/* * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "generate_cpp.h" #include <cctype> #include <cstring> #include <memory> #include <random> #include <set> #include <string> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include "aidl_language.h" #include "ast_cpp.h" #include "code_writer.h" #include "logging.h" #include "os.h" using android::base::StringPrintf; using std::string; using std::unique_ptr; using std::vector; using std::set; namespace android { namespace aidl { namespace cpp { namespace internals { namespace { const char kAndroidStatusVarName[] = "_aidl_ret_status"; const char kCodeVarName[] = "_aidl_code"; const char kFlagsVarName[] = "_aidl_flags"; const char kDataVarName[] = "_aidl_data"; const char kErrorLabel[] = "_aidl_error"; const char kImplVarName[] = "_aidl_impl"; const char kReplyVarName[] = "_aidl_reply"; const char kReturnVarName[] = "_aidl_return"; const char kStatusVarName[] = "_aidl_status"; const char kAndroidParcelLiteral[] = "::android::Parcel"; const char kAndroidStatusLiteral[] = "::android::status_t"; const char kAndroidStatusOk[] = "::android::OK"; const char kBinderStatusLiteral[] = "::android::binder::Status"; const char kIBinderHeader[] = "binder/IBinder.h"; const char kIInterfaceHeader[] = "binder/IInterface.h"; const char kParcelHeader[] = "binder/Parcel.h"; const char kStatusHeader[] = "binder/Status.h"; const char kString16Header[] = "utils/String16.h"; const char kStrongPointerHeader[] = "utils/StrongPointer.h"; unique_ptr<AstNode> BreakOnStatusNotOk() { IfStatement* ret = new IfStatement(new Comparison( new LiteralExpression(kAndroidStatusVarName), "!=", new LiteralExpression(kAndroidStatusOk))); ret->OnTrue()->AddLiteral("break"); return unique_ptr<AstNode>(ret); } unique_ptr<AstNode> GotoErrorOnBadStatus() { IfStatement* ret = new IfStatement(new Comparison( new LiteralExpression(kAndroidStatusVarName), "!=", new LiteralExpression(kAndroidStatusOk))); ret->OnTrue()->AddLiteral(StringPrintf("goto %s", kErrorLabel)); return unique_ptr<AstNode>(ret); } unique_ptr<AstNode> ReturnOnStatusNotOk() { IfStatement* ret = new IfStatement(new Comparison( new LiteralExpression(kAndroidStatusVarName), "!=", new LiteralExpression(kAndroidStatusOk))); ret->OnTrue()->AddLiteral(StringPrintf("return %s", kAndroidStatusVarName)); return unique_ptr<AstNode>(ret); } string UpperCase(const std::string& s) { string result = s; for (char& c : result) c = toupper(c); return result; } string BuildVarName(const AidlArgument& a) { string prefix = "out_"; if (a.GetDirection() & AidlArgument::IN_DIR) { prefix = "in_"; } return prefix + a.GetName(); } ArgList BuildArgList(const TypeNamespace& types, const AidlMethod& method, bool for_declaration) { // Build up the argument list for the server method call. vector<string> method_arguments; for (const unique_ptr<AidlArgument>& a : method.GetArguments()) { string literal; if (for_declaration) { // Method declarations need types, pointers to out params, and variable // names that match the .aidl specification. const Type* type = a->GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>(); literal = type->CppType(); if (a->IsOut()) { literal = literal + "*"; } else { // We pass in parameters that are not primitives by const reference. // Arrays of primitives are not primitives. if (!type->IsCppPrimitive() || a->GetType().IsArray()) { literal = "const " + literal + "&"; } } literal += " " + a->GetName(); } else { if (a->IsOut()) { literal = "&"; } literal += BuildVarName(*a); } method_arguments.push_back(literal); } const Type* return_type = method.GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>(); if (return_type != types.VoidType()) { string literal; if (for_declaration) { literal = StringPrintf( "%s* %s", return_type->CppType().c_str(), kReturnVarName); } else { literal = string{"&"} + kReturnVarName; } method_arguments.push_back(literal); } return