# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO(pprabhu) Use ConfigObj for this configuration file.
# This is the default modem configuration file loaded by all modems.
# This file declares a series of python maps and lists. See comments before each
# declaration for details.
# This configuration is either replaced or ammended by modem specific
# configuration files.
# Name of the modemmanager plugin to be used with the current modem.
# This name is declared by the plugin in modemmanager during initialization.
# Modem configuration file may override this name.
mm_plugin = '"Generic"'
# This is a list of state machines loaded by wardmodem.
# This list is used *after* the plugin list has been loaded. So, the plugin list
# overrides this list.
state_machines = {
# Fallback machine.
# If not None, |fallback_machine|.|fallback_function| is used to serve all
# requests for which there is no matching wardmodem action.
# Here, |fallback_machine| is the well-known-name of the machine to use, and
# |fallback_function| is the name of the function to use.
fallback_machine = 'request_response'
fallback_function = 'act_on'
# The AT commands between modemmanager and modem are prefixed and terminated
# slightly differently based on the modem. These are the defaults that work with
# the modems that we developed with. Override them if you need a different
# terminator.
mm_to_modem_at_prefix = ''
mm_to_modem_at_suffix = '\r\n'
modem_to_mm_at_prefix = '\r\n'
modem_to_mm_at_suffix = '\r\n'
