%d", FormatterVal(true)) // correct (the type is responsible for formatting) fmt.Printf("%s", nonemptyinterface) // correct (the type is responsible for formatting) fmt.Printf("%.*s %d %g", 3, "hi", 23, 'x') // ERROR "arg 'x' for printf verb %g of wrong type" fmt.Println() // not an error fmt.Println("%s", "hi") // ERROR "possible formatting directive in Println call" fmt.Println("0.0%") // correct (trailing % couldn't be a formatting directive) fmt.Printf("%s", "hi", 3) // ERROR "wrong number of args for format in Printf call" _ = fmt.Sprintf("%"+("s"), "hi", 3) // ERROR "wrong number of args for format in Sprintf call" fmt.Printf("%s%%%d", "hi", 3) // correct fmt.Printf("%08s", "woo") // correct fmt.Printf("% 8s", "woo") // correct fmt.Printf("%.*d", 3, 3) // correct fmt.Printf("%.*d", 3, 3, 3, 3) // ERROR "wrong number of args for format in Printf call.*4 args" fmt.Printf("%.*d", "hi", 3) // ERROR "arg .hi. for \* in printf format not of type int" fmt.Printf("%.*d", i, 3) // correct fmt.Printf("%.*d", s, 3) // ERROR "arg s for \* in printf format not of type int" fmt.Printf("%*%", 0.22) // ERROR "arg 0.22 for \* in printf format not of type int" fmt.Printf("%q %q", multi()...) // ok fmt.Printf("%#q", `blah`) // ok printf("now is the time", "buddy") // ERROR "no formatting directive" Printf("now is the time", "buddy") // ERROR "no formatting directive" Printf("hi") // ok const format = "%s %s\n" Printf(format, "hi", "there") Printf(format, "hi") // ERROR "missing argument for Printf..%s..: format reads arg 2, have only 1" Printf("%s %d %.3v %q", "str", 4) // ERROR "missing argument for Printf..%.3v..: format reads arg 3, have only 2" f := new(stringer) f.Warn(0, "%s", "hello", 3) // ERROR "possible formatting directive in Warn call" f.Warnf(0, "%s", "hello", 3) // ERROR "wrong number of args for format in Warnf call" f.Warnf(0, "%r", "hello") // ERROR "unrecognized printf verb" f.Warnf(0, "%#s", "hello") // ERROR "unrecognized printf flag" Printf("d%", 2) // ERROR "missing verb at end of format string in Printf call" Printf("%d", percentDV) Printf("%d", &percentDV) Printf("%d", notPercentDV) // ERROR "arg notPercentDV for printf verb %d of wrong type" Printf("%d", ¬PercentDV) // ERROR "arg ¬PercentDV for printf verb %d of wrong type" Printf("%p", ¬PercentDV) // Works regardless: we print it as a pointer. Printf("%s", percentSV) Printf("%s", &percentSV) // Good argument reorderings. Printf("%[1]d", 3) Printf("%[1]*d", 3, 1) Printf("%[2]*[1]d", 1, 3) Printf("%[2]*.[1]*[3]d", 2, 3, 4) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%[2]*.[1]*[3]d", 2, 3, 4) // Use Fprintf to make sure we count arguments correctly. // Bad argument reorderings. Printf("%[xd", 3) // ERROR "bad syntax for printf argument index: \[xd\]" Printf("%[x]d", 3) // ERROR "bad syntax for printf argument index: \[x\]" Printf("%[3]*s", "hi", 2) // ERROR "missing argument for Printf.* reads arg 3, have only 2" _ = fmt.Sprintf("%[3]d", 2) // ERROR "missing argument for Sprintf.* reads arg 3, have only 1" Printf("%[2]*.[1]*[3]d", 2, "hi", 4) // ERROR "arg .hi. for \* in printf format not of type int" Printf("%[0]s", "arg1") // ERROR "index value \[0\] for Printf.*; indexes start at 1" Printf("%[0]d", 1) // ERROR "index value \[0\] for Printf.*; indexes start at 1" // Something that satisfies the error interface. var e error fmt.Println(e.Error()) // ok // Something that looks like an error interface but isn't, such as the (*T).Error method // in the testing package. var et1 errorTest1 fmt.Println(et1.Error()) // ok fmt.Println(et1.Error("hi")) // ok fmt.Println(et1.Error("%d", 3)) // ERROR "possible formatting directive in Error call" var et2 errorTest2 et2.Error() // ok et2.Error("hi") // ok, not an error method. et2.Error("%d", 3) // ERROR "possible formatting directive in Error call" var et3 errorTest3 et3.Error() // ok, not an error method. var et4 