// // Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "update_engine/metrics.h" #include <string> #include <base/logging.h> #include <metrics/metrics_library.h> #include "update_engine/common/clock_interface.h" #include "update_engine/common/constants.h" #include "update_engine/common/prefs_interface.h" #include "update_engine/common/utils.h" #include "update_engine/metrics_utils.h" #include "update_engine/system_state.h" using std::string; namespace chromeos_update_engine { namespace metrics { // UpdateEngine.Daily.* metrics. const char kMetricDailyOSAgeDays[] = "UpdateEngine.Daily.OSAgeDays"; // UpdateEngine.Check.* metrics. const char kMetricCheckDownloadErrorCode[] = "UpdateEngine.Check.DownloadErrorCode"; const char kMetricCheckReaction[] = "UpdateEngine.Check.Reaction"; const char kMetricCheckResult[] = "UpdateEngine.Check.Result"; const char kMetricCheckTimeSinceLastCheckMinutes[] = "UpdateEngine.Check.TimeSinceLastCheckMinutes"; const char kMetricCheckTimeSinceLastCheckUptimeMinutes[] = "UpdateEngine.Check.TimeSinceLastCheckUptimeMinutes"; // UpdateEngine.Attempt.* metrics. const char kMetricAttemptNumber[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.Number"; const char kMetricAttemptPayloadType[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.PayloadType"; const char kMetricAttemptPayloadSizeMiB[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.PayloadSizeMiB"; const char kMetricAttemptConnectionType[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.ConnectionType"; const char kMetricAttemptDurationMinutes[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.DurationMinutes"; const char kMetricAttemptDurationUptimeMinutes[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.DurationUptimeMinutes"; const char kMetricAttemptTimeSinceLastAttemptMinutes[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.TimeSinceLastAttemptMinutes"; const char kMetricAttemptTimeSinceLastAttemptUptimeMinutes[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.TimeSinceLastAttemptUptimeMinutes"; const char kMetricAttemptPayloadBytesDownloadedMiB[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.PayloadBytesDownloadedMiB"; const char kMetricAttemptPayloadDownloadSpeedKBps[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.PayloadDownloadSpeedKBps"; const char kMetricAttemptDownloadSource[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.DownloadSource"; const char kMetricAttemptResult[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.Result"; const char kMetricAttemptInternalErrorCode[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.InternalErrorCode"; const char kMetricAttemptDownloadErrorCode[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.DownloadErrorCode"; // UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.* metrics. const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateAttemptCount[] = "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.AttemptCount"; const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateBytesDownloadedMiB[] = "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.BytesDownloadedMiB"; const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateDownloadOverheadPercentage[] = "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.DownloadOverheadPercentage"; const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateDownloadSourcesUsed[] = "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.DownloadSourcesUsed"; const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdatePayloadType[] = "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.PayloadType"; const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdatePayloadSizeMiB[] = "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.PayloadSizeMiB"; const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateRebootCount[] = "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.RebootCount"; const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateTotalDurationMinutes[] = "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.TotalDurationMinutes"; const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateUpdatesAbandonedCount[] = "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.UpdatesAbandonedCount"; const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateUrlSwitchCount[] = "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.UrlSwitchCount"; // UpdateEngine.Rollback.* metric. const char kMetricRollbackResult[] = "UpdateEngine.Rollback.Result"; // UpdateEngine.CertificateCheck.* metrics. const char kMetricCertificateCheckUpdateCheck[] = "UpdateEngine.CertificateCheck.UpdateCheck"; const char kMetricCertificateCheckDownload[] = "UpdateEngine.CertificateCheck.Download"; // UpdateEngine.* metrics. const char kMetricFailedUpdateCount[] = "UpdateEngine.FailedUpdateCount"; const char kMetricInstallDateProvisioningSource[] = "UpdateEngine.InstallDateProvisioningSource"; const char kMetricTimeToRebootMinutes[] = "UpdateEngine.TimeToRebootMinutes"; void ReportDailyMetrics(SystemState *system_state, base::TimeDelta os_age) { string metric = metrics::kMetricDailyOSAgeDays; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(os_age) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA( metric, static_cast<int>(os_age.InDays()), 0, // min: 0 days 6*30, // max: 6 months (approx) 50); // num_buckets } void ReportUpdateCheckMetrics(SystemState *system_state, CheckResult result, CheckReaction reaction, DownloadErrorCode download_error_code) { string metric; int value; int max_value; if (result != metrics::CheckResult::kUnset) { metric = metrics::kMetricCheckResult; value = static_cast<int>(result); max_value = static_cast<int>(metrics::CheckResult::kNumConstants) - 1; LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << value << " for metric " << metric << " (enum)"; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(metric, value, max_value); } if (reaction != metrics::CheckReaction::kUnset) { metric = metrics::kMetricCheckReaction; value = static_cast<int>(reaction); max_value = static_cast<int>(metrics::CheckReaction::kNumConstants) - 1; LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << value << " for metric " << metric << " (enum)"; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(metric, value, max_value); } if (download_error_code != metrics::DownloadErrorCode::kUnset) { metric = metrics::kMetricCheckDownloadErrorCode; value = static_cast<int>(download_error_code); LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << value << " for metric " << metric << " (sparse)"; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendSparseToUMA(metric, value); } base::TimeDelta time_since_last; if (metrics_utils::WallclockDurationHelper( system_state, kPrefsMetricsCheckLastReportingTime, &time_since_last)) { metric = kMetricCheckTimeSinceLastCheckMinutes; LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(time_since_last) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA( metric, time_since_last.InMinutes(), 0, // min: 0 min 30*24*60, // max: 30 days 50); // num_buckets } base::TimeDelta uptime_since_last; static int64_t uptime_since_last_storage = 0; if (metrics_utils::MonotonicDurationHelper(system_state, &uptime_since_last_storage, &uptime_since_last)) { metric = kMetricCheckTimeSinceLastCheckUptimeMinutes; LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(uptime_since_last) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA( metric, uptime_since_last.InMinutes(), 0, // min: 0 min 30*24*60, // max: 30 days 50); // num_buckets } } void ReportAbnormallyTerminatedUpdateAttemptMetrics( SystemState *system_state) { string metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptResult; AttemptResult attempt_result = AttemptResult::kAbnormalTermination; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << static_cast<int>(attempt_result) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA( metric, static_cast<int>(attempt_result), static_cast<int>(AttemptResult::kNumConstants)); } void ReportUpdateAttemptMetrics( SystemState *system_state, int attempt_number, PayloadType payload_type, base::TimeDelta duration, base::TimeDelta duration_uptime, int64_t payload_size, int64_t payload_bytes_downloaded, int64_t payload_download_speed_bps, DownloadSource download_source, AttemptResult attempt_result, ErrorCode internal_error_code, DownloadErrorCode payload_download_error_code, ConnectionType connection_type) { string metric; metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptNumber; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << attempt_number << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, attempt_number, 0, // min: 0 attempts 49, // max: 49 attempts 50); // num_buckets metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptPayloadType; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::ToString(payload_type) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(metric, payload_type, kNumPayloadTypes); metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptDurationMinutes; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(duration) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, duration.InMinutes(), 0, // min: 0 min 10*24*60, // max: 10 days 50); // num_buckets metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptDurationUptimeMinutes; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(duration_uptime) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, duration_uptime.InMinutes(), 0, // min: 0 min 10*24*60, // max: 10 days 50); // num_buckets metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptPayloadSizeMiB; int64_t payload_size_mib = payload_size / kNumBytesInOneMiB; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << payload_size_mib << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, payload_size_mib, 0, // min: 0 MiB 1024, // max: 1024 MiB = 1 GiB 50); // num_buckets metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptPayloadBytesDownloadedMiB; int64_t payload_bytes_downloaded_mib = payload_bytes_downloaded / kNumBytesInOneMiB; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << payload_bytes_downloaded_mib << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, payload_bytes_downloaded_mib, 0, // min: 0 MiB 1024, // max: 1024 MiB = 1 GiB 50); // num_buckets metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptPayloadDownloadSpeedKBps; int64_t payload_download_speed_kbps = payload_download_speed_bps / 1000; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << payload_download_speed_kbps << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, payload_download_speed_kbps, 0, // min: 0 kB/s 10*1000, // max: 10000 kB/s = 10 MB/s 50); // num_buckets metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptDownloadSource; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << download_source << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(metric, download_source, kNumDownloadSources); metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptResult; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << static_cast<int>(attempt_result) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA( metric, static_cast<int>(attempt_result), static_cast<int>(AttemptResult::kNumConstants)); if (internal_error_code != ErrorCode::kSuccess) { metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptInternalErrorCode; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << internal_error_code << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA( metric, static_cast<int>(internal_error_code), static_cast<int>(ErrorCode::kUmaReportedMax)); } if (payload_download_error_code != DownloadErrorCode::kUnset) { metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptDownloadErrorCode; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << static_cast<int>(payload_download_error_code) << " for metric " << metric << " (sparse)"; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendSparseToUMA( metric, static_cast<int>(payload_download_error_code)); } base::TimeDelta time_since_last; if (metrics_utils::WallclockDurationHelper( system_state, kPrefsMetricsAttemptLastReportingTime, &time_since_last)) { metric = kMetricAttemptTimeSinceLastAttemptMinutes; LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(time_since_last) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA( metric, time_since_last.InMinutes(), 