ArgList(method_arguments); } unique_ptr<Declaration> BuildMethodDecl(const AidlMethod& method, const TypeNamespace& types, bool for_interface) { uint32_t modifiers = 0; if (for_interface) { modifiers |= MethodDecl::IS_VIRTUAL; modifiers |= MethodDecl::IS_PURE_VIRTUAL; } else { modifiers |= MethodDecl::IS_OVERRIDE; } return unique_ptr<Declaration>{ new MethodDecl{kBinderStatusLiteral, method.GetName(), BuildArgList(types, method, true /* for method decl */), modifiers}}; } unique_ptr<CppNamespace> NestInNamespaces( vector<unique_ptr<Declaration>> decls, const vector<string>& package) { if (package.empty()) { // We should also be checking this before we get this far, but do it again // for the sake of unit tests and meaningful errors. LOG(FATAL) << "C++ generation requires a package declaration " "for namespacing"; } auto it = package.crbegin(); // Iterate over the namespaces inner to outer unique_ptr<CppNamespace> inner{new CppNamespace{*it, std::move(decls)}}; ++it; for (; it != package.crend(); ++it) { inner.reset(new CppNamespace{*it, std::move(inner)}); } return inner; } unique_ptr<CppNamespace> NestInNamespaces(unique_ptr<Declaration> decl, const vector<string>& package) { vector<unique_ptr<Declaration>> decls; decls.push_back(std::move(decl)); return NestInNamespaces(std::move(decls), package); } bool DeclareLocalVariable(const TypeNamespace& types, const AidlArgument& a, StatementBlock* b) { const Type* cpp_type = a.GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>(); if (!cpp_type) { return false; } string type = cpp_type->CppType(); b->AddLiteral(type + " " + BuildVarName(a)); return true; } string ClassName(const AidlInterface& interface, ClassNames type) { string c_name = interface.GetName(); if (c_name.length() >= 2 && c_name[0] == 'I' && isupper(c_name[1])) c_name = c_name.substr(1); switch (type) { case ClassNames::CLIENT: c_name = "Bp" + c_name; break; case ClassNames::SERVER: c_name = "Bn" + c_name; break; case ClassNames::INTERFACE: c_name = "I" + c_name; break; case ClassNames::BASE: break; } return c_name; } string BuildHeaderGuard(const AidlInterface& interface, ClassNames header_type) { string class_name = ClassName(interface, header_type); for (size_t i = 1; i < class_name.size(); ++i) { if (isupper(class_name[i])) { class_name.insert(i, "_"); ++i; } } string ret = StringPrintf("AIDL_GENERATED_%s_%s_H_", interface.GetPackage().c_str(), class_name.c_str()); for (char& c : ret) { if (c == '.') { c = '_'; } c = toupper(c); } return ret; } unique_ptr<Declaration> DefineClientTransaction(const TypeNamespace& types, const AidlInterface& interface, const AidlMethod& method) { const string i_name = ClassName(interface, ClassNames::INTERFACE); const string bp_name = ClassName(interface, ClassNames::CLIENT); unique_ptr<MethodImpl> ret{new MethodImpl{ kBinderStatusLiteral, bp_name, method.GetName(), ArgList{BuildArgList(types, method, true /* for method decl */)}}}; StatementBlock* b = ret->GetStatementBlock(); // Declare parcels to hold our query and the response. b->AddLiteral(StringPrintf("%s %s", kAndroidParcelLiteral, kDataVarName)); // Even if we're oneway, the transact method still takes a parcel. b->AddLiteral(StringPrintf("%s %s", kAndroidParcelLiteral, kReplyVarName)); // Declare the status_t variable we need for error handling. b->AddLiteral(StringPrintf("%s %s = %s", kAndroidStatusLiteral, kAndroidStatusVarName, kAndroidStatusOk)); // We unconditionally return a Status object. b->AddLiteral(StringPrintf("%s %s", kBinderStatusLiteral, kStatusVarName)); // Add the name of the interface we're hoping to call. b->AddStatement(new Assignment( kAndroidStatusVarName, new MethodCall(StringPrintf("%s.writeInterfaceToken", kDataVarName), "getInterfaceDescriptor()"))); b->AddStatement(GotoErrorOnBadStatus()); for (const auto& a: method.GetArguments()) { const Type* type = a->GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>(); string var_name = ((a->IsOut()) ? "*" : "") + a->GetName(); var_name = type->WriteCast(var_name); if (a->IsIn()) { // Serialization looks roughly like: // _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.WriteInt32(in_param_name); // if (_aidl_ret_status != ::android::OK) { goto error; } const string& method = type->WriteToParcelMethod(); b->AddStatement(new Assignment( kAndroidStatusVarName, new MethodCall(StringPrintf("%s.