/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <dirent.h> #include <errno.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <functional> #define LOG_TAG "InterfaceController" #include <android-base/file.h> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include <cutils/log.h> #include <logwrap/logwrap.h> #include <netutils/ifc.h> #include "InterfaceController.h" #include "RouteController.h" using android::base::StringPrintf; using android::base::ReadFileToString; using android::base::WriteStringToFile; using android::net::RouteController; namespace { const char ipv6_proc_path[] = "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf"; const char ipv4_neigh_conf_dir[] = "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh"; const char ipv6_neigh_conf_dir[] = "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/neigh"; const char proc_net_path[] = "/proc/sys/net"; const char sys_net_path[] = "/sys/class/net"; const char wl_util_path[] = "/vendor/xbin/wlutil"; constexpr int kRouteInfoMinPrefixLen = 48; // RFC 7421 prefix length. constexpr int kRouteInfoMaxPrefixLen = 64; inline bool isNormalPathComponent(const char *component) { return (strcmp(component, ".") != 0) && (strcmp(component, "..") != 0) && (strchr(component, '/') == nullptr); } inline bool isAddressFamilyPathComponent(const char *component) { return strcmp(component, "ipv4") == 0 || strcmp(component, "ipv6") == 0; } inline bool isInterfaceName(const char *name) { return isNormalPathComponent(name) && (strcmp(name, "default") != 0) && (strcmp(name, "all") != 0); } int writeValueToPath( const char* dirname, const char* subdirname, const char* basename, const char* value) { std::string path(StringPrintf("%s/%s/%s", dirname, subdirname, basename)); return WriteStringToFile(value, path) ? 0 : -1; } // Run @fn on each interface as well as 'default' in the path @dirname. void forEachInterface(const std::string& dirname, std::function<void(const std::string& path, const std::string& iface)> fn) { // Run on default, which controls the behavior of any interfaces that are created in the future. fn(dirname, "default"); DIR* dir = opendir(dirname.c_str()); if (!dir) { ALOGE("Can't list %s: %s", dirname.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return; } while (true) { const dirent *ent = readdir(dir); if (!ent) { break; } if ((ent->d_type != DT_DIR) || !isInterfaceName(ent->d_name)) { continue; } fn(dirname, ent->d_name); } closedir(dir); } void setOnAllInterfaces(const char* dirname, const char* basename, const char* value) { auto fn = [basename, value](const std::string& path, const std::string& iface) { writeValueToPath(path.c_str(), iface.c_str(), basename, value); }; forEachInterface(dirname, fn); } void setIPv6UseOutgoingInterfaceAddrsOnly(const char *value) { setOnAllInterfaces(ipv6_proc_path, "use_oif_addrs_only", value); } std::string getParameterPathname( const char *family, const char *which, const char *interface, const char *parameter) { if (!isAddressFamilyPathComponent(family)) { errno = EAFNOSUPPORT; return ""; } else if (!isNormalPathComponent(which) || !isInterfaceName(interface) || !isNormalPathComponent(parameter)) { errno = EINVAL; return ""; } return StringPrintf("%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", proc_net_path, family, which, interface, parameter); } void setAcceptIPv6RIO(int min, int max) { auto fn = [min, max](const std::string& prefix, const std::string& iface) { int rv = writeValueToPath(prefix.c_str(), iface.c_str(), "accept_ra_rt_info_min_plen", std::to_string(min).c_str()); if (rv != 0) { // Only update max_plen if the write to min_plen succeeded. This ordering will prevent // RIOs from being accepted unless both min and max are written successfully. return; } writeValueToPath(prefix.c_str(), iface.c_str(), "accept_ra_rt_info_max_plen", std::to_string(max).c_str()); }; forEachInterface(ipv6_proc_path, fn); } } // namespace void InterfaceController::initializeAll() { // Initial IPv6 settings. // By default, accept_ra is set to 1 (accept RAs unless forwarding is on) on all interfaces. // This causes RAs to work or not work based on whether forwarding is on, and causes routes // learned from RAs to go away when forwarding is turned on. Make this behaviour predictable // by always setting accept_ra to 2. setAcceptRA("2"); // Accept RIOs with prefix length in the closed interval [48, 64]. setAcceptIPv6RIO(kRouteInfoMinPrefixLen, kRouteInfoMaxPrefixLen); setAcceptRARouteTable(-RouteController::ROUTE_TABLE_OFFSET_FROM_INDEX); // Enable optimistic DAD for IPv6 addresses on all interfaces. setIPv6OptimisticMode("1"); // Reduce the ARP/ND base reachable time from the default (30sec) to 15sec. setBaseReachableTimeMs(15 * 1000); // When sending traffic via a given interface use only addresses configured // on that interface as possible source addresses. setIPv6UseOutgoingInterfaceAddrsOnly("1"); } int