#include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <android/sync.h> #include <sw_sync.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> #include <thread> #include <poll.h> #include <mutex> #include <algorithm> #include <tuple> #include <random> #include <unordered_map> // TODO: better stress tests? // Handle more than 64 fd's simultaneously, i.e. fix sync_fence_info's 4k limit. // Handle wraparound in timelines like nvidia. using namespace std; namespace { // C++ wrapper class for sync timeline. class SyncTimeline { int m_fd = -1; bool m_fdInitialized = false; public: SyncTimeline(const SyncTimeline &) = delete; SyncTimeline& operator=(SyncTimeline&) = delete; SyncTimeline() noexcept { int fd = sw_sync_timeline_create(); if (fd == -1) return; m_fdInitialized = true; m_fd = fd; } void destroy() { if (m_fdInitialized) { close(m_fd); m_fd = -1; m_fdInitialized = false; } } ~SyncTimeline() { destroy(); } bool isValid() const { if (m_fdInitialized) { int status = fcntl(m_fd, F_GETFD, 0); if (status >= 0) return true; else return false; } else { return false; } } int getFd() const { return m_fd; } int inc(int val = 1) { return sw_sync_timeline_inc(m_fd, val); } }; struct SyncPointInfo { std::string driverName; std::string objectName; uint64_t timeStampNs; int status; // 1 sig, 0 active, neg is err }; // Wrapper class for sync fence. class SyncFence { int m_fd = -1; bool m_fdInitialized = false; static int s_fenceCount; void setFd(int fd) { m_fd = fd; m_fdInitialized = true; } void clearFd() { m_fd = -1; m_fdInitialized = false; } public: bool isValid() const { if (m_fdInitialized) { int status = fcntl(m_fd, F_GETFD, 0); if (status >= 0) return true; else return false; } else { return false; } } SyncFence& operator=(SyncFence &&rhs) noexcept { destroy(); if (rhs.isValid()) { setFd(rhs.getFd()); rhs.clearFd(); } return *this; } SyncFence(SyncFence &&fence) noexcept { if (fence.isValid()) { setFd(fence.getFd()); fence.clearFd(); } } SyncFence(const SyncFence &fence) noexcept { // This is ok, as sync fences are immutable after construction, so a dup // is basically the same thing as a copy. if (fence.isValid()) { int fd = dup(fence.getFd()); if (fd == -1) return; setFd(fd); } } SyncFence(const SyncTimeline &timeline, int value, const char *name = nullptr) noexcept { std::string autoName = "allocFence"; autoName += s_fenceCount; s_fenceCount++; int fd = sw_sync_fence_create(timeline.getFd(), name ? name : autoName.c_str(), value); if (fd == -1) return; setFd(fd); } SyncFence(const SyncFence &a, const SyncFence &b, const char *name = nullptr) noexcept { std::string autoName = "mergeFence"; autoName += s_fenceCount; s_fenceCount++; int fd = sync_merge(name ? name : autoName.c_str(), a.getFd(), b.getFd()); if (fd == -1) return; setFd(fd); } SyncFence(const vector<SyncFence> &sources) noexcept { assert(sources.size()); SyncFence temp(*begin(sources)); for (auto itr = ++begin(sources); itr != end(sources); ++itr) { temp = SyncFence(*itr, temp); } if (temp.isValid()) { setFd(temp.getFd()); temp.clearFd(); } } void destroy() { if (isValid()) { close(m_fd); clearFd(); } } ~SyncFence() { destroy(); } int getFd() const { return m_fd; } int wait(int timeout = -1) { return sync_wait(m_fd, timeout); } vector<SyncPointInfo> getInfo() const { vector<SyncPointInfo> fenceInfo; struct sync_file_info *info = sync_file_info(getFd()); if (!info) { return fenceInfo; } const auto fences = sync_get_fence_info(info); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->num_fences; i++) { fenceInfo.push_back(SyncPointInfo{ fences[i].driver_name, fences[i].obj_name, fences[i].timestamp_ns, fences[i].status}); } sync_file_info_free(info); return fenceInfo; } int getSize() const { return getInfo().size(); } int getSignaledCount() const { return countWithStatus(1); } int getActiveCount() const { return countWithStatus(0); } int getErrorCount() const { return countWithStatus(-1); } private: int countWithStatus(int status) const { int count = 0; for (auto &info : getInfo()) { if (info.status == status) { count++; } } return count; } }; static void CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(const SyncFence& f) { struct sync_file_info* modern = sync_file_info(f.getFd()); struct sync_fence_info_data* legacy = sync_fence_info(f.getFd()); ASSERT_TRUE(modern != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(legacy != NULL); EXPECT_STREQ(modern->name, legacy->name); EXPECT_EQ(modern->status, legacy->status); uint32_t fenceIdx = 0; struct sync_pt_info* pt = sync_pt_info(legacy, NULL); const struct sync_fence_info* fences = sync_get_fence_info(modern); while (fenceIdx < modern->num_fences && pt != NULL) { EXPECT_STREQ(fences[fenceIdx].obj_name, pt->obj_name); EXPECT_STREQ(fences[fenceIdx].driver_name, pt->driver_name); EXPECT_EQ(fences[fenceIdx].status, pt->status); EXPECT_EQ(fences[fenceIdx].timestamp_ns, pt->timestamp_ns); fenceIdx++; pt = sync_pt_info(legacy, pt); } EXPECT_EQ(fenceIdx, modern->num_fences); EXPECT_EQ(NULL, pt); } int SyncFence::s_fenceCount = 0; TEST(AllocTest, Timeline) { SyncTimeline timeline; ASSERT_TRUE(timeline.isValid()); } TEST(AllocTest, Fence) { SyncTimeline timeline; ASSERT_TRUE(timeline.isValid()); SyncFence fence(timeline, 1); ASSERT_TRUE(fence.isValid()); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(fence); } TEST(AllocTest, FenceNegative) { int timeline = sw_sync_timeline_create(); ASSERT_GT(timeline, 0); // bad fd. ASSERT_LT(sw_sync_fence_create(-1, "fence", 1), 0); // No name - segfaults in user space. // Maybe we should be friendlier here? /* ASSERT_LT(sw_sync_fence_create(timeline, nullptr, 1), 0); */ close(timeline); } TEST(FenceTest, OneTimelineWait) { SyncTimeline timeline; ASSERT_TRUE(timeline.isValid()); SyncFence fence(timeline, 5); ASSERT_TRUE(fence.isValid()); // Wait on fence until timeout. ASSERT_EQ(fence.wait(0), -1); ASSERT_EQ(errno, ETIME); // Advance timeline from 0 -> 1 ASSERT_EQ(timeline.inc(1), 0); // Wait on fence until timeout. ASSERT_EQ(fence.wait(0), -1); ASSERT_EQ(errno, ETIME); // Signal the fence. ASSERT_EQ(timeline.inc(4), 0); // Wait successfully. ASSERT_EQ(fence.wait(0), 0); // Go even futher, and confirm wait still succeeds. ASSERT_EQ(timeline.inc(10), 0); ASSERT_EQ(fence.wait(0), 0); } TEST(FenceTest, OneTimelinePoll) { SyncTimeline timeline; ASSERT_TRUE(timeline.isValid()); SyncFence fence(timeline, 100); ASSERT_TRUE(fence.isValid()); fd_set set; FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(fence.getFd(), &set); // Poll the fence, and wait till timeout. timeval time = {0}; ASSERT_EQ(select(fence.getFd() + 1, &set, nullptr, nullptr, &time), 0); // Advance the timeline. timeline.inc(100); timeline.inc(100); // Select should return that the fd is read for reading. FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(fence.getFd(), &set); ASSERT_EQ(select(fence.getFd() + 1, &set, nullptr, nullptr, &time), 1); ASSERT_TRUE(FD_ISSET(fence.getFd(), &set)); } TEST(FenceTest, OneTimelineMerge) { SyncTimeline timeline; ASSERT_TRUE(timeline.isValid()); // create fence a,b,c and then merge them all into fence d. SyncFence a(timeline, 1), b(timeline, 2), c(timeline, 3); ASSERT_TRUE(a.isValid()); ASSERT_TRUE(b.isValid()); ASSERT_TRUE(c.isValid()); SyncFence d({a,b,c}); ASSERT_TRUE(d.isValid()); // confirm all fences have one active point (even d). ASSERT_EQ(a.getActiveCount(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(b.getActiveCount(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(c.getActiveCount(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(d.getActiveCount(), 1); // confirm that d is not signaled until the max of a,b,c