// Should be kept in sync with internal version.
syntax = "proto2";

package log_collector;

import public "tools/tradefederation/core/proto/file_metadata.proto";

option java_package = "com.android.test.metrics.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "LogCollectorProto";

// Conditions that can trigger log collection.
enum Trigger {
  // Never run this collector.
  NEVER = 0;

  // Run this collector at the start of a test.

  // Run this collector when the test finishes.

  // Run this collector when the test fails.
  FAILURE = 3;

  // Run this collector when the test crashes.
  CRASH = 4;

  // Run this collector when the test has a tool failure.

  // Run this collector at the given interval.

message TestPattern {
  // Run this collector for the given build targets. If no build targets are
  // specified, we will run the collector on all build targets.
  repeated string build_target = 1;

  // Run this collector for tests with the given prefix. If no prefices are
  // specified, we will run the collector for all tests.
  repeated string atp_test_prefix = 2;

  // Run this collector for tests on the given test bench. If no test bench is
  // specified, we will run the collector for all test benches.
  repeated string atp_test_bench = 3;

message FormattedFileName {
  enum FormatParam {
    EMPTY = 0;
    TEST_NAME = 2;
    TEST_CLASS = 3;

  // A java-style format string, e.g. "logcat-%s.log" or "bugreport-%d.log".
  // TIMESTAMP_MILLIS must correspond to %d and the rest must be %s.
  required string name_format_string = 1;

  // A FormatParam for each format field.
  repeated FormatParam format_params = 2;

  // If true, the results directory will be prepended to this file name.
  required bool relative_to_results = 3;

message ShellCommand {
  // The base executable (e.g. "dumpsys").
  required string executable = 1;

  // Command-line options (e.g. "graphicsstats").
  repeated string options = 2;

message ExistingFile {
  required string path = 1;

  // If true, the results directory will be prepended to this file name.
  optional bool relative_to_results = 2;

message Collector {
  // The name of this collector (used only for logging).
  required string name = 1;

  // The Trade Federation LogFileType for the resulting log.
  required posting_service_rpc.LogType type = 2;

  // The preconditions for this Collector. If none are specified, we'll never
  // run it.
  repeated Trigger triggers = 3;

  // The test patterns for which we should run this Collector.
  // If none are specified, we'll never run it.
  repeated TestPattern tests = 4;

  // The interval at which to collect this log, if one of our triggers is
  optional uint64 interval_millis = 5;

  // If true, and our test runner can interpret LogCollectors, we will
  // forward this collector to the test runner to reduce latency.
  optional bool forward_to_test_runner = 6;

  // The way we'll get the log.
  oneof source {
    ShellCommand command = 7;
    ExistingFile file = 8;

  // The place we should put the log.
  oneof result {
    string result_file_name = 9;
    FormattedFileName result_file_formatted = 10;