InterfaceController::setEnableIPv6(const char *interface, const int on) { if (!isIfaceName(interface)) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } // When disable_ipv6 changes from 1 to 0, the kernel starts autoconf. // When disable_ipv6 changes from 0 to 1, the kernel clears all autoconf // addresses and routes and disables IPv6 on the interface. const char *disable_ipv6 = on ? "0" : "1"; return writeValueToPath(ipv6_proc_path, interface, "disable_ipv6", disable_ipv6); } int InterfaceController::setAcceptIPv6Ra(const char *interface, const int on) { if (!isIfaceName(interface)) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } // Because forwarding can be enabled even when tethering is off, we always // use mode "2" (accept RAs, even if forwarding is enabled). const char *accept_ra = on ? "2" : "0"; return writeValueToPath(ipv6_proc_path, interface, "accept_ra", accept_ra); } int InterfaceController::setAcceptIPv6Dad(const char *interface, const int on) { if (!isIfaceName(interface)) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } const char *accept_dad = on ? "1" : "0"; return writeValueToPath(ipv6_proc_path, interface, "accept_dad", accept_dad); } int InterfaceController::setIPv6DadTransmits(const char *interface, const char *value) { if (!isIfaceName(interface)) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } return writeValueToPath(ipv6_proc_path, interface, "dad_transmits", value); } int InterfaceController::setIPv6PrivacyExtensions(const char *interface, const int on) { if (!isIfaceName(interface)) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } // 0: disable IPv6 privacy addresses // 0: enable IPv6 privacy addresses and prefer them over non-privacy ones. return writeValueToPath(ipv6_proc_path, interface, "use_tempaddr", on ? "2" : "0"); } // Enables or disables IPv6 ND offload. This is useful for 464xlat on wifi, IPv6 tethering, and // generally implementing IPv6 neighbour discovery and duplicate address detection properly. // TODO: This should be implemented in wpa_supplicant via driver commands instead. int InterfaceController::setIPv6NdOffload(char* interface, const int on) { // Only supported on Broadcom chipsets via wlutil for now. if (access(wl_util_path, X_OK) == 0) { const char *argv[] = { wl_util_path, "-a", interface, "ndoe", on ? "1" : "0" }; int ret = android_fork_execvp(ARRAY_SIZE(argv), const_cast<char**>(argv), NULL, false, false); ALOGD("%s ND offload on %s: %d (%s)", (on ? "enabling" : "disabling"), interface, ret, strerror(errno)); return ret; } else { return 0; } } void InterfaceController::setAcceptRA(const char *value) { setOnAllInterfaces(ipv6_proc_path, "accept_ra", value); } // |tableOrOffset| is interpreted as: // If == 0: default. Routes go into RT6_TABLE_MAIN. // If > 0: user set. Routes go into the specified table. // If < 0: automatic. The absolute value is intepreted as an offset and added to the interface // ID to get the table. If it's set to -1000, routes from interface ID 5 will go into // table 1005, etc. void InterfaceController::setAcceptRARouteTable(int tableOrOffset) { std::string value(StringPrintf("%d", tableOrOffset)); setOnAllInterfaces(ipv6_proc_path, "accept_ra_rt_table", value.c_str()); } int InterfaceController::setMtu(const char *interface, const char *mtu) { if (!isIfaceName(interface)) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } return writeValueToPath(sys_net_path, interface, "mtu", mtu); } int InterfaceController::addAddress(const char *interface, const char *addrString, int prefixLength) { return ifc_add_address(interface, addrString, prefixLength); } int InterfaceController::delAddress(const char *interface, const char *addrString, int prefixLength) { return ifc_del_address(interface, addrString, prefixLength); } int InterfaceController::getParameter( const char *family, const char *which, const char *interface, const char *parameter, std::string *value) { const std::string path(getParameterPathname(family, which, interface, parameter)); if (path.empty()) { return -errno; } return ReadFileToString(path, value) ? 0 : -errno; } int InterfaceController::setParameter( const char *family, const char *which, const char *interface, const char *parameter, const char *value) { const std::string path(getParameterPathname(family, which, interface, parameter)); if (path.empty()) { return -errno; } return WriteStringToFile(value, path) ? 0 : -errno; } void InterfaceController::setBaseReachableTimeMs(unsigned int millis) { std::string value(StringPrintf("%u", millis)); setOnAllInterfaces(ipv4_neigh_conf_dir, "base_reachable_time_ms", value.c_str()); setOnAllInterfaces(ipv6_neigh_conf_dir, "base_reachable_time_ms", value.c_str()); } void InterfaceController::setIPv6OptimisticMode(const char *value) { setOnAllInterfaces(ipv6_proc_path, "optimistic_dad", value); setOnAllInterfaces(ipv6_proc_path, "use_optimistic", value); }