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//===-- XCoreFrameLowering.cpp - Frame info for XCore Target --------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file contains XCore frame information that doesn't fit anywhere else
// cleanly...

#include "XCoreFrameLowering.h"
#include "XCore.h"
#include "XCoreInstrInfo.h"
#include "XCoreMachineFunctionInfo.h"
#include "XCoreSubtarget.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFrameInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/RegisterScavenging.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetLowering.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
#include <algorithm>    // std::sort

using namespace llvm;

static const unsigned FramePtr = XCore::R10;
static const int MaxImmU16 = (1<<16) - 1;

// helper functions. FIXME: Eliminate.
static inline bool isImmU6(unsigned val) {
  return val < (1 << 6);

static inline bool isImmU16(unsigned val) {
  return val < (1 << 16);

// Helper structure with compare function for handling stack slots.
namespace {
struct StackSlotInfo {
  int FI;
  int Offset;
  unsigned Reg;
  StackSlotInfo(int f, int o, int r) : FI(f), Offset(o), Reg(r){};
}  // end anonymous namespace

static bool CompareSSIOffset(const StackSlotInfo& a, const StackSlotInfo& b) {
  return a.Offset < b.Offset;

static void EmitDefCfaRegister(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
                               MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
                               const DebugLoc &dl, const TargetInstrInfo &TII,
                               MachineModuleInfo *MMI, unsigned DRegNum) {
  unsigned CFIIndex = MMI->addFrameInst(
      MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfaRegister(nullptr, DRegNum));
  BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))

static void EmitDefCfaOffset(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
                             MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
                             const DebugLoc &dl, const TargetInstrInfo &TII,
                             MachineModuleInfo *MMI, int Offset) {
  unsigned CFIIndex =
      MMI->addFrameInst(MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfaOffset(nullptr, -Offset));
  BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))

static void EmitCfiOffset(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
                          MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI, const DebugLoc &dl,
                          const TargetInstrInfo &TII, MachineModuleInfo *MMI,
                          unsigned DRegNum, int Offset) {
  unsigned CFIIndex = MMI->addFrameInst(
      MCCFIInstruction::createOffset(nullptr, DRegNum, Offset));
  BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))

/// The SP register is moved in steps of 'MaxImmU16' towards the bottom of the
/// frame. During these steps, it may be necessary to spill registers.
/// IfNeededExtSP emits the necessary EXTSP instructions to move the SP only
/// as far as to make 'OffsetFromBottom' reachable using an STWSP_lru6.
/// \param OffsetFromTop the spill offset from the top of the frame.
/// \param [in,out] Adjusted the current SP offset from the top of the frame.
static void IfNeededExtSP(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
                          MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI, const DebugLoc &dl,
                          const TargetInstrInfo &TII, MachineModuleInfo *MMI,
                          int OffsetFromTop, int &Adjusted, int FrameSize,
                          bool emitFrameMoves) {
  while (OffsetFromTop > Adjusted) {
    assert(Adjusted < FrameSize && "OffsetFromTop is beyond FrameSize");
    int remaining = FrameSize - Adjusted;
    int OpImm = (remaining > MaxImmU16) ? MaxImmU16 : remaining;
    int Opcode = isImmU6(OpImm) ? XCore::EXTSP_u6 : XCore::EXTSP_lu6;
    BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(Opcode)).addImm(OpImm);
    Adjusted += OpImm;
    if (emitFrameMoves)
      EmitDefCfaOffset(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, MMI, Adjusted*4);