# This map specifies the wardmodem action to be taken for AT commands from the
# external world.
# Format:
# {at_command: (state_machine_name, function, (idx1, idx2, ...))}
# Here,
# - at_command [string] is the AT Command received,
# - state_machine_name [string] is name of a state machine loaded by
# wardmodem.
# - function [string] is a function exported by the state machine mapped to
# by state_machine_name
# - (idx1, idx2, ...) [tuple of int] Optionally, lists the (int) indices of
# the arguments that should be passed on from the AT command to the called
# function.
# Note: the at_command might use the special character '*' to indicate an
# argument that should be ignored while matching.
# Modem configuration file ammends this map.
at_to_wm_action_map = {
'AT+CFUN?': ('modem_power_level_machine', 'get_current_level'),
'AT+CFUN=0': ('modem_power_level_machine', 'set_level_minimum'),
'AT+CFUN=1': ('modem_power_level_machine', 'set_level_full'),
'AT+CFUN=4': ('modem_power_level_machine', 'set_level_low'),
# The following commands obtain information used by the network to identify
# the user.
'AT+CIMI': ('network_identity_machine', 'read_imsi_from_modem'),
# Multiple commands that read information from the SIM.
# @see ETSI_TS_127_V11.6.0 section 8.18
# EF_AD:28589 @see ETSI_TS_151_V14.4.0 section 10.3.18
'AT+CRSM=176,28589,*,*,*': ('network_identity_machine',
'read_sim_admin_data', (4)),
# EF_IMSI:28423 @see ETSI_TS_151_V14.4.0 section 10.3.2
'AT+CRSM=176,28423,*,*,*': ('network_identity_machine',
'read_sim_imsi', (4)),
# EF_SPN:28486 @see ETSI_TS_151_V14.4.0 section 10.3.11
'AT+CRSM=176,28486,*,*,*': ('network_identity_machine',
'read_service_provider_name', (4)),
'AT+COPS=3,*': ('network_operator_machine',
'set_operator_format', (1)),
'AT+COPS?': ('network_operator_machine', 'get_operator_name'),
'AT+COPS=0': ('network_operator_machine', 'set_operator_autoselect'),
'AT+CEREG=*': ('network_registration_machine',
'set_registration_change_message_verbosity', (0)),
'AT+CEREG?': ('network_registration_machine',
'AT+CIND?': ('level_indicators_machine',
# This map specifies the AT commands to be sent back to the external world upon
# responses from the wardmodem.
# Format:
# {response_function: at_response}
# Here,
# - response_function [string] is the wardmodem response function
# - at_response [string] is the AT response to be sent to modemmanager.
# Once again, '*' included in at_response is interpreted as a placeholder
# and will be replaced by the arguments provided by wardmodem.
# Example: If the map contains a row {'wm_says_hello': 'AT+Ur0sum=*,*,cats'}
# Then for wardmodem response ('wm_says_hello', 'my', 2) is interpreted as the
# AT response 'AT+Ur0sum=my,2,cats'.
# Modem configuration file ammends this map.
wm_response_to_at_map = {
'wm_response_ok': 'OK',
'wm_response_error': 'ERROR',
# Some modems respond with a RING for error conditions sometimes.
'wm_response_ring': 'RING',
# Some responses don't have any AT command prefix at all. For those.
'wm_response_text_only': '*',
# Responses from modem_power_level_machine
'wm_response_power_level_minimum': '+CFUN: 0',
'wm_response_power_level_full': '+CFUN: 1',
'wm_response_power_level_low': '+CFUN: 4',
'wm_response_power_level_factory_test': '+CFUN: 5',
'wm_response_power_level_offline': '+CFUN: 7',
# Responses from network_identity_machine
'wm_response_sim_info_success': '+CRSM: 144,0,"*"',
'wm_response_sim_info_error_too_long': '+CRSM: 103,0,""',
# Operator name responses
'wm_response_operator_name': '+COPS: 2,*,"*",0',
'wm_response_operator_name_none': '+COPS: 2,*,"Unknown",0',
# Network registration status reporting.
'wm_response_network_registration_status_not_registered': '+CEREG: *,0',
'wm_response_network_registration_status_0': '+CEREG: 0, *',
'wm_response_network_registration_status_1': '+CEREG: 1, *',
'wm_response_network_registration_status_2': '+CEREG: 2, *, *, *, *',
# Level indicators reporting.
'wm_response_level_indicators': '+CIND: *,*,*,*,*,*,*,*',
# Request Response map.
# These are the properties used by the RequestResponse state machine to cater to
# informational queries about the modem.
# Format:
# {incoming_at: (outgoing_ok, outgoing_error)}
# Here,
# - incoming_at: The incoming AT command to respond to
# - outgoing_ok: The exact response to be returned, if the machine is
# enabled. This can be a "string" or a "list of strings".
# Example: If |outgoing_ok| is ['AT1', 'AT2']. The response sent is:
# 'AT1'
# 'AT2'
# 'OK'
# Example: If |outgoing_ok| is 'AT1'. The response sent is (no trailing
# 'OK'):
# 'AT1'
# This mode is required sometimes for responses from the modem that are
# not followed by an 'OK'.
# - outgoing_error: The exact response to be returned, if the machine is
# disabled. This may be omitted. In that case, the default ERROR
# command is returned. If included, it must be of type str.
# Any entry from modem configuration file overrides the entry here.
wm_request_response_map = {
# #########################################################################
# The following AT request-response pairs are tied down to a modem firmware.
# They are static across the lifetime of the modem.
# These commands belong to the basic Hayes AT command set.
'ATE0': 'OK',
'ATV1': 'OK',
'AT+CMEE=1': 'OK',
'ATX4': 'OK',
'AT&C1': 'OK',
'ATZ': 'OK',
'ATI': ['All the modem information in the world'],
# These commands are from ITU recommendation V.250
'AT+GCAP': ['LTE2, +CGSM, +CIS707-A, CIS-856-A, +MS, +ES, +DS, +FCLASS, '
