// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
#include <vector>
#include "core/fxcodec/codec/icodec_bmpmodule.h"
#include "core/fxcodec/codec/icodec_gifmodule.h"
#include "core/fxcodec/codec/icodec_pngmodule.h"
#include "core/fxcodec/codec/icodec_tiffmodule.h"
#include "core/fxcodec/fx_codec_def.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/cfx_retain_ptr.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
#include "core/fxge/fx_dib.h"
class CCodec_JpegModule;
class CCodec_ModuleMgr;
class CFX_DIBAttribute;
class IFX_SeekableReadStream;
class IFX_Pause;
struct FXJPEG_Context;
class CCodec_ProgressiveDecoder : public ICodec_BmpModule::Delegate,
public ICodec_GifModule::Delegate,
public ICodec_PngModule::Delegate {
enum FXCodec_Format {
FXCodec_Invalid = 0,
FXCodec_1bppGray = 0x101,
FXCodec_1bppRgb = 0x001,
FXCodec_8bppGray = 0x108,
FXCodec_8bppRgb = 0x008,
FXCodec_Rgb = 0x018,
FXCodec_Rgb32 = 0x020,
FXCodec_Argb = 0x220,
FXCodec_Cmyk = 0x120
explicit CCodec_ProgressiveDecoder(CCodec_ModuleMgr* pCodecMgr);
virtual ~CCodec_ProgressiveDecoder();
const CFX_RetainPtr<IFX_SeekableReadStream>& pFile,
CFX_DIBAttribute* pAttribute,
bool bSkipImageTypeCheck);
FXCODEC_IMAGE_TYPE GetType() const { return m_imagType; }
int32_t GetWidth() const { return m_SrcWidth; }
int32_t GetHeight() const { return m_SrcHeight; }
int32_t GetNumComponents() const { return m_SrcComponents; }
int32_t GetBPC() const { return m_SrcBPC; }
void SetClipBox(FX_RECT* clip);
FXCODEC_STATUS GetFrames(int32_t& frames, IFX_Pause* pPause = nullptr);
FXCODEC_STATUS StartDecode(CFX_DIBitmap* pDIBitmap,
int start_x,
int start_y,
int size_x,
int size_y,
int32_t frames = 0,
bool bInterpol = true);
FXCODEC_STATUS ContinueDecode(IFX_Pause* pPause = nullptr);
struct PixelWeight {
int m_SrcStart;
int m_SrcEnd;
int m_Weights[1];
class CFXCODEC_WeightTable {
void Calc(int dest_len,
int dest_min,
int dest_max,
int src_len,
int src_min,
int src_max,
bool bInterpol);
PixelWeight* GetPixelWeight(int pixel) {
return reinterpret_cast<PixelWeight*>(m_pWeightTables.data() +
(pixel - m_DestMin) * m_ItemSize);
int m_DestMin;
int m_ItemSize;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_pWeightTables;
class CFXCODEC_HorzTable {
void Calc(int dest_len, int src_len, bool bInterpol);
PixelWeight* GetPixelWeight(int pixel) {
return reinterpret_cast<PixelWeight*>(m_pWeightTables.data() +
pixel * m_ItemSize);
int m_ItemSize;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_pWeightTables;
class CFXCODEC_VertTable {
void Calc(int dest_len, int src_len);
PixelWeight* GetPixelWeight(int pixel) {
return reinterpret_cast<PixelWeight*>(m_pWeightTables.data() +
pixel * m_ItemSize);
int m_ItemSize;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_pWeightTables;
CFX_RetainPtr<IFX_SeekableReadStream> m_pFile;
CCodec_ModuleMgr* m_pCodecMgr;
FXJPEG_Context* m_pJpegContext;
FXPNG_Context* m_pPngContext;
FXGIF_Context* m_pGifContext;
FXBMP_Context* m_pBmpContext;
CCodec_TiffContext* m_pTiffContext;
uint32_t m_offSet;
uint8_t* m_pSrcBuf;
uint32_t m_SrcSize;
uint8_t* m_pDecodeBuf;
int m_ScanlineSize;
CFX_DIBitmap* m_pDeviceBitmap;
bool m_bInterpol;
CFXCODEC_WeightTable m_WeightHorz;
CFXCODEC_VertTable m_WeightVert;
CFXCODEC_HorzTable m_WeightHorzOO;
int m_SrcWidth;
int m_SrcHeight;
int m_SrcComponents;
int m_SrcBPC;
FX_RECT m_clipBox;
int m_startX;
int m_startY;
int m_sizeX;
int m_sizeY;
int m_TransMethod;
FX_ARGB* m_pSrcPalette;
int m_SrcPaletteNumber;
int m_SrcRow;
FXCodec_Format m_SrcFormat;
int m_SrcPassNumber;
int m_FrameNumber;
int m_FrameCur;
int m_GifBgIndex;
uint8_t* m_pGifPalette;
int32_t m_GifPltNumber;
int m_GifTransIndex;
FX_RECT m_GifFrameRect;
bool m_BmpIsTopBottom;
// ICodec_PngModule::Delegate
bool PngReadHeader(int width,
int height,
int bpc,
int pass,
int* color_type,
double* gamma) override;
bool PngAskScanlineBuf(int line, uint8_t*& src_buf) override;
void PngFillScanlineBufCompleted(int pass, int line) override;
// ICodec_GifModule::Delegate
void GifRecordCurrentPosition(uint32_t& cur_pos) override;
uint8_t* GifAskLocalPaletteBuf(int32_t frame_num, int32_t pal_size) override;
bool GifInputRecordPositionBuf(uint32_t rcd_pos,
const FX_RECT& img_rc,
int32_t pal_num,
void* pal_ptr,
int32_t delay_time,
bool user_input,
int32_t trans_index,
int32_t disposal_method,
bool interlace) override;
void GifReadScanline(int32_t row_num, uint8_t* row_buf) override;
// ICodec_BmpModule::Delegate
bool BmpInputImagePositionBuf(uint32_t rcd_pos) override;
void BmpReadScanline(int32_t row_num, uint8_t* row_buf) override;
bool BmpReadMoreData(ICodec_BmpModule* pBmpModule,
FXCODEC_STATUS& err_status);
bool GifReadMoreData(ICodec_GifModule* pGifModule,
FXCODEC_STATUS& err_status);
void GifDoubleLineResampleVert(CFX_DIBitmap* pDeviceBitmap,
double scale_y,
int des_row);
void PngOneOneMapResampleHorz(CFX_DIBitmap* pDeviceBitmap,
int32_t des_line,
uint8_t* src_scan,
FXCodec_Format src_format);
bool DetectImageType(FXCODEC_IMAGE_TYPE imageType,
CFX_DIBAttribute* pAttribute);
void GetDownScale(int& down_scale);
void GetTransMethod(FXDIB_Format des_format, FXCodec_Format src_format);
void ReSampleScanline(CFX_DIBitmap* pDeviceBitmap,
int32_t des_line,
uint8_t* src_scan,
FXCodec_Format src_format);
void Resample(CFX_DIBitmap* pDeviceBitmap,
int32_t src_line,
uint8_t* src_scan,
FXCodec_Format src_format);
void ResampleVert(CFX_DIBitmap* pDeviceBitmap, double scale_y, int des_row);
bool JpegReadMoreData(CCodec_JpegModule* pJpegModule,
FXCODEC_STATUS& err_status);
void ResampleVertBT(CFX_DIBitmap* pDeviceBitmap, double scale_y, int des_row);