%s", kDataVarName, method.c_str()), ArgList(var_name)))); b->AddStatement(GotoErrorOnBadStatus()); } else if (a->IsOut() && a->GetType().IsArray()) { // Special case, the length of the out array is written into the parcel. // _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeVectorSize(&out_param_name); // if (_aidl_ret_status != ::android::OK) { goto error; } b->AddStatement(new Assignment( kAndroidStatusVarName, new MethodCall(StringPrintf("%s.writeVectorSize", kDataVarName), ArgList(var_name)))); b->AddStatement(GotoErrorOnBadStatus()); } } // Invoke the transaction on the remote binder and confirm status. string transaction_code = StringPrintf( "%s::%s", i_name.c_str(), UpperCase(method.GetName()).c_str()); vector<string> args = {transaction_code, kDataVarName, StringPrintf("&%s", kReplyVarName)}; if (interface.IsOneway() || method.IsOneway()) { args.push_back("::android::IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY"); } b->AddStatement(new Assignment( kAndroidStatusVarName, new MethodCall("remote()->transact", ArgList(args)))); b->AddStatement(GotoErrorOnBadStatus()); if (!interface.IsOneway() && !method.IsOneway()) { // Strip off the exception header and fail if we see a remote exception. // _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply); // if (_aidl_ret_status != ::android::OK) { goto error; } // if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) { return _aidl_ret_status; } b->AddStatement(new Assignment( kAndroidStatusVarName, StringPrintf("%s.readFromParcel(%s)", kStatusVarName, kReplyVarName))); b->AddStatement(GotoErrorOnBadStatus()); IfStatement* exception_check = new IfStatement( new LiteralExpression(StringPrintf("!%s.isOk()", kStatusVarName))); b->AddStatement(exception_check); exception_check->OnTrue()->AddLiteral( StringPrintf("return %s", kStatusVarName)); } // Type checking should guarantee that nothing below emits code until "return // status" if we are a oneway method, so no more fear of accessing reply. // If the method is expected to return something, read it first by convention. const Type* return_type = method.GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>(); if (return_type != types.VoidType()) { const string& method_call = return_type->ReadFromParcelMethod(); b->AddStatement(new Assignment( kAndroidStatusVarName, new MethodCall(StringPrintf("%s.%s", kReplyVarName, method_call.c_str()), ArgList(kReturnVarName)))); b->AddStatement(GotoErrorOnBadStatus()); } for (const AidlArgument* a : method.GetOutArguments()) { // Deserialization looks roughly like: // _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.ReadInt32(out_param_name); // if (_aidl_status != ::android::OK) { goto _aidl_error; } string method = a->GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>()->ReadFromParcelMethod(); b->AddStatement(new Assignment( kAndroidStatusVarName, new MethodCall(StringPrintf("%s.