/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "InplaceSamplerClient.h" #include <algorithm> #include "environment.h" #include "inplace_sampler_lib.h" #include "utils.h" static constexpr uint64_t EVENT_ID_FOR_INPLACE_SAMPLER = ULONG_MAX; std::unique_ptr<InplaceSamplerClient> InplaceSamplerClient::Create(const perf_event_attr& attr, pid_t pid, const std::set<pid_t>& tids) { if (pid == -1) { LOG(ERROR) << "inplace-sampler can't monitor system wide events."; return nullptr; } std::unique_ptr<InplaceSamplerClient> sampler(new InplaceSamplerClient(attr, pid, tids)); if (!sampler->ConnectServer()) { return nullptr; } return sampler; } InplaceSamplerClient::InplaceSamplerClient(const perf_event_attr& attr, pid_t pid, const std::set<pid_t>& tids) : attr_(attr), pid_(pid), tids_(tids), got_start_profiling_reply_msg_(false) { if (attr_.freq) { sample_freq_ = attr_.sample_freq; } else { sample_freq_ = std::max(1u, static_cast<uint32_t>(1000000000 / attr_.sample_period)); } } uint64_t InplaceSamplerClient::Id() const { return EVENT_ID_FOR_INPLACE_SAMPLER; } bool InplaceSamplerClient::ConnectServer() { std::string server_path = "inplace_sampler_server_" + std::to_string(pid_); // Try to connect server in 1s. uint64_t timeout = GetSystemClock() + 10000000000ull; while (GetSystemClock() < timeout) { conn_ = UnixSocketConnection::Connect(server_path, true); if (conn_ != nullptr) { return true; } usleep(10); } LOG(ERROR) << "Can't find inplace_sampler_server for process " << pid_; return false; } bool InplaceSamplerClient::StartPolling(IOEventLoop& loop, const std::function<bool(Record*)>& record_callback, const std::function<bool()>& close_callback) { record_callback_ = record_callback; CHECK(conn_ != nullptr); auto read_callback = [&](const UnixSocketMessage& msg) { return HandleMessage(msg); }; if (!conn_->PrepareForIO(loop, read_callback, close_callback)) { return false; } if (!SendStartProfilingMessage()) { return false; } // If the inplace sampler doesn't reply in 3 seconds, report the error. timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 3; tv.tv_usec = 0; auto check_reply_callback = [this]() { if (!got_start_profiling_reply_msg_) { LOG(ERROR) << "can't receive START_PROFILING_REPLY from process " << pid_; return false; } return true; }; return loop.AddPeriodicEvent(tv, check_reply_callback); } bool InplaceSamplerClient::SendStartProfilingMessage() { std::string options; options += "freq=" + std::to_string(sample_freq_); if (attr_.sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN) { options += " dump_callchain=1"; } if (!tids_.empty()) { options += " tids="; bool first = true; for (auto& tid : tids_) { if (first) { first = false; } else { options.push_back(','); } options += std::to_string(tid); } } size_t size = sizeof(UnixSocketMessage) + options.size() + 1; std::unique_ptr<char[]> data(new char[size]); UnixSocketMessage* msg = reinterpret_cast<UnixSocketMessage*>(data.get()); msg->len = size; msg->type = START_PROFILING; strcpy(msg->data, options.c_str()); return conn_->SendMessage(*msg, true); } bool InplaceSamplerClient::StopProfiling(IOEventLoop& loop, const std::function<bool()>& close_callback) { auto read_callback = [&](const UnixSocketMessage& msg) { return HandleMessage(msg); }; if (!conn_->PrepareForIO(loop, read_callback, close_callback)) { return false; } // Notify inplace sampler to send buffered data and close the connection. UnixSocketMessage msg; msg.len = sizeof(UnixSocketMessage); msg.type = END_PROFILING; return conn_->SendMessage(msg, true); } bool InplaceSamplerClient::HandleMessage(const UnixSocketMessage& msg) { const char* p = msg.data; if (msg.type == START_PROFILING_REPLY) { got_start_profiling_reply_msg_ = true; if (strcmp(p, "ok") != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "receive reply from inplace_sampler_server of " << pid_ << ": " << p; return false; } } else if (msg.type == THREAD_INFO) { uint64_t time; uint32_t tid; MoveFromBinaryFormat(time, p); MoveFromBinaryFormat(tid, p); CommRecord r(attr_, pid_, tid, p, Id(), time); if (!record_callback_(&r)) { return false; } } else if (msg.type == MAP_INFO) { uint64_t time; uint64_t start; uint64_t len; uint64_t pgoff; MoveFromBinaryFormat(time, p); MoveFromBinaryFormat(start, p); MoveFromBinaryFormat(len, p); MoveFromBinaryFormat(pgoff, p); MmapRecord r(attr_, false, pid_, pid_, start, len, pgoff, p, Id(), time); if (!record_callback_(&r)) { return false; } } else if (msg.type == SAMPLE_INFO) { uint64_t time; uint32_t tid; uint32_t period; uint32_t ip_nr; MoveFromBinaryFormat(time, p); MoveFromBinaryFormat(tid, p); MoveFromBinaryFormat(period, p); MoveFromBinaryFormat(ip_nr, p); std::vector<uint64_t> ips(ip_nr); MoveFromBinaryFormat(ips.data(), ip_nr, p); // Don't know which cpu tid is running on, use cpu 0. SampleRecord r(attr_, Id(), ips[0], pid_, tid, time, 0, period, ips); if (!record_callback_(&r)) { return false; } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected msg type: " << msg.type; return false; } return true; }