// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // // System calls and other sys.stuff for AMD64, Darwin // See http://fxr.watson.org/fxr/source/bsd/kern/syscalls.c?v=xnu-1228 // or /usr/include/sys/syscall.h (on a Mac) for system call numbers. // // The low 24 bits are the system call number. // The high 8 bits specify the kind of system call: 1=Mach, 2=BSD, 3=Machine-Dependent. // #include "go_asm.h" #include "go_tls.h" #include "textflag.h" // Exit the entire program (like C exit) TEXT runtime·exit(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL code+0(FP), DI // arg 1 exit status MOVL $(0x2000000+1), AX // syscall entry SYSCALL MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET // Exit this OS thread (like pthread_exit, which eventually // calls __bsdthread_terminate). TEXT runtime·exit1(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL code+0(FP), DI // arg 1 exit status MOVL $(0x2000000+361), AX // syscall entry SYSCALL MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET TEXT runtime·open(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ name+0(FP), DI // arg 1 pathname MOVL mode+8(FP), SI // arg 2 flags MOVL perm+12(FP), DX // arg 3 mode MOVL $(0x2000000+5), AX // syscall entry SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $-1, AX MOVL AX, ret+16(FP) RET TEXT runtime·closefd(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL fd+0(FP), DI // arg 1 fd MOVL $(0x2000000+6), AX // syscall entry SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $-1, AX MOVL AX, ret+8(FP) RET TEXT runtime·read(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL fd+0(FP), DI // arg 1 fd MOVQ p+8(FP), SI // arg 2 buf MOVL n+16(FP), DX // arg 3 count MOVL $(0x2000000+3), AX // syscall entry SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $-1, AX MOVL AX, ret+24(FP) RET TEXT runtime·write(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ fd+0(FP), DI // arg 1 fd MOVQ p+8(FP), SI // arg 2 buf MOVL n+16(FP), DX // arg 3 count MOVL $(0x2000000+4), AX // syscall entry SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $-1, AX MOVL AX, ret+24(FP) RET TEXT runtime·raise(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 // Ideally we'd send the signal to the current thread, // not the whole process, but that's too hard on OS X. JMP runtime·raiseproc(SB) TEXT runtime·raiseproc(SB),NOSPLIT,$24 MOVL $(0x2000000+20), AX // getpid SYSCALL MOVQ AX, DI // arg 1 - pid MOVL sig+0(FP), SI // arg 2 - signal MOVL $1, DX // arg 3 - posix MOVL $(0x2000000+37), AX // kill SYSCALL RET TEXT runtime·setitimer(SB), NOSPLIT, $0 MOVL mode+0(FP), DI MOVQ new+8(FP), SI MOVQ old+16(FP), DX MOVL $(0x2000000+83), AX // syscall entry SYSCALL RET TEXT runtime·madvise(SB), NOSPLIT, $0 MOVQ addr+0(FP), DI // arg 1 addr MOVQ n+8(FP), SI // arg 2 len MOVL flags+16(FP), DX // arg 3 advice MOVL $(0x2000000+75), AX // syscall entry madvise SYSCALL // ignore failure - maybe pages are locked RET // OS X comm page time offsets // http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-1699.26.8/osfmk/i386/cpu_capabilities.h #define nt_tsc_base 0x50 #define nt_scale 0x58 #define nt_shift 0x5c #define nt_ns_base 0x60 #define nt_generation 0x68 #define gtod_generation 0x6c #define gtod_ns_base 0x70 #define gtod_sec_base 0x78 TEXT nanotime<>(SB), NOSPLIT, $32 MOVQ $0x7fffffe00000, BP /* comm page base */ // Loop trying to take a consistent snapshot // of the time parameters. timeloop: MOVL gtod_generation(BP), R8 TESTL R8, R8 JZ systime MOVL nt_generation(BP), R9 TESTL R9, R9 JZ timeloop RDTSC MOVQ nt_tsc_base(BP), R10 MOVL nt_scale(BP), R11 MOVQ nt_ns_base(BP), R12 CMPL nt_generation(BP), R9 JNE timeloop MOVQ gtod_ns_base(BP), R13 MOVQ gtod_sec_base(BP), R14 CMPL gtod_generation(BP), R8 JNE timeloop // Gathered all the data we need. Compute time. // ((tsc - nt_tsc_base) * nt_scale) >> 32 + nt_ns_base - gtod_ns_base + gtod_sec_base*1e9 // The multiply and shift extracts the top 64 bits of the 96-bit product. SHLQ $32, DX ADDQ DX, AX SUBQ R10, AX MULQ R11 SHRQ $32, AX:DX ADDQ R12, AX SUBQ R13, AX IMULQ $1000000000, R14 ADDQ R14, AX RET systime: // Fall back to system call (usually first call in this thread). MOVQ SP, DI MOVQ $0, SI MOVQ $0, DX // required as of Sierra; Issue 16570 MOVL $(0x2000000+116), AX // gettimeofday SYSCALL CMPQ AX, $0 JNE inreg MOVQ 0(SP), AX MOVL 