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//===-- llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfoImpls.cpp ---------------------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements object-file format specific implementations of
// MachineModuleInfoImpl.

#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfoImpls.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCSymbol.h"
using namespace llvm;

// MachineModuleInfoMachO

// Out of line virtual method.
void MachineModuleInfoMachO::anchor() {}
void MachineModuleInfoELF::anchor() {}

static int SortSymbolPair(const void *LHS, const void *RHS) {
  typedef std::pair<MCSymbol*, MachineModuleInfoImpl::StubValueTy> PairTy;
  const MCSymbol *LHSS = ((const PairTy *)LHS)->first;
  const MCSymbol *RHSS = ((const PairTy *)RHS)->first;
  return LHSS->getName().compare(RHSS->getName());

MachineModuleInfoImpl::SymbolListTy MachineModuleInfoImpl::getSortedStubs(
    DenseMap<MCSymbol *, MachineModuleInfoImpl::StubValueTy> &Map) {
  MachineModuleInfoImpl::SymbolListTy List(Map.begin(), Map.end());

  if (!List.empty())
    qsort(&List[0], List.size(), sizeof(List[0]), SortSymbolPair);

  return List;