%s", kReplyVarName, method.c_str()), ArgList(a->GetName())))); b->AddStatement(GotoErrorOnBadStatus()); } // If we've gotten to here, one of two things is true: // 1) We've read some bad status_t // 2) We've only read status_t == OK and there was no exception in the // response. // In both cases, we're free to set Status from the status_t and return. b->AddLiteral(StringPrintf("%s:\n", kErrorLabel), false /* no semicolon */); b->AddLiteral( StringPrintf("%s.setFromStatusT(%s)", kStatusVarName, kAndroidStatusVarName)); b->AddLiteral(StringPrintf("return %s", kStatusVarName)); return unique_ptr<Declaration>(ret.release()); } } // namespace unique_ptr<Document> BuildClientSource(const TypeNamespace& types, const AidlInterface& interface) { vector<string> include_list = { HeaderFile(interface, ClassNames::CLIENT, false), kParcelHeader }; vector<unique_ptr<Declaration>> file_decls; // The constructor just passes the IBinder instance up to the super // class. const string i_name = ClassName(interface, ClassNames::INTERFACE); file_decls.push_back(unique_ptr<Declaration>{new ConstructorImpl{ ClassName(interface, ClassNames::CLIENT), ArgList{StringPrintf("const ::android::sp<::android::IBinder>& %s", kImplVarName)}, { "BpInterface<" + i_name + ">(" + kImplVarName + ")" }}}); // Clients define a method per transaction. for (const auto& method : interface.GetMethods()) { unique_ptr<Declaration> m = DefineClientTransaction( types, interface, *method); if (!m) { return nullptr; } file_decls.push_back(std::move(m)); } return unique_ptr<Document>{new CppSource{ include_list, NestInNamespaces(std::move(file_decls), interface.GetSplitPackage())}}; } namespace { bool HandleServerTransaction(const TypeNamespace& types, const AidlMethod& method, StatementBlock* b) { // Declare all the parameters now. In the common case, we expect no errors // in serialization. for (const unique_ptr<AidlArgument>& a : method.GetArguments()) { if (!DeclareLocalVariable(types, *a, b)) { return false; } } // Declare a variable to hold the return value. const Type* return_type = method.GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>(); if (return_type != types.VoidType()) { b->AddLiteral(StringPrintf( "%s %s", return_type->CppType().c_str(), kReturnVarName)); } // Check that the client is calling the correct interface. IfStatement* interface_check = new IfStatement( new MethodCall(StringPrintf("%s.checkInterface", kDataVarName), "this"), true /* invert the check */); b->AddStatement(interface_check); interface_check->OnTrue()->AddStatement( new Assignment(kAndroidStatusVarName, "::android::BAD_TYPE")); interface_check->OnTrue()->AddLiteral("break"); // Deserialize each "in" parameter to the transaction. for (const auto& a: method.GetArguments()) { // Deserialization looks roughly like: // _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.ReadInt32(&in_param_name); // if (_aidl_ret_status != ::android::OK) { break; } const Type* type = a->GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>(); const string& readMethod = type->ReadFromParcelMethod(); if (a->IsIn()) { b->AddStatement(new Assignment{ kAndroidStatusVarName, new MethodCall{string(kDataVarName) + "." + readMethod, "&" + BuildVarName(*a)}}); b->AddStatement(BreakOnStatusNotOk()); } else if (a->IsOut() && a->GetType().IsArray()) { // Special case, the length of the out array is written into the parcel. // _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.resizeOutVector(&out_param_name); // if (_aidl_ret_status != ::android::OK) { break; } b->AddStatement(new Assignment{ kAndroidStatusVarName, new MethodCall{string(kDataVarName) + ".resizeOutVector", "&" + BuildVarName(*a)}}); b->AddStatement(BreakOnStatusNotOk()); } } // Call the actual method. This is implemented by the subclass. vector<unique_ptr<AstNode>> status_args; status_args.emplace_back(new MethodCall( method.GetName(), BuildArgList(types, method, false /* not for method decl */))); b->AddStatement(new Statement(new MethodCall( StringPrintf("%s %s", kBinderStatusLiteral, kStatusVarName), ArgList(std::move(status_args))))); // Write exceptions during transaction handling to parcel. if (!method.IsOneway()) { b->AddStatement(new Assignment( kAndroidStatusVarName, StringPrintf("%s.writeToParcel(%s)", kStatusVarName, kReplyVarName))); b->AddStatement(BreakOnStatusNotOk()); IfStatement* exception_check = new IfStatement( new LiteralExpression(StringPrintf("!