// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // THIS CODE IS GENERATED. #include "tpm_manager/common/print_tpm_manager_proto.h" #include <string> #include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h> #include <base/strings/stringprintf.h> namespace tpm_manager { std::string GetProtoDebugString(TpmManagerStatus value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(TpmManagerStatus value, int indent_size) { if (value == STATUS_SUCCESS) { return "STATUS_SUCCESS"; } if (value == STATUS_DEVICE_ERROR) { return "STATUS_DEVICE_ERROR"; } if (value == STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE) { return "STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE"; } return "<unknown>"; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(NvramResult value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(NvramResult value, int indent_size) { if (value == NVRAM_RESULT_SUCCESS) { return "NVRAM_RESULT_SUCCESS"; } if (value == NVRAM_RESULT_DEVICE_ERROR) { return "NVRAM_RESULT_DEVICE_ERROR"; } if (value == NVRAM_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED) { return "NVRAM_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED"; } if (value == NVRAM_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER) { return "NVRAM_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER"; } if (value == NVRAM_RESULT_SPACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) { return "NVRAM_RESULT_SPACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST"; } if (value == NVRAM_RESULT_SPACE_ALREADY_EXISTS) { return "NVRAM_RESULT_SPACE_ALREADY_EXISTS"; } if (value == NVRAM_RESULT_OPERATION_DISABLED) { return "NVRAM_RESULT_OPERATION_DISABLED"; } if (value == NVRAM_RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE) { return "NVRAM_RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE"; } if (value == NVRAM_RESULT_IPC_ERROR) { return "NVRAM_RESULT_IPC_ERROR"; } return "<unknown>"; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(NvramSpaceAttribute value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(NvramSpaceAttribute value, int indent_size) { if (value == NVRAM_PERSISTENT_WRITE_LOCK) { return "NVRAM_PERSISTENT_WRITE_LOCK"; } if (value == NVRAM_BOOT_WRITE_LOCK) { return "NVRAM_BOOT_WRITE_LOCK"; } if (value == NVRAM_BOOT_READ_LOCK) { return "NVRAM_BOOT_READ_LOCK"; } if (value == NVRAM_WRITE_AUTHORIZATION) { return "NVRAM_WRITE_AUTHORIZATION"; } if (value == NVRAM_READ_AUTHORIZATION) { return "NVRAM_READ_AUTHORIZATION"; } if (value == NVRAM_WRITE_EXTEND) { return "NVRAM_WRITE_EXTEND"; } if (value == NVRAM_GLOBAL_LOCK) { return "NVRAM_GLOBAL_LOCK"; } if (value == NVRAM_PLATFORM_WRITE) { return "NVRAM_PLATFORM_WRITE"; } if (value == NVRAM_OWNER_WRITE) { return "NVRAM_OWNER_WRITE"; } if (value == NVRAM_OWNER_READ) { return "NVRAM_OWNER_READ"; } return "<unknown>"; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(NvramSpacePolicy value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(NvramSpacePolicy value, int indent_size) { if (value == NVRAM_POLICY_NONE) { return "NVRAM_POLICY_NONE"; } if (value == NVRAM_POLICY_PCR0) { return "NVRAM_POLICY_PCR0"; } return "<unknown>"; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const NvramPolicyRecord& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const NvramPolicyRecord& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_index()) { output += indent + " index: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.index(), value.index()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_policy()) { output += indent + " policy: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.policy(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_world_read_allowed()) { output += indent + " world_read_allowed: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.world_read_allowed() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_world_write_allowed()) { output += indent + " world_write_allowed: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.world_write_allowed() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } output += indent + " policy_digests: {"; for (int i = 0; i < value.policy_digests_size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { base::StringAppendF(&output, ", "); } base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.policy_digests(i).data(), value.policy_digests(i).size()) .c_str()); } output += "}\n"; output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const LocalData& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const LocalData& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_owner_password()) { output += indent + " owner_password: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.owner_password().data(), value.owner_password().size()) .c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + " owner_dependency: {"; for (int i = 0; i < value.owner_dependency_size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { base::StringAppendF(&output, ", "); } base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.owner_dependency(i).c_str()); } output += "}\n"; if (value.has_endorsement_password()) { output += indent + " endorsement_password: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.endorsement_password().data(), value.endorsement_password().size()) .c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_lockout_password()) { output += indent + " lockout_password: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.lockout_password().data(), value.lockout_password().size()) .c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + " nvram_policy: {"; for (int i = 0; i < value.nvram_policy_size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { base::StringAppendF(&output, ", "); } base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.nvram_policy(i), indent_size + 2) .c_str()); } output += "}\n"; output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const DefineSpaceRequest& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const DefineSpaceRequest& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_index()) { output += indent + " index: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.index(), value.index()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_size()) { output += indent + " size: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.size(), value.size()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + " attributes: {"; for (int i = 0; i < value.attributes_size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { base::StringAppendF(&output, ", "); } base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent( value.attributes(i), indent_size + 2) .c_str()); } output += "}\n"; if (value.has_authorization_value()) { output += indent + " authorization_value: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.authorization_value().data(), value.authorization_value().size()) .c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_policy()) { output += indent + " policy: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.policy(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const DefineSpaceReply& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const DefineSpaceReply& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_result()) { output += indent + " result: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.result(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const DestroySpaceRequest& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const DestroySpaceRequest& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_index()) { output += indent + " index: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.index(), value.index()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const DestroySpaceReply& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const DestroySpaceReply& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_result()) { output += indent + " result: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.result(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const WriteSpaceRequest& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const WriteSpaceRequest& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_index()) { output += indent + " index: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.index(), value.index()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_data()) { output += indent + " data: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.data().data(), value.data().