8(SP), DX inreg: // sec is in AX, usec in DX // return nsec in AX IMULQ $1000000000, AX IMULQ $1000, DX ADDQ DX, AX RET TEXT runtime·nanotime(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-8 CALL nanotime<>(SB) MOVQ AX, ret+0(FP) RET // func now() (sec int64, nsec int32) TEXT time·now(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-12 CALL nanotime<>(SB) // generated code for // func f(x uint64) (uint64, uint64) { return x/1000000000, x%100000000 } // adapted to reduce duplication MOVQ AX, CX MOVQ $1360296554856532783, AX MULQ CX ADDQ CX, DX RCRQ $1, DX SHRQ $29, DX MOVQ DX, sec+0(FP) IMULQ $1000000000, DX SUBQ DX, CX MOVL CX, nsec+8(FP) RET TEXT runtime·sigprocmask(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL how+0(FP), DI MOVQ new+8(FP), SI MOVQ old+16(FP), DX MOVL $(0x2000000+329), AX // pthread_sigmask (on OS X, sigprocmask==entire process) SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET TEXT runtime·sigaction(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-24 MOVL mode+0(FP), DI // arg 1 sig MOVQ new+8(FP), SI // arg 2 act MOVQ old+16(FP), DX // arg 3 oact MOVQ old+16(FP), CX // arg 3 oact MOVQ old+16(FP), R10 // arg 3 oact MOVL $(0x2000000+46), AX // syscall entry SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET TEXT runtime·sigfwd(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-32 MOVQ fn+0(FP), AX MOVL sig+8(FP), DI MOVQ info+16(FP), SI MOVQ ctx+24(FP), DX PUSHQ BP MOVQ SP, BP ANDQ $~15, SP // alignment for x86_64 ABI CALL AX MOVQ BP, SP POPQ BP RET TEXT runtime·sigtramp(SB),NOSPLIT,$32 MOVL SI, 24(SP) // save infostyle for sigreturn below MOVL DX, 0(SP) // sig MOVQ CX, 8(SP) // info MOVQ R8, 16(SP) // ctx MOVQ $runtime·sigtrampgo(SB), AX CALL AX MOVQ 16(SP), DI // ctx MOVL 24(SP), SI // infostyle MOVL $(0x2000000+184), AX SYSCALL INT $3 // not reached TEXT runtime·mmap(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ addr+0(FP), DI // arg 1 addr MOVQ n+8(FP), SI // arg 2 len MOVL prot+16(FP), DX // arg 3 prot MOVL flags+20(FP), R10 // arg 4 flags MOVL fd+24(FP), R8 // arg 5 fid MOVL off+28(FP), R9 // arg 6 offset MOVL $(0x2000000+197), AX // syscall entry SYSCALL MOVQ AX, ret+32(FP) RET TEXT runtime·munmap(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ addr+0(FP), DI // arg 1 addr MOVQ n+8(FP), SI // arg 2 len MOVL $(0x2000000+73), AX // syscall entry SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET TEXT runtime·sigaltstack(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ new+0(FP), DI MOVQ old+8(FP), SI MOVQ $(0x2000000+53), AX SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET TEXT runtime·usleep(SB),NOSPLIT,$16 MOVL $0, DX MOVL usec+0(FP), AX MOVL $1000000, CX DIVL CX MOVQ AX, 0(SP) // sec MOVL DX, 8(SP) // usec // select(0, 0, 0, 0, &tv) MOVL $0, DI MOVL $0, SI MOVL $0, DX MOVL $0, R10 MOVQ SP, R8 MOVL $(0x2000000+93), AX SYSCALL RET // func bsdthread_create(stk, arg unsafe.Pointer, fn uintptr) int32 TEXT runtime·bsdthread_create(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 // Set up arguments to bsdthread_create system call. // The ones in quotes pass through to the thread callback // uninterpreted, so we can put whatever we want there. MOVQ fn+16(FP), DI MOVQ arg+8(FP), SI MOVQ stk+0(FP), DX MOVQ $0x01000000, R8 // flags = PTHREAD_START_CUSTOM MOVQ $0, R9 // paranoia MOVQ $0, R10 // paranoia, "pthread" MOVQ $(0x2000000+360), AX // bsdthread_create SYSCALL JCC 4(PC) NEGQ AX MOVL AX, ret+24(FP) RET MOVL $0, AX MOVL AX, ret+24(FP) RET // The thread that bsdthread_create creates starts executing here, // because we registered this function using bsdthread_register // at startup. // DI = "pthread" // SI = mach thread port // DX = "func" (= fn) // CX = "arg" (= m) // R8 = stack // R9 = flags (= 0) // SP = stack - C_64_REDZONE_LEN (= stack - 128) TEXT runtime·bsdthread_start(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ R8, SP // empirically, SP is very wrong but R8 is right PUSHQ DX PUSHQ CX PUSHQ SI // set up thread local storage pointing at m->tls. LEAQ m_tls(CX), DI CALL runtime·settls(SB) POPQ SI POPQ CX POPQ DX get_tls(BX) MOVQ SI, m_procid(CX) // thread port is m->procid MOVQ m_g0(CX), AX MOVQ AX, g(BX) MOVQ CX, g_m(AX) CALL runtime·stackcheck(SB) // smashes AX, CX CALL DX // fn CALL runtime·exit1(SB) RET // func bsdthread_register() int32 // registers callbacks