/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder" #include "a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder.h" #include <dlfcn.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "a2dp_vendor.h" #include "a2dp_vendor_aptx.h" #include "bt_common.h" #include "osi/include/log.h" #include "osi/include/osi.h" // // Encoder for aptX Source Codec // // // The aptX encoder shared library, and the functions to use // static const char* APTX_ENCODER_LIB_NAME = "libaptX_encoder.so"; static void* aptx_encoder_lib_handle = NULL; static const char* APTX_ENCODER_INIT_NAME = "aptxbtenc_init"; typedef int (*tAPTX_ENCODER_INIT)(void* state, short endian); static const char* APTX_ENCODER_ENCODE_STEREO_NAME = "aptxbtenc_encodestereo"; typedef int (*tAPTX_ENCODER_ENCODE_STEREO)(void* state, void* pcmL, void* pcmR, void* buffer); static const char* APTX_ENCODER_SIZEOF_PARAMS_NAME = "SizeofAptxbtenc"; typedef int (*tAPTX_ENCODER_SIZEOF_PARAMS)(void); static tAPTX_ENCODER_INIT aptx_encoder_init_func; static tAPTX_ENCODER_ENCODE_STEREO aptx_encoder_encode_stereo_func; static tAPTX_ENCODER_SIZEOF_PARAMS aptx_encoder_sizeof_params_func; // offset #if (BTA_AV_CO_CP_SCMS_T == TRUE) #define A2DP_APTX_OFFSET (AVDT_MEDIA_OFFSET + 1) #else // no RTP header for aptX classic #define A2DP_APTX_OFFSET (AVDT_MEDIA_OFFSET - AVDT_MEDIA_HDR_SIZE) #endif #define A2DP_APTX_MAX_PCM_BYTES_PER_READ 1024 typedef struct { uint64_t sleep_time_ns; uint32_t pcm_reads; uint32_t pcm_bytes_per_read; uint32_t aptx_bytes; uint32_t frame_size_counter; } tAPTX_FRAMING_PARAMS; typedef struct { uint64_t session_start_us; size_t media_read_total_expected_packets; size_t media_read_total_expected_reads_count; size_t media_read_total_expected_read_bytes; size_t media_read_total_dropped_packets; size_t media_read_total_actual_reads_count; size_t media_read_total_actual_read_bytes; } a2dp_aptx_encoder_stats_t; typedef struct { a2dp_source_read_callback_t read_callback; a2dp_source_enqueue_callback_t enqueue_callback; bool use_SCMS_T; bool is_peer_edr; // True if the peer device supports EDR bool peer_supports_3mbps; // True if the peer device supports 3Mbps EDR uint16_t peer_mtu; // MTU of the A2DP peer uint32_t timestamp; // Timestamp for the A2DP frames tA2DP_FEEDING_PARAMS feeding_params; tAPTX_FRAMING_PARAMS framing_params; void* aptx_encoder_state; a2dp_aptx_encoder_stats_t stats; } tA2DP_APTX_ENCODER_CB; static tA2DP_APTX_ENCODER_CB a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb; static void a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder_update(uint16_t peer_mtu, A2dpCodecConfig* a2dp_codec_config, bool* p_restart_input, bool* p_restart_output, bool* p_config_updated); static void aptx_init_framing_params(tAPTX_FRAMING_PARAMS* framing_params); static void aptx_update_framing_params(tAPTX_FRAMING_PARAMS* framing_params); static size_t aptx_encode_16bit(tAPTX_FRAMING_PARAMS* framing_params, size_t* data_out_index, uint16_t* data16_in, uint8_t* data_out); bool A2DP_VendorLoadEncoderAptx(void) { if (aptx_encoder_lib_handle != NULL) return true; // Already loaded // Open the encoder library aptx_encoder_lib_handle = dlopen(APTX_ENCODER_LIB_NAME, RTLD_NOW); if (aptx_encoder_lib_handle == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: cannot open aptX encoder library %s: %s", __func__, APTX_ENCODER_LIB_NAME, dlerror()); return false; } aptx_encoder_init_func = (tAPTX_ENCODER_INIT)dlsym(aptx_encoder_lib_handle, APTX_ENCODER_INIT_NAME); if (aptx_encoder_init_func == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: cannot find function '%s' in the encoder library: %s", __func__, APTX_ENCODER_INIT_NAME, dlerror()); A2DP_VendorUnloadEncoderAptx(); return false; } aptx_encoder_encode_stereo_func = (tAPTX_ENCODER_ENCODE_STEREO)dlsym( aptx_encoder_lib_handle, APTX_ENCODER_ENCODE_STEREO_NAME); if (aptx_encoder_encode_stereo_func == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: cannot find function '%s' in the encoder library: %s", __func__, APTX_ENCODER_ENCODE_STEREO_NAME, dlerror()); A2DP_VendorUnloadEncoderAptx(); return false; } aptx_encoder_sizeof_params_func = (tAPTX_ENCODER_SIZEOF_PARAMS)dlsym( aptx_encoder_lib_handle, APTX_ENCODER_SIZEOF_PARAMS_NAME); if (aptx_encoder_sizeof_params_func == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: cannot find function '%s' in the encoder library: %s", __func__, APTX_ENCODER_SIZEOF_PARAMS_NAME, dlerror()); A2DP_VendorUnloadEncoderAptx(); return false; } return true; } void