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_authorization_value()) { output += indent + " authorization_value: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.authorization_value().data(), value.authorization_value().size()) .c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_use_owner_authorization()) { output += indent + " use_owner_authorization: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.use_owner_authorization() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const WriteSpaceReply& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const WriteSpaceReply& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_result()) { output += indent + " result: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.result(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const ReadSpaceRequest& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const ReadSpaceRequest& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_index()) { output += indent + " index: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.index(), value.index()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_authorization_value()) { output += indent + " authorization_value: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.authorization_value().data(), value.authorization_value().size()) .c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_use_owner_authorization()) { output += indent + " use_owner_authorization: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.use_owner_authorization() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const ReadSpaceReply& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const ReadSpaceReply& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_result()) { output += indent + " result: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.result(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_data()) { output += indent + " data: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.data().data(), value.data().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const LockSpaceRequest& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const LockSpaceRequest& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_index()) { output += indent + " index: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.index(), value.index()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_lock_read()) { output += indent + " lock_read: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.lock_read() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_lock_write()) { output += indent + " lock_write: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.lock_write() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_authorization_value()) { output += indent + " authorization_value: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.authorization_value().data(), value.authorization_value().size()) .c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_use_owner_authorization()) { output += indent + " use_owner_authorization: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.use_owner_authorization() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const LockSpaceReply& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const LockSpaceReply& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_result()) { output += indent + " result: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.result(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const ListSpacesRequest& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const ListSpacesRequest& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const ListSpacesReply& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const ListSpacesReply& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_result()) { output += indent + " result: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.result(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + " index_list: {"; for (int i = 0; i < value.index_list_size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { base::StringAppendF(&output, ", "); } base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.index_list(i), value.index_list(i)); } output += "}\n"; output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const GetSpaceInfoRequest& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const GetSpaceInfoRequest& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_index()) { output += indent + " index: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.index(), value.index()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const GetSpaceInfoReply& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const GetSpaceInfoReply& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_result()) { output += indent + " result: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.result(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_size()) { output += indent + " size: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.size(), value.size()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_is_read_locked()) { output += indent + " is_read_locked: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.is_read_locked() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_is_write_locked()) { output += indent + " is_write_locked: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.is_write_locked() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } output += indent + " attributes: {"; for (int i = 0; i < value.attributes_size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { base::StringAppendF(&output, ", "); } base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent( value.attributes(i), indent_size + 2) .c_str()); } output += "}\n"; if (value.has_policy()) { output += indent + " policy: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.policy(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const GetTpmStatusRequest& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const GetTpmStatusRequest& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const GetTpmStatusReply& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const GetTpmStatusReply& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_status()) { output += indent + " status: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.status(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_enabled()) { output += indent + " enabled: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.enabled() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_owned()) { output += indent + " owned: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", value.owned() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_local_data()) { output += indent + " local_data: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent( value.local_data(), indent_size + 2) .c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_dictionary_attack_counter()) { output += indent + " dictionary_attack_counter: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.dictionary_attack_counter(), value.dictionary_attack_counter()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_dictionary_attack_threshold()) { output += indent + " dictionary_attack_threshold: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.dictionary_attack_threshold(), value.dictionary_attack_threshold()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_dictionary_attack_lockout_in_effect()) { output += indent + " dictionary_attack_lockout_in_effect: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", value.dictionary_attack_lockout_in_effect() ? "true" : "false"); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_dictionary_attack_lockout_seconds_remaining()) { output += indent + " dictionary_attack_lockout_seconds_remaining: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%u (0x%08X)", value.dictionary_attack_lockout_seconds_remaining(), value.dictionary_attack_lockout_seconds_remaining()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const TakeOwnershipRequest& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const TakeOwnershipRequest& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const TakeOwnershipReply& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const TakeOwnershipReply& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_status()) { output += indent + " status: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.status(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const RemoveOwnerDependencyRequest& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent( const RemoveOwnerDependencyRequest& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_owner_dependency()) { output += indent + " owner_dependency: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.owner_dependency().data(), value.owner_dependency().size()) .c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const RemoveOwnerDependencyReply& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent( const RemoveOwnerDependencyReply& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_status()) { output += indent + " status: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value.status(), indent_size + 2).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } } // namespace tpm_manager