%s.isOk()", kStatusVarName))); b->AddStatement(exception_check); exception_check->OnTrue()->AddLiteral("break"); } // If we have a return value, write it first. if (return_type != types.VoidType()) { string writeMethod = string(kReplyVarName) + "->" + return_type->WriteToParcelMethod(); b->AddStatement(new Assignment{ kAndroidStatusVarName, new MethodCall{writeMethod, ArgList{return_type->WriteCast(kReturnVarName)}}}); b->AddStatement(BreakOnStatusNotOk()); } // Write each out parameter to the reply parcel. for (const AidlArgument* a : method.GetOutArguments()) { // Serialization looks roughly like: // _aidl_ret_status = data.WriteInt32(out_param_name); // if (_aidl_ret_status != ::android::OK) { break; } const Type* type = a->GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>(); const string& writeMethod = type->WriteToParcelMethod(); b->AddStatement(new Assignment{ kAndroidStatusVarName, new MethodCall{string(kReplyVarName) + "->" + writeMethod, type->WriteCast(BuildVarName(*a))}}); b->AddStatement(BreakOnStatusNotOk()); } return true; } } // namespace unique_ptr<Document> BuildServerSource(const TypeNamespace& types, const AidlInterface& interface) { const string bn_name = ClassName(interface, ClassNames::SERVER); vector<string> include_list{ HeaderFile(interface, ClassNames::SERVER, false), kParcelHeader }; unique_ptr<MethodImpl> on_transact{new MethodImpl{ kAndroidStatusLiteral, bn_name, "onTransact", ArgList{{StringPrintf("uint32_t %s", kCodeVarName), StringPrintf("const %s& %s", kAndroidParcelLiteral, kDataVarName), StringPrintf("%s* %s", kAndroidParcelLiteral, kReplyVarName), StringPrintf("uint32_t %s", kFlagsVarName)}} }}; // Declare the status_t variable on_transact->GetStatementBlock()->AddLiteral( StringPrintf("%s %s = %s", kAndroidStatusLiteral, kAndroidStatusVarName, kAndroidStatusOk)); // Add the all important switch statement, but retain a pointer to it. SwitchStatement* s = new SwitchStatement{kCodeVarName}; on_transact->GetStatementBlock()->AddStatement(s); // The switch statement has a case statement for each transaction code. for (const auto& method : interface.GetMethods()) { StatementBlock* b = s->AddCase("Call::" + UpperCase(method->GetName())); if (!b) { return nullptr; } if (!HandleServerTransaction(types, *method, b)) { return nullptr; } } // The switch statement has a default case which defers to the super class. // The superclass handles a few pre-defined transactions. StatementBlock* b = s->AddCase(""); b->AddLiteral(StringPrintf( "%s = ::android::BBinder::onTransact(%s, %s, " "%s, %s)", kAndroidStatusVarName, kCodeVarName, kDataVarName, kReplyVarName, kFlagsVarName)); // If we saw a null reference, we can map that to an appropriate exception. IfStatement* null_check = new IfStatement( new LiteralExpression(string(kAndroidStatusVarName) + " == ::android::UNEXPECTED_NULL")); on_transact->GetStatementBlock()->AddStatement(null_check); null_check->OnTrue()->AddStatement(new Assignment( kAndroidStatusVarName, StringPrintf("%s::fromExceptionCode(%s::EX_NULL_POINTER)" ".writeToParcel(%s)", kBinderStatusLiteral, kBinderStatusLiteral, kReplyVarName))); // Finally, the server's onTransact method just returns a status code. on_transact->GetStatementBlock()->AddLiteral( StringPrintf("return %s", kAndroidStatusVarName)); return unique_ptr<Document>{new CppSource{ include_list, NestInNamespaces(std::move(on_transact), interface.GetSplitPackage())}}; } unique_ptr<Document> BuildInterfaceSource(const TypeNamespace& /* types */, const AidlInterface& interface) { vector<string> include_list{ HeaderFile(interface, ClassNames::INTERFACE, false), HeaderFile(interface, ClassNames::CLIENT, false), }; string fq_name = ClassName(interface, ClassNames::INTERFACE); if (!interface.GetPackage().empty()) { fq_name = interface.GetPackage() + "." + fq_name; } vector<unique_ptr<Declaration>> decls; unique_ptr<MacroDecl> meta_if{new