A2DP_VendorUnloadEncoderAptx(void) { aptx_encoder_init_func = NULL; aptx_encoder_encode_stereo_func = NULL; aptx_encoder_sizeof_params_func = NULL; if (aptx_encoder_lib_handle != NULL) { dlclose(aptx_encoder_lib_handle); aptx_encoder_lib_handle = NULL; } } void a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder_init( const tA2DP_ENCODER_INIT_PEER_PARAMS* p_peer_params, A2dpCodecConfig* a2dp_codec_config, a2dp_source_read_callback_t read_callback, a2dp_source_enqueue_callback_t enqueue_callback) { memset(&a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb, 0, sizeof(a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb)); a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.stats.session_start_us = time_get_os_boottime_us(); a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.read_callback = read_callback; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.enqueue_callback = enqueue_callback; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.is_peer_edr = p_peer_params->is_peer_edr; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.peer_supports_3mbps = p_peer_params->peer_supports_3mbps; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.peer_mtu = p_peer_params->peer_mtu; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.timestamp = 0; /* aptX encoder config */ a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.use_SCMS_T = false; // TODO: should be a parameter #if (BTA_AV_CO_CP_SCMS_T == TRUE) a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.use_SCMS_T = true; #endif a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.aptx_encoder_state = osi_malloc(aptx_encoder_sizeof_params_func()); if (a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.aptx_encoder_state != NULL) { aptx_encoder_init_func(a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.aptx_encoder_state, 0); } else { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: Cannot allocate aptX encoder state", __func__); // TODO: Return an error? } // NOTE: Ignore the restart_input / restart_output flags - this initization // happens when the connection is (re)started. bool restart_input = false; bool restart_output = false; bool config_updated = false; a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder_update(a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.peer_mtu, a2dp_codec_config, &restart_input, &restart_output, &config_updated); } bool A2dpCodecConfigAptx::updateEncoderUserConfig( const tA2DP_ENCODER_INIT_PEER_PARAMS* p_peer_params, bool* p_restart_input, bool* p_restart_output, bool* p_config_updated) { a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.is_peer_edr = p_peer_params->is_peer_edr; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.peer_supports_3mbps = p_peer_params->peer_supports_3mbps; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.peer_mtu = p_peer_params->peer_mtu; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.timestamp = 0; if (a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.peer_mtu == 0) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: Cannot update the codec encoder for %s: " "invalid peer MTU", __func__, name().c_str()); return false; } a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder_update(a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.peer_mtu, this, p_restart_input, p_restart_output, p_config_updated); return true; } // Update the A2DP aptX encoder. // |peer_mtu| is the peer MTU. // |a2dp_codec_config| is the A2DP codec to use for the update. static void a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder_update(uint16_t peer_mtu, A2dpCodecConfig* a2dp_codec_config, bool* p_restart_input, bool* p_restart_output, bool* p_config_updated) { uint8_t codec_info[AVDT_CODEC_SIZE]; *p_restart_input = false; *p_restart_output = false; *p_config_updated = false; if (!a2dp_codec_config->copyOutOtaCodecConfig(codec_info)) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: Cannot update the codec encoder for %s: " "invalid codec config", __func__, a2dp_codec_config->name().c_str()); return; } const uint8_t* p_codec_info = codec_info; // The feeding parameters tA2DP_FEEDING_PARAMS* p_feeding_params = &a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.feeding_params; p_feeding_params->sample_rate = A2DP_VendorGetTrackSampleRateAptx(p_codec_info); p_feeding_params->bits_per_sample = A2DP_VendorGetTrackBitsPerSampleAptx(p_codec_info); p_feeding_params->channel_count = A2DP_VendorGetTrackChannelCountAptx(p_codec_info); LOG_DEBUG(LOG_TAG, "%s: sample_rate=%u