timeline.inc(1); ASSERT_EQ(a.getSignaledCount(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(d.getActiveCount(), 1); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(a); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(d); timeline.inc(1); ASSERT_EQ(b.getSignaledCount(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(d.getActiveCount(), 1); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(b); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(d); timeline.inc(1); ASSERT_EQ(c.getSignaledCount(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(d.getActiveCount(), 0); ASSERT_EQ(d.getSignaledCount(), 1); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(c); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(d); } TEST(FenceTest, MergeSameFence) { SyncTimeline timeline; ASSERT_TRUE(timeline.isValid()); SyncFence fence(timeline, 5); ASSERT_TRUE(fence.isValid()); SyncFence selfMergeFence(fence, fence); ASSERT_TRUE(selfMergeFence.isValid()); ASSERT_EQ(selfMergeFence.getSignaledCount(), 0); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(selfMergeFence); timeline.inc(5); ASSERT_EQ(selfMergeFence.getSignaledCount(), 1); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(selfMergeFence); } TEST(FenceTest, PollOnDestroyedTimeline) { SyncTimeline timeline; ASSERT_TRUE(timeline.isValid()); SyncFence fenceSig(timeline, 100); SyncFence fenceKill(timeline, 200); // Spawn a thread to wait on a fence when the timeline is killed. thread waitThread{ [&]() { ASSERT_EQ(timeline.inc(100), 0); // Wait on the fd. struct pollfd fds; fds.fd = fenceKill.getFd(); fds.events = POLLIN | POLLERR; ASSERT_EQ(poll(&fds, 1, 0), 0); } }; // Wait for the thread to spool up. fenceSig.wait(); // Kill the timeline. timeline.destroy(); // wait for the thread to clean up. waitThread.join(); } TEST(FenceTest, MultiTimelineWait) { SyncTimeline timelineA, timelineB, timelineC; SyncFence fenceA(timelineA, 5); SyncFence fenceB(timelineB, 5); SyncFence fenceC(timelineC, 5); // Make a larger fence using 3 other fences from different timelines. SyncFence mergedFence({fenceA, fenceB, fenceC}); ASSERT_TRUE(mergedFence.isValid()); // Confirm fence isn't signaled ASSERT_EQ(mergedFence.getActiveCount(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(mergedFence.wait(0), -1); ASSERT_EQ(errno, ETIME); timelineA.inc(5); ASSERT_EQ(mergedFence.getActiveCount(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(mergedFence.getSignaledCount(), 1); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(mergedFence); timelineB.inc(5); ASSERT_EQ(mergedFence.getActiveCount(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(mergedFence.getSignaledCount(), 2); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(mergedFence); timelineC.inc(5); ASSERT_EQ(mergedFence.getActiveCount(), 0); ASSERT_EQ(mergedFence.getSignaledCount(), 3); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(mergedFence); // confirm you can successfully wait. ASSERT_EQ(mergedFence.wait(100), 0); } TEST(StressTest, TwoThreadsSharedTimeline) { const int iterations = 1 << 16; int counter = 0; SyncTimeline timeline; ASSERT_TRUE(timeline.isValid()); // Use a single timeline to synchronize two threads // hammmering on the same counter. auto threadMain = [&](int threadId) { for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { SyncFence fence(timeline, i * 2 + threadId); ASSERT_TRUE(fence.isValid()); // Wait on the prior thread to complete. ASSERT_EQ(fence.wait(), 0); // Confirm the previous thread's writes are visible and then inc. ASSERT_EQ(counter, i * 2 + threadId); counter++; // Kick off the other thread. ASSERT_EQ(timeline.inc(), 0); } }; thread a{threadMain, 0}; thread b{threadMain, 1}; a.join(); b.join(); // make sure the threads did not trample on one another. ASSERT_EQ(counter, iterations * 2); } class ConsumerStressTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<int> {}; TEST_P(ConsumerStressTest, MultiProducerSingleConsumer) { mutex lock; int counter = 0; int iterations = 1 << 12; vector<SyncTimeline> producerTimelines(GetParam()); vector<thread> threads; SyncTimeline consumerTimeline; // Producer threads run this lambda. auto threadMain = [&](int threadId) { for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { SyncFence fence(consumerTimeline, i); ASSERT_TRUE(fence.isValid()); // Wait for the consumer to finish. Use alternate // means of waiting on the fence. if ((iterations + threadId) % 8 != 0) { ASSERT_EQ(fence.wait(), 0); } else { while (fence.getSignaledCount() != 1) { ASSERT_EQ(fence.getErrorCount(), 0); } } // Every producer increments the counter, the consumer checks + erases it. lock.lock(); counter++; lock.unlock(); ASSERT_EQ(producerTimelines[threadId].inc(), 0); } }; for (int i = 0; i < GetParam(); i++) { threads.push_back(thread{threadMain, i}); } // Consumer thread runs this loop. for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) { // Create a fence representing all producers final timelines. vector<SyncFence> fences; for (auto& timeline : producerTimelines) { fences.push_back(SyncFence(timeline, i)); } SyncFence mergeFence(fences); ASSERT_TRUE(mergeFence.isValid()); // Make sure we see an increment from every producer thread. Vary // the means by which we wait. if (iterations % 8 != 0) { ASSERT_EQ(mergeFence.wait(), 0); } else { while (mergeFence.getSignaledCount() != mergeFence.getSize()) { ASSERT_EQ(mergeFence.getErrorCount(), 0); } } ASSERT_EQ(counter, GetParam()*i); // Release the producer threads. ASSERT_EQ(consumerTimeline.inc(), 0); } for_each(begin(threads), end(threads), [](thread& thread) { thread.join(); }); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( ParameterizedStressTest, ConsumerStressTest, ::testing::Values(2,4,16)); class MergeStressTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<tuple<int, int>> {}; template <typename K, typename V> using dict = unordered_map<K,V>; TEST_P(MergeStressTest, RandomMerge) { int timelineCount = get<0>(GetParam()); int mergeCount = get<1>(GetParam()); vector<SyncTimeline> timelines(timelineCount); default_random_engine generator; uniform_int_distribution<int> timelineDist(0, timelines.size()-1); uniform_int_distribution<int> syncPointDist(0, numeric_limits<int>::max()); SyncFence fence(timelines[0], 0); ASSERT_TRUE(fence.isValid()); unordered_map<int, int> fenceMap; fenceMap.insert(make_pair(0, 0)); // Randomly create syncpoints out of a fixed set of timelines, and merge them together. for (int i = 0; i < mergeCount; i++) { // Generate syncpoint. int timelineOffset = timelineDist(generator); const SyncTimeline& timeline = timelines[timelineOffset]; int syncPoint = syncPointDist(generator); // Keep track of the latest syncpoint in each timeline. auto itr = fenceMap.find(timelineOffset); if (itr == end(fenceMap)) { fenceMap.insert(make_pair(timelineOffset, syncPoint)); } else { int oldSyncPoint = itr->second; fenceMap.erase(itr); fenceMap.insert(make_pair(timelineOffset, max(syncPoint, oldSyncPoint))); } // Merge. fence = SyncFence(fence, SyncFence(timeline, syncPoint)); ASSERT_TRUE(fence.isValid()); CheckModernLegacyInfoMatch(fence); } // Confirm our map matches the fence. ASSERT_EQ(fence.getSize(), fenceMap.size()); // Trigger the merged fence. for (auto& item: fenceMap) { ASSERT_EQ(fence.wait(0), -1); ASSERT_EQ(errno, ETIME); // Increment the timeline to the last syncpoint. timelines[item.first].inc(item.second); } // Check that the fence is triggered. ASSERT_EQ(fence.wait(0), 0); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( ParameterizedMergeStressTest, MergeStressTest, ::testing::Combine(::testing::Values(16,32), ::testing::Values(32, 1024, 1024*32))); }