0, // min: 0 min 30*24*60, // max: 30 days 50); // num_buckets } static int64_t uptime_since_last_storage = 0; base::TimeDelta uptime_since_last; if (metrics_utils::MonotonicDurationHelper(system_state, &uptime_since_last_storage, &uptime_since_last)) { metric = kMetricAttemptTimeSinceLastAttemptUptimeMinutes; LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(uptime_since_last) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA( metric, uptime_since_last.InMinutes(), 0, // min: 0 min 30*24*60, // max: 30 days 50); // num_buckets } metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptConnectionType; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << static_cast<int>(connection_type) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA( metric, static_cast<int>(connection_type), static_cast<int>(ConnectionType::kNumConstants)); } void ReportSuccessfulUpdateMetrics( SystemState *system_state, int attempt_count, int updates_abandoned_count, PayloadType payload_type, int64_t payload_size, int64_t num_bytes_downloaded[kNumDownloadSources], int download_overhead_percentage, base::TimeDelta total_duration, int reboot_count, int url_switch_count) { string metric; int64_t mbs; metric = kMetricSuccessfulUpdatePayloadSizeMiB; mbs = payload_size / kNumBytesInOneMiB; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << mbs << " (MiBs) for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, mbs, 0, // min: 0 MiB 1024, // max: 1024 MiB = 1 GiB 50); // num_buckets int64_t total_bytes = 0; int download_sources_used = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kNumDownloadSources + 1; i++) { DownloadSource source = static_cast<DownloadSource>(i); // Only consider this download source (and send byte counts) as // having been used if we downloaded a non-trivial amount of bytes // (e.g. at least 1 MiB) that contributed to the // update. Otherwise we're going to end up with a lot of zero-byte // events in the histogram. metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateBytesDownloadedMiB; if (i < kNumDownloadSources) { metric += utils::ToString(source); mbs = num_bytes_downloaded[i] / kNumBytesInOneMiB; total_bytes += num_bytes_downloaded[i]; if (mbs > 0) download_sources_used |= (1 << i); } else { mbs = total_bytes / kNumBytesInOneMiB; } if (mbs > 0) { LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << mbs << " (MiBs) for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, mbs, 0, // min: 0 MiB 1024, // max: 1024 MiB = 1 GiB 50); // num_buckets } } metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateDownloadSourcesUsed; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading 0x" << std::hex << download_sources_used << " (bit flags) for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA( metric, download_sources_used, 0, // min (1 << kNumDownloadSources) - 1, // max 1 << kNumDownloadSources); // num_buckets metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateDownloadOverheadPercentage; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << download_overhead_percentage << "% for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, download_overhead_percentage, 0, // min: 0% overhead 1000, // max: 1000% overhead 50); // num_buckets metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateUrlSwitchCount; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << url_switch_count << " (count) for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, url_switch_count, 0, // min: 0 URL switches 49, // max: 49 URL switches 50); // num_buckets metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateTotalDurationMinutes; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(total_duration) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA( metric, static_cast<int>(total_duration.InMinutes()), 0, // min: 0 min 365*24*60, // max: 365 days ~= 1 year 50); // num_buckets metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateRebootCount; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading reboot count of " << reboot_count << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, reboot_count, 0, // min: 0 reboots 49, // max: 49 reboots 50); // num_buckets metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdatePayloadType; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(metric, payload_type, kNumPayloadTypes); LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::ToString(payload_type) << " for metric " << metric; metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateAttemptCount; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, attempt_count, 1, // min: 1 attempt 50, // max: 50 attempts 50); // num_buckets LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << attempt_count << " for metric " << metric; metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateUpdatesAbandonedCount; LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << updates_abandoned_count << " (count) for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric, updates_abandoned_count, 0, // min: 0 counts 49, // max: 49 counts 50); // num_buckets } void ReportRollbackMetrics(SystemState *system_state, RollbackResult result) { string metric; int value; metric = metrics::kMetricRollbackResult; value = static_cast<int>(result); LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << value << " for metric " << metric << " (enum)"; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA( metric, value, static_cast<int>(metrics::RollbackResult::kNumConstants)); } void ReportCertificateCheckMetrics(SystemState* system_state, ServerToCheck server_to_check, CertificateCheckResult result) { string metric; switch (server_to_check) { case ServerToCheck::kUpdate: metric = kMetricCertificateCheckUpdateCheck; break; case ServerToCheck::kDownload: metric = kMetricCertificateCheckDownload; break; case ServerToCheck::kNone: return; } LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << static_cast<int>(result) << " for metric " << metric; system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA( metric, static_cast<int>(result), static_cast<int>(CertificateCheckResult::kNumConstants)); } } // namespace metrics } // namespace chromeos_update_engine