MacroDecl{ "IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE", ArgList{vector<string>{ClassName(interface, ClassNames::BASE), '"' + fq_name + '"'}}}}; decls.push_back(std::move(meta_if)); for (const auto& constant: interface.GetStringConstants()) { unique_ptr<MethodImpl> getter(new MethodImpl( "const ::android::String16&", ClassName(interface, ClassNames::INTERFACE), constant->GetName(), {})); getter->GetStatementBlock()->AddLiteral( StringPrintf("static const ::android::String16 value(%s)", constant->GetValue().c_str())); getter->GetStatementBlock()->AddLiteral("return value"); decls.push_back(std::move(getter)); } return unique_ptr<Document>{new CppSource{ include_list, NestInNamespaces(std::move(decls), interface.GetSplitPackage())}}; } unique_ptr<Document> BuildClientHeader(const TypeNamespace& types, const AidlInterface& interface) { const string i_name = ClassName(interface, ClassNames::INTERFACE); const string bp_name = ClassName(interface, ClassNames::CLIENT); unique_ptr<ConstructorDecl> constructor{new ConstructorDecl{ bp_name, ArgList{StringPrintf("const ::android::sp<::android::IBinder>& %s", kImplVarName)}, ConstructorDecl::IS_EXPLICIT }}; unique_ptr<ConstructorDecl> destructor{new ConstructorDecl{ "~" + bp_name, ArgList{}, ConstructorDecl::IS_VIRTUAL | ConstructorDecl::IS_DEFAULT}}; vector<unique_ptr<Declaration>> publics; publics.push_back(std::move(constructor)); publics.push_back(std::move(destructor)); for (const auto& method: interface.GetMethods()) { publics.push_back(BuildMethodDecl(*method, types, false)); } unique_ptr<ClassDecl> bp_class{ new ClassDecl{bp_name, "::android::BpInterface<" + i_name + ">", std::move(publics), {} }}; return unique_ptr<Document>{new CppHeader{ BuildHeaderGuard(interface, ClassNames::CLIENT), {kIBinderHeader, kIInterfaceHeader, "utils/Errors.h", HeaderFile(interface, ClassNames::INTERFACE, false)}, NestInNamespaces(std::move(bp_class), interface.GetSplitPackage())}}; } unique_ptr<Document> BuildServerHeader(const TypeNamespace& /* types */, const AidlInterface& interface) { const string i_name = ClassName(interface, ClassNames::INTERFACE); const string bn_name = ClassName(interface, ClassNames::SERVER); unique_ptr<Declaration> on_transact{new MethodDecl{ kAndroidStatusLiteral, "onTransact", ArgList{{StringPrintf("uint32_t %s", kCodeVarName), StringPrintf("const %s& %s", kAndroidParcelLiteral, kDataVarName), StringPrintf("%s* %s", kAndroidParcelLiteral, kReplyVarName), StringPrintf("uint32_t %s = 0", kFlagsVarName)}}, MethodDecl::IS_OVERRIDE }}; std::vector<unique_ptr<Declaration>> publics; publics.push_back(std::move(on_transact)); unique_ptr<ClassDecl> bn_class{ new ClassDecl{bn_name, "::android::BnInterface<" + i_name + ">", std::move(publics), {} }}; return unique_ptr<Document>{new CppHeader{ BuildHeaderGuard(interface, ClassNames::SERVER), {"binder/IInterface.h", HeaderFile(interface, ClassNames::INTERFACE, false)}, NestInNamespaces(std::move(bn_class), interface.GetSplitPackage())}}; } unique_ptr<Document> BuildInterfaceHeader(const TypeNamespace& types, const AidlInterface& interface) { set<string> includes = { kIBinderHeader, kIInterfaceHeader, kStatusHeader, kStrongPointerHeader }; for (const auto& method : interface.GetMethods()) { for (const auto& argument : method->GetArguments()) { const Type* type = argument->GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>(); type->GetHeaders(&includes); } const Type* return_type = method->GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>(); return_type->GetHeaders(&includes); } unique_ptr<ClassDecl> if_class{ new ClassDecl{ClassName(interface, ClassNames::INTERFACE), "::android::IInterface"}}; if_class->AddPublic(unique_ptr<Declaration>{new MacroDecl{ "DECLARE_META_INTERFACE", ArgList{vector<string>{ClassName(interface, ClassNames::BASE)}}}}); unique_ptr<Enum> constant_enum{new