/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "a2dp_vendor_ldac_abr" #include "a2dp_vendor_ldac_abr.h" #include <dlfcn.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "osi/include/log.h" // // LDAC ABR(Adaptive Bit Rate) Source Code // // // The LDAC ABR shared library, and the functions to use // static const char* LDAC_ABR_LIB_NAME = "libldacBT_abr.so"; static void* ldac_abr_lib_handle = NULL; static const char* LDAC_ABR_GET_HANDLE_NAME = "ldac_ABR_get_handle"; typedef HANDLE_LDAC_ABR (*tLDAC_ABR_GET_HANDLE)(void); static const char* LDAC_ABR_FREE_HANDLE_NAME = "ldac_ABR_free_handle"; typedef void (*tLDAC_ABR_FREE_HANDLE)(HANDLE_LDAC_ABR hLdacAbr); static const char* LDAC_ABR_INIT_NAME = "ldac_ABR_Init"; typedef int (*tLDAC_ABR_INIT)(HANDLE_LDAC_ABR hLdacAbr, unsigned int interval_ms); static const char* LDAC_ABR_SET_THRESHOLDS_NAME = "ldac_ABR_set_thresholds"; typedef int (*tLDAC_ABR_SET_THRESHOLDS)(HANDLE_LDAC_ABR hLdacAbr, unsigned int th_critical, unsigned int th_dangerous_trend, unsigned int th_safety_4hqsq); static const char* LDAC_ABR_PROC_NAME = "ldac_ABR_Proc"; typedef int (*tLDAC_ABR_PROC)(HANDLE_LDAC_BT hLdacParam, HANDLE_LDAC_ABR hLdacAbr, unsigned int txq_length, unsigned int flag_enable); static tLDAC_ABR_GET_HANDLE ldac_abr_get_handle_func; static tLDAC_ABR_FREE_HANDLE ldac_abr_free_handle_func; static tLDAC_ABR_INIT ldac_abr_init_func; static tLDAC_ABR_SET_THRESHOLDS ldac_abr_set_thresholds_func; static tLDAC_ABR_PROC ldac_abr_proc_func; bool A2DP_VendorLoadLdacAbr(void) { if (ldac_abr_lib_handle != NULL) return true; // Already loaded // Open the LDAC ABR library ldac_abr_lib_handle = dlopen(LDAC_ABR_LIB_NAME, RTLD_NOW); if (ldac_abr_lib_handle == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: cannot open LDAC ABR library %s: %s", __func__, LDAC_ABR_LIB_NAME, dlerror()); A2DP_VendorUnloadLdacAbr(); return false; } // Load all functions ldac_abr_get_handle_func = (tLDAC_ABR_GET_HANDLE)dlsym( ldac_abr_lib_handle, LDAC_ABR_GET_HANDLE_NAME); if (ldac_abr_get_handle_func == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: cannot find function '%s' in the LDAC ABR library: %s", __func__, LDAC_ABR_GET_HANDLE_NAME, dlerror()); A2DP_VendorUnloadLdacAbr(); return false; } ldac_abr_free_handle_func = (tLDAC_ABR_FREE_HANDLE)dlsym( ldac_abr_lib_handle, LDAC_ABR_FREE_HANDLE_NAME); if (ldac_abr_free_handle_func == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: cannot find function '%s' in the LDAC ABR library: %s", __func__, LDAC_ABR_FREE_HANDLE_NAME, dlerror()); A2DP_VendorUnloadLdacAbr(); return false; } ldac_abr_init_func = (tLDAC_ABR_INIT)dlsym(ldac_abr_lib_handle, LDAC_ABR_INIT_NAME); if (ldac_abr_init_func == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: cannot find function '%s' in the LDAC ABR library: %s", __func__, LDAC_ABR_INIT_NAME, dlerror()); A2DP_VendorUnloadLdacAbr(); return false; } ldac_abr_set_thresholds_func = (tLDAC_ABR_SET_THRESHOLDS)dlsym( ldac_abr_lib_handle, LDAC_ABR_SET_THRESHOLDS_NAME); if (ldac_abr_set_thresholds_func == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: cannot find function '%s' in the LDAC ABR library: %s", __func__, LDAC_ABR_SET_THRESHOLDS_NAME, dlerror()); A2DP_VendorUnloadLdacAbr(); return false; } ldac_abr_proc_func = (tLDAC_ABR_PROC)dlsym(ldac_abr_lib_handle, LDAC_ABR_PROC_NAME); if (ldac_abr_proc_func == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: cannot find function '%s' in the LDAC ABR library: %s", __func__, LDAC_ABR_PROC_NAME, dlerror()); A2DP_VendorUnloadLdacAbr(); return false; } return true; } void A2DP_VendorUnloadLdacAbr(void) { ldac_abr_get_handle_func = NULL; ldac_abr_free_handle_func = NULL; ldac_abr_init_func = NULL; ldac_abr_set_thresholds_func = NULL; ldac_abr_proc_func = NULL; if (ldac_abr_lib_handle != NULL) { dlclose(ldac_abr_lib_handle); ldac_abr_lib_handle = NULL; } } HANDLE_LDAC_ABR a2dp_ldac_abr_get_handle(void) { return ldac_abr_get_handle_func(); } void a2dp_ldac_abr_free_handle(HANDLE_LDAC_ABR hLdacAbr) { return ldac_abr_free_handle_func(hLdacAbr); } int a2dp_ldac_abr_init(HANDLE_LDAC_ABR hLdacAbr, unsigned int interval_ms) { return ldac_abr_init_func(hLdacAbr, interval_ms); } int a2dp_ldac_abr_set_thresholds(HANDLE_LDAC_ABR hLdacAbr, unsigned int th_critical, unsigned int th_dangerous_trend, unsigned int th_4hqsq) { return ldac_abr_set_thresholds_func(hLdacAbr, th_critical, th_dangerous_trend, th_4hqsq); } int a2dp_ldac_abr_proc(HANDLE_LDAC_BT hLdacParam, HANDLE_LDAC_ABR hLdacAbr, size_t transmit_queue_length, unsigned int flag_enable) { return ldac_abr_proc_func(hLdacParam, hLdacAbr, transmit_queue_length, flag_enable); }