# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import pprint
import sys
import wardmodem_exceptions as wme
CONF_DIR_NAME = 'configurations'
DEFAULT_CONF_FILE = 'base.conf'
'e362': 'e362.conf',
class ModemConfiguration(object):
All modem specific configuration needed by WardModem.
This class serves the dual purpose of loading the configuration data needed
by different parts of wardmodem in a single place, and providing
documentation regarding the configuration parameters available in the file.
def __init__(self, modem=None):
@param modem The modem for which the configuration needs to be loaded.
|modem| can be None. In that case, only the configuration for
the base modem is loaded.
Otherwise, |modem| must be a key in |MODEM_CONF_FILE|.
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if modem and modem not in MODEM_CONF_FILE:
raise wme.WardModemSetupException('Unknown modem: |%s|' % modem)
# TODO(pprabhu) Figure out if it makes sense to use Configurable to
# (de)serialize configuration. See crbug.com/252475
# First load the default configuration
self._logger.info('Loading basic configuration.')
self.base_conf = self._load_conf(DEFAULT_CONF_FILE)
self._logger.debug('Basic configuration:\n%s',
# Now load the plugin conf data.
self.plugin_conf = {}
if modem:
self._logger.info('Loading modem specific configuration for modem '
'|%s|', modem)
self.plugin_conf = self._load_conf(MODEM_CONF_FILE[modem])
self._logger.debug('Plugin configuration:\n%s',
def _populate_config(self):
Assign configuration data loaded into self variable for easy access.
# The basic map from AT commands to wardmodem actions common to all
# modems.
self.base_at_to_wm_action_map = self.base_conf['at_to_wm_action_map']
# The map from AT commands to wardmodem actions specific to the current
# modem.
self.plugin_at_to_wm_action_map = (
self.plugin_conf.get('at_to_wm_action_map', {}))
# The basic map from wardmodem responses to AT commands common to all
# modems.
self.base_wm_response_to_at_map = (
# The map from wardmodem responses to AT commands specific to the
# current modem.
self.plugin_wm_response_to_at_map = (
self.plugin_conf.get('wm_response_to_at_map', {}))
# State-less request response map.
self.base_wm_request_response_map = (
self.base_conf.get('wm_request_response_map', {}))
self.plugin_wm_request_response_map = (
self.plugin_conf.get('wm_request_response_map', {}))
# The state machines loaded by all modems.
self.base_state_machines = self.base_conf['state_machines']
# The state machines specific to the current modem.
self.plugin_state_machines = self.plugin_conf.get('state_machines', [])
# The fallback state machine for unmatched AT commands.
self._load_variable('fallback_machine', strict=False, default='')
self._load_variable('fallback_function', strict=False, default='')
# The modemmanager plugin to be used for the modem.
# The string to be prepended to all AT commands from modemmanager to
# modem.
# The string to be appended to all AT commands from modemmanager to
# modem.
# The string to be prepended to all AT commands from modem to
# modemmanager.
# The string to be appended to all AT commands from modem to
# modemmanager.
# ######################################################################
# Configuration data for various state machines.
def _load_variable(self, varname, strict=True, default=None):
Load a variable from the configuration files.
Implement the most common way of loading variables from configuration.
@param varname: The name of the variable to load.
@param strict: If True, we expect some value to be available.
@param default: Value to assign if none can be loaded. Only makes sense
when |strint| is False.
if strict:
value = self.plugin_conf.get(varname, self.base_conf[varname])
value = self.plugin_conf.get(varname,
self.base_conf.get(varname, default))
setattr(self, varname, value)
def _load_conf(self, conf_file):
Load the configuration data from file.
@param conf_file Name of the file to load from.
@return The conf data loaded from file.
# The configuration file is an executable python file. Since the file
# name is known only at run-time, we must find the module directory and
# manually point execfile to the directory for loading the configuration
# file.
current_module = sys.modules[__name__]
dir_name = os.path.dirname(current_module.__file__)
full_path = os.path.join(dir_name, CONF_DIR_NAME, conf_file)
conf = {}
execfile(full_path, conf)
# These entries added by execfile are a nuisance in pprint'ing
del conf['__builtins__']
return conf