# These commands are from ETSI_TS_127_007_V11.6.0
# Name of the modem vendor
'AT+CGMI': ['Bearded Yeti Intergalactic'],
# Name of the modem model
'AT+CGMM': ['Bearded Snow Leopard'],
# Firmware revision
'AT+CGMR': ['Bearded infinity'],
# The mobile device IMEI (Bound to the mobile device)
'AT+CGSN': ['123456789012345'],
# Queries regarding supported technologies
'Rel0, EvDO RelA'],
'AT+WS46=?': ['+WS46: (12,22,25)'],
# List the allowed power level settings.
'AT+CFUN=?': ['+CFUN: (0-1,4-7),(0-1)'],
# List the allowed PDP context ranges.
'AT+CGDCONT=?': ['+CGDCONT: (1-16),"IP",,,(0-2),(0-4)',
'+CGDCONT: (1-16),"PPP",,,(0-2),(0-4)',
'+CGDCONT: (1-16),"IPV6",,,(0-2),(0-4)'],
# Read the ICCID from the SIM.
'AT+CRSM=176,12258,0,0,10': ['+CRSM: 144,0,"98765432100123456789"'],
# List allowed facility locks:
'AT+CLCK=?': ['+CLCK: ("AB","AC","AG","AI","AO","IR","OI","OX","PN","PU"'
# List of supported USSD operations.
# 0: Disable response from network
# 1: Enable response from network
# 2: Cancel an ongoing session. This may not be supported by older modems.
'AT+CUSD=?': ['+CUSD: (0-2)'],
# List of supported character set encodings.
'AT+CSCS=?': ['+CSCS: ("IRA","GSM","UCS2")'],
# List of supported indicators
'AT+CIND=?': ['+CIND: ("battchg",(0-5)),("signal",(0-5)),("service",(0-1))'
'("GPRS coverage",(0-1)),("callsetup",(0-3))'],
# List of supported SMS forwarding modes.
'AT+CNMI=?': ['+CNMI: (0,1,2),(0,1,2,3),(0,2),(0,1,2),(0,1)'],
# List of supported preferred SMS storage commands.
'AT+CPMS=?': ['+CPMS: ("SM","SR"),("SM","SR"),("SM","SR")'],
# List of supported SMS modes
'AT+CMGF=?': ['+CMGF: (0-1)'],
# ##########################################################################
# These AT commands should actually be handled in some other state machine.
# They are here temporarily till those machines can be implemented.
# TODO(pprabhu) Implement these state machines as needed by tests.
# Here till pin-locking is implemented.
# Here till event reporting is implemented.
'AT+CMER=3,0,0,1': 'OK',
# Here till we actually need a character encoding.
'AT+CSCS="IRA"': 'OK',
'AT+CSCS?': ['+CSCS: "IRA"'],
# Here till SMS support is implemented.
'AT+CMGF=0': 'OK',
'AT+CMGL=4': 'OK',
'AT+CPMS="","SM","SM"': ['+CPMS: 0,15,0,15,0,15'],
'AT+CPMS="SM",': ['+CPMS: 0,15,0,15,0,15'],
'AT+CPMS="SR",': ['+CPMS: 0,15,0,15,0,15'],
'AT+CNMI=2,1,2,1,0': 'ERROR',
# Here till USSD support is implemented.
'AT+CUSD=1': 'OK',
'AT+CUSD=0': 'OK',
# Here till we implemnt varying signal strength.
'AT+CSQ': ['+CSQ: 0,0'],
# Here till we implement facility locks.
'AT+CLCK="SC",2': ['+CLCK: 0'],
'AT+CLCK="PN",2': ['+CLCK: 0'],
'AT+CLCK="PU",2': ['+CLCK: 0'],
'AT+CLCK="PP",2': ['+CLCK: 0'],
# ##############################################################################
# This section contains configuration information used by specific state
# machines.
##### modem_power_level_state_machine
# A list of allowed power levels.
modem_power_level_allowed_levels = ['MINIMUM', 'FULL', 'LOW']
# The initial state in which the state machine is created.
# This is how the modem comes up upon creation.
modem_power_level_initial_level = 'FULL'
# Default behaviour wrt to modem power level changes.
# If True, the modem is reset before changing power level.
modem_power_level_reset_by_default = False
##### network_identification_machine
# Parts of IMSI
# This is usually 15 digit long.
network_identity_default_mcc = '311' # USA country code
network_identity_default_mnc = '480' # Verizon network code
network_identity_default_msin = '123456789' # Arbitrary unique ID.
network_identity_default_mdn = '6500000000'
##### network_operator_machine
# This is a list of operators. Each entry is a list with the
# long_alphanumeric, short_alphanumeric and numeric representation of the
# operator name, and the access technology supported by this operator.
# Viz: [['Long name of an operator', 'shortname', '666', '7']]
network_operators = [
{'LONG_ALPHANUMERIC': 'Verizon Wireless',
'NUMERIC': '311480',
# The index of the operator in the list above to choose when automatic
# selelction mode is set.
network_operator_default_index = 0
##### level_indicators_machine
level_indicators_items = ['battchg', 'signal', 'service', 'call', 'roam',
'smsfull', 'gprs_coverage', 'call_setup']
level_indicators_defaults = [5, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]