# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
import common
class EdifyGenerator(object):
"""Class to generate scripts in the 'edify' recovery script language
used from donut onwards."""
def __init__(self, version, info, fstab=None):
self.script = []
self.mounts = set()
self._required_cache = 0
self.version = version
self.info = info
if fstab is None:
self.fstab = self.info.get("fstab", None)
self.fstab = fstab
def MakeTemporary(self):
"""Make a temporary script object whose commands can latter be
appended to the parent script with AppendScript(). Used when the
caller wants to generate script commands out-of-order."""
x = EdifyGenerator(self.version, self.info)
x.mounts = self.mounts
return x
def required_cache(self):
"""Return the minimum cache size to apply the update."""
return self._required_cache
def WordWrap(cmd, linelen=80):
"""'cmd' should be a function call with null characters after each
parameter (eg, "somefun(foo,\0bar,\0baz)"). This function wraps cmd
to a given line length, replacing nulls with spaces and/or newlines
to format it nicely."""
indent = cmd.index("(")+1
out = []
first = True
x = re.compile("^(.{,%d})\0" % (linelen-indent,))
while True:
if not first:
out.append(" " * indent)
first = False
m = x.search(cmd)
if not m:
parts = cmd.split("\0", 1)
if len(parts) == 1:
cmd = parts[1]
cmd = cmd[m.end():]
return "".join(out).replace("\0", " ").rstrip("\n")
def AppendScript(self, other):
"""Append the contents of another script (which should be created
with temporary=True) to this one."""
def AssertOemProperty(self, name, values):
"""Assert that a property on the OEM paritition matches allowed values."""
if not name:
raise ValueError("must specify an OEM property")
if not values:
raise ValueError("must specify the OEM value")
get_prop_command = None
if common.OPTIONS.oem_no_mount:
get_prop_command = 'getprop("%s")' % name
get_prop_command = 'file_getprop("/oem/oem.prop", "%s")' % name
cmd = ''
for value in values:
cmd += '%s == "%s" || ' % (get_prop_command, value)
cmd += (
'abort("E{code}: This package expects the value \\"{values}\\" for '
'\\"{name}\\"; this has value \\"" + '
'{get_prop_command} + "\\".");').format(
get_prop_command=get_prop_command, name=name,
values='\\" or \\"'.join(values))
def AssertSomeFingerprint(self, *fp):
"""Assert that the current recovery build fingerprint is one of *fp."""
if not fp:
raise ValueError("must specify some fingerprints")
cmd = (' ||\n '.join([('getprop("ro.build.fingerprint") == "%s"') % i
for i in fp]) +
' ||\n abort("E%d: Package expects build fingerprint of %s; '
'this device has " + getprop("ro.build.fingerprint") + ".");') % (
common.ErrorCode.FINGERPRINT_MISMATCH, " or ".join(fp))
def AssertSomeThumbprint(self, *fp):
"""Assert that the current recovery build thumbprint is one of *fp."""
if not fp:
raise ValueError("must specify some thumbprints")
cmd = (' ||\n '.join([('getprop("ro.build.thumbprint") == "%s"') % i
for i in fp]) +
' ||\n abort("E%d: Package expects build thumbprint of %s; this '
'device has " + getprop("ro.build.thumbprint") + ".");') % (
common.ErrorCode.THUMBPRINT_MISMATCH, " or ".join(fp))
def AssertFingerprintOrThumbprint(self, fp, tp):
"""Assert that the current recovery build fingerprint is fp, or thumbprint
is tp."""
cmd = ('getprop("ro.build.fingerprint") == "{fp}" ||\n'
' getprop("ro.build.thumbprint") == "{tp}" ||\n'
' abort("Package expects build fingerprint of {fp} or '
'thumbprint of {tp}; this device has a fingerprint of " '
'+ getprop("ro.build.fingerprint") + " and a thumbprint of " '
'+ getprop("ro.build.thumbprint") + ".");').format(fp=fp, tp=tp)
def AssertOlderBuild(self, timestamp, timestamp_text):
"""Assert that the build on the device is older (or the same as)
the given timestamp."""
('(!less_than_int(%s, getprop("ro.build.date.utc"))) || '
'abort("E%d: Can\'t install this package (%s) over newer '
'build (" + getprop("ro.build.date") + ").");') % (timestamp,
common.ErrorCode.OLDER_BUILD, timestamp_text))
def AssertDevice(self, device):
"""Assert that the device identifier is the given string."""
cmd = ('getprop("ro.product.device") == "%s" || '
'abort("E%d: This package is for \\"%s\\" devices; '
'this is a \\"" + getprop("ro.product.device") + "\\".");') % (
device, common.ErrorCode.DEVICE_MISMATCH, device)
def AssertSomeBootloader(self, *bootloaders):
"""Asert that the bootloader version is one of *bootloaders."""
cmd = ("assert(" +
" ||\0".join(['getprop("ro.bootloader") == "%s"' % (b,)
for b in bootloaders]) +
def ShowProgress(self, frac, dur):
"""Update the progress bar, advancing it over 'frac' over the next
'dur' seconds. 'dur' may be zero to advance it via SetProgress
commands instead of by time."""
self.script.append("show_progress(%f, %d);" % (frac, int(dur)))
def SetProgress(self, frac):
"""Set the position of the progress bar within the chunk defined
by the most recent ShowProgress call. 'frac' should be in
self.script.append("set_progress(%f);" % (frac,))
def PatchCheck(self, filename, *sha1):
"""Check that the given file has one of the
given *sha1 hashes, checking the version saved in cache if the
file does not match."""
