// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "benchmark/reporter.h"
#include "complexity.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "string_util.h"
#include "timers.h"
namespace benchmark {
namespace {
std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, std::string const& value) {
return StringPrintF("\"%s\": \"%s\"", key.c_str(), value.c_str());
std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, const char* value) {
return StringPrintF("\"%s\": \"%s\"", key.c_str(), value);
std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, bool value) {
return StringPrintF("\"%s\": %s", key.c_str(), value ? "true" : "false");
std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, int64_t value) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << '"' << key << "\": " << value;
return ss.str();
std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, double value) {
return StringPrintF("\"%s\": %.2f", key.c_str(), value);
int64_t RoundDouble(double v) { return static_cast<int64_t>(v + 0.5); }
} // end namespace
bool JSONReporter::ReportContext(const Context& context) {
std::ostream& out = GetOutputStream();
out << "{\n";
std::string inner_indent(2, ' ');
// Open context block and print context information.
out << inner_indent << "\"context\": {\n";
std::string indent(4, ' ');
std::string walltime_value = LocalDateTimeString();
out << indent << FormatKV("date", walltime_value) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("num_cpus", static_cast<int64_t>(context.num_cpus))
<< ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("mhz_per_cpu", RoundDouble(context.mhz_per_cpu))
<< ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("cpu_scaling_enabled", context.cpu_scaling_enabled)
<< ",\n";
#if defined(NDEBUG)
const char build_type[] = "release";
const char build_type[] = "debug";
out << indent << FormatKV("library_build_type", build_type) << "\n";
// Close context block and open the list of benchmarks.
out << inner_indent << "},\n";
out << inner_indent << "\"benchmarks\": [\n";
return true;
void JSONReporter::ReportRuns(std::vector<Run> const& reports) {
if (reports.empty()) {
std::string indent(4, ' ');
std::ostream& out = GetOutputStream();
if (!first_report_) {
out << ",\n";
first_report_ = false;
for (auto it = reports.begin(); it != reports.end(); ++it) {
out << indent << "{\n";
out << indent << '}';
auto it_cp = it;
if (++it_cp != reports.end()) {
out << ",\n";
void JSONReporter::Finalize() {
// Close the list of benchmarks and the top level object.
GetOutputStream() << "\n ]\n}\n";
void JSONReporter::PrintRunData(Run const& run) {
std::string indent(6, ' ');
std::ostream& out = GetOutputStream();
out << indent << FormatKV("name", run.benchmark_name) << ",\n";
if (run.error_occurred) {
out << indent << FormatKV("error_occurred", run.error_occurred) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("error_message", run.error_message) << ",\n";
if (!run.report_big_o && !run.report_rms) {
out << indent << FormatKV("iterations", run.iterations) << ",\n";
out << indent
<< FormatKV("real_time", RoundDouble(run.GetAdjustedRealTime()))
<< ",\n";
out << indent
<< FormatKV("cpu_time", RoundDouble(run.GetAdjustedCPUTime()));
out << ",\n"
<< indent << FormatKV("time_unit", GetTimeUnitString(run.time_unit));
} else if (run.report_big_o) {
out << indent
<< FormatKV("cpu_coefficient", RoundDouble(run.GetAdjustedCPUTime()))
<< ",\n";
out << indent
<< FormatKV("real_coefficient", RoundDouble(run.GetAdjustedRealTime()))
<< ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("big_o", GetBigOString(run.complexity)) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("time_unit", GetTimeUnitString(run.time_unit));
} else if (run.report_rms) {
out << indent
<< FormatKV("rms", run.GetAdjustedCPUTime());
if (run.bytes_per_second > 0.0) {
out << ",\n"
<< indent
<< FormatKV("bytes_per_second", RoundDouble(run.bytes_per_second));
if (run.items_per_second > 0.0) {
out << ",\n"
<< indent
<< FormatKV("items_per_second", RoundDouble(run.items_per_second));
if (!run.report_label.empty()) {
out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV("label", run.report_label);
out << '\n';
} // end namespace benchmark