bits_per_sample=%u channel_count=%u", __func__, p_feeding_params->sample_rate, p_feeding_params->bits_per_sample, p_feeding_params->channel_count); aptx_init_framing_params(&a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.framing_params); } void a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder_cleanup(void) { osi_free(a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.aptx_encoder_state); memset(&a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb, 0, sizeof(a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb)); } // // Initialize the framing parameters, and set those that don't change // while streaming (e.g., 'sleep_time_ns'). // static void aptx_init_framing_params(tAPTX_FRAMING_PARAMS* framing_params) { framing_params->sleep_time_ns = 0; framing_params->pcm_reads = 0; framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read = 0; framing_params->aptx_bytes = 0; framing_params->frame_size_counter = 0; if (a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.feeding_params.sample_rate == 48000) { if (a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.use_SCMS_T) { framing_params->sleep_time_ns = 13000000; } else { framing_params->sleep_time_ns = 14000000; } } else { // Assume the sample rate is 44100 if (a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.use_SCMS_T) { framing_params->sleep_time_ns = 14000000; } else { framing_params->sleep_time_ns = 15000000; } } LOG_DEBUG(LOG_TAG, "%s: sleep_time_ns = %" PRIu64, __func__, framing_params->sleep_time_ns); } // // Set frame size and transmission interval needed to stream the required // sample rate using 2-DH5 packets for aptX and 2-DH3 packets for aptX-LL. // With SCMS-T enabled we need to reserve room for extra headers added later. // Packets are always sent at equals time intervals but to achieve the // required sample rate, the frame size needs to change on occasion. // // Also need to specify how many of the required PCM samples are read at a // time: // aptx_bytes = pcm_reads * pcm_bytes_per_read / 4 // and // number of aptX samples produced = pcm_bytes_per_read / 16 // static void aptx_update_framing_params(tAPTX_FRAMING_PARAMS* framing_params) { if (a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.feeding_params.sample_rate == 48000) { if (a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.use_SCMS_T) { framing_params->aptx_bytes = 624; framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read = 208; framing_params->pcm_reads = 12; } else { framing_params->aptx_bytes = 672; framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read = 224; framing_params->pcm_reads = 12; } } else { // Assume the sample rate is 44100 if (a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.use_SCMS_T) { if (++framing_params->frame_size_counter < 20) { framing_params->aptx_bytes = 616; framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read = 224; framing_params->pcm_reads = 11; } else { framing_params->aptx_bytes = 644; framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read = 368; framing_params->pcm_reads = 7; framing_params->frame_size_counter = 0; } } else { if (++framing_params->frame_size_counter < 8) { framing_params->aptx_bytes = 660; framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read = 240; framing_params->pcm_reads = 11; } else { framing_params->aptx_bytes = 672; framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read = 224; framing_params->pcm_reads = 12; framing_params->frame_size_counter = 0; } } } LOG_VERBOSE(LOG_TAG, "%s: sleep_time_ns = %" PRIu64 " aptx_bytes = %u " "pcm_bytes_per_read = %u pcm_reads = %u frame_size_counter = %u", __func__, framing_params->sleep_time_ns, framing_params->aptx_bytes, framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read, framing_params->pcm_reads, framing_params->frame_size_counter); } void a2dp_vendor_aptx_feeding_reset(void) { aptx_init_framing_params(&a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.framing_params); } void a2dp_vendor_aptx_feeding_flush(void) { aptx_init_framing_params(&a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.framing_params); } period_ms_t a2dp_vendor_aptx_get_encoder_interval_ms(void) { return a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.framing_params.sleep_time_ns / (1000 * 1000); } void a2dp_vendor_aptx_send_frames(uint64_t timestamp_us) { tAPTX_FRAMING_PARAMS* framing_params = &a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.framing_params; // Prepare the packet to send BT_HDR* p_buf = (BT_HDR*)osi_malloc(BT_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); p_buf->offset = A2DP_APTX_OFFSET; p_buf->len = 0; p_buf->layer_specific = 0; uint8_t* encoded_ptr = (uint8_t*)(p_buf + 1); encoded_ptr += p_buf->offset; aptx_update_framing_params(framing_params); // // Read the PCM data and encode it // LOG_VERBOSE(LOG_TAG, "%s: %u PCM reads of size %u", __func__, framing_params->pcm_reads, framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read); size_t encoded_ptr_index = 0; size_t pcm_bytes_encoded = 0; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.stats.media_read_total_expected_packets++; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.stats.media_read_total_expected_reads_count += framing_params->pcm_reads; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.stats.media_read_total_expected_read_bytes += framing_params->pcm_reads * framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read; for (size_t reads = 0; reads < framing_params->pcm_reads; reads++) { uint16_t read_buffer16[A2DP_APTX_MAX_PCM_BYTES_PER_READ / sizeof(uint16_t)]; size_t pcm_bytes_read = a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.read_callback( (uint8_t*)read_buffer16, framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read); a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.stats.media_read_total_actual_read_bytes += pcm_bytes_read; if (pcm_bytes_read < framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read) { LOG_WARN(LOG_TAG, "%s: underflow at PCM reading iteration %zu: read %zu " "instead of %d", __func__, reads, pcm_bytes_read, framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read); break; } a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.stats.media_read_total_actual_reads_count++; pcm_bytes_encoded += aptx_encode_16bit(framing_params, &encoded_ptr_index, read_buffer16, encoded_ptr); } // Compute the number of encoded bytes const int COMPRESSION_RATIO = 4; size_t encoded_bytes = pcm_bytes_encoded / COMPRESSION_RATIO; p_buf->len += encoded_bytes; LOG_VERBOSE(LOG_TAG, "%s: encoded %zu PCM bytes to %zu", __func__, pcm_bytes_encoded, encoded_bytes); // Update the RTP timestamp *((uint32_t*)(p_buf + 1)) = a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.timestamp; const uint8_t BYTES_PER_FRAME = 2; uint32_t rtp_timestamp = (pcm_bytes_encoded / a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.feeding_params.channel_count) / BYTES_PER_FRAME; a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.timestamp += rtp_timestamp; if (p_buf->len > 0) { a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.enqueue_callback(p_buf, 1); } else { a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.stats.media_read_total_dropped_packets++; osi_free(p_buf); } } static size_t aptx_encode_16bit(tAPTX_FRAMING_PARAMS* framing_params, size_t* data_out_index, uint16_t* data16_in, uint8_t* data_out) { size_t pcm_bytes_encoded = 0; size_t frame = 0; for (size_t aptx_samples = 0; aptx_samples < framing_params->pcm_bytes_per_read / 16; aptx_samples++) { uint32_t pcmL[4]; uint32_t pcmR[4]; uint16_t encoded_sample[2]; for (size_t i = 0, j = frame; i < 4; i++, j++) { pcmL[i] = (uint16_t) * (data16_in + (2 * j)); pcmR[i] = (uint16_t) * (data16_in + ((2 * j) + 1)); } aptx_encoder_encode_stereo_func(a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.aptx_encoder_state, &pcmL, &pcmR, &encoded_sample); data_out[*data_out_index + 0] = (uint8_t)((encoded_sample[0] >> 8) & 0xff); data_out[*data_out_index + 1] = (uint8_t)((encoded_sample[0] >> 0) & 0xff); data_out[*data_out_index + 2] = (uint8_t)((encoded_sample[1] >> 8) & 0xff); data_out[*data_out_index + 3] = (uint8_t)((encoded_sample[1] >> 0) & 0xff); frame += 4; pcm_bytes_encoded += 16; *data_out_index += 4; } return pcm_bytes_encoded; } period_ms_t A2dpCodecConfigAptx::encoderIntervalMs() const { return a2dp_vendor_aptx_get_encoder_interval_ms(); } void A2dpCodecConfigAptx::debug_codec_dump(int fd) { a2dp_aptx_encoder_stats_t* stats = &a2dp_aptx_encoder_cb.stats; A2dpCodecConfig::debug_codec_dump(fd); dprintf(fd, " Packet counts (expected/dropped) : %zu / " "%zu\n", stats->media_read_total_expected_packets, stats->media_read_total_dropped_packets); dprintf(fd, " PCM read counts (expected/actual) : %zu / " "%zu\n", stats->media_read_total_expected_reads_count, stats->media_read_total_actual_reads_count); dprintf(fd, " PCM read bytes (expected/actual) : %zu / " "%zu\n", stats->media_read_total_expected_read_bytes, stats->media_read_total_actual_read_bytes); }