/// The SP register is moved in steps of 'MaxImmU16' towards the top of the
/// frame. During these steps, it may be necessary to re-load registers.
/// IfNeededLDAWSP emits the necessary LDAWSP instructions to move the SP only
/// as far as to make 'OffsetFromTop' reachable using an LDAWSP_lru6.
/// \param OffsetFromTop the spill offset from the top of the frame.
/// \param [in,out] RemainingAdj the current SP offset from the top of the
/// frame.
static void IfNeededLDAWSP(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
                           MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI, const DebugLoc &dl,
                           const TargetInstrInfo &TII, int OffsetFromTop,
                           int &RemainingAdj) {
  while (OffsetFromTop < RemainingAdj - MaxImmU16) {
    assert(RemainingAdj && "OffsetFromTop is beyond FrameSize");
    int OpImm = (RemainingAdj > MaxImmU16) ? MaxImmU16 : RemainingAdj;
    int Opcode = isImmU6(OpImm) ? XCore::LDAWSP_ru6 : XCore::LDAWSP_lru6;
    BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(Opcode), XCore::SP).addImm(OpImm);
    RemainingAdj -= OpImm;

/// Creates an ordered list of registers that are spilled
/// during the emitPrologue/emitEpilogue.
/// Registers are ordered according to their frame offset.
/// As offsets are negative, the largest offsets will be first.
static void GetSpillList(SmallVectorImpl<StackSlotInfo> &SpillList,
                         MachineFrameInfo *MFI, XCoreFunctionInfo *XFI,
                         bool fetchLR, bool fetchFP) {
  if (fetchLR) {
    int Offset = MFI->getObjectOffset(XFI->getLRSpillSlot());
  if (fetchFP) {
    int Offset = MFI->getObjectOffset(XFI->getFPSpillSlot());
  std::sort(SpillList.begin(), SpillList.end(), CompareSSIOffset);

/// Creates an ordered list of EH info register 'spills'.
/// These slots are only used by the unwinder and calls to llvm.eh.return().
/// Registers are ordered according to their frame offset.
/// As offsets are negative, the largest offsets will be first.
static void GetEHSpillList(SmallVectorImpl<StackSlotInfo> &SpillList,
                           MachineFrameInfo *MFI, XCoreFunctionInfo *XFI,
                           const Constant *PersonalityFn,
                           const TargetLowering *TL) {
  assert(XFI->hasEHSpillSlot() && "There are no EH register spill slots");
  const int *EHSlot = XFI->getEHSpillSlot();
      StackSlotInfo(EHSlot[0], MFI->getObjectOffset(EHSlot[0]),
      StackSlotInfo(EHSlot[0], MFI->getObjectOffset(EHSlot[1]),
  std::sort(SpillList.begin(), SpillList.end(), CompareSSIOffset);

static MachineMemOperand *
getFrameIndexMMO(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, int FrameIndex, unsigned flags) {
  MachineFunction *MF = MBB.getParent();
  const MachineFrameInfo &MFI = *MF->getFrameInfo();
  MachineMemOperand *MMO = MF->getMachineMemOperand(
      MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(*MF, FrameIndex), flags,
      MFI.getObjectSize(FrameIndex), MFI.getObjectAlignment(FrameIndex));
  return MMO;

/// Restore clobbered registers with their spill slot value.
/// The SP will be adjusted at the same time, thus the SpillList must be ordered
/// with the largest (negative) offsets first.
static void RestoreSpillList(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
                             MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
                             const DebugLoc &dl, const TargetInstrInfo &TII,
                             int &RemainingAdj,
                             SmallVectorImpl<StackSlotInfo> &SpillList) {
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SpillList.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    assert(SpillList[i].Offset % 4 == 0 && "Misaligned stack offset");
    assert(SpillList[i].Offset <= 0 && "Unexpected positive stack offset");
    int OffsetFromTop = - SpillList[i].Offset/4;
    IfNeededLDAWSP(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, OffsetFromTop, RemainingAdj);
    int Offset = RemainingAdj - OffsetFromTop;
    int Opcode = isImmU6(Offset) ? XCore::LDWSP_ru6 : XCore::LDWSP_lru6;
    BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(Opcode), SpillList[i].Reg)
      .addMemOperand(getFrameIndexMMO(MBB, SpillList[i].FI,

// XCoreFrameLowering:

XCoreFrameLowering::XCoreFrameLowering(const XCoreSubtarget &sti)
  : TargetFrameLowering(TargetFrameLowering::StackGrowsDown, 4, 0) {
  // Do nothing

bool XCoreFrameLowering::hasFP(const MachineFunction &MF) const {
  return MF.getTarget().Options.DisableFramePointerElim(MF) ||

void XCoreFrameLowering::emitPrologue(MachineFunction &MF,
                                      MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
  assert(&MF.front() == &MBB && "Shrink-wrapping not yet supported");
  MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI = MBB.begin();
  MachineFrameInfo *MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
  MachineModuleInfo *MMI = &MF.getMMI();
  const MCRegisterInfo *MRI = MMI->getContext().getRegisterInfo();
  const XCoreInstrInfo &TII = *MF.getSubtarget<XCoreSubtarget>().getInstrInfo();
  XCoreFunctionInfo *XFI = MF.getInfo<XCoreFunctionInfo>();
  // Debug location must be unknown since the first debug location is used
  // to determine the end of the prologue.
  DebugLoc dl;

  if (MFI->getMaxAlignment() > getStackAlignment())
    report_fatal_error("emitPrologue unsupported alignment: "
                       + Twine(MFI->getMaxAlignment()));

  const AttributeSet &PAL = MF.getFunction()->getAttributes();
  if (PAL.hasAttrSomewhere(Attribute::Nest))
    BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(XCore::LDWSP_ru6), XCore::R11).addImm(0);
    // FIX: Needs addMemOperand() but can't use getFixedStack() or getStack().

  // Work out frame sizes.
  // We will adjust the SP in stages towards the final FrameSize.
  assert(MFI->getStackSize()%4 == 0 && "Misaligned frame size");
  const int FrameSize = MFI->getStackSize() / 4;
  int Adjusted = 0;

  bool saveLR = XFI->hasLRSpillSlot();
  bool UseENTSP = saveLR && FrameSize
                  && (MFI->getObjectOffset(XFI->getLRSpillSlot()) == 0);
  if (UseENTSP)
    saveLR = false;
  bool FP = hasFP(MF);
  bool emitFrameMoves = XCoreRegisterInfo::needsFrameMoves(MF);

  if (UseENTSP) {
    // Allocate space on the stack at the same time as saving LR.
    Adjusted = (FrameSize > MaxImmU16) ? MaxImmU16 : FrameSize;
    int Opcode = isImmU6(Adjusted) ? XCore::ENTSP_u6 : XCore::ENTSP_lu6;
    MachineInstrBuilder MIB = BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(Opcode));
    MIB->addRegisterKilled(XCore::LR, MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo(),
    if (emitFrameMoves) {
      EmitDefCfaOffset(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, MMI, Adjusted*4);
      unsigned DRegNum = MRI->getDwarfRegNum(XCore::LR, true);
      EmitCfiOffset(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, MMI, DRegNum, 0);

  // If necessary, save LR and FP to the stack, as we EXTSP.
  SmallVector<StackSlotInfo,2> SpillList;
  GetSpillList(SpillList, MFI, XFI, saveLR, FP);
  // We want the nearest (negative) offsets first, so reverse list.
  std::reverse(SpillList.begin(), SpillList.end());
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SpillList.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    assert(SpillList[i].Offset % 4 == 0 && "Misaligned stack offset");
    assert(SpillList[i].Offset <= 0 && "Unexpected positive stack offset");
    int OffsetFromTop = - SpillList[i].Offset/4;
    IfNeededExtSP(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, MMI, OffsetFromTop, Adjusted, FrameSize,
    int Offset = Adjusted - OffsetFromTop;
    int Opcode = isImmU6(Offset) ? XCore::STWSP_ru6 : XCore::STWSP_lru6;
    BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(Opcode))
      .addReg(SpillList[i].Reg, RegState::Kill)
      .addMemOperand(getFrameIndexMMO(MBB, SpillList[i].FI,
    if (emitFrameMoves) {
      unsigned DRegNum = MRI->getDwarfRegNum(SpillList[i].Reg, true);
      EmitCfiOffset(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, MMI, DRegNum, SpillList[i].Offset);

  // Complete any remaining Stack adjustment.
  IfNeededExtSP(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, MMI, FrameSize, Adjusted, FrameSize,
  assert(Adjusted==FrameSize && "IfNeededExtSP has not completed adjustment");

  if (FP) {
    // Set the FP from the SP.
    BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(XCore::LDAWSP_ru6), FramePtr).addImm(0);
    if (emitFrameMoves)
      EmitDefCfaRegister(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, MMI,
                         MRI->getDwarfRegNum(FramePtr, true));

  if (emitFrameMoves) {
    // Frame moves for callee saved.
    for (const auto &SpillLabel : XFI->getSpillLabels()) {
      MachineBasicBlock::iterator Pos = SpillLabel.first;
      const CalleeSavedInfo &CSI = SpillLabel.second;
      int Offset = MFI->getObjectOffset(CSI.getFrameIdx());
      unsigned DRegNum = MRI->getDwarfRegNum(CSI.getReg(), true);
      EmitCfiOffset(MBB, Pos, dl, TII, MMI, DRegNum, Offset);
    if (XFI->hasEHSpillSlot()) {
      // The unwinder requires stack slot & CFI offsets for the exception info.
      // We do not save/spill these registers.
      const Function *Fn = MF.getFunction();
      const Constant *PersonalityFn =
          Fn->hasPersonalityFn() ? Fn->getPersonalityFn() : nullptr;
      SmallVector<StackSlotInfo, 2> SpillList;
      GetEHSpillList(SpillList, MFI, XFI, PersonalityFn,
      assert(SpillList.size()==2 && "Unexpected SpillList size");
      EmitCfiOffset(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, MMI,
                    MRI->getDwarfRegNum(SpillList[0].Reg, true),
      EmitCfiOffset(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, MMI,
                    MRI->getDwarfRegNum(SpillList[1].Reg, true),

void XCoreFrameLowering::emitEpilogue(MachineFunction &MF,
                                     MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
  MachineFrameInfo *MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
  MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI = MBB.getLastNonDebugInstr();
  const XCoreInstrInfo &TII = *MF.getSubtarget<XCoreSubtarget>().getInstrInfo();
  XCoreFunctionInfo *XFI = MF.getInfo<XCoreFunctionInfo>();
  DebugLoc dl = MBBI->getDebugLoc();
  unsigned RetOpcode = MBBI->getOpcode();

  // Work out frame sizes.
  // We will adjust the SP in stages towards the final FrameSize.
  int RemainingAdj = MFI->getStackSize();
  assert(RemainingAdj%4 == 0 && "Misaligned frame size");
  RemainingAdj /= 4;

  if (RetOpcode == XCore::EH_RETURN) {
    // 'Restore' the exception info the unwinder has placed into the stack
    // slots.
    const Function *Fn = MF.getFunction();
    const Constant *PersonalityFn =
        Fn->hasPersonalityFn() ? Fn->getPersonalityFn() : nullptr;
    SmallVector<StackSlotInfo, 2> SpillList;
    GetEHSpillList(SpillList, MFI, XFI, PersonalityFn,
    RestoreSpillList(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, RemainingAdj, SpillList);

    // Return to the landing pad.
    unsigned EhStackReg = MBBI->getOperand(0).getReg();
    unsigned EhHandlerReg = MBBI->getOperand(1).getReg();
    BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(XCore::SETSP_1r)).addReg(EhStackReg);
    BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(XCore::BAU_1r)).addReg(EhHandlerReg);
    MBB.erase(MBBI);  // Erase the previous return instruction.

  bool restoreLR = XFI->hasLRSpillSlot();
  bool UseRETSP = restoreLR && RemainingAdj
                  && (MFI->getObjectOffset(XFI->getLRSpillSlot()) == 0);
  if (UseRETSP)
    restoreLR = false;
  bool FP = hasFP(MF);

  if (FP) // Restore the stack pointer.
    BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(XCore::SETSP_1r)).addReg(FramePtr);

  // If necessary, restore LR and FP from the stack, as we EXTSP.
  SmallVector<StackSlotInfo,2> SpillList;
  GetSpillList(SpillList, MFI, XFI, restoreLR, FP);
  RestoreSpillList(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, RemainingAdj, SpillList);

  if (RemainingAdj) {
    // Complete all but one of the remaining Stack adjustments.
    IfNeededLDAWSP(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII, 0, RemainingAdj);
    if (UseRETSP) {
      // Fold prologue into return instruction
      assert(RetOpcode == XCore::RETSP_u6
             || RetOpcode == XCore::RETSP_lu6);
      int Opcode = isImmU6(RemainingAdj) ? XCore::RETSP_u6 : XCore::RETSP_lu6;
      MachineInstrBuilder MIB = BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(Opcode))
      for (unsigned i = 3, e = MBBI->getNumOperands(); i < e; ++i)
        MIB->addOperand(MBBI->getOperand(i)); // copy any variadic operands
      MBB.erase(MBBI);  // Erase the previous return instruction.
    } else {
      int Opcode = isImmU6(RemainingAdj) ? XCore::LDAWSP_ru6 :
      BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, dl, TII.get(Opcode), XCore::SP).addImm(RemainingAdj);
      // Don't erase the return instruction.
  } // else Don't erase the return instruction.

bool XCoreFrameLowering::
spillCalleeSavedRegisters(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
                          MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI,
                          const std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo> &CSI,
                          const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const {
  if (CSI.empty())
    return true;

  MachineFunction *MF = MBB.getParent();
  const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *MF->getSubtarget().getInstrInfo();
  XCoreFunctionInfo *XFI = MF->getInfo<XCoreFunctionInfo>();
  bool emitFrameMoves = XCoreRegisterInfo::needsFrameMoves(*MF);

  DebugLoc DL;
  if (MI != MBB.end() && !MI->isDebugValue())
    DL = MI->getDebugLoc();

  for (std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo>::const_iterator it = CSI.begin();
                                                    it != CSI.end(); ++it) {
    unsigned Reg = it->getReg();
    assert(Reg != XCore::LR && !(Reg == XCore::R10 && hasFP(*MF)) &&
           "LR & FP are always handled in emitPrologue");

    // Add the callee-saved register as live-in. It's killed at the spill.
    const TargetRegisterClass *RC = TRI->getMinimalPhysRegClass(Reg);
    TII.storeRegToStackSlot(MBB, MI, Reg, true, it->getFrameIdx(), RC, TRI);
    if (emitFrameMoves) {
      auto Store = MI;
      XFI->getSpillLabels().push_back(std::make_pair(Store, *it));
  return true;

bool XCoreFrameLowering::
restoreCalleeSavedRegisters(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
                            MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI,
                            const std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo> &CSI,
                            const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const{
  MachineFunction *MF = MBB.getParent();
  const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *MF->getSubtarget().getInstrInfo();
  bool AtStart = MI == MBB.begin();
  MachineBasicBlock::iterator BeforeI = MI;
  if (!AtStart)
  for (std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo>::const_iterator it = CSI.begin();
                                                    it != CSI.end(); ++it) {
    unsigned Reg = it->getReg();
    assert(Reg != XCore::LR && !(Reg == XCore::R10 && hasFP(*MF)) &&
           "LR & FP are always handled in emitEpilogue");

    const TargetRegisterClass *RC = TRI->getMinimalPhysRegClass(Reg);
    TII.loadRegFromStackSlot(MBB, MI, Reg, it->getFrameIdx(), RC, TRI);
    assert(MI != MBB.begin() &&
           "loadRegFromStackSlot didn't insert any code!");
    // Insert in reverse order.  loadRegFromStackSlot can insert multiple
    // instructions.
    if (AtStart)
      MI = MBB.begin();
    else {
      MI = BeforeI;
  return true;

// This function eliminates ADJCALLSTACKDOWN,
// ADJCALLSTACKUP pseudo instructions
MachineBasicBlock::iterator XCoreFrameLowering::eliminateCallFramePseudoInstr(
    MachineFunction &MF, MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
    MachineBasicBlock::iterator I) const {
  const XCoreInstrInfo &TII = *MF.getSubtarget<XCoreSubtarget>().getInstrInfo();
  if (!hasReservedCallFrame(MF)) {
    // Turn the adjcallstackdown instruction into 'extsp <amt>' and the
    // adjcallstackup instruction into 'ldaw sp, sp[<amt>]'
    MachineInstr *Old = I;
    uint64_t Amount = Old->getOperand(0).getImm();
    if (Amount != 0) {
      // We need to keep the stack aligned properly.  To do this, we round the
      // amount of space needed for the outgoing arguments up to the next
      // alignment boundary.
      unsigned Align = getStackAlignment();
      Amount = (Amount+Align-1)/Align*Align;

      assert(Amount%4 == 0);
      Amount /= 4;

      bool isU6 = isImmU6(Amount);
      if (!isU6 && !isImmU16(Amount)) {
        // FIX could emit multiple instructions in this case.
#ifndef NDEBUG
        errs() << "eliminateCallFramePseudoInstr size too big: "
               << Amount << "\n";

      MachineInstr *New;
      if (Old->getOpcode() == XCore::ADJCALLSTACKDOWN) {
        int Opcode = isU6 ? XCore::EXTSP_u6 : XCore::EXTSP_lu6;
        New=BuildMI(MF, Old->getDebugLoc(), TII.get(Opcode))
      } else {
        assert(Old->getOpcode() == XCore::ADJCALLSTACKUP);
        int Opcode = isU6 ? XCore::LDAWSP_ru6 : XCore::LDAWSP_lru6;
        New=BuildMI(MF, Old->getDebugLoc(), TII.get(Opcode), XCore::SP)

      // Replace the pseudo instruction with a new instruction...
      MBB.insert(I, New);

  return MBB.erase(I);

void XCoreFrameLowering::determineCalleeSaves(MachineFunction &MF,
                                              BitVector &SavedRegs,
                                              RegScavenger *RS) const {
  TargetFrameLowering::determineCalleeSaves(MF, SavedRegs, RS);

  XCoreFunctionInfo *XFI = MF.getInfo<XCoreFunctionInfo>();

  const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MF.getRegInfo();
  bool LRUsed = MRI.isPhysRegModified(XCore::LR);

  if (!LRUsed && !MF.getFunction()->isVarArg() &&
    // If we need to extend the stack it is more efficient to use entsp / retsp.
    // We force the LR to be saved so these instructions are used.
    LRUsed = true;

  if (MF.getMMI().callsUnwindInit() || MF.getMMI().callsEHReturn()) {
    // The unwinder expects to find spill slots for the exception info regs R0
    // & R1. These are used during llvm.eh.return() to 'restore' the exception
    // info. N.B. we do not spill or restore R0, R1 during normal operation.
    // As we will  have a stack, we force the LR to be saved.
    LRUsed = true;

  if (LRUsed) {
    // We will handle the LR in the prologue/epilogue
    // and allocate space on the stack ourselves.

  if (hasFP(MF))
    // A callee save register is used to hold the FP.
    // This needs saving / restoring in the epilogue / prologue.

void XCoreFrameLowering::
processFunctionBeforeFrameFinalized(MachineFunction &MF,
                                    RegScavenger *RS) const {
  assert(RS && "requiresRegisterScavenging failed");
  MachineFrameInfo *MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
  const TargetRegisterClass *RC = &XCore::GRRegsRegClass;
  XCoreFunctionInfo *XFI = MF.getInfo<XCoreFunctionInfo>();
  // Reserve slots close to SP or frame pointer for Scavenging spills.
  // When using SP for small frames, we don't need any scratch registers.
  // When using SP for large frames, we may need 2 scratch registers.
  // When using FP, for large or small frames, we may need 1 scratch register.
  if (XFI->isLargeFrame(MF) || hasFP(MF))
  if (XFI->isLargeFrame(MF) && !hasFP(MF))