for threadstart (see bsdthread_create above // and wqthread and pthsize (not used). returns 0 on success. TEXT runtime·bsdthread_register(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ $runtime·bsdthread_start(SB), DI // threadstart MOVQ $0, SI // wqthread, not used by us MOVQ $0, DX // pthsize, not used by us MOVQ $0, R10 // dummy_value [sic] MOVQ $0, R8 // targetconc_ptr MOVQ $0, R9 // dispatchqueue_offset MOVQ $(0x2000000+366), AX // bsdthread_register SYSCALL JCC 4(PC) NEGQ AX MOVL AX, ret+0(FP) RET MOVL $0, AX MOVL AX, ret+0(FP) RET // Mach system calls use 0x1000000 instead of the BSD's 0x2000000. // func mach_msg_trap(h unsafe.Pointer, op int32, send_size, rcv_size, rcv_name, timeout, notify uint32) int32 TEXT runtime·mach_msg_trap(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ h+0(FP), DI MOVL op+8(FP), SI MOVL send_size+12(FP), DX MOVL rcv_size+16(FP), R10 MOVL rcv_name+20(FP), R8 MOVL timeout+24(FP), R9 MOVL notify+28(FP), R11 PUSHQ R11 // seventh arg, on stack MOVL $(0x1000000+31), AX // mach_msg_trap SYSCALL POPQ R11 MOVL AX, ret+32(FP) RET TEXT runtime·mach_task_self(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL $(0x1000000+28), AX // task_self_trap SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+0(FP) RET TEXT runtime·mach_thread_self(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL $(0x1000000+27), AX // thread_self_trap SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+0(FP) RET TEXT runtime·mach_reply_port(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL $(0x1000000+26), AX // mach_reply_port SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+0(FP) RET // Mach provides trap versions of the semaphore ops, // instead of requiring the use of RPC. // func mach_semaphore_wait(sema uint32) int32 TEXT runtime·mach_semaphore_wait(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL sema+0(FP), DI MOVL $(0x1000000+36), AX // semaphore_wait_trap SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+8(FP) RET // func mach_semaphore_timedwait(sema, sec, nsec uint32) int32 TEXT runtime·mach_semaphore_timedwait(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL sema+0(FP), DI MOVL sec+4(FP), SI MOVL nsec+8(FP), DX MOVL $(0x1000000+38), AX // semaphore_timedwait_trap SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+16(FP) RET // func mach_semaphore_signal(sema uint32) int32 TEXT runtime·mach_semaphore_signal(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL sema+0(FP), DI MOVL $(0x1000000+33), AX // semaphore_signal_trap SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+8(FP) RET // func mach_semaphore_signal_all(sema uint32) int32 TEXT runtime·mach_semaphore_signal_all(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL sema+0(FP), DI MOVL $(0x1000000+34), AX // semaphore_signal_all_trap SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+8(FP) RET // set tls base to DI TEXT runtime·settls(SB),NOSPLIT,$32 /* * Same as in sys_darwin_386.s:/ugliness, different constant. * See cgo/gcc_darwin_amd64.c for the derivation * of the constant. */ SUBQ $0x8a0, DI MOVL $(0x3000000+3), AX // thread_fast_set_cthread_self - machdep call #3 SYSCALL RET TEXT runtime·sysctl(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ mib+0(FP), DI MOVL miblen+8(FP), SI MOVQ out+16(FP), DX MOVQ size+24(FP), R10 MOVQ dst+32(FP), R8 MOVQ ndst+40(FP), R9 MOVL $(0x2000000+202), AX // syscall entry SYSCALL JCC 4(PC) NEGQ AX MOVL AX, ret+48(FP) RET MOVL $0, AX MOVL AX, ret+48(FP) RET // func kqueue() int32 TEXT runtime·kqueue(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ $0, DI MOVQ $0, SI MOVQ $0, DX MOVL $(0x2000000+362), AX SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) NEGQ AX MOVL AX, ret+0(FP) RET // func kevent(kq int32, ch *keventt, nch int32, ev *keventt, nev int32, ts *timespec) int32 TEXT runtime·kevent(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL kq+0(FP), DI MOVQ ch+8(FP), SI MOVL nch+16(FP), DX MOVQ ev+24(FP), R10 MOVL nev+32(FP), R8 MOVQ ts+40(FP), R9 MOVL $(0x2000000+363), AX SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) NEGQ AX MOVL AX, ret+48(FP) RET // func closeonexec(fd int32) TEXT runtime·closeonexec(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL fd+0(FP), DI // fd MOVQ $2, SI // F_SETFD MOVQ $1, DX // FD_CLOEXEC MOVL $(0x2000000+92), AX // fcntl SYSCALL RET