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//===-- llvm/CodeGen/Spiller.h - Spiller -*- C++ -*------------------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.


namespace llvm {

  class LiveRangeEdit;
  class MachineFunction;
  class MachineFunctionPass;
  class VirtRegMap;
  class LiveIntervals;

  /// Spiller interface.
  /// Implementations are utility classes which insert spill or remat code on
  /// demand.
  class Spiller {
    virtual void anchor();
    virtual ~Spiller() = 0;

    /// spill - Spill the LRE.getParent() live interval.
    virtual void spill(LiveRangeEdit &LRE) = 0;
    virtual void postOptimization(){};

  /// Create and return a spiller that will insert spill code directly instead
  /// of deferring though VirtRegMap.
  Spiller *createInlineSpiller(MachineFunctionPass &pass,
                               MachineFunction &mf,
                               VirtRegMap &vrm);