errorTest4 et4.Error() // ok, not an error method. var et5 errorTest5 et5.error() // ok, not an error method. // Interfaces can be used with any verb. var iface interface { ToTheMadness() bool // Method ToTheMadness usually returns false } fmt.Printf("%f", iface) // ok: fmt treats interfaces as transparent and iface may well have a float concrete type // Can't print a function. Printf("%d", someFunction) // ERROR "arg someFunction in printf call is a function value, not a function call" Printf("%v", someFunction) // ERROR "arg someFunction in printf call is a function value, not a function call" Println(someFunction) // ERROR "arg someFunction in Println call is a function value, not a function call" Printf("%p", someFunction) // ok: maybe someone wants to see the pointer Printf("%T", someFunction) // ok: maybe someone wants to see the type // Bug: used to recur forever. Printf("%p %x", recursiveStructV, recursiveStructV.next) Printf("%p %x", recursiveStruct1V, recursiveStruct1V.next) Printf("%p %x", recursiveSliceV, recursiveSliceV) Printf("%p %x", recursiveMapV, recursiveMapV) // Special handling for Log. math.Log(3) // OK Log(3) // OK Log("%d", 3) // ERROR "possible formatting directive in Log call" Logf("%d", 3) Logf("%d", "hi") // ERROR "arg .hi. for printf verb %d of wrong type: string" Errorf(1, "%d", 3) // OK Errorf(1, "%d", "hi") // ERROR "arg .hi. for printf verb %d of wrong type: string" // Multiple string arguments before variadic args errorf("WARNING", "foobar") // OK errorf("INFO", "s=%s, n=%d", "foo", 1) // OK errorf("ERROR", "%d") // ERROR "format reads arg 1, have only 0 args" // Printf from external package externalprintf.Printf("%d", 42) // OK externalprintf.Printf("foobar") // OK level := 123 externalprintf.Logf(level, "%d", 42) // OK externalprintf.Errorf(level, level, "foo %q bar", "foobar") // OK externalprintf.Logf(level, "%d") // ERROR "format reads arg 1, have only 0 args" var formatStr = "%s %s" externalprintf.Sprintf(formatStr, "a", "b") // OK externalprintf.Logf(level, formatStr, "a", "b") // OK // user-defined Println-like functions ss := &someStruct{} ss.Log(someFunction, "foo") // OK ss.Error(someFunction, someFunction) // OK ss.Println() // OK ss.Println(1.234, "foo") // OK ss.Println(1, someFunction) // ERROR "arg someFunction in Println call is a function value, not a function call" ss.log(someFunction) // OK ss.log(someFunction, "bar", 1.33) // OK ss.log(someFunction, someFunction) // ERROR "arg someFunction in log call is a function value, not a function call" // indexed arguments Printf("%d %[3]d %d %[2]d", 1, 2, 3, 4) // OK Printf("%d %[0]d %d %[2]d", 1, 2, 3, 4) // ERROR "indexes start at 1" Printf("%d %[3]d %d %[-2]d", 1, 2, 3, 4) // ERROR "bad syntax for printf argument index: \[-2\]" Printf("%d %[3]d %d %[2234234234234]d", 1, 2, 3, 4) // ERROR "bad syntax for printf argument index: .+ value out of range" Printf("%d %[3]d %d %[2]d", 1, 2, 3) // ERROR "format reads arg 4, have only 3 args" Printf("%d %[3]d %d %[2]d", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // ERROR "wrong number of args for format in Printf call: 4 needed but 5 args" Printf("%[1][3]d", 1, 2) // ERROR "unrecognized printf verb '\['" } type someStruct struct{} // Log is non-variadic user-define Println-like function. // Calls to this func must be skipped when checking // for Println-like arguments. func (ss *someStruct) Log(f func(), s string) {} // Error is variadic user-define Println-like function. // Calls to this func mustn't be checked for Println-like arguments, // since variadic arguments type isn't interface{}. func (ss *someStruct) Error(args ...func()) {} // Println is variadic user-defined Println-like function. // Calls to this func must be checked for Println-like arguments. func (ss *someStruct) Println(args ...interface{}) {} // log is variadic user-defined Println-like function. // Calls to this func must be checked for Println-like arguments. func (ss *someStruct) log(f func(), args ...interface{}) {} // A function we use as a function value; it has no other purpose. func someFunction() {} // Printf is used by the test so we must declare it. func Printf(format string, args ...interface{}) { panic("don't call - testing only") } // Println is used by the test so we must declare it. func Println(args ...interface{}) { panic("don't call - testing only") } // Logf is used by the test so we must declare it. func Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) { panic("don't call - testing only") } // Log is used by the test so we must declare it. func Log(args ...interface{}) { panic("don't call - testing only") } // printf is used by the test so we must declare it. func printf(format string, args ...interface{}) { panic("don't call - testing only") } // Errorf is used by the test for a case in which the first parameter // is not a format string. func Errorf(i int, format string, args ...interface{}) { panic("don't call - testing only") } // errorf is used by the test for a case in which the function accepts multiple // string parameters before variadic arguments func errorf(level, format string, args ...interface{}) { panic("don't call - testing only") } // multi is used by the test. func multi() []interface{} { panic("don't call - testing only") } type stringer float64 var stringerv stringer func (*stringer) String() string { return "string" } func (*stringer) Warn(int, ...interface{}) string { return "warn" } func (*stringer) Warnf(int, string, ...interface{}) string { return "warnf" } type notstringer struct { f float64 } var notstringerv notstringer type stringerarray [4]float64 func (stringerarray) String() string { return "string" } var stringerarrayv stringerarray type notstringerarray [4]float64 var notstringerarrayv notstringerarray var nonemptyinterface = interface { f() }(nil) // A data type we can print with "%d". type percentDStruct struct { a int b []byte c *float64 } var percentDV percentDStruct // A data type we cannot print correctly with "%d". type notPercentDStruct struct { a int b []byte c bool } var notPercentDV notPercentDStruct // A data type we can print with "%s". type percentSStruct struct { a string b []byte c stringerarray } var percentSV percentSStruct type recursiveStringer int func (s recursiveStringer) String() string { _ = fmt.Sprintf("%d", s) _ = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", s) _ = fmt.Sprintf("%v", s) // ERROR "arg s for printf causes recursive call to String method" _ = fmt.Sprintf("%v", &s) // ERROR "arg &s for printf causes recursive call to String method" _ = fmt.Sprintf("%T", s) // ok; does not recursively call String return fmt.Sprintln(s) // ERROR "arg s in Sprintln call causes recursive call to String method" } type recursivePtrStringer int func (p *recursivePtrStringer) String() string { _ = fmt.Sprintf("%v", *p) return fmt.Sprintln(p) // ERROR "arg p in Sprintln call causes recursive call to String method" } type Formatter bool func (*Formatter) Format(fmt.State, rune) { } // Formatter with value receiver type FormatterVal bool func (FormatterVal) Format(fmt.State, rune) { } type RecursiveSlice []RecursiveSlice var recursiveSliceV = &RecursiveSlice{} type RecursiveMap map[int]RecursiveMap var recursiveMapV = make(RecursiveMap) type RecursiveStruct struct { next *RecursiveStruct } var recursiveStructV = &RecursiveStruct{} type RecursiveStruct1 struct { next *Recursive2Struct } type RecursiveStruct2 struct { next *Recursive1Struct } var recursiveStruct1V = &RecursiveStruct1{} // Fix for issue 7149: Missing return type on String method caused fault. func (int) String() { return "" } func (s *unknownStruct) Fprintln(w io.Writer, s string) {} func UnknownStructFprintln() { s := unknownStruct{} s.Fprintln(os.Stdout, "hello, world!") // OK }