Enum{"", "int32_t"}}; for (const auto& constant : interface.GetIntConstants()) { constant_enum->AddValue( constant->GetName(), std::to_string(constant->GetValue())); } if (constant_enum->HasValues()) { if_class->AddPublic(std::move(constant_enum)); } if (!interface.GetStringConstants().empty()) { includes.insert(kString16Header); } for (const auto& constant : interface.GetStringConstants()) { unique_ptr<MethodDecl> getter(new MethodDecl( "const ::android::String16&", constant->GetName(), {}, MethodDecl::IS_STATIC)); if_class->AddPublic(std::move(getter)); } if (!interface.GetMethods().empty()) { unique_ptr<Enum> call_enum{new Enum{"Call"}}; for (const auto& method : interface.GetMethods()) { // Each method gets an enum entry and pure virtual declaration. if_class->AddPublic(BuildMethodDecl(*method, types, true)); call_enum->AddValue( UpperCase(method->GetName()), StringPrintf("::android::IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + %d", method->GetId())); } if_class->AddPublic(std::move(call_enum)); } return unique_ptr<Document>{new CppHeader{ BuildHeaderGuard(interface, ClassNames::INTERFACE), vector<string>(includes.begin(), includes.end()), NestInNamespaces(std::move(if_class), interface.GetSplitPackage())}}; } bool WriteHeader(const CppOptions& options, const TypeNamespace& types, const AidlInterface& interface, const IoDelegate& io_delegate, ClassNames header_type) { unique_ptr<Document> header; switch (header_type) { case ClassNames::INTERFACE: header = BuildInterfaceHeader(types, interface); break; case ClassNames::CLIENT: header = BuildClientHeader(types, interface); break; case ClassNames::SERVER: header = BuildServerHeader(types, interface); break; default: LOG(FATAL) << "aidl internal error"; } if (!header) { LOG(ERROR) << "aidl internal error: Failed to generate header."; return false; } const string header_path = options.OutputHeaderDir() + OS_PATH_SEPARATOR + HeaderFile(interface, header_type); unique_ptr<CodeWriter> code_writer(io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(header_path)); header->Write(code_writer.get()); const bool success = code_writer->Close(); if (!success) { io_delegate.RemovePath(header_path); } return success; } } // namespace internals using namespace internals; string HeaderFile(const AidlInterface& interface, ClassNames class_type, bool use_os_sep) { string file_path = interface.GetPackage(); for (char& c: file_path) { if (c == '.') { c = (use_os_sep) ? OS_PATH_SEPARATOR : '/'; } } if (!file_path.empty()) { file_path += (use_os_sep) ? OS_PATH_SEPARATOR : '/'; } file_path += ClassName(interface, class_type); file_path += ".h"; return file_path; } bool GenerateCpp(const CppOptions& options, const TypeNamespace& types, const AidlInterface& interface, const IoDelegate& io_delegate) { auto interface_src = BuildInterfaceSource(types, interface); auto client_src = BuildClientSource(types, interface); auto server_src = BuildServerSource(types, interface); if (!interface_src || !client_src || !server_src) { return false; } if (!io_delegate.CreatedNestedDirs(options.OutputHeaderDir(), interface.GetSplitPackage())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create directory structure for headers."; return false; } if (!WriteHeader(options, types, interface, io_delegate, ClassNames::INTERFACE) || !WriteHeader(options, types, interface, io_delegate, ClassNames::CLIENT) || !WriteHeader(options, types, interface, io_delegate, ClassNames::SERVER)) { return false; } unique_ptr<CodeWriter> writer = io_delegate.GetCodeWriter( options.OutputCppFilePath()); interface_src->Write(writer.get()); client_src->Write(writer.get()); server_src->Write(writer.get()); const bool success = writer->Close(); if (!success) { io_delegate.RemovePath(options.OutputCppFilePath()); } return success; } } // namespace cpp } // namespace aidl } // namespace android