'apply_patch_check("%s"' % (filename,) +
"".join([', "%s"' % (i,) for i in sha1]) +
') || abort("E%d: \\"%s\\" has unexpected contents.");' % (
common.ErrorCode.BAD_PATCH_FILE, filename))
def Verify(self, filename):
"""Check that the given file has one of the
given hashes (encoded in the filename)."""
'apply_patch_check("{filename}") && '
'ui_print(" Verified.") || '
'ui_print("\\"{filename}\\" has unexpected contents.");'.format(
def FileCheck(self, filename, *sha1):
"""Check that the given file has one of the
given *sha1 hashes."""
self.script.append('assert(sha1_check(read_file("%s")' % (filename,) +
"".join([', "%s"' % (i,) for i in sha1]) +
def CacheFreeSpaceCheck(self, amount):
"""Check that there's at least 'amount' space that can be made
available on /cache."""
self._required_cache = max(self._required_cache, amount)
self.script.append(('apply_patch_space(%d) || abort("E%d: Not enough free '
'space on /cache to apply patches.");') % (
def Mount(self, mount_point, mount_options_by_format=""):
"""Mount the partition with the given mount_point.
where option is optname[=optvalue]
E.g. ext4=barrier=1,nodelalloc,errors=panic|f2fs=errors=recover
fstab = self.fstab
if fstab:
p = fstab[mount_point]
mount_dict = {}
if mount_options_by_format is not None:
for option in mount_options_by_format.split("|"):
if "=" in option:
key, value = option.split("=", 1)
mount_dict[key] = value
mount_flags = mount_dict.get(p.fs_type, "")
if p.context is not None:
mount_flags = p.context + ("," + mount_flags if mount_flags else "")
self.script.append('mount("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s");' % (
p.fs_type, common.PARTITION_TYPES[p.fs_type], p.device,
p.mount_point, mount_flags))
def UnpackPackageDir(self, src, dst):
"""Unpack a given directory from the OTA package into the given
destination directory."""
self.script.append('package_extract_dir("%s", "%s");' % (src, dst))
def Comment(self, comment):
"""Write a comment into the update script."""
for i in comment.split("\n"):
self.script.append("# " + i)
def Print(self, message):
"""Log a message to the screen (if the logs are visible)."""
self.script.append('ui_print("%s");' % (message,))
def TunePartition(self, partition, *options):
fstab = self.fstab
if fstab:
p = fstab[partition]
if p.fs_type not in ("ext2", "ext3", "ext4"):
raise ValueError("Partition %s cannot be tuned\n" % (partition,))
'tune2fs(' + "".join(['"%s", ' % (i,) for i in options]) +
'"%s") || abort("E%d: Failed to tune partition %s");' % (
p.device, common.ErrorCode.TUNE_PARTITION_FAILURE, partition))
def FormatPartition(self, partition):
"""Format the given partition, specified by its mount point (eg,
fstab = self.fstab
if fstab:
p = fstab[partition]
self.script.append('format("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s");' %
(p.fs_type, common.PARTITION_TYPES[p.fs_type],
p.device, p.length, p.mount_point))
def WipeBlockDevice(self, partition):
if partition not in ("/system", "/vendor"):
raise ValueError(("WipeBlockDevice doesn't work on %s\n") % (partition,))
fstab = self.fstab
size = self.info.get(partition.lstrip("/") + "_size", None)
device = fstab[partition].device
self.script.append('wipe_block_device("%s", %s);' % (device, size))
def ApplyPatch(self, srcfile, tgtfile, tgtsize, tgtsha1, *patchpairs):
"""Apply binary patches (in *patchpairs) to the given srcfile to
produce tgtfile (which may be "-" to indicate overwriting the
source file."""
if len(patchpairs) % 2 != 0 or len(patchpairs) == 0:
raise ValueError("bad patches given to ApplyPatch")
cmd = ['apply_patch("%s",\0"%s",\0%s,\0%d'
% (srcfile, tgtfile, tgtsha1, tgtsize)]
for i in range(0, len(patchpairs), 2):
cmd.append(',\0%s,\0package_extract_file("%s")' % patchpairs[i:i+2])
cmd.append(') ||\n abort("E%d: Failed to apply patch to %s");' % (
common.ErrorCode.APPLY_PATCH_FAILURE, srcfile))
cmd = "".join(cmd)
def WriteRawImage(self, mount_point, fn, mapfn=None):
"""Write the given package file into the partition for the given
mount point."""
fstab = self.fstab
if fstab:
p = fstab[mount_point]
partition_type = common.PARTITION_TYPES[p.fs_type]
args = {'device': p.device, 'fn': fn}
if partition_type == "EMMC":
if mapfn:
args["map"] = mapfn
'package_extract_file("%(fn)s", "%(device)s", "%(map)s");' % args)
'package_extract_file("%(fn)s", "%(device)s");' % args)
raise ValueError(
"don't know how to write \"%s\" partitions" % p.fs_type)
def AppendExtra(self, extra):
"""Append text verbatim to the output script."""
def Unmount(self, mount_point):
self.script.append('unmount("%s");' % mount_point)
def UnmountAll(self):
for p in sorted(self.mounts):
self.script.append('unmount("%s");' % (p,))
self.mounts = set()
def AddToZip(self, input_zip, output_zip, input_path=None):
"""Write the accumulated script to the output_zip file. input_zip
is used as the source for the 'updater' binary needed to run
script. If input_path is not None, it will be used as a local
path for the binary instead of input_zip."""
common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script",
"\n".join(self.script) + "\n")
if input_path is None:
data = input_zip.read("OTA/bin/updater")
data = open(input_path, "rb").